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Senyuu. (17)

1 Name: celmiji : 2015-01-19 00:46 ID:emCW2n+X (Image: 500x706 png, 560 kb) [Del]

src/1421649985525.png: 500x706, 560 kb
Does anyone else watch Senyuu? It's possibly one of the best animanga I've ever come across and one of the most hilarious.

The summary in a nutshell: "One day, without warning, a huge hole appeared in the world. And from it, emerged many demons.
And then this happened, and then some other stuff happened, then this other crap... Huh? What's with this? Who even cares? It's not important. Man I'm hungry...Maybe I'll try some triple veggie garlic ramen later; haven't had that in a while."

2 Name: Shirai-san : 2015-01-19 00:50 ID:emCW2n+X [Del]

Oh, I watch it! It's a gag hero anime, but the manga gets really serious later on, but they still make it super hilarious. (Love the summary).

3 Name: Rin-chan : 2015-01-19 19:40 ID:xhfrty38 [Del]

I watched a few episodes like 10

4 Name: Jake : 2015-01-20 11:00 ID:qHSInoSz [Del]

I love Senyuu.!!! I wish they make more seasons T_T it was so hilarious XD

5 Name: Auria : 2015-01-20 11:12 ID:QCp3u7Qq [Del]

Oh my god, Senyuu was perfection! Ros was my favorite cause he was so heartless and clearly was supposed to be Cloud XD

6 Name: Shirai-san : 2015-01-20 23:24 ID:emCW2n+X [Del]

I know right? It's like the best anime ever in gag hero history.

7 Name: Kira : 2015-01-21 06:45 ID:b761C1vU [Del]

i watched it a year ago so good XD

8 Name: Zeno : 2015-01-21 21:23 ID:TVciyl/K [Del]

One of my favorite comedies.

9 Name: Zeno : 2015-01-21 21:24 ID:TVciyl/K [Del]

One of my favorite comedies. Too perfect xD

10 Name: Hasebe : 2015-01-22 09:05 ID:5HnYVN60 [Del]

fun to watch and also funny hahahahah

11 Name: Haise : 2015-01-22 23:35 ID:KBcTuXWf [Del]

My first experience with anime, laughed so hard I cried.

12 Name: Kiki : 2015-08-31 22:35 ID:b761C1vU [Del]

Lol I found this in the old threads and I was like what people actually watched this show

13 Name: Totenprinz : 2015-09-01 08:23 ID:o5ghagR/ [Del]

I remember that I was so mad that it didnt go further. XDD

14 Name: Kroue : 2015-09-01 13:25 ID:fn2jve3B [Del]

Hands down one of the funniest anime ever ! XD
short and sweet yet so rewatchable :D

15 Name: Grey-Scarf : 2016-08-15 00:55 ID:uQUclYXJ [Del]

Bringing this back up to the top because I recently saw this anime and it was so good! I loved every second of it. It can be a very goofy comedy anime, but then it can switch into important plot developing stuff with the snap of a finger. It's a must watch anime in my opinion.

16 Name: BaBa : 2016-08-15 16:37 ID:TgvYPuoO [Del]

Yeah, really funny show, watched it a long while ago

17 Name: Kitana : 2016-08-19 16:45 ID:5HoZixim [Del]

The nostalgia! I watched this anime a while ago, and read the manga up until the current bit at the time, but then while waiting for it to continue I ended up distracted and forgot about it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME REMEMBER!