Dollars BBS | Animation
















can u reccomend me anime (10)

1 Name: togami : 2019-05-06 06:35 ID:5tvCz9G5 [Del]

hey guys can you recommend me good anime?. something awesome, something with a bang. hope u get what I mean. doesn't matter just recommend me anime!.

2 Name: Shadowruls : 2019-05-06 23:04 ID:7Oi+hvIZ [Del]

I hope I can assume you have seen One Punch Man, as that goes on top of any list with that description. Outside of that, Black Rock Shooter is quite strange, but has plenty of great vividly colored fight scenes (series, not the movie), and Black Bullet is a personal favorite of mine, and has some decent action with superpowered 10 year old girls

3 Name: BTS' Y/N : 2019-05-12 16:57 ID:wA0zp7wP (Image: 339x350 jpg, 20 kb) [Del]

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Assassination Classroom!!!! The ending made me cry... but it's fantastic!!!

4 Name: student : 2019-05-13 10:29 ID:RMZy72fV [Del]

deathnote,spice and wolf,made in abyss,konosuba,durarara,baccano,steinsgate,rezero,psychopass

5 Name: Shadowruls : 2019-05-15 01:55 ID:MPd/aN7r [Del]

I see what you did with the order there
and I second Steins;Gate, and would like to add on Nana, Black Bullet, Death Parade, and MEKAKUCITY ACTORS
El Psy Congroo

6 Name: Kelu : 2019-05-19 12:34 ID:/2ewcG0b [Del]

If you want to watch an awesome anime you have to watch Gintama, it's the best anime I've ever seen, there are lots of funny moments but fights and serious arcs are awesome too.

7 Name: AnAnimeConnesuier : 2019-05-31 15:32 ID:Daq4u7pi [Del]

2 comedy animes i suggest are aho girl and azumanga daioh.

8 Name: Cyrus : 2019-05-31 15:48 ID:AxfcvpPB [Del]

Want something with a bang ? Watch Hellsing. A little less Vampire Nazis and gore ? Watch Fate / Zero. Knights and magic battle royal not your style ? Try the "A certain" / To aru series. Railgun is about a Electro-Master, and the main series "Index" deals about a ordinary guy in a magic / science based superhero-esque world, stumbling in one fight after another.

9 Name: Kira Yoshikage : 2019-06-19 15:41 ID:PWST1sY5 (Image: 1280x712 jpg, 128 kb) [Del]

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JoJo's bizzarre adventure is a really good one that I highly recommend! part 1 and 2 are 26 episodes together (there are more parts tho thats just to start off + If part 1 bores you as for some reason people just don't give it a chance (ep 1-9) don't worry wait for part 2)

One punch man another one I highly recommend has got a lot of comedy and action melding which is great,

Overlord: good fantasy isekai but not like trash echi stuff or SAO,

Trigun for a western cowboy bebop dub is pretty good,

space dandy for comedy cowboy bebop pretty interesting story with each episode not having much to do with the other (2 seasons each is 12 eps),

Parasyte the maxim: far superior version to Tokyo ghoul except the plot is about this teenager you gets visited by an alien parasite who eats his hand at night while trying to climb to his brain to take over him but fails,

Ajin Demi human: again like TG but has 3d animation that if you can get past is a pretty good show, Death note great psychological thriller, Yu Yu hakusho: basically a long running anime going on for 114 eps kind of like DBZ but with no filler at all an old but a goody,

Ushio to Tora (ushio and Tora) pretty good action spiritual fantasy show about a boy who finds a demon and a spear in his basement while his friends and house are being attacked by yokai the demon (tora) gives him a deal that if he releases the spear he will help kill the demons and this is how it starts,

Drifters: basically dead people from all era's of history get dragged into this medieval world and they are pitted up against and with each other the bad guys are called the ends and the drifters are people like Shimazu Toyohisa (samurai warrior), Abe no Haruakira (feudal Japan general),Scorpio (general and leader of the roman army) and even hitler appears for a second in it,

Gurren lagoon for comedy but also serious action mechas made by the same people who made kill la kill and pretty darn good tbh story is great animation is good and dub voice actors are pretty neat,

Land of the lustrous ho boy this ones very nicu! 3D animation but nothing to scoff at as this anime is really beautiful to look at about basically its about these elements from the elemental table protecting their master (a human) from these things that come from the moon to try and destroy and capture everything the main protagonist is the weakest of all of the elements and wants to be a fighter like their sibling but is refused so by the master because they are to weak,

Phantom requiem is pretty good dark anime about hitmen and child trafficking, shake is an anime about human-like vampires taking over a small village slowly and questions you what it is to be human very good anime indeed

X’amd xamdou/bounen no xamdou: very underrated anime really good steampunk fantasy about specific kinds of people who turn into legendary that are unknown where they come from or are but the military wants to capture and use them. Here's the proper synopsis: Sentan Island is a small island surrounded by the Yuden Sea. It exists in a state of dreamlike tranquility, cut off from the war between the Northern Government and the Southern Continent Free Zone. Our hero, Akiyuki Takehara, lives on Sentain Island along with his mother Fusa.

Kemonozume: Since ancient times there has existed a race of flesh eating monsters called shokujinki that can assume human form or otherwise live in the shadows while feeding on humans. The Kifuken a martial arts school and quasi security force, hunt down these creatures. The main story revolves around a forbidden romance between Toshihiko, the heir to the Kifuken school, Yuka, a young woman who is a shokujinki, and a plot to destroy both of them. Has some quite distinguished 18+ sexual themes in the anime tho but non the less a great story with a unique art style and very underrated.

Hope you found the list helpful and good luck with watching cool and awesome anime.

10 Name: Houtarou : 2019-06-26 11:46 ID:olOfRvtk [Del]

Try watch the Fate series. It's really good, it has that "bang" feeling. Try watch Fate/Zero first then Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works