Dollars BBS | Literature
















Japanese literature (19)

1 Name: Kairi : 2019-11-12 00:02 ID:yNEhKIBC [Del]

Hi everyone!!! It's me Kairi!!!!
So I've been searching for some good stufff to read on my free time, and I became interested in Japanese literature, can someone here recommend me some? I have alredy read some like Haruki Murakami: 1Q84, Tokyo blues
Osamu Dazai: No longer human, School girl
Natsume Soseki: I'm a cat, kokoro, Botchan

2 Name: rita : 2019-11-12 10:00 ID:56Yy5AGR [Del]

Try "Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination" by Edogawa Rampo. It's pretty dark, but I enjoyed reading it.

3 Name: Kairi : 2019-11-12 12:06 ID:yNEhKIBC [Del]

Ohh thanks I'll try it!!!

4 Name: Sparrowhawk : 2019-11-23 16:27 ID:VeBfsVFw [Del]

Natsume Sosuke's "Kokoro" really captured my attention while I was reading. It's written in first person so the story always progresses from the main character's perspective.

5 Name: Sparrowhawk : 2019-11-23 20:01 ID:VeBfsVFw [Del]

I somehow didn't see you mention Natume Sosuke. So uhhh, how was "I'm a cat"? I read a few pages of it in a bookstore and it looked really interesting.

6 Name: Sparrowhawk : 2019-11-23 20:56 ID:VeBfsVFw [Del]

Kafka on the shore is one of my favourites by Murakami and it's the first book of his that I read.

7 Name: Sparrowhawk : 2019-12-06 06:23 ID:VeBfsVFw [Del]

I just finished reading Junichiro Tanizaki's "A cat, a man and two women" and it really was incredible - I would go as far as to say that it's one of the best books I've ever read. The writing and characters are incredible and, even though it's only 123 pages long, I really became engrossed in the story. It's amazing how the character's personalities are developed and how real they seem (I am currently studying psychology so this is a very important factor for me). Anyway, I'd highly recommend it.

8 Name: Andromeda814 : 2019-12-23 18:37 ID:LAom5fdL [Del]

Mori's "Vita sexuallis" is quite a fun book to read, it's acid humor and playfullness merge with criticism and a really, really, fluid writting.

9 Name: Darklostakira_ : 2019-12-26 07:06 ID:6AZFeuKh [Del]

You can read some books from this authors:
1) Yukio Mishima;
2) Junichiro Tanizaki;
3) Otsuichi;
4) Ranpo Edogawa;
5) Kyoka Izumi;
6) Ogai Mori;
7) Yukito Ayatsuji
8) Yoko Ogawa.

10 Name: Pipe-boy : 2020-10-17 21:57 ID:cIPjh9vC [Del]

Even though it's kinda generic, Musashi was super dooper good.

11 Name: wolfm : 2020-10-22 12:31 ID:8JnLsPOw [Del]

Tanizaki has some fun novels, just finished Naomi recently and it was quite amusing. The Makioka Sisters and In Praise of Shadows are also by Tanizaki and were quite good. I see that you mentioned Dazai, after No Longer Human I would recommend The Setting Sun and Blue Bamboo.

12 Name: wolfm : 2020-10-22 12:33 ID:8JnLsPOw [Del]

Also, I would like to link a website that is a great resource. It has links to free copies of Japanese literature, facts about Japanese authors, and links if you wish to purchase the books. Its all organized by author, a great website.

13 Name: sunnyb : 2020-11-18 16:10 ID:KDFqwbws [Del]

The diary of Murasaki Shikibu and The tales of Ise are also very interesting. They are well known works in Japan, and most writers have read them. unfortunately they are not as popular in western culture.

14 Name: Marbrat : 2020-11-22 21:42 ID:Rw3Cdg0b [Del]

Recently I read a collection of Ryunosuke Akutagawa's short stories, including Rashômon. Highly recommended.

15 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-12-09 04:47 ID:zfy18UDf [Del]

Can't believe Miyamoto Musashi's "The Book of 5 Rings" hasn't been mentioned here. It shares the author's strategy & ways to win sword fights, Musashi also really liked philosophical stuff & he briefly touched on the subject in the final chapter.

Our fellow member also saw the connection of that philosophy to our trait being Dollars as a whole and making sense of it. [LINK]

16 Name: onchyophoran         : 2021-02-06 05:05 ID:K2ggrxHq (Image: 1078x811 jpg, 569 kb) [Del]

src/1612609528058.jpg: 1078x811, 569 kb

17 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2021-02-06 19:17 ID:Nv/hDNgd [Del]


18 Name: onchyophoran : 2021-02-06 19:59 ID:K2ggrxHq [Del]

>>17 I've had that for years now, forgot where I bought it

19 Name: Inky Moderness : 2021-03-19 14:09 ID:sOnHjAX+ [Del]