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Mobile Suit Gundam (15)

1 Name: Daccano : 2017-09-04 21:34 ID:fxDr8rjS (Image: 1600x1200 jpg, 281 kb) [Del]

src/1504578841773.jpg: 1600x1200, 281 kb
I imagine a lot of younger anime fans are on these forums, so I'd like to recommend Mobile Suit Gundam, all of it but mainly UC

I think it's very easy to get into the gundam series even though a lot of people will tell you otherwise.

you should start with the original series from 1979 or the compilation films of that series. I understand many people wouldn't want to watch a show form the 70's but it's really amazing and very dark, in fact gundam 0079 was the first anime aimed to adults.

Does anyone here watch gundam ?

2 Name: Daccano : 2017-11-09 23:45 ID:fxDr8rjS [Del]

bumping this because you kids need better taste in anime

3 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2017-11-10 02:32 ID:nIR/HqY2 [Del]

I think Gundam Wing might be easier for some of the younger fans to get on board with. At least to start their interest. Though there is something to be said for starting at the beginning.

4 Name: onchyophoran : 2017-11-10 05:29 ID:Jsmntf+M [Del]

>>3 Gundam Wing isn't that good as a starting point IMO - it's one of the weaker series. It's got plenty of jank, and Relena

While OG UC is my shit, I think dropping into the UC continuity right off the bat can be daunting. A series like 00 would seem a better fit, as it's in it's own continuity, has decent/good writing and conveys a lot of what Gundam as a metaseries is - as opposed to something like Mobile Fighter G Gundam or *shudders* Reconguista in G. (...I still can't believe Tomino directed that trainwreck.)

Not to mention, 00 is basically Wing 2.0 - Setsuna > Heero (Fight me) and 00's 'Relena' equivalent is nowhere near as annoying or meddlesome.

5 Name: onchyophoran : 2017-11-10 05:40 ID:Jsmntf+M (Image: 1500x1500 jpg, 351 kb) [Del]

src/1510314001986.jpg: 1500x1500, 351 kb
Also, shoutouts to Gundam-san and my boy Char.

6 Name: Daccano : 2017-11-10 22:30 ID:fxDr8rjS [Del]

>>3 >>4
I think the best place to start is at the beginning, but if someone wanted to start with an AU shows I'd say Iron-blooded orphans because it falls in line with the most popular stuff around like attack on titan or kill la kill

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: onchyophoran : 2017-11-10 23:48 ID:Jsmntf+M [Del]

>>6 yeah, Iron-Blooded Orphans would work too - it's just that I don't like it as much as 00. (Didn't really do it for me, is all.)

Granted, I'd love to throw someone new to Gundam into the UC deep end with something like 0080 War in the Pocket, 08th MS Team or Thunderbolt (Granted, the second 'season' of Thunderbolt was nowhere near as good as the first.)

I guess the best answer - now that I think about it - is to start with OG 0079, but with the compilation movies, for brevity's sake - as well as to benefit from the tweaks Tomino made. After that, you could just hop into the 'New Translation' Zeta Gundam films and beyond, maybe Char's Counterattack, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin or UNICORNUNICORN RE:0096.

9 Name: GeeEn-001 Eggsia : 2017-11-11 06:36 ID:IXwYsvL1 [Del]

Im a big fan of gundam but ive only watched the ones where i dont need to know the rest of the timeline. 00, IBO, buildfighters, Unicorn are the ones that seem to be more approachable as a gundam series to start off with.

10 Name: onchyophoran : 2017-11-11 12:56 ID:Jsmntf+M [Del]

Unicorn is in UC, and the timeline kinda matters for it — as opposed to other series/entries technically in UC like F91 or Victory.

Unicorn kinda expects you to know about old UC shit, like who Char Aznable is (and why he's important), the root of the conflict, the idea of Newtypes (and why they're important), what psycommu and funnels are, what Londo Bell is, et cetera et cetera.

11 Name: Heero588 : 2017-11-11 16:06 ID:sWQcBUK5 [Del]

Gundam Wing is my favorite of all the Gundam series. It's also why I use this name for pretty much everything.
Mission Complete.

12 Name: Daccano : 2017-11-11 18:25 ID:fxDr8rjS [Del]

>>9 you watched unicorn without seeing the rest of UC
really ?
how did you even get anything out of it, unicorn is like the end of UC before neo-UC and no even likes neo-UC

13 Name: Daccano : 2017-11-11 18:28 ID:fxDr8rjS [Del]

Look if you want to get into gundam start at 0079, like really
watch UC then go to AU later
that's how everyone should do it, and if you don't want to watch it because it's "too old" for you then fuck off, ... or *read* the origin

14 Name: onchyophoran : 2017-11-11 18:45 ID:Jsmntf+M [Del]

>>13 Yeah

Just - when you get to AU shit - avoid SEED, and especially SEED Destiny unless you wish to inflict actual pain upon yourself.

Even as a Gundam fan, it was hard to make myself finish/sit through those.

15 Name: D : 2017-11-11 18:48 ID:fxDr8rjS [Del]

>>14 yeah seed is basically the sword art online of gundam series