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Sound! Euphonium (Hibike! Euphonium) (3)

1 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-07-01 14:13 ID:OzaNLMsr (Image: 905x508 png, 766 kb) [Del]

src/1435777998931.png: 905x508, 766 kb
Sound! Euphonium is a slice-of-life anime by Kyoto Animation (KyoAni) that aired during the spring 2015 season. It follows the Kitauji High School concert band upon the arrival of a new class of freshmen, including main character Kumiko Oumae. Kumiko had followed in her sister’s footsteps in middle school, joining their band and playing euphonium, something her heart wasn’t really into, and upon seeing a classmate’s frustrated reaction to their band’s mediocrity, Kumiko second-guessed continuing euph at Kitauji, even choosing the school specifically because it would allow her a new start with no expectations. That plan might’ve worked had the upset classmate Reina Kousaka not also chosen Kitauji. Her friends new and old all seem to be hung on joining the band too, so what’s one to do but go along with the flow…

As you might’ve guessed, Euphonium has a slow start, really cashing in on the harmless cheery daily fluff KyoAni is known for. However, things get a little bit messier early; with the new school year comes a new instructor, Noboru Taki, who asks the band if they just want to have fun or if they actually want to compete, saying he’d be fine with either as long as the students stick to their word. After they vote to aim for the Nationals, the Kitauji band faces a long uphill struggle to work out the grudges between its members and their still varying expectations and goals. A little before the show’s halfway point, it becomes clearer that Euphonium is 180ing into KyoAni’s other specialty: absolutely beautiful, emotionally charged, subtle, simple, resonant slice-of-life.

So calling all band geeks out there: this show is for you. Calling…pretty much everyone else: this show is probably still for you. With a diverse cast and Sound! Euphonium’s origin as a novel (like, an actual novel, not a light novel) comes a stunning understanding of emotional nuance and dramatic timing. Euphonium is a simple story, but it understands that people themselves are anything but, and it takes its time to get to know its characters and let the audience feel genuine empathy for them. The most obvious selling point of the show however comes from its fantastic production quality; the visuals are among the best I’ve seen in years, with acute attention to lighting and scenery. The sound production is also phenomenal. I imagine it must’ve been both fun and excruciating to compose music that’s intentionally off to mimic the sound of an inadequate high school band. Not just the score, but also the show’s use of silence, background noise and natural sounds is superb. Production-wise, easily the best show yet this year.

And without spoiling too much, Euphonium has a glorious conclusion, one where everything really comes together and resolves the show’s various plotlines of pressure, inspiration, teamwork, and individual growth. Without a doubt, this has to be KyoAni’s best work since Hyouka three years ago, the last show by the studio to demonstrate this kind of prowess. So yeah, looking for a tastefully gorgeous slice-of-life? Something to tickle your music fancy? Or even just a show including the hilariously-named voice actress Moe Toyota that doesn’t suck? Check this out. Easy contender for anime of the year. Godsound You! Brass Euphonium.

2 Name: shadowless : 2015-07-01 23:20 ID:uJQKiWHy [Del]

I loved that show!

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-08-10 19:25 ID:w64qnnEE [Del]

guys pls
watch euph