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World War III (52)

1 Name: Yukiran : 2012-10-10 14:22 ID:X7xG4xzc [Del]

what do you guys think about it? will it happend? will it be an atomic war between the most big economic countries? we will survive? and who would won?
I think that this war will happend and it will be soon, between 2015 -2020, i`m brazilian and i have the feeling that this war would affect the intire world, not just the big in economics one, and yes, i think we all will survive to that, but with severe damages to all countries, less for ones, a lot for others. soo... what are you guys opnion?

2 Name: infinity : 2012-10-10 14:29 ID:K/90EmF2 [Del]

I think it will be soon some may survive sadly most are unlikely to live. All countries will be affected by this and the after effect will be more devistating than the war itself.

3 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-10-10 15:15 ID:4NPXQNgP [Del]

I remember an old proverb, can't remember from where, but it goes, "I'm not sure with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." A rather powerful message in itself.

4 Name: †Toxical† !LiveDVTV76 : 2012-10-10 15:22 ID:AeFUhzVH [Del]

>>3 "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein.

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6 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-10-11 02:02 ID:VDSkmBac [Del]

>>4 Yeah that.

7 Name: Kuroko : 2012-10-11 07:06 ID:hplrYX6Z [Del]

i hope that would never happen... violance is a bad thing :(
but when it would happen then i think that the whole world would be in dange because of that atomic weapons. for example tshcernobyl that part of russian isnt a place where you can live withou tha gama stuff and what happend when that would happen with the whole owrld i think that would be the end of everything....

8 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-11 07:59 ID:yEiZWaHD [Del]

It all depend's, If the economy crumbles so does society. Its the foundation of everything just think of it like the crash of the stock market but it involves several countries.

9 Name: Ruiisu : 2012-10-11 09:12 ID:PX8AstVH [Del]

Well, I think that a WW3 because most of the big economic countries have nuclear warheads. As long as they have the possibility to use nuclear weapons, a nuclear war won't happen. Those who maybe have a reason to start a war, will avoid starting it at any cost, because they know that both they and their enemies will end destroyed.. Well.. Of course there's a chance that the attacked country not retaliate.. But there's no guarantee.. But well.. What do you think?

10 Name: Eedra : 2012-10-11 09:38 ID:6KJ8ywIq [Del]

Scares the sh*t outta me... especially our country is seen as a strategic point... most likely it'll be utilized as one and exploited like the last world war >_> plus this'll happen when any of the leaders snap and go berserk... hope never happens

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13 Name: Kaguya Kenji : 2012-10-11 12:37 ID:KZERoJjZ [Del]

GUNDAM WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-12 11:20 ID:rJbfv0U2 [Del]

probably isis

15 Name: Kendoshi : 2015-02-12 15:53 ID:ftJ4gaHO [Del]

A lot of countries develop nuclear and bacterial weapons...
So, I think it will end with a world like the one in Hokuto no Ken. I'm really scared of a World War 3.
I think the main reason of this war will be about the fossil energy.

16 Name: Gilgames : 2015-02-12 20:09 ID:eDT+7MMR [Del]

Whatever would be the reason behind a possible WW3 it's sure that something big is gonna happen, because there has never been such a long period "without war" (~70 years).

17 Name: Luka : 2015-02-12 20:20 ID:c1X07RS4 [Del]

never gunna happen, after last time they were planning they found that it could be the end of the human race, so... whatever they do it wont be a World War III

18 Name: X : 2015-02-12 20:20 ID:iZiM4sX+ [Del]

A WWIII is inevitable, but it will not be a nuclear war. If there ever was a time where there enough tension to lead to a nuclear war, it would be the Cold War, and we didn't use any nuclear weapons then.

19 Name: Zarconid : 2015-02-12 22:51 ID:Uj+usgqX [Del]

Well, if the WW3 is going to happen, the world's gonna be at its critical condition. With at least 30% of the world population will live. And the world will be starting a new age with most of the environment destroyed. Yes, it is that bad since many countries had their own enemies. (This is my first post:D)

20 Name: Hijikata : 2015-02-12 23:28 ID:eBO1ld0f [Del]

It would be a zombie apocalypse if there were a third war. Lol

21 Name: Dax !TXAgBFzfAg : 2015-02-13 01:59 ID:8OWVyAuC [Del]

Nowadays, most people making a link between World War Three and Nuclear war. Considering tensions between world nations, nuclear war is possible outcome.
Although, unwanted, of course.

