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Boogiepop (8)

1 Name: Ikkon : 2019-03-02 14:01 ID:LiVbsL+d [Del]

So... Am I wrong to think Boogiepop wa Warawanai (which is coming out this season) is really being overlooked?

I feel like barely anyone watches it despite how good I find it.

Maybe I just have shitty taste, who knows.

2 Name: Nocchimochi : 2019-03-03 14:26 ID:K16tWQ2/ [Del]

I can't speak for everyone but I personally put the show on hold so I can binge watch it at the end. I feel that the weekly format is not ideal for a show that doesn't have a linear narrative as you tend to forget or not notice important details in the plot

3 Name: Daccano : 2019-03-05 09:37 ID:yxu7UXtW [Del]

I'm wanting until it's over to watch it but I'm really excited to

4 Name: onchyophoran : 2019-03-10 06:03 ID:CXdmAB0N [Del]

personally, I find it to be only alright

which is a real shame, I was excited for it and wanted to like it since I loved Boogiepop Phantom much

it doesn't compare favorably to Phantom, and in a vacuum I've got problems with the show's pacing and the messy chronology especially if the first few episodes.

It especially amuses me how Tōka's boyfriend is seemingly set up to be a significant character (with him being there first we see and hearing so much of his inner monologue) and then he just basically gets "put on the bus" and hardly heard of since. And with so fee episodes left it doesn't look like he's gonna get off it and be relevant again.

(Quick test - can anyone, without looking it up, even remember what Tōka's boyfriend's name was?)

5 Name: onchyophoran : 2019-03-10 06:08 ID:CXdmAB0N [Del]

>>4 damn phone keyboard

*especially in the first few episodes
*(with him being the first character we see...
*and with so few episodes...

6 Name: Pluto : 2019-03-23 14:41 ID:jvhPo/6F [Del]

I like it, but I understand why it's probably confusing and boring to some people.

7 Name: Introvert : 2019-03-29 11:50 ID:AFeQDpCl [Del]

I dropped it the first ep. had no clue what was going on I feel if you are someone who is patient it’s a good show

8 Name: Keiko : 2019-03-30 23:35 ID:LiVbsL+d [Del]

Honestly, it's hard to get into it if you only watch one episode. You kinda need to watch the first 3 episodes before figuring out everything, and then everything just seems to come into place.