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About the Fate series (4)

1 Name: Framrick : 2023-04-21 23:53 ID:DpdP0drK [Del]

I'm creating this thread in hopes Fates veterans will come forward to help people just starting to get into Fates. Stuff like a good starting point(be it manga or anime), where to watch/read it, and any other info that you fell is needed to know when getting into the Fates series.

Light discussions about Fates is always welcome but please try to keep this thread spoiler free for the newcomers. I'm a beginner at the Fates series myself as well so I won't be able to offer much to the thread.

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-05-21 20:03 ID:iTHBBoAY [Del]

The optimal option I think shall be the order of release, just watch the oldest one and work your way up to the latest installment.

People had been saying the 2006 adaptation by J.C. is shit since it botches the 3 different visual novel routes into one, but they're the only adaptation that actually bothered to explain how the world functions. Ufotable's adaptation is better in terms of quality, but they made it as if you already watched the original 2006 one and skipped the entire worldbuilding exposition. So you might fumble in the dark for a bit there until it somehow clicks in you.

I personally started from the 2006 adaptation, treated it partially as a novelty experience so I enjoyed it. It also have cool 2000s opening song, which adds an extra layer of nostalgia I never experienced.

3 Name: Yurrr : 2023-07-16 00:48 ID:VwO+yWLI [Del]

Ima agree with !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w. Though I am fairly certain it was studio Deen and not J.C.

If you don't plan on dropping 100+ hours into the visual novel than start with the Studio Deen adaptation of Fate stay night (It aint as bad is people make it out to be). Then to ufotable's unlimited blade works, Heavens Feel movies, then to Fate Zero.

After that you read any manga or spinoff series in any order.

4 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-07-17 09:31 ID:fMLBn8Dl [Del]

Oh yeah, it was actually Deen. I forgor.

Also, >>3 c8 or hypela is fine.