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Music Anime Recommendations (7)

1 Name: Theodia !L24i8u/JWk : 2014-12-06 20:31 ID:FgrF6Aln [Del]

Hey fellow Dollars...

I looked through the list of threads as thoroughly as I could and could not find a thread like this, so I'll start it...

Does anyone know any good animes focusing around music? Something like Your Lie In April (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) in terms of how much it focuses around music.

2 Name: Venundreb : 2014-12-07 02:10 ID:sUFs3DyS [Del]

Cowboy Bebop and Beck

3 Name: omera : 2014-12-07 06:23 ID:CYCvycTS [Del]

i dont really know about any good animes focusing around music, but i really like Guilty Crown Ost and song.:) mm.. or maybe u can watch Uta no Prince too. Sorry if i not really help out.

4 Name: BlueWorld : 2014-12-07 09:59 ID:9OlEY327 [Del]

I like the hunterxhunter songs

5 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-12-07 12:49 ID:OzaNLMsr [Del]

Sakamichi no Apollon/Kids on the Slope

Beck seconded

6 Name: megumi : 2014-12-08 23:18 ID:4UVeujOm [Del]

you can check out 'kiniro no corda: blue sky' but i haven't seen it myself yet, its just on my list to watch

7 Name: Zeq : 2014-12-10 01:20 ID:mWAvhE8n [Del]

Haven't watched it myself, but I have heard good things about K-On from my friends. I believe it is a slice of life show about some high schoolers who form a band. All I really know is my friend who is a bass player talking about how good the bass playing is in the show.
Also Cowboy Bebop. Kind of a seminal piece for modern anime, and for that reason alone, something you should watch if you haven't. For 24 episodes and a movie, it got some 4 OSTs plus 2 mini OSTs and a few special OST collections, all written by a band formed pretty much for the show. The music is largely jazz and early rock, and everything from the pacing of the fights to the plot of the episodes draw influence from the music.

Other than that, if you are into jazz, Baccano! and Darker Than Black have some fantastic music (though I would rather hope anyone on these forums has seen Baccano!, given its relation to Durarara!!). FLCL had some great JRock/Punk Rock music by a band called The Pillows. Samurai Champloo does sort of the same thing as Cowboy Bebop, but replacing the scifi setting with feudal Japan, and the music influenced from 20th century American trends with rap and hip hop. Has some pretty great artists like Nujabes doing the music for it. Kill la Kill had some rather catchy music that did a great job of getting you pumped up and keeping you so throughout the increasingly absurd action. Space Dandy had some really solid music as well, kind of a modern, satirical Cowboy Bebop.

Oh, and the movie Redline. A scifi racing movie with fantastic animation and music to match. Beyond one bit of downtime to do some worldbuilding, this movie is nonstop awesome, and the music plays a large part in making that work so damn well.

That is pretty much all of the series I can think of where the music played an integral part in my enjoyment of the show.