Dollars BBS | Animation
















One Punch Man (9)

1 Name: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ : 2018-10-06 21:25 ID:xTnBjm+b (Image: 187x270 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1538879143592.jpg: 187x270, 16 kb
Anyone big Fans?

Excited for Season 2?

2 Name: Elixime : 2018-10-07 12:55 ID:tQtTY991 [Del]


3 Name: day_will_fall : 2018-10-07 22:22 ID:pK/OynCk [Del]

April 2019

4 Name: Elixime : 2018-10-08 04:57 ID:4hKdwptG [Del]

Aw...It's still in a moment...

5 Name: MarieAndHerDogs : 2018-10-11 10:42 ID:3yihPni+ [Del]

I'm ready for season 2! I can't wait!!

6 Name: Kuroko : 2018-10-21 03:41 ID:fiz86G+L [Del]

I'm waiting for it too!

7 Name: EJ!qqnpgYnlHQ : 2018-11-22 05:03 ID:QsJ/Dhu8 [Del]

I'm a big OPM-fan and I use too much time on its Amino. Rn I'm doing a timeline project on the show/manga to figure out the timeline and how much time has passed in total.
And yeah.. S2 hype is real for me! (*´▽`*)We will get one of my favourite characters right off in the first ep. Can't wait! Also some epic fights will happen. Like some super epic fights!

8 Name: EJ!qqnpgYnlHQ : 2018-12-26 12:10 ID:iu2cuGXh [Del]

Edit from 1 month later:

*excessive sweating*

Saw the new trailer a short while ago. Something looked odd..? We will get with a 99% chance a CGI-centipede (manga readers know what's up) because the new studio likes to use CGI. Please don't let it be too bad CGI.
Gosh darn it!
Please let the fight scenes be good! I'm praying here with corssed fingers and toes. There are too many cool fights in the 2nd season so I really hope they'll look at least decent.
We'll get at least:
1. trap VS new upgrades -man
2. protective bro VS Elder-bug
3. wannabe monster VS protective bro
4. martial arts -guys VS martial arts -guys (unless the whole thing is cut from the anime. hopefully not)
5. wannabe monster VS rando A-class
6. wannabe monster VS new upgrades -man
7. new upgrades -man VS Elder-bug
And also the most epic battle: Saitama VS the strongest man on earth

Anime-only ppl, be wary of spoilers. You've done great so far.

9 Name: Keyla : 2018-12-30 14:16 ID:QmhL0vux [Del]

Pretty excited ! When the 2nd season will be announced ??