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Nisekoi Season 2 (12)

1 Name: Hako !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-12-22 20:52 ID:3Ugxqycb (Image: 720x712 jpg, 98 kb) [Del]

src/1419303172766.jpg: 720x712, 98 kb
I've always been fond of harem animes. But not like this one! A romantic comedy, Gakuen genre with gangster and all that gags have totally blown my chart of anime favorites.

A story which forced our yakuzan heir protagonist Ichijo Raku to be the boyfriend of the daughter of some boss of another mafia gang that migrated from america to avoid war from breaking out between the two gangs.Where can u get that story!? Well, it would be a perfect romance if the two really liked each other. But really, they hate each other to the extent of using swearwords and Raku getting beated up to a pulp. The story goes more and more complex because of childhood promises, another girl, and another girl again...etc

Well they're having another season, and I really hope that Raku would soon decide who will he end up with (which would be impossible). So I'll stay tuned.

And also... It's funny as heck.

2 Name: Mekakushi Actor : 2014-12-22 22:57 ID:u6wLP+pG [Del]

Can't wait! I am already reading the manga, so I can't wait to see the animation.

Btw the chosen girl has still not benn revealed xD

3 Name: Hako !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-12-23 03:38 ID:3Ugxqycb [Del]

Where can you see the protagonist of a harem anime chose a girl?? *sigh* its always been like that.

4 Name: Sidez : 2014-12-23 03:59 ID:TnyAWdKb [Del]

Nisekoi is one of my favorite anime~
I can't wait for season 2! i want to watch it already
and I like Chitoge~

5 Name: Mekakushi Actor : 2014-12-23 23:50 ID:u6wLP+pG [Del]

>>3 True dat. Raku has lately been annoying me with it too lol

6 Name: Vincent Ryuzaki Kagamine : 2014-12-24 23:59 ID:CzTPPUgb [Del]

when yakuza and mafia become one lol

7 Name: Sravdar : 2014-12-25 14:18 ID:gNsS/daR [Del]

When ? I couldn't read picture :(

8 Name: AYASYGAO : 2014-12-25 18:39 ID:UiY1pibh [Del]

good 赛高

9 Name: Shizuko : 2014-12-25 19:25 ID:tKau+bEQ [Del]

I know this stuff and it's good!!!
Watch it, read it, I recommend it!

10 Name: Shiro Neko : 2014-12-26 00:08 ID:HOWG3uG2 [Del]

Where can I watch the first season?

11 Name: Ra : 2014-12-27 08:45 ID:RLevwz3u [Del]

Haru looks so small in that picture... .-.

12 Name: Mekakushi Actor : 2014-12-27 14:42 ID:u6wLP+pG [Del]

>>7 It says April 2015, that's pretty much all I can read xD
>>10 On websites like Crunchyroll, or or kissanime, stuff like that