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Animee (17)

1 Name: applepi : 2020-04-17 17:54 ID:4hCh9l1f (Image: 719x719 jpg, 46 kb) [Del]

src/1587164075437.jpg: 719x719, 46 kb
Hello! Besides drrr!!, can you recommend me an anime which has a similar genre and vibe as drrr? I would like to watch it during the quarantine. Another thing, besides drrr!!. I also love haikyuu! and bungou stray dogs. These three animes I've mentioned are my favorites. Hope I can have friends heree.

2 Name: 루나 !kczQX8URrY : 2020-04-17 18:15 ID:N0TEwLaL [Del]

You're not the only one who loves those three animes, I love them too. It's good to meet others who are interested in the same genres, I would recommend Stars Align. It kinda reminds me of Haikyuu!

3 Name: applepi : 2020-04-23 21:30 ID:RNLe+9j9 [Del]

I'd definitely try that! Thanks for the suggestion!

4 Name: 루나 !kczQX8URrY : 2020-04-24 13:29 ID:k67Q03VN [Del]

No problem, I hope you enjoy it if you try it.

5 Name: Azao : 2020-04-25 07:04 ID:dh1HR0fT [Del]

Try watch kekkai sensen, if you didn't watch it already. It's not exactly similar genre, but for me, it's somehow similar in the way of showing crazy city and daily life in it.

6 Name: 루나 !kczQX8URrY : 2020-04-25 18:15 ID:k67Q03VN [Del]

I can just tell why you think it's similar, I'll try it out. thanks for the suggestion.

7 Name: promo_god : 2020-04-29 12:44 ID:zLnOWril [Del]

you should try checking out K it's more gang-related as in there tho

8 Name: 루나 !kczQX8URrY : 2020-04-30 09:27 ID:Tb6e7PN9 [Del]

That is a good anime, I've watched it and it's very interesting.

9 Name: jen_ : 2020-04-30 19:21 ID:fDUHtsin [Del]

oml i also need recommendations and i love bungou stray dogs.

10 Name: EarlFaustus : 2020-05-01 09:47 ID:sqM1TgoE [Del]

s e e s

11 Name: Shihikari : 2020-05-01 23:14 ID:D4H9Cp3g [Del]

Maybe Baccano can be similar. Baccano is a story from Durarara's creator. I haven't seen it yet, but I want to. So if I said bad recommendation I'm sorry.
Mekakucity Actors can be good as well. The story is unique and interesting. I think similar to Drrr!!
But Durarara is very special anime, hard to find similar.

12 Name: violet : 2020-05-05 08:44 ID:YSb8bCfQ [Del]

i adore this anime

13 Name: Blades : 2020-05-06 00:27 ID:Cm0n8g1u [Del]

Oh wow same! My favourites are Haikyuu!! Bungou Stray Dogs and Durarara also!

14 Name: Blades : 2020-05-06 00:28 ID:GXNuAaaJ [Del]

Oh wow same! My favourites are Haikyuu!! Bungou Stray Dogs and Durarara also!

15 Name: Alice : 2020-05-08 14:05 ID:elWTNTFJ [Del]

(I love Dazai so much lol) If you seen drrr, then you will also love Tokyo Ghoul! It's my favorite and it's the closest to drrr! :D check it out! (third in line would be Black Butler) XD

16 Name: HemeraldZ : 2020-05-30 23:29 ID:8h6l0sqs [Del]

This is obvious but Baccano. If you like Haikyuu then consider checking out Hajime no Ippo. In my personal experience, anime like Noragami and Kekkai Sensen gave me a drrr!! vibe. Have fun.

17 Name: Donna !3GqYIJ3Obs : 2020-05-31 03:26 ID:biKSqK7J [Del]

Watch ''Mekakucity Actors''. You'll drown into the life of ''Kagerou Project'' that includes light novels, MVs, manga and anime. It's addicting once you get to know it and has supernatural elements like Durarara. Enjoy!