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Favourite Anime Intros (26)

1 Name: Joel : 2015-05-20 12:28 ID:6QvYFsEg [Del]

I was wondering what everyones favourite Anime Intros are?
My top 10 (In no particular order) are...

Durarara Intro 1
Durarara X2 Intro
Code Geass Intro 1
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Intro 1
Baccano Intro
Log Horizon Intro
Sword Art Online (SAO) Intro 1
Attack on Titan Intro
Soul Eater Intro
A certain Magical Index Intro 1

Theres plenty more but there would be too many to choose from :P

2 Name: NaikoRe : 2015-05-20 18:06 ID:FoXnCcfL [Del]

I'm looking for Shizuo they have seen ?

3 Name: Kibo : 2015-05-20 22:21 ID:Hv21IZwE [Del]

Definitely the AOT openings (both of them, especially the full versions) I'm a piano player, so essentially any OP that can be played (and sounds nice) on piano I'll like lol.

No Game No Life OP (currently learning)
Nee (Hiiro no Kakera OP I think? Don't quote me on that)
Angel Beats OP
Guilty Crown OP
Zetsuen no Tempest OP 2 (Though OP 1 is alright)

I totally have some that are more upbeat, but they don't come to mind right now

4 Name: Misakidesu : 2015-05-21 07:49 ID:HB5SZDvL [Del]

Kuroko no Basket OP (Season 1 to 3)
Soul Eater OP 1
Magi OP
Free! OP

5 Name: TGOOK : 2015-05-21 11:33 ID:YSMjLVbI [Del]

Gintama (2015) OP is the best.
Especially, Tokyo Ghoul OP (>3<)

6 Name: Joel : 2015-05-21 15:52 ID:6QvYFsEg [Del]

Yes Tokyo Ghoul is a good one :)

7 Name: CapitalHat//Mysterion : 2015-05-21 21:34 ID:NU1GrfNY [Del]

I have quite a few, but just off the top of my head:
"Ft" - Fairy Tail
"Ready Steady Go" - Full Metal Alchemist
"Scarlet Bow and Arrow" - Attack on Titan
"Sekai Wo" - Death Note
"Discord Satellite" - Naruto
"Blue Bird" - Naruto Shippuden
And a couple bleach ones which names escape me. :P

8 Name: bang✫bang : 2015-05-22 09:49 ID:ElQf4WZc [Del]

9 Name: Diabetes !0TSUGARvak : 2020-04-06 17:15 ID:9yQN/OEe [Del]

I didn't think it was very good at first but the op and ed of Hanako-kun are really nice. Especially the opening. The ending isn't as catchy but it sounds really nice too. But don't watch the ending because it contains not really spoilers but kinda.

10 Name: kyo : 2020-04-11 08:00 ID:A6sxUFGC [Del]

noragami intros are dope too

11 Name: Abroadinapan!.xlE6dZfU6 : 2020-04-20 21:58 ID:LXcEH/WC [Del]

I really liked the first Railgun S opening.

12 Name: saiko : 2020-04-28 21:00 ID:QiUbLnLS [Del]

i really like the madoka magica intros! clannad is pretty good too even though the shows kinda old

13 Name: ya5u : 2020-05-10 17:25 ID:FNuLYRAy [Del]

either opening 1 of gurren lagann or opening 3 of world trigger. really underrated anime btw, not many people i've talked toabout anime know about world trigger.

14 Name: Rorf : 2020-05-11 06:19 ID:QVx8pjd6 [Del]

Bleach opening 13 will always be my favorite

15 Name: Pocari_Sweat : 2020-05-11 08:43 ID:zxxRdYwc [Del]

Love is War has a pretty sweet intro

16 Name: Worm : 2020-05-21 19:13 ID:FmYOXlEr [Del]

Hunter X Hunter, first Naruto opening, and first Inuyasha opening 👌👌👌

I like the catchy ones ;)

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: HemeraldZ : 2020-05-30 23:25 ID:8h6l0sqs [Del]

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2nd opening, Beastars 1st opening and the Cowboy Bebop opening are pretty sweet.

19 Name: Mika : 2020-06-03 02:02 ID:N1UFOHeT [Del]

Recently into Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) intro ^^
It give off the mysterious vibe somehow

20 Name: Kiwi : 2020-06-18 00:53 ID:udEBkDh+ [Del]

Mob Psycho
Saga of Tanya the Evil
Somali and the Forest Spirit
Fire Force

All of them have amazing ops

and Blood Blockade Battlefront's ed is a classic too

21 Name: Donna !2ELBBRQkSM : 2020-06-19 06:55 ID:QgNDzAb/ [Del]

Mekakucity Actors
Durarara Intro 1
Twin Star Exorcists Intro 3

I love only these, for now.

22 Name: mappplesirrup : 2020-06-29 18:54 ID:p994cBEz [Del]

All Jojos op. Personally my favorite is great days

23 Name: Xara !cLAc5rAVRA : 2020-06-30 01:55 ID:HmXPTrYC [Del]

1. Drrr!! op 1
2.Soul Eater op 2
3. Kill la kill op 2
4. Drrr!! op 2
5. Akame ga kill op 2
6.Fairy Tail op 7
7. Parasyte op
8. Naruto op 2
9.Black bullet op
10. Cells at work op
These are all out of order btw but i rlly like the drrr!! op 1 <3

24 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2020-07-03 23:00 ID:1aryE4A/ [Del]


25 Name: Emer : 2020-10-11 09:00 ID:IVFp5QDP [Del]

i like the opeinig for Tonikaku Kawaii
Its called Koi no Uta by Yunomi ft.Tsukasa Tsukuyomi

26 Name: Ariis : 2020-10-12 16:27 ID:5jgHsUCl [Del]

Noragami, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie In April, Attack on Titan, Haikyuu!, Fruits Basket, Blue Exorcist, BNHA, Bungou Stray Dogs, Drrr!!