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Main Board
Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion belong here.

Anyone Home (8)

1 Name: VelvetteCouture : 2024-03-12 16:45 ID:VGgFO6A+ [Del]

So Over the years I've grown and everything and I remembered the good vibes from here but is anyone hereeeeee?

6 Name: 1208 : 2024-03-23 23:55 ID:+WxwwP3v [Del]

Rewatched drrr last week. Also watched baccano yesterday. The author is really great

7 Name: Mahak : 2024-03-24 22:38 ID:Yi7+3dXE [Del]

Baccano is literally one of my favourites.

8 Name: M.S : 2024-05-01 21:48 ID:RdtrGspa [Del]

I come back here once in a while to think back of the old time so I missed those days.

*New* Android App (Road Runner's app) (513)

1 Name: firelily : 2016-03-03 16:26 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]

okay so, me and a few others have been meaning to make a new android app thread because, lets face facts, the old one turned into trash where people just keep complaining about how the link OP sent out didn't work, and no one wanted to read the comments to find the link to a different (*cough* better) app....
please don't yell at me about the old thread, that one needs to die, and it seems to me that so far it has (meaning I have not seen it bumped in a while)
please let this thread stay in the top 10, so that people will not keep making threads asking about an app, or going to the old thread, ignoring the people who are trying to help, and complaining about the old dysfunctional app or the less-old (but still older than this one) app that does almost nothing

This is the download link to the app that roadrunner made, right here and it is freaking beautiful! It has everything that is remotely Dollars related in it. It has private chats, notifications, a main chat, a way to view the Tumblr Account , an RSS, the Drrr chat, and is linked to the BBS, and a few other things that you can find in the missions section...the only thing it doesn't have is a search button, and it is possible that one will be added. And it seems to me that there is only 1 ad when the app is first started. Once you close that ad, there won't be any random (and annoying) popups that can redirect you to different places
Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

511 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-29 05:27 ID:EGRo66mI [Del]


512 Name: Henryk : 2024-05-01 08:05 ID:btIiH6mX [Del]

Hey so idk if the app is running still, clicked the link and it no work. Anyone know about that?

513 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2024-05-02 06:07 ID:EVykeS0a [Del]

The link got broken but the new one is a few posts up in this thread

Here's the link sorry for the inconvenience we are unable to edit posts so things can get buried here alot 😅

Izaya Orihara edit i made even though i don’t edit (1)

1 Name: Tsuki : 2024-04-29 13:37 ID:K0C9vkPE [Del]

Thank you, Admin! (Part #3) (373)

1 Name: Yugen!tLonFZl0Bk : 2015-12-03 01:00 ID:Qy4vKMfk [Del]

For all of you that don't know. Reltair is our beautiful Admin that keeps this site running, pays the bills, appoints the ninja mods, and bans the stupid idiots that troll this site. He also listens to our requests on Suggestions and pays attention if we email him about a stupid troll that needs to be banned! Thanks to him, our site stays up to date!

While there may be no hierarchy here, Raltair is still awesome in all that he does for us, so I figured we should make a new thread to continue thanking him and showing our love!

Thank You Reltair!
-Stolen from part 2, written by user LeighaMoscove!9tSeSkSEz2

371 Name: Murasaki : 2024-01-07 06:23 ID:+Zj9Y4Np [Del]

Thank you!

372 Name: _Bountyful_HARvest_ : 2024-01-24 16:40 ID:Fx8QFK6C [Del]

Thank you, you are really the first good on this site

373 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2024-04-29 09:22 ID:EVykeS0a [Del]

Thank you

Are people talking to AI nowadays? (11)

1 Name: Unbeliever : 2024-03-23 16:03 ID:T8nNZEis [Del]

This place used to flourished, with many general chat rooms and even factions between different groups. There was lots of drama and lots of fun too. And of course lots of rp rooms. Now back to my title, did people move over to AI?

9 Name: T0ad : 2024-03-26 05:50 ID:RaDBkSM0 [Del]

Sad but true, this was never really popular to begin with. But the memories of this place won't die, people have grown up and moved on from this place but memories are always important. This age of social media has went forward fast if we compare what we have now to 2019 which definitely has something to do with this place being unactive.

10 Name: T0ad : 2024-03-26 06:21 ID:RaDBkSM0 [Del]

And one other thing that contributes to this place dying is the lack of moderators and people looking after the place, DOLLARS was last updated in 2016, 2 years from now it'll be 10 years. So moderators, advertisements and updates are needed.

11 Name: Jaydon.A : 2024-05-01 08:51 ID:d5A5tmcr [Del]

>>10 It's just purely impossible for moderation to exist in an null space

Why are people more active here than on the chatting platform (2)

1 Name: Kuru : 2024-03-24 17:53 ID:JLwfeRSO [Del]

Maybe I'm wrong lol but it feels like people chat more here than in the actual chatting website; nothing against rps but I miss the rooms where people could just chat and meet a lot new others );

2 Name: Kara : 2024-03-24 22:01 ID:cEahCMU/ [Del]

what chatting website? could you link it?

Birthday Thread 2 (142)

1 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-12-24 05:38 ID:49hY92aX [Del]

Post your born date here!

If its today, my best wishes!

The first one lasted over 4 years, this one should last even longer judging from how dormant activities on our site is.

140 Name: Mahak : 2024-03-21 23:06 ID:1Y9uX7J+ [Del]

17th August.

141 Name: 1208 : 2024-03-23 23:54 ID:+WxwwP3v [Del]

>>>139 my brother also has the same birthday as you

142 Name: MaxnCheez : 2024-03-25 09:36 ID:q8YmI+C5 [Del]

Mine is 3/21 my birthday was just a few days ago lol

Does anyone know where I can find the mlt of TOTCF part 2 (2)

1 Name: Percyking : 2024-03-16 20:55 ID:lelF3y5n [Del]

I’ve been looking everywhere for the mlt but I can’t seem to find it?? Any help is appreciated <3

2 Name: Izurai : 2024-03-17 12:24 ID:3eOEe5a/ [Del]

What is it ?

salas en español (2)

1 Name: karurosu : 2024-03-09 23:15 ID:pmfkmm8F [Del]

donde estas todos ?

2 Name: Sakamoto : 2024-03-14 15:03 ID:bteHUUde [Del]

Yo sigo por aquí

Ramadan Mubarak (7)

1 Name: Shadow!i8Ho6dqcYw : 2024-03-11 11:26 ID:NFSh/xlR [Del]

As the holy month of Ramadan begins, I want to wish all my Muslim brothers and sisters in the Dollars a blessed and peaceful time. Ramadan is a time of fasting, prayer, charity, and reflection. It is a time to purify our hearts, strengthen our faith, and seek forgiveness from Allah. It is also a time to share our blessings with those who are less fortunate, and to show compassion and kindness to everyone.

I pray that Allah accepts our fasting, grants us His mercy, and rewards us with His paradise. I hope that this Ramadan brings us closer to Allah and to each other. I ask Allah to protect us from all evils, to heal our sick, to ease our hardships, and to grant us peace and prosperity.

May Allah bless you all and your families. Ramadan Mubarak!

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: yayoi : 2024-03-14 04:54 ID:x8sQvds/ [Del]

Ramadan Mubarak to you all <3
May you stay in His grace SBT and may He grant you all that your hearts desire.

7 Name: Izurai : 2024-03-17 12:20 ID:3eOEe5a/ [Del]

Ramadan Mubarak everyone, what kind of foods have you eaten or made until now ? just asking out of curiosity
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