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Voltron: Legendary Defender (12)

1 Name: Odium!V3uoL0hoYM : 2016-07-11 06:52 ID:v3p3dV6R (Image: 1200x675 jpg, 137 kb) [Del]

src/1468237948669.jpg: 1200x675, 137 kb
Hello, hello everybody! And its me, good 'ol Odium, here to share the great things I have seen in thou world through thou passing days.

It has occured to me that some of you haven't heard of thou great and mighty Voltron! No, no not that 1984 series, you silly! Who even watched those? (N-no hate).

Ha ha well, anyways let's get back to the subject. Voltron! It's a reboot of the 1984 Voltron series, and its animation is a mix of anime influence for characters and background and CGI for Voltron action sequences (and I did not just copy that from wiki no way).

The central plot of Voltron Legendary Defender focuses on five disparate teenagers who find themselves piloting powerful robotic lions which unite to form the legendary defender, Voltron. The tradition is strong in this new series and the story doesn’t veer much from the tried and true: Voltron is the universe’s last line of defense yada yada ruthless and powerful and all King Zarkon yada yada, ruler of the Drule blah blah blah YES OKAY WE GET IT.

Don't worry I think you'll get hooked to the story, it's characters and the goddamn animation lickety split!

"...beautiful animation style of the new series brought to life by executive producer Joaquim Dos Santos (The Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender) and co-executive producer Lauren Montgomery (The Legend of Korra)"

Yup that's right. Your childhood cartoons creators are making this. Uh-huh. Oh yes.

Anyways, I just wanted to say it's great and the humor, the action, the animation, characters, plot, music. And it's great! *ahem* well. Thanks for reading, I guess. Okay bye.

Genre : Action-Adventure, Science Fiction

Sources : wikipedia and <a href="["collider

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Arrow : 2016-07-17 03:30 ID:j3xztT5l [Del]

I've been wanting to watch it for a while after I saw it blow up on tumblr! It sounds really good

4 Name: Red Reaper : 2016-07-19 00:01 ID:xOETUL3y [Del]

I would recommend it when I saw it with my Dad it helped us bond after a rough patch

5 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-07-20 01:19 ID:cVduLNF0 [Del]

I went ahead and gave this ago, from the animation style it looks a lot like "Avatar the last airbender/ Legend of Korra", the story is a little light I think but the characters do seem to have some depth to them.

>>4 it is a remake of the one that came out like in the 80s something I didn't read the whole thing when I look it up :/

6 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-02 19:13 ID:8PGScKFf [Del]

I got into this show recently. Binge-watched Voltron up to the newest episode. It's... alright? (Actually, no, it's western shoujo trash, but I'm an eastern shoujo trash queen, so...)

The animation is consistent but not exciting. It's not stylized at all. The use of momentum is very limited, which makes battles feel slow and strangely paced. (If I ever don't skip that god awful "transformation" scene, it's because I'm in another tab.) I think their 2D animators were holding back so the CG looked less out of place, but IMO the lack of flair brought the whole piece down a level. This is no Korra.

The art style is your generic east-meets-west "totally not animu guiz" style found in 80% of modern webcomics. It's good for representing characters with different physical traits but does so at the expense of subtlety and visual interest.

Despite the Tumblr-hype, this is no Steven Universe. The "LGBT representation" is limited to one gay character (who no one knew was gay until a meta-vlog about it was posted at the company's youtube channel seven seasons in...) and one tomboy (pulling the usual "girl sneaks into boy's school" gender-bender trope, except the reveal was handled so poorly fans thought she was trans*).

The series also has a really weird... western... thing... with binary gender roles. It's an issue that's (IMO) been present in the team since back in the days of Avatar, and it just keeps getting worse. They try so hard but flop so hard.

Why are the women either hyper feminine or hyper masculine? Why is there such poor representation of feminine men? Why are there few to no ambiguous characters in a literal universe full of different species?

Instead of animating Pidge like a tomboy, she's straight up drawn and animated like a male character, despite most other female-presenting characters (including herself in flashbacks) being given these exaggerated delicate poses and movements. There is no subtlety, no inbetween.

That's the most western aspect of the series and IMO it really holds it back.

Anyway... yeah. I still enjoy it. The fandom's fun, and the ships are great. I liked the original Voltron and obviously enjoy the premise and plot. It's just nothing new.

