Dollars BBS | Animation
















Anyone got any anime recommendation based on this description? (5)

1 Name: Erva : 2020-03-15 07:14 ID:sSqho7/M [Del]

I am a pre-med student, so I rarely have time to be up to date with the latest anime. but to be honest, I kind of miss the old anime. Like, the ones during the times before I went to college. Stuff like this, Durarara, and Fairy Tail, Akame ga Kill, Kuroko no basuke, Ao haru ride, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, etc. you know those times when those anime were popular. I dont know, I feel like I am stuck at this era of anime and when I try watching the latest anime I don't really feel as "connected" to it as before.

I'm not getting old come on i'm only 18, but it's just, I used to be so attached to anime, it impacted me so much, I got my study habits and diligence from all those motivational anime quotes. I used to be really attached to the point I even enjoyed drawing myself with those characters (sarreh im a weeb LMAO) and simply drewing them made me happy. These anime were my foundation for discipline and strength, but ever since I entered pre-med, I've gotten so busy, lost my passion art, more anime started to come, while I was stuck here at this era because I stopped watching anime

The anime now feels so different (HOLY SHIT GUYS IM SORRY I SUDDENLY WENT ON STORY MODE BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS DONT MIND QQ I DONT HAVE ANYONE TO LET THIS OUT TO ;; I KNOW I SOUND EDGY BUT PLS BEAR WITH ME)I tried to watch some to gain motivation, but it just feels forced now. I enjoy watching anime but all these new anime don't really, i don't know. unless you guys have any good motivational anime or anime similar to the ones I've said? T_T I still love anime, I really enjoy watching. I just feel, aaah I don't know. When I try to draw, it just feels forced as well. I really hope I could find some good anime recommendation.

Please do recommend some good anime for me! I'll reply to the ones i've already watched. Thank you ;_;

- Erva

2 Name: llama : 2020-03-16 11:46 ID:dvfXOhMm [Del]

Did you see an anime called ID:INVADED? It's a new one and I think it's great

3 Name: ShiroInu : 2020-03-16 23:43 ID:xAGzQRfx [Del]

Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita, Ishuzoku Reviewers, Grand Blue are very funny animes. Vinland saga is also very good anime. I can recommend you many animes, but what ganre are you searching for? I study medicine so i know what is it to study all day. Also if you aren't watched Major you should watch it. It is sport anime, but is very motivating has drama, comedy and the main character in the beginning is 5 years old and in the end he has kids. Major is very rare anime. Sorry for my bad english.

4 Name: Chipsa : 2020-03-29 03:30 ID:bmGUnAzL [Del]

I got this sorta feeling for a while before I realized my problem. When I was about 12 I could watch anime after anime and they were amazing. Your Lie in April, Free!, Kuroshitsuji... I adored all of them and I felt an almost soul-deep feeling of gentleness and purity and, uh, connection with them, I guess, yeah.
But then recently the anime I watched just sort of seemed to drift by, unremarkable, there for a moment and then just a memory even only a month later.

I think my problem was binge-watching. Seeing the story blur by like an animated movie with a few breaks, and hearing the theme song ten or fifteen times in a row was... Well, somewhat unremarkable. Hyped, but boring, ultimately, like eating a bunch of cake all at once. Haha.
I tried watching 'erased' over several days. It took me about a month, maybe a little over, and now I still love it and get super hypered-up feelings from the theme song even a year later.

Try it! I think it might work for you. :)

Meanwhile, as for anime suggestions- all the ones I named up above, and also Sakamoto Desu Ka, Kaichou wa MaidSama, Ouran HighSchool Host Club, K-On!!, Yuri!!! On Ice, Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and all sorts of stuff that's related to those. I heard that Code Geass is really good, and I heard that Evangelion (or Project EVA), and Angel Beats, are really good. But all those three are sad, I've heard. Haha. I've read some of the DNAngel manga, and it's really cool and cute so far, so maybe the anime is good, too. :) You could test it out and see for me? Hahaha. Anyway. Good luck there. Bye bye!
Let us know how it goes, maybe? Teehee.

5 Name: Rei : 2020-03-29 22:14 ID:OyZRLvtP [Del]

Watch 91 days! It’s only 12 episodes but it’s amazing. I also recommend erased, anohana & vinland saga