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Recommend not very popular but really good anime (64)

1 Name: HeY !gITav1ofvY : 2019-08-31 16:13 ID:ZOljS5xJ [Del]

Hey guys, could you recommend me some really interesting but not very popular animes(for example: anime "Drifters" that is awesome but a lot of people didn't heard about it)? I have watched about 130 animes and it's becoming hard to find someone good ones :D

2 Name: Blue : 2019-08-31 22:15 ID:++QHDVd+ [Del]

Recently I watched BTOOOM! and I'm sad not a lot of people talk about it! Unfortunately there's only one season and they didn't continue after that.

Idk if it's true or not but I read somewhere they said they'd make the second season if the game got popular enough, but when I told my boyfriend that he said "wait, there's a game?" xD

3 Name: HeY !gITav1ofvY : 2019-09-01 01:03 ID:ZOljS5xJ [Del]

I have already watched it but still thanks for recommendation, this anime really fits to my description.

4 Name: Taka-tin : 2019-09-02 03:48 ID:NTuSR/hF [Del]

Eyeshield 21
Kekkai Sansen
King if Bandit Jing
Kino no tabi
Saiki Kusuo
Special A
Space Dandy

5 Name: Ittsuki : 2019-09-04 03:55 ID:zVgmvIq8 [Del]

Onmyou Taisenki
Dog Days
Tokyo Underground
Ryuusei no Rockman
Aoharu X Kikanjuu
Tetsuwan Birdy
Log Horizon

6 Name: Kagami : 2019-09-05 11:53 ID:qRyxMkbl [Del]

Love, Chunibyou and other Delusions
Mob Psycho 100
Guilty Crown

Maybe you know the half of it already

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: Flood : 2019-09-09 05:17 ID:P1gURazJ [Del]

Kubikiri Cycle! It's a murder mystery, as well as Nisio Isin's debut work! Also by Shaft, so lots of mind fuckery and head tilting!

9 Name: Tyberfen : 2019-09-19 14:53 ID:TEB/NgeW [Del]

I will just copy my response from another thread...

There are plenty of great shows out there. A few great ones are

Monster (Way too real)
Baccano (amazing show)
Kino no Tabi (Travel around the world with Kino)
Made in Abyss (darker than expected)
Girl's last Tour (Makes you feel content)
Yuru Camp (See above)
Karakai Jozu no Takagi-San (cute)
Grand Blue (Has a...rather distinct humor)
Nagi no Asukara (Romance Drama)
Zankyou no Terror (Psycho Trhiller/Drama)

Those are just a few. I tried to name some lesser known. Hope at least one of the shows will please you.

10 Name: Patrick B. : 2019-09-20 22:45 ID:NX7UKccS [Del]

Kabaneri of the iron fortress
Beet the Vandel Busters
Little Busters!

the ones I could think of.. probably 'Cyborg Kuro-chan' too used to watch in my childhood lol.

11 Name: Farmer Thanos : 2019-09-21 01:04 ID:QFrCjwdl [Del]

I'm liking these lists :)
also goin to add:

Elfen Lied
Fushigi Yuugi


>>10 hey! shout out Master Bateman! xD

12 Name: Patrick B. : 2019-09-24 00:47 ID:YdLHtNKo [Del]

>>11 NooO!!!

13 Name: leibor : 2019-10-03 13:52 ID:p6HGA75+ [Del]

Zetsuen no Tempest, Zankyo no Terror, Monogatari Series(issuing order!!!!), ACCA, Phantom Requien for the Phantom your wellcome :)

14 Name: Chidi : 2019-10-04 01:48 ID:mXY/Ia4/ [Del]

"Noein: To Your Other Self" was a fun watch

15 Name: Goosy : 2019-10-06 10:00 ID:tCJkEG8O [Del]

blood lad, soul eater

16 Name: Martha My Dear : 2019-10-07 18:40 ID:8RQhL0V8 [Del]

I'm not sure what kind of anime you're into, but there's actually some good Chinese anime that isn't hard to find. If you liked Gintama, then you'd like Wang Gu Xian Qiong (Everlasting Immortal Firmament)