22 Name: Kims : 2015-02-13 02:49 ID:wM28BRXT [Del]

in my opinion Bio Weapon is better than Nuclear Weapon. :D

23 Name: Spaz : 2015-02-13 02:55 ID:22ATHLAX [Del]

I think that the WWIII is already going on, with economics though, instead of weapons. Many third world countries suffer unbearable crisis and lack of resources, while those in power have plenty of possessions that one can't even use by itself. The war itself will probably really begin once riots start to occur in many different places against authorities. Such thing happened in history once already, the French revolution. The main plan behind this happenings is probably an idea of decreasing overpopulation that is rapidly expanding even more. I don't want to believe that nuclear weapons will be used, because people are aware of it's fatal damage, but in the other hand, that would solve everything much faster, even though it could lead to destruction of mankind. It is going to be big, definitely, and it probably will happen in next 50 years. DN in >>3 said it well.

24 Name: Yurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-02-13 05:11 ID:lpqtTrPh [Del]

I'd say WWIII will occur after 2080 ove rnatural resources

25 Name: chiyochiyo04 : 2015-02-13 05:45 ID:CNp69OB+ [Del]

uff, i think it'll start pretty soon, to be honest. i mean, theres real bad shit happening everywhere. and when its real bad shit, i mean REALLY REAL bad shit

26 Name: Aggie-tan !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-02-15 09:05 ID:xusYv8Bm [Del]

I'd say it may happen soon. [Bumping this]

27 Name: Shin Suki : 2015-02-15 09:53 ID:8O8sjbKH [Del]

Aaahh...I'm worried! I hope I don't live long enough to see our world in despair.

28 Name: John Titor : 2015-02-15 10:06 ID:L8d3GtHU [Del]

My name is John Titor. I have come from the year 2036. I have travelled back in time to 1975 to retreive the IBN 5100. In the near future, World War 3 will happen regarding the Arab Civil War in the Middle East. Yes, the Nuclear part will happen but will be more devastating than the Cold War and WW2 combine. This will devaste the world by the year 2023. After that year, the world will be in a "regaining" phase.

29 Name: Hakaron : 2015-02-15 10:19 ID:EunKYXM5 [Del]

I very sure that none World War will start because of the Ukranian Conflict. What I fear more is the conflict, which will happen in East-Asia between the United States and China. It will give in the middle of the century a clash of interests. The United States should stop to try isolate China.
However, the future won't be determined in Europe but in East-Asia and probably also Africa. The second "colonalization" will begin. The colonalization of economy contacts. Like so: US trade with Bangladesh, but the US will only do that if Bangladesh doesn't trade with China.

At the moment, the world is very stable, they won't be a big military conflict in the near time. The place of war has changed from the battleground to the internet and economy.

30 Name: Akane : 2015-02-15 11:23 ID:1rI13vQp [Del]

hah i think it will happen sometime in the future, but if it does i hope i am not their to witness it.

31 Name: 777 : 2015-02-15 11:59 ID:NTbB7OrE [Del]

>>30 that's pretty cowardly. Why not try and stop it?

32 Name: Sadir : 2015-02-15 12:50 ID:NBGVLuZ5 [Del]

In my opinion, it will definitely happen, humans never completely agree and trust each other, and there will always be disagreements that cause problems. It's merely a question of when one of these disagreements will become big enough to effect the whole world, will it be in the near or far future?

33 Name: Thornb12 : 2015-02-15 13:13 ID:m1+VyCQF [Del]

if it does happen, and i'm sure it will, then i want to have some manner of skills that will let me help fight, or at least do something important, i don't want to stay cooped up at home, or at a boring desk job like my parents tell me too.

34 Name: BarabiSama : 2015-02-15 17:46 ID:62vHw3NJ [Del]

I think it will happen, but we can't exactly say for certain. If it does happen it will either be a cyber war or a nuclear war. Until a few years ago, it was always thought that it would be a nuclear war, but it looks like a cyber war could happen. Hackers could mess with a bunch of data from the C.I.A. for example. It would be a lot easier than a bomb. But if there was a high-altitude nuclear explosion, then the only electrical objects that wouldn't blow up would be specific military-grade vehicles. There aren't many with that kind of technology, going by my knowledge.

35 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-15 18:51 ID:mXofk1/Z [Del]

No, it will never happen. The future of wars will be fought through proxy conflict in smaller countries or on the internet, again, through proxies. Every country relies on each other: America relies on Russia for fuel, China for manufacturing, and vice versa. The international economy is a house of cards, with each card being a country and a specific service/resource.

>>32 Every single conflict throughout history has been fought over resources, full stop. The idea that humanity is drawn to conflict is bullshit, we are drawn to power and the need for more power.

>>34 Conflict over the internet will be fought over microcontrollers such as power plant and manufacturing regulators. Most embedded systems manufacturers do not take security seriously unfortunately (my fucking HP printer etc).

