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Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. (6)

1 Name: Dtrackt : 2020-06-23 09:32 ID:HLmb585O (Image: 680x1000 jpg, 708 kb) [Del]

src/1592922744957.jpg: 680x1000, 708 kb
what do you is the best about maple and here adventures.
and what is so good or bad in the series for you.
i think the cute and strong is a good combo IT JUST WORKS (todd howerd)
and also it is something that i don't think i wood injoy.

but i like to here your opinions thank you


2 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-06-23 17:34 ID:f9rCC156 [Del]

Me also dont know if I should watch this or not, tell me when someone has dropped the flag.

3 Name: Dark Knight : 2020-06-29 00:46 ID:ghZVTXXe [Del]

is it complete

4 Name: 7J !0UZD1OR/j. : 2020-07-01 03:26 ID:f3l615rt [Del]

This is a long positive ramble so hear me out:
I recommend this anime to anyone who wants to enjoy an innocent adventure of young people enjoying a video game. What makes the anime good is that you'd think there would be at least one "whoops I lifted up your skirt I'm sorry!" and the girl slaps him saying "Baka!" Or even a hot spring episode of cliche hijinks.

NOTHING like that happens in this anime which is so refreshing. No fan service, no sex jokes, and violence is about as violent as you'd expect in a fantasy mmorpg; if you know the violence in say SAO, its relatively the same (without the die in game die for real aspect). Some scares in the monsters they fight, but nothing to. frightening.

There is no real 'villain.' the obstacles the characters face are mainly the game's creatures, and other players they encounter.
Maple, the protagonist, is just about having fun and plays the game in her own way; finding exploits and hidden powers. You never feel like she was simply given crazy stuff, you always feel like she earned it.
Side characters are real good too. No major character is EVER obnoxious (the hammer twins were a tad annoying, but they weren't jerks). Also no tsunderes! Yay!

Apologies for the bad structure of review, but it's first time posting and I really wanted to share my thoughts on this excellently crafted series. One more thing the music... O_O when those battle themes play...MAN!

It's great. Its on Hulu. Watch it and you won't be sorry. You'll be happy.

5 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-07-02 06:59 ID:oC3QHc0s [Del]

>>4 Finally some reviews about the show, you convinced me so that's definitely going into my watch list. (At least it seems like a review :P)

Also sidenote, might want to change that tripcode into something more complicated. Because its too easy to breakthrough and therefore could be used by someone else to fake your identity. At least, by that name handle.

6 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2020-07-03 22:59 ID:1aryE4A/ [Del]