17 Name: Ecchan : 2019-10-16 08:21 ID:saay7ttW [Del]

-Fune wo Amu (a very relaxing story about a man and his company making a dictionary)
-Planetes (amazingly done story about space and astronauts- sort of!, set in the futur with a mix of everyday life)
-Space Brothers (a man who wants to become an astronaut and his journey- amazing if you're a space lover like me!)
-Cross Game (a romance baseball anime of the famous mangaka Adachi Mitsuru-sensei, isn't as slow as his other works!)
-Kimi to Boku. (super relaxing everyday life of a group of highschool boys who've been friends since kindergarden)

That's it from me, hope you like any of these if youn pick them! ^^

18 Name: Chocho : 2019-10-22 04:18 ID:5YmOlP4l [Del]

“07-ghost “
“Mairimashita! Iruma-kun”
You should see this. It’s very interesting to watch.
I have more to let you know.

19 Name: Yaboo291 : 2019-11-01 17:51 ID:QJqrqRQe (Image: 739x415 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

src/1572648717841.jpg: 739x415, 31 kb

20 Name: Sie : 2020-12-11 09:43 ID:kxMws3d0 [Del]

I don't know if you'll think it's good but my childhood favorite would be KHR. No one really talks about it after it ended but I recently found out that the fandom is active. (Adding to that, the fandom is great compared to some other anime.) It's silly at the start but it gets better somewhere around the 50th episode; the manga is still better for me though.

21 Name: Daccano : 2020-12-14 12:06 ID:eoGLh246 (Image: 1008x546 png, 862 kb) [Del]

src/1607969212123.png: 1008x546, 862 kb

22 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2020-12-14 17:10 ID:+hdd2HQc (Image: 258x387 jpg, 192 kb) [Del]

src/1607987411692.jpg: 258x387, 192 kb
Inferno Cop, definitely Inferno Cop.

One of the most compelling and interesting stories with a beautiful experimental style of animation.

What they did with that meagre budget is just... beyond words.

"Beyond words" as in they went out, got drunk, and made the most hilarious bullshit I have ever seen.

"Meagre" as in no budget, except what they spent getting drunk off their asses.

You can watch it here: (Official)
It's fully subbed in English and a few other languages on YT, just turn the CC on.

23 Name: Kimiko : 2020-12-15 21:17 ID:AD9JkE8E [Del]

1. Gugure! Kokkuri-san
2. Another
3. Kakegurui (I dont think it's that popular but it's great!)
4. Ame-iro Cocoa
5. Nanbaka

24 Name: Kiwi : 2020-12-18 10:16 ID:dIf5/fnW [Del]

I absolutely recommend Land of the Lustrous / Houseki no Kuni.

25 Name: Tsuakasa : 2020-12-20 19:59 ID:iuS2hVyQ [Del]

I know it's been a year, but I'm sure recommendations are always welcome to people who browse through this thread. Though I must admit, it's a bit difficult to determine what's "not popular", so I'll just list a few I think fall under that category. Sorry if they are actually deemed popular where you're from.

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro
Phi Brain
Sakurako-san no Ashimoto

P.S. I am so glad someone else recommended Cross Game.

26 Name: ren : 2020-12-28 22:48 ID:TXwq7Sg5 [Del]

Tbh honest im not sure if the ones im going to recommend are "not popular" but they're the ones I ask people if they've seen them and they respond "no".

movie: colorful
movie: summer wars
show: the ancient magus bride
show: nanbaka
show: dr. stone
show: haven't you heard? im sakamoto (its kinda like saiki k)

Hope you enjoy! (bungo stray dogs is good but its sorta popular)

27 Post deleted by user.

28 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2020-12-30 10:31 ID:eV24SdVK [Del]

Remember guys just because an anime dose not seem popular now dose not mean it wasn't popular when it first originally came out I,e some anime people have posted here are up to 5 years to 10+ years old.

>>26 Dr. stone is fairly popular getting another season next year , colorful came out "21 August 2010" & summer wars came out "1 August 2009" and they are both movies which can be harder to keep popular because they are movies unlike a season or two of anime.

