Dollars BBS | Animation
















Anime art style? (3)

1 Name: dubiousConsentience : 2015-08-14 23:45 ID:lQXXoJjn [Del]

Hello! I just finished watching Karneval on Hulu and I was wondering if any of my fellow dollars could suggest a new anime for me to watch with an animation/art style like Karneval and Amnesia. I just love the colors and the character designs and how everything comes together to create a brilliant atmosphere! While were on the subject, what kind of art style do you prefer? Do you like feel of Durarara!! and Baccano! with their not quite messy style, or do you prefer the 3D effects in Sword Art Online? I want to know because I'm curious about what people like and why!

2 Name: Haruko : 2015-08-16 17:32 ID:zqMPGYSr [Del]

Well since Durarara is my favorite anime, I love everything about it including the animation xD But I also like animation like Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei and Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso with as many colors as possible >.<

Also the Amnesia animation is similar to the Diabolik Lovers and No Game No Life ones if I remember correctly! Good animation ones are also Noragami, Hamatora, Kamisama No Inai Nichiyoubi and Kyousogiga. I love all of them <3

Hope I helped :D

3 Name: Gintoki : 2015-08-17 13:59 ID:jJyZeKPG [Del]

id just like to say the new anime God Eaters animations are so bad the plot might be good but i can't stand it just because of the animations i think the animation really matters a lot for me when watching an anime. I and for What i prefer it matters what I'm watching the animations have fit with it like SAO i liked the 3d effect since there was action and it really bumped it up a notch. In durarara its more like that calm thinking kind of action where ur trying to figure out ur opponents next move and trying to control what happens so like what i think is like a ruler drawn look kinnda matched could have made the colors look better though. What i really hate though is when ur watching an anime like detective conan and the animation changes since it kinnda makes me confused when i re watch episodes.