Dollars BBS | Animation
















reccomend me (22)

1 Name: デクスイアス : 2019-08-20 08:07 ID:B+4TuK+R [Del]

hey im looking for newa animes to watch cuz my watch list is cleared up now anyone got good ones?

p.s no ecchi or isekai pls

2 Name: Sure : 2019-08-24 14:21 ID:Bfo33nir [Del]

Vinland Saga, Fire Force, Demon Slayer...... sorry if you saw all of those.

3 Name: Akatsuki : 2019-08-25 17:01 ID:nTsoK0H3 [Del]

If you haven't already watched them:

Baccano (same author as Durarara)

Code Geass
Zankyou no Terror
91 Days

Those are a few of my favourite Anime that aren't as known as Tokyo Ghoul or something so you probably don't know them already but I assure you they are worth watching ^^

4 Name: Fiddle : 2019-08-25 17:19 ID:4D8H+PE5 [Del]

Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)
My Hero Academia (Boku no Hero Academia)
Little Witch Academia
Tanaka is Always Listless (Tanaka wa Itsumo Kaderuge)

5 Name: Orange.Y !uPorangeM6 : 2019-08-27 21:55 ID:vmZ+KLqS [Del]

Gurren Lagann if you don't consider a bit of fanservice as ecchi

6 Name: Pocari_Sweat : 2019-08-31 13:11 ID:iRaVv7gR [Del]


7 Name: Flood : 2019-09-09 05:31 ID:P1gURazJ [Del]

Kubikiri Cycle, murder mystery by Shaft and Nisio Isin. Really good and more people need to watch it

8 Name: Tyberfen : 2019-09-19 14:52 ID:TEB/NgeW [Del]

There are plenty of great shows out there. A few great ones are

Monster (Way too real)
Baccano (amazing show)
Kino no Tabi (Travel around the world with Kino)
Made in Abyss (darker than expected)
Girl's last Tour (Makes you feel content)
Yuru Camp (See above)
Karakai Jozu no Takagi-San (cute)
Grand Blue (Has a...rather distinct humor)
Nagi no Asukara (Romance Drama)
Zankyou no Terror (Psycho Trhiller/Drama)

Those are just a few. I tried to name some lesser known. Hope at least one of the shows will please you.

9 Name: Thunder : 2019-10-11 08:34 ID:Db3W9q8S [Del]

91 Days
3-Gatsu no Lion

10 Name: Ecchan : 2019-10-16 08:13 ID:saay7ttW [Del]

My personal recommendations:
-Haikyuu!! (new season's coming and I'm so exciteddd)
-Sakamichi no Apollon/Kids on the Slope
-Higashi no Eden/East of Eden (+both movies, so good!)
-Detective Conan (very long but SO worth it!!)
-Death Parade

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: J : 2019-10-23 14:27 ID:nbzm16cn [Del]

Bungou Stray Dogs
saint onee-san (Jesus and buddha are roommates!)

13 Name: Yaboo291 : 2019-11-01 17:47 ID:QJqrqRQe [Del]

Watch Jojo maybe

14 Name: Mikado : 2019-11-20 16:49 ID:fRgO3KLb [Del]

Just go to myanimelist and check the anime released based on years , you'll have a bunch of new animes

15 Name: Mooshie : 2019-11-21 12:50 ID:hli3B28M [Del]

Boku no Pico ;)

16 Name: VaiFaye : 2019-11-21 13:08 ID:BwxZECbN [Del]

Soul eater,Nanbaka,Angels of death,Noragami,Darling in the franXX,Blue exorcist and Darker then black

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: 功夫太郎 !iw5IvBi8TQ : 2019-11-24 19:09 ID:Shk6XQhk [Del]

Darker than Black
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
Kabukichou Sherlock

19 Name: Ck : 2019-11-26 17:35 ID:NyH6wh4g [Del]

Banana fish
King's avatar
Devilman crybaby

20 Name: Kiwi : 2019-12-01 13:50 ID:U4KCAyUK [Del]

The Fate series is great if you need a huge variety of different content/genres while also focusing on the same characters all thrown at you at once. For simplicity's sake, just start out with Fate/Zero.

21 Name: UnicornMist : 2019-12-05 13:58 ID:uSDF05/Q [Del]

you should check out Chihayafuru, one of my top anime of all time, and very highly rated by those who've seen it. also, if you've yet to watch HunterxHunter I recommend you get on the hype train ^-^

22 Name: Kyra-desu : 2019-12-07 17:14 ID:trw9Kt50 [Del]

If you're not scared of long animes definitely watch One Piece, it's worth it