36 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2015-02-15 20:10 ID:2Swr05rB [Del]

it i imminent. it is going to happen no matter what, there will always be war between humans. and the next world war will probably happen within the next ten years. Humans may say they have no intention for war because that is what society wants to hear, or they might eve delude themselves into thinking it, but it is going to happen. it may be soon, or far away. Just gotta wait.

37 Name: Someone : 2015-02-15 21:03 ID:QmyXOq3S [Del]

I hope it doesn't happen. People are more worried about money and themselves rather than the foreign affair.

38 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-16 05:07 ID:/Rv6011t [Del]

>>37 Oh yeah? Got anything to back that up apart from fear and speculation?

39 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-16 08:35 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

What >>37 said is pretty common knowledge.

40 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-16 08:39 ID:72IOkNQI [Del]

You guys might get a kick out of this. A fine example would be a student my mother is a teacher of. She works in China at a very wealthy school, with the children of very wealthy people. One Thanksgiving she decides to teach them the American holiday and have them list what all they're thankful for. While giving out examples she mentioned how children their age around the globe are hungry or homeless, and that's when this kid spoke up.

"My mom said that it doesn't matter if other people are hungry or homeless. As long as we are safe and have everything we need, that's all that matters."

41 Name: Mikasa : 2015-02-16 10:04 ID:y5OSZTQb [Del]

Yes the political situation of the moment is really bad, earlier I was thinking like you Yukiran that a 3rd World War can happen but I prefer thinking that human beings are more intelligent than this and that they will be able to calm things and come back to a "peaceful" life.

42 Name: Keiichi : 2015-02-16 10:31 ID:u97YBHmI [Del]

From what i hear is almost like people wants it, wants a war, or a economical breakdown or a Zombie apocalypse, something, anything that shakes them out from their tedious lifes..

43 Name: Mikasa : 2015-02-16 10:49 ID:y5OSZTQb [Del]

So If I conclude something from what you said Keiichi, people are really bored of this way of life? Poor them.

44 Name: Nekroz : 2015-02-16 13:44 ID:ayNHP6yL [Del]

We know at the moment that the economical and political situation are not so good and I think like you. There will be a Third World War. I dont know how, I dont know where. The only thing I know is that it will be early.

45 Name: Flixx : 2015-02-16 14:03 ID:IErmylXI [Del]

I personally think that it will happen sooner than later. And big chances it will involve modern technology like Internet .

46 Name: Ginnoji : 2015-02-16 15:00 ID:t2jDghZg [Del]

I war nobody is a winner. All are losers. War will definitely have a big effect in this world that will lead to the change of our lives. I think after a war everything in this world will change.

47 Name: YoloLord : 2015-02-16 16:53 ID:mXofk1/Z [Del]

>>39 No it's not. People like you simply perpetuate fears without really thinking about issues, you don't look at the world you look at some bullcrap you see that comes out of a movie. Look at the conflict in Ukraine. You think the US gives a fuck about what happens in some small ass country where the military is so corrupt that people need to buy their own guns if they are recruited? Fuck no! Russia depends on countries like Ukraine to trade oil, and what will happen if they lose them to a newly instated Nazi government? The value of oil will go down and destabilize the economy, putting Russia in jeopardy financially! Unlike you and your 'common knowledge', I can actually cite articles available online, which is actually 'common knowledge' to back my shit up.

And don't even fucking bother Googling 'world war 3' and linking some fucking right wing conspiracy bullshit. Everyone with half of a brain knows that that shit is written by some random American who is preaching to the choir.

48 Name: ArczyFellow : 2015-02-16 19:58 ID:YIk48KIb [Del]

>>47 I know it's hard to make these simpletons to understand but calm down Milord. *pats soothingly on the back*

49 Name: Nako : 2015-02-16 21:22 ID:Dpl/f+m0 [Del]

There is a war rigth now.....

50 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2015-02-17 00:52 ID:gSeyftgg [Del]

My money has been on Japan and China going at it since 2012, and this recently got published.

Bloomberg also had info preluding a German loan-out of troops to other nations and I believe Japan was on that list too... And while it makes sense to go after China because of its aid to North Korea, the Americans would have to go all in to avoid economic repercussions.

51 Name: Sari : 2015-02-17 10:58 ID:N2CnT0zb [Del]

I doubt that it'll be between the economic countries we have now if it happens .. although am pretty sure it'll happen ! i think it'll be Arabs vs Israyl !

52 Name: Bureku : 2015-02-17 11:15 ID:EdJz278v [Del]

I believe it will hapen, but I think it will be evry man for himself kind of like the purge but on a worldly level.