7 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2018-11-12 16:06 ID:UiYwH9Mj [Del]


8 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2018-11-24 17:09 ID:wdOiAAZM [Del]

I've been watching this version of Voltron since there were only two seasons. And to be honest, the first three seasons were great. The rest? Not so much.

Voltron is definitely a show where the characters themselves are far more appealing than anything that actually happens. The creators took the characters from the 80s version and fleshed them out and made them so likeable and relatable. It is the show's strongest aspect.

However, past the 3rd season, it has a lot of lazy writing. Character development went out the window a lot, timeskips were thrown around here and there making things confusing and rushed, and when there was a tough situation, they made a bullshit "superpower" to get out of it. Like, two characters DIED and were brought back because of... magic? I'm glad they weren't permanently killed off, but the way it was written was terrible.

There's also their piss poor idea of LGBT representation. I don't expect LGBT rep out of any show, but when the creators state there WILL be rep from the beginning only to very very subtly reveal it in the second to last season (and it's only there if you squint) and they pat themselves on the back for that? Yeah, that's not good. LGBT fans were rightfully disappointed. Had they never said anything about having rep and just surprised us with the small bit they did have, it would've been fine. They just made it too big of a deal from the start and got people's hopes way too high.

And not really the show's fault, but the fandom is absolute garbage. There's too many fans that try to justify pedophilia, ephebophilia, and incest as well as fetishizing gay men, trans men, and being harshly lesbophobic. You can also be attacked for differing and unpopular opinions you have about the characters, for things as simple as "I don't like how overpowered this character seems". It can be extremely toxic for LGBT and young fans, so if you do watch and enjoy the show, either avoid the fandom or be prepared to block so many people.

I'm a fan of the show, but I very much dislike a lot of it. I am too attached to the characters to stop watching and part of me wants and hopes that the last season will make everything better. I love it much more for what it could be than what it actually is. You'd expect someone like me, who literally named myself after Keith (who is ironically one of my least favorite characters), to praise the show to no end, but there is just so much wrong with it. Some of the merch is awesome though, and totally worth buying.

TLDR; The first 3 seasons are pretty good, but the rest suffer from bad writing, so don't go into it expecting much. Avoid the shitfest that is the fandom if you value your sanity.

9 Name: jacaranda : 2019-01-13 14:38 ID:OWSj2HNO [Del]

oof, has anyone seen the new season 8 yet?

10 Name: Celty-Sturlson : 2019-01-15 02:21 ID:u1/rTBbj [Del]

They ruined season eight.

11 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-01-20 15:35 ID:OWSj2HNO [Del]

Summary of all the seasons (imo)

Season 1: Great setup, fun moments and interesting characters. Action scenes were awesome and I was hooked. All around good.

Season 2: Not as good as S1, but still pretty good. Introduces some background info about some characters and a rebel group. Good tension and conflict.

Season 3: Arguably the best one. So much character development and a villain that is super interesting in his plans and his own character. Steven Yeuns' voice acting was OUTSTANDING too, I was amazed.

Season 4: Was kinda dull to me, but I know others really enjoyed it. Sibling reunion was so good. But this season is the start of the decline of good storytelling.

Season 5: Had to look up the episodes because I honestly don't remember most of this season. Characters felt really iffy, not like themselves, and character development seemed to be reversed? Plus, Voltron's first forced romance, although this one was the best of the three they had. This season made me lose all expectations for future seasons.

Season 6: Actually a decent season. The filler episode was fun, even if it added absolutely nothing to the story. Some parts seemed really choppy, but man, Lotor's fall was so intense to watch.

Season 7: What the fuck. What even WAS most of that? Although the scene where they got stuck floating in space was so good. It was hard to watch, but the emotion was raw and well written. Can't say that much about the rest of the season. RIP Adam, you were ultimately useless to the story.

Season 8: If you view this season as if it were the only one, it's alright. It was fun to watch. But with the rest of the show, so many things felt out of place. It seemed like the characters reverted back to their S1 selves. The ending had my head spinning - in a bad way. They obviously rushed to get this season finished and "attempted" to fix their poor LGBT rep issue, which made some people even angrier. I was just glad Shiro got a happy ending. Some good scenes, but it's hard to appreciate them too much when S8 was like THAT. Plus, not one, but two forced romances. But it's okay cause one was gay, right? Nah. Bad season, so many issues.

12 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-01-20 15:41 ID:OWSj2HNO [Del]

Most to least favorite seasons:
S3 > S1 > S2 > S6 > S8 > S7 > S5 > S4