29 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2021-01-10 14:16 ID:M1AQrF18 [Del]

bump :p

30 Name: Photo !GdQT9PHKos : 2021-01-10 21:26 ID:DZoqFlYp [Del]

It might be a bit violent for some people, but Hellsing Ultimate is pretty good.

31 Name: saeko : 2021-01-14 23:49 ID:UmhyTT+z [Del]

Made in Abyss is pretty good

32 Name: liberal_snowflake : 2021-01-15 09:31 ID:Pt+uB20k [Del]

Samurai Champloo is an amazing show. the music is by Nujabes, a hip-hop genius, and the storyline and art are impeccable.

33 Name: Azima Tempest : 2021-01-19 02:11 ID:KnM/TCTo [Del]

Silver Spoon is a really good anime it's about the daily life of Yuugo Hachiken, a high school student from Sapporo who enrolled at Ezo fleeing from the demands of his strict father. However, he soon learns that life on an agricultural school is not as easy as he initially believed. Unlike his new classmates, he has no intention of following an agricultural career after graduating, although he envies them for already having set goals for their lives and the pursuit of their dreams.

34 Name: We are all bones inside : 2021-01-30 13:14 ID:uxj6NSpe [Del]

Banana Fish is very good. But I think it’s sorta popular though.

35 Name: shapy : 2021-02-14 23:12 ID:1yAIs/67 [Del]

Bungo Stray Dogs is a good one that many people haven't heard of

36 Name: : 2021-02-16 15:47 ID:B1/OHt01 [Del]

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37 Name: Saika : 2021-02-17 11:33 ID:IOvu6nDV [Del]

Assasination classroom is really good, it's a shounen jump anime like deathnote. It's not as extreme as deathnote though.

38 Name: Saika : 2021-02-17 11:50 ID:IOvu6nDV [Del]

Tell me, Galko chan is also really good.

39 Name: Saika : 2021-03-09 23:40 ID:UqriYxST [Del]

Oh yeah, there's also Doro he doro, bleach, the new horimiya, K-on, anime gataris, My hero academia, Tokyo ghoul, and many more I can't remember.

40 Name: 4shenfell : 2021-03-11 12:15 ID:ClSO6mz0 [Del]

I would recommend "the flowers of evil". really interesting show even if it was ridiculed back when it released in 2013.It should be on any of the standard anime sites, though not on netflix

41 Name: Yoshiki[Knight] : 2021-03-13 20:53 ID:g8nhzdgp [Del]

Breakers, Daily lives of High school boys, Sket Dance,Starmyu,and Corpse Party.

42 Name: Akiha : 2021-03-14 19:13 ID:dG81jEaP [Del]

These are some I recommend to most people.
- Darker Than Black
- Shin Sekai Yori (not everyone's cup of tea but 'tis very good)
- Ookiku Furikabutte (baseball anime but seems more realistic than other sports anime)
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Nodame Cantabile (romance + classical music, the live action is also good)
- Claymore
- Pandora Hearts (better to read the manga though, sent me into a roller coaster of love and hate)

43 Name: PhantomR : 2021-03-23 05:35 ID:gJ/6LWgh [Del]

Mouryou no hako, Mononoke, Aoi Bungaku Series and Kakushigoto

44 Name: Someone : 2021-03-30 16:08 ID:tltFmyOr (Image: 500x288 gif, 273 kb) [Del]

src/1617138515523.gif: 500x288, 273 kb

45 Name: Kimiko : 2021-04-04 01:19 ID:t2GaISGP [Del]

Horimiya, it's new I think yesterday on Saturday April 3rd was the last airing episode. It's soooo gooood!!! It's a wholesome rom-com but oh so good!!! I want more!! <3

46 Name: Saika : 2021-04-09 09:03 ID:NGjDQxA2 [Del]

oh? Did the final episode air already?! Dang, I haven't watched much anime recently. Sadly. I should watch it. It's a really good and cute anime.

47 Name: Sure : 2021-04-13 16:14 ID:UzUgmPXv [Del]

Higurashi. I think a lot of people know the anime because of the memes but I have never met anyone who actually watched and enjoyed all the parts.

48 Name: Leigh : 2021-04-22 22:12 ID:hr2I3WF/ [Del]

Mairimashita Iruma-kun, and Shadow House are ones that I recommend. Mairimashita Iruma-kun is a comedic anime about a kid with bad luck who gets sold by his parents to a demon and is forced to go through demon school in order to fufill that demons wishes of having a Grandson, and Shadow House that recently came out is kinda a horror/mystery anime where children are brainwashed into thinking they are living dolls that exist solely to serve their masters, who are shadows.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-26 08:23 ID:yCIn3YDc [Del]

Great Pretender has a good dub. I don't know if it's unpopular, although I feel like it doesn't receive very much attention.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-26 18:48 ID:qTiuNEqJ [Del]

Kids on the Slope

51 Name: Nae : 2021-05-12 09:03 ID:LuVbYUrs [Del]

Gakuen Babysitters. It's so freaking comical and cute-

52 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2021-05-16 15:59 ID:yYX/sF7Z [Del]

I don't know if it's popular or not but: akatsuki no yona pls, it has very interesting characters and a beautiful story ngl,

53 Name: イザヤにご : 2021-05-20 02:53 ID:TUuHjCeL [Del]

^^^ Yona of the dawn deserves more recognition

54 Name: cookie_blue : 2021-05-23 10:55 ID:EyfEayHY [Del]

"Classroom of The Elite" is good, but few know it.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2021-05-28 07:28 ID:JAMbanFu [Del]

touch, galaxy express 999, fang of the sun dougram and yadamonwere some of the best shows ive watched altjough less talked

56 Name: acilim : 2021-05-30 12:45 ID:FFkjK5sp [Del]

i recommend anime called Donten ni Warau, its pretty good, it has 12 ep and the characters are really lovable :D
Genre is action, historical

57 Name: your mom : 2021-05-30 13:30 ID:QKKglwnu [Del]

happy sugar life
91 days
Zankyou no Terror

they are not like good good but they youll def have a great time watching!

58 Name: No One : 2021-10-08 11:52 ID:eA/CCcDk [Del]

I've read all the messages on the top and I have recommend for you guys..

For a romance and an edo dynasty, you should watch " AKATSUKI NO YONA " The chracter development of the female lead is something that you would choose her as your waifu, or best girl.

World trigger if you want an action

Berserk is an anime that not hype but this is masteepiece, best recommend is must read the manga.

59 Name: Daccano : 2021-10-26 15:14 ID:c1TVfaun [Del]


60 Name: Railtracer : 2022-08-10 19:51 ID:j16buknl [Del]

ping pong the animation is really good
Golden boy
Darker than black

61 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-09-28 01:14 ID:vHwJLWxl [Del]

Watched some Kuma Miko. It was pretty funny. Cute slice-of-life-esque(?) anime bout a Miko girl and her bear friend and their troubles getting her prepared for High School outside of their very rural town. It's cute.

62 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-06 16:08 ID:PNOxbpMF [Del]

I'm not going to read every reply, so sorry for repeating things already said.

I've watched over 270 animes and so I've got some recommendations.

Happy Sugar Life, Tomadachi Game, WorldEnd, Combatants will be Dispatched, Island, Cautious Hero, Citrus, Our Last Crusade or Rise of a New World, Hand Shakers, Scum's Wish, The Dungeon of Black Company, and Don't Hurt Me My Healer.

Some of those are sorta well known, but I'm sure at least one you haven't seen yet. Also some of those are really dark. Happy Sugar Life makes me wanna throw up everything I watch it, the only show other than Death Note to give me such a physical reaction. Unlike Death Not where I was only having a similar reaction for 1 episode every episode of Happy Sugar Life makes my stomach turn.

63 Name: rin : 2022-10-11 16:30 ID:nMyHywyP [Del]

honestly, would recommend anything by Satoshi Kon.
his anime series "Paranoia Agent" is great, as well as all of his 4 films. Check him out, he was great.

64 Name: AKIRA : 2022-10-14 21:28 ID:9q3Qhoep [Del]

have anyone watched kekkai sensen?. I think its really good and deserve more attention.