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Anime is Educational (10)

1 Name: ShadowCake : 2015-05-21 23:17 ID:lHVaHM70 [Del]

Hello i have a essay and i chose is anime educational, what is your opinion? do you think its educational?

2 Name: Izis : 2015-05-22 08:42 ID:DxnEngqG [Del]

Depends.. But mostly really were educational... But like I say, it depends in the anime or the person watching/reading it if he/she is going to take a scene as educational or not...

3 Name: bangāœ«bang : 2015-05-22 09:48 ID:ElQf4WZc [Del]


4 Name: A+ : 2015-05-22 13:21 ID:FOxpaVk/ [Del]

Of course it can depending on which one you are watching and what take from it, take naruto shippuden for example as naruto takes on all the worlds hate.

5 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-05-22 14:21 ID:YBGxP0hP [Del]

Sport anime/manga. I learned quite a bit.
Psychological anime/manga. I learned some.

6 Name: amsek : 2015-05-22 15:17 ID:9yOZDQ1H [Del]

Everything is educational, to some extent. Anime isn't usually all that educational, but you can take a lot of lessons from shows that improve your understanding of the world. There are shows like Kiseijuu, Tokyo Ghoul, and Psycho-Pass that present vast and existential themes about humanity that bring light to issues and thoughts that are often pushed away. Mushishi is another good example, many episodes hold themes that can be taken as metaphors for real-life situations. It's really not often the kind of education that's informational (like the kind you get in school), it's rather the kind of education that can widen your personal understanding of things, if you're wise enough to take lessons from it.

7 Name: Maella : 2015-05-22 18:14 ID:iSjZMxdT [Del]

It depends. Uchuu Kyoudai (Space Brothers) is my undisputed, favorite anime/manga, that which taught me a whole lot about astronauts and science. Ended up doing my senior presentation on the career and got myself a 100% because the manga taught me so well that I could remember everything I learned that wasn't even on my powerpoint. So yes, it's possible. However, I remembered a whole lot of my pastime was wasted on reading repetitive, romantic reverse harems and battle-upgrade shounen. Waste of my life, no matter how much I loved it. So, I imagine it's a resource, but it's up to you to sift through the information and drivel and learn.

8 Name: MekakushiActor : 2015-05-22 18:19 ID:u6wLP+pG [Del]

Yes, somewhat, like >>6 said, "at some extent". Anime teaches you more of life lessons, like things that aren't facts. They teach you stuff about friendship, love, school, or about society. Anime teaches you stuff never taught in the books or at school. It's not necessarily educational, but it is with some of it's virtuous morals and themes. It's gives a different perspective to the world, in many situations, too.

9 Name: Yuukio : 2015-05-23 13:55 ID:PTMjtiQA [Del]


Aldnoah Zero does teach some cool physics
'Meissner effect' where cooled metals become super-conductors with magnetic properties and thus the bullets get deflected from the metallic enemy.

Psycho-pass does teach some cool psychology and ethics of technology in judging people.
'By-stander effect' where bystanders stood by and watch the crime taking place in public but refuse to help victims, in hoping someone else would do it for them such that they wouldn't be involved in the incident. The MC always question if it is right to judge crimes purely based on the point system.

Hyouka does teach people to use logical thinking to deduce and solve problems through seeing problems in different perspectives.
In one of the scene, the MC managed to deduce why the math teacher mixed up the class progress because from the math teacher's perspective, the teacher misread his notebook because he mixed up the 'a' from the 'd'.

Spice and Wolf does teach how to be smart in doing business. Spice and wolf teaches the importance in knowing different currencies. The importance of seeing full information to determine the value, demand-supply theory and not put all your eggs in a single basket. In one of the scene, the MC made a mistake in buying armours which suddenly lost its value due to a call-off in war, meaning there is no demand for armours and so he had to declare bankrupt.

Steins Gate does teach you about time-travel, time-paradox, parallel world theory.

Shokugeki no Souma teaches you some cool techniques you can use in home-econs class to make your food tastier. For example, honey can help soften the meat faster just like pineapple too. There's also a mention of the poele method to cook food like salmon or spanish mackerel.

School days teaches you sexual and relationship education where there are the cons to pre-marital pregnancy.
In addtion to teaching you not to be an irresponsible jerk that flirt and play around the feelings of other because you can hurt someone so hard that can even cost you your life.

Assasination Classroom teaches you to break down exams question into smaller and simpler pieces such that the 'monster' question in front of you becomes a harmless 'fish' that you have tacked before. Therefore, giving you some confidence and remind yourself to not get scared by complicated Exams questions but learn to break it down to the basics to solve them.

Highschool of the Dead does teach the concept of H.A.N.E which is known as High Altitude Nuclear Explosion that can cause EMP generation that interfere with and damages all electronics nearby. I didn't know about this until I watched this...

Hell Girl does teach you Character Education(its consider a subject here) that hurting other people is wrong and you have to pay a price for it one day. One instance, it showcased bullying case which deeply hurt someone to the point that they would be willing to sacrifice their soul to send the bully to hell.

Chihayafuru teaches karuta and influences people to get interested in this 'sport' once again. Same with Hikaru no Go which teaches people how to play 'Go' chess and the concept of thinking about others' thinking multiple steps in advance.

Nodame cantabile teaches some musical theories that might be useful if you are studying music.

Fate/zero teaches you to be realistic in life that in some cases, you have no choice but to sacrifice one choice to save the other choice.

Kiseijuu teaches you about environmental education. They teach us about how destructive our wastes can be such that the toxins can even take down the ultra strong parasytes species. What will be for our Mother Earth then? What about the wildlife and vegetation at the dump site then?

10 Name: Yuukio : 2015-05-23 13:58 ID:PTMjtiQA [Del]

Not forgetting Kuroko no Basketball let me know that there is really such a technique Ankle break in Basketball where the dribbling is too good that the blocker tripped on themselves.