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Overrated and Underrated (49)

1 Name: Meekah : 2013-11-06 12:40 ID:xZnoVbvK (Image: 480x330 jpg, 39 kb) [Del]

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Overrated: Attack on Titan

Underrated: Steins; Gate and Magi

What do you think?

2 Name: KamishiniMask : 2013-11-06 19:08 ID:cEZTGUtE [Del]

You really think that Shingeki no Kyojin was overrated?

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-11-06 21:15 ID:0bB13Y1o [Del]

You really think that Steins;Gate and Magi were underrated?

4 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-06 22:08 ID:+pyKhEzE [Del]

>>1 Steins;gate is one of the highest acclaimed anime series out there, it's not underrated.

Also, I feel like this thread is not necessary. There is a thread for anime that everybody likes but you and a bajillion threads for anime that you like.

It technically could survive but I don't have much faith.

5 Name: Ginro : 2013-11-07 06:00 ID:oZ0uIDHD [Del]

In my opinion

overrated: SAO
underrated: .hack//(any)

yeah,both were about online games,but i like the dothacks series better

6 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-11-09 18:05 ID:OgXx3fSg [Del]

>>4 This thread is kinda similar to the ones you mentioned, but I think it's unique enough to stay. With the thread about anime you hate that everyone else likes, you have some opportunity for comparison. But with the various, numerous threads about individual anime, it's more just people gushing about that specific anime with less in-depth discussion about what they did or didn't like. Also, there are so very many of them simply because there is so much anime that exists. This thread offers a single place for comparisons, as they relate to the topic of the thread.

I think that this thread has more potential for comparisons and discussions about those comparisons (because that's what it's about), making it different enough to keep. Those are my thoughts on whether to keep this thread or let it become buried.

And now on to the actual topic of the thread.

I think FLCL is over-rated. There's too much unexplained randomness to make sense of. Even when some of it is explained, and is no longer random, it still seems somewhat absurd and off-putting. For much of the show, I found myself repeatedly asking "why?". Why does this happen? Why does that happen? What's the point of doing this scene or moment like this? I don't inherently dislike randomness, but when it's completely pointless (being random for the sake of being random) I start to lose interest very quickly.

I know the main plot is a coming-of-age story, which is fine. It's not done badly, but I've seen other anime that do it much better, such as Beck: MCS and Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart.

I imagine that FLCL is something that should be watched more with your heart than with your head (I tried to watch it with both). That's all good and well, but it didn't pull on my heartstrings nearly enough to make it work. An example of a show that is entirely heart over head and pulled on my heartstrings to great effect would be Gurren Lagann.

All in all, I don't think FLCL is bad by any means, but I do think it gets more praise than it deserves.

At present, I can't think of a show that I like that I feel is under-rated. If I come up with one, I'll make a post about it.

7 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-09 20:36 ID:3NALIUFz [Del]

>>6 Hrmmm, okay, makes sense.

Underrated: Guilty Crown
I don't get why nobody seems to like the series; I found it incredible. I loved the way that the characters were done and the plot-line, from my experience, was actually startlingly original, which can get rare within anime.

Overrated: Clannad
Clannad is really, really, really, really bad, yet I know a bunch of people that like it. The show spends 22 episodes building up an okay relationship between two unspectacular teenagers just to do a 180 and pull out the ending that it does. I didn't particularly like the show 'Shuffle', either, but I feel like it was a step up of Clannad's archetype.

8 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-11-09 21:24 ID:FVP2/LUq (Image: 555x610 png, 413 kb) [Del]

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I had the same impression of FLCL on my initial watch of it.
Then I rewatched once and liked it a lot more.
Then I rewatched it a second time and thought it was genius.
In the middle of rewatching a third time on Toonami's airings of it, and I firmly believe that it's fantastic. Maybe give it another go?

So since I feel like I can revisit this thread to provide more detailed explanations for multiple series, I think I'm only gonna give one example of each category for each time I decide to post. Right now, here are two that come to mind:

Overrated: The World God Only Knows
It may just be my lack of empathy for game-obsessed geeks, but I found The World God Only Knows average at best. Keima was a character whose personality I not only couldn't connect with, but also remained static for the whole course of the show. I get that there was meant to be humor with how he casually disregards the romantic elements of his supposed harem, but I couldn't see as anything other than poor writing and him just being an ignorantly rude dunce to other people. I didn't find anything real memorable in any of the girls he "helped" and while Elsie was okay, she certainly isn't enough to make this feel like a success in my book. My honest conclusion is that this show only succeeded because the anime fanbase is what it is.

Credit where it's due though, its OP is beautiful.

Underrated: Senyuu
Now this is some comedy I can get behind. Remember the days of waking up at 8 for Saturday morning cartoons on whatever channels you happened to receive? The good ol' days? Roll in a shitload of anime terminology to your favorite hero-beats-villain cartoon and you more or less have Senyuu. The episodes are short, only about 4 minutes in length, and yet the show's bombastic cast, brilliant voice acting, and superb comedic pacing and writing make this not just a standout comedy action-deconstruction from this year but one of the most rewatchable, hilarious shows I've ever seen.

And I haven't been able to talk to like, anyone but Harubro about it. You guys can marathon this shit over at Crunchyroll within 2 and a half hours. What's stopping you?

Trust the Yatabro. /o/

9 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2013-11-10 00:25 ID:xOulpaWl (Image: 400x500 jpg, 82 kb) [Del]

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I feel like we have similar tastes.

I'm probably eventually going to write a post on Eureka Seven vs Xam'd: Lost Memories in favor of Xam'd, but it's a tricky comparison because they're in a lot of ways the exact same thing. Need to watch E7 again to confirm though, so in the meantime...

Overrated: Darker than Black (First Series)
-The lore makes no sense whatsoever and doesn't try to, and (though it is pretty damn cool at times) the overall plot is extremely disjointed.

Underrated: Birdy the Mighty: Decode
-This show, especially the second season, knows how to pace itself perfectly. the story and characters are engaging, and the first season is fairly straightforward (and quite good). However, the second season brings on a new tone, overall intensity and seriousness. Nobody really talks about this series anymore, but when I first saw it I didn't know what to do with myself after getting through season 2 episode 7. It's some pretty heavy shit. Also holy sh*t dat score.

10 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-11-10 03:45 ID:OgXx3fSg [Del]

>>8 I had first watched FLCL probably 5 or so years ago, so this was a first rewatch. I will say that this time around I was able to pick up more, which helped. The bits of randomness that were pointless still bothered me, though. I did like it better than the first time I saw it. To give you an idea of how little I picked up when I first watched it, I didn't even recognize that it was a coming-of-age story. >.>9 Your point about the lore is why I felt so disappointed when I watched the second season. There was so much that they introduced in the first season that they could have built on (where did the gates and false stars come from?; how does the whole contractor thing happen?; the evolution of contractors and dolls; Pai) to have a second season that explored really interesting ideas, but they went off into left field and made something that really could have been an entirely different show and felt like it had no connection to the first season. I felt like they completely ruined the potential they had.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-11-10 10:38 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

I'm interested in your thoughts on Xam'd vs. Eureka Seven. E7 is one of my favorite anime (though a considerable part of that is nostalgia, as it's one of the earliest ones I watched) and I haven't seen Xam'd, though I've heard it's good.

Also never heard of the Birdy the Mighty series, though I guess I shall check that out.

My view of FLCL is that it is really an extremely dirty love story with the "sci-fi" for lack of a better word, elements thrown in to allow a lot of innuendo. Pretty much every character in the series is an asshole, and it's the interactions that make it all stick together. Out of curiousity, did you see the sub, dub or both? When I first started, I tried the dub and disliked episode 1 so I switched over to subs. On my second watch, I stuck with the dub the whole way through and the dubbing dramatically improved after that 1st episode, to the extent where I wonder if they just fucked around with it so hard to see who would stay.

13 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2013-11-10 11:07 ID:xOulpaWl [Del]

do it.

I'd post the first season's trailer as well, but I think if you watch the first episode without spoilers you'll be effectively hooked. Also the dub is reeeeeally good, the casting is very effective so Funimation's worse regulars end up only being relevant for like 1 episode, and their mix of it is well handled. In my opinion Luci Christian does her best work as Birdy.

14 Name: Ysera : 2013-11-10 11:22 ID:+ENr5RWY [Del]

Overrated: actually i think attack on titan is a good anime. the only problem is, spoiler is everywhere, which leaves people who haven't read the manga no surprise. It is soooooooooooooooooo annoying. plus, sometimes the dialogue is a little too long. Most animations i've watched are quite good.

Underrated: Guilty Crown. If there was no Code Geass, maybe GC would be more popular now.

15 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-11-10 15:16 ID:OgXx3fSg [Del]

>>12 I watched it dubbed. The dub didn't bother me at all. I thought it was very well done, and was my favorite part of the anime. I'm not opposed to re-watching it again, but if I do, it probably won't be for a long time.

>>9 I'm re-posting this, which was directed at you, because I noticed that my post got a bit messed up. If you did see it the first time and just didn't have anything to say in response, then just ignore this. If you didn't see it, it is:

Your point about the lore is why I felt so disappointed when I watched the second season (of Darker than Black). There was so much that they introduced in the first season that they could have built on (where did the gates and false stars come from?; how does the whole contractor thing happen?; the evolution of contractors and dolls; Pai) to have a second season that explored really interesting ideas, but they went off into left field and made something that really could have been an entirely different show and felt like it had no connection to the first season. I felt like they completely ruined the potential they had.

16 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2013-11-10 16:40 ID:xOulpaWl [Del]

Oh, I actually didn't see your reply. I totally understand your point, and I do agree they did need to touch on that stuff, but I feel like ultimately the reason they never go into that stuff in either season is that they just don't have that shit figured out themselves, and thus can't answer those questions effectively, so they decide to avoid the issue altogether (in BOTH seasons). The reason I like the second better is that it at least had a cohesive theme other than "this is cool as shit, yeah?". That's all.

For real though if they ever do go into that stuff I will concede to you and we can both revel in that awesomeness, but as it stands I think that's what the problem is.

17 Name: CrazyOtaku : 2013-11-10 20:00 ID:NCG8KXiY [Del]

Nah Magi not that bad due to 3rd season starting and hot is steins gate under rated my senior went crazy over that anime

18 Name: CrazyOtaku : 2013-11-10 20:00 ID:NCG8KXiY [Del]

oh sorry not 3rd season but 2nd

19 Name: jadekyo : 2014-10-25 09:42 ID:0Lcc6/bo [Del]

overrated: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

underrated: Bokurano

20 Name: Sleepy Savior : 2014-10-25 11:20 ID:TJhQ6PzT [Del]

I have to disagree on the FMA:B overrated, mainly because of how much detail goes into it. After watching the show 5 times, I'm still noticing more things about it. Hard to overrate something with that much detail.

Overrated: Bleach. Even when friends show me the "most intense" moments, it still looks like animation from the 90's. plus the whole "Aizen planned this" thing gets old fast.

Underrated: Tagami Bachi, hard to explain, but it is awesome.

>>14 And sorry to disagree, but I have read the manga, and there are like two things that havent been in the show yet. The identities of the other titans, and a titan that hasn't been seen yet. Other than that it's just new arcs. Which have literally all been "Lets go to that baseme- oh crud, Erens been kidnapped again, guess the basement has to wait."

21 Name: bing : 2014-10-25 12:02 ID:w8mwWAof [Del]

i wanted to join this discussion but was to lazy to read the entire dialog

22 Name: Ramatype : 2014-10-25 12:48 ID:QMgNmVOS [Del]

Overrated: For sure Mirai Nikki (Future Diary). The anime was mostly enjoyable and the premise was awesome, but the middle section of the show was terrible. After the time when *SPOILERS AHEAD* Yuno takes Yuki hostage, it was so boring and the other diary owers they defeated at this time got little character development. The ending was decent (definitely improved by the OVA), but still had some plot holes. So decent but not as good as it is rated, in my opinion.

Underrated: I'm not sure if I would really say I've seen a grossly underrated anime. I enjoyed Deadman Wonderland, but the anime wasn't that great (manga was awesome).

23 Name: HolyNightmare : 2014-10-26 09:10 ID:I0gkRTlC [Del]

Overrated: Sword Art Online. I apologise in advance to any SAO fans, but this is the most disappointing anime I've ever watched, and the prime example of wasted potential. I had such high expectations for this show and I could go on literally forever as to every last problem I had with it. Most of them stem from the story and characters. I suppose it may be my own fault for having such high expectations, but there's no denying that SAO could've been SO MUCH better than it was. For me, SAO's only merits are: the art style, music and first 3 episodes.

Underrated: Mushishi. Being one of my favourites, this unfortunately isn't something that a lot of people I know have heard of. Its visuals are beautiful and it's the perfect thing to watch when you need to relax. Truly an original masterpiece that deserves more attention.

24 Name: Bellie : 2014-10-26 10:42 ID:OxqSH4ku [Del]

Overrated : Aldnoah Zero
It's funny how anime producers nowadays play with their fans' emotions like we're ragged dolls. Cannot take anything less tragic and twisted. This just messes me up.
Underrated: Your Lie In April
This is a beautiful anime that echoes to my very soul and it deserves more.

25 Name: AsbestosX : 2014-10-26 15:21 ID:Yz2ZbcxG [Del]

Overrated- SAO (was good but turned sour for me...)
Underrated- SPICE AND WOLF (my baby... you never got your deserved 3rd season! *cries*)

26 Name: Stranger : 2014-10-26 23:05 ID:vMCmjCSK [Del]

Overrated - Full Metal Alchemist
I get it, it was good... but it wasn't legendary, and they honestly could have done a lot more.
... the whole Nina thing was a little off-putting too... She just couldn't get away from her dog...

Underrated - GURREN LAGGEN
I swear... this has to be one of the best anime's I have seen. EVER. And I watch a LOT of anime.
This show had a daring hero who pulled everyone though literally everything with his no holds bar attitude.
Quotes like "WHO DO YOU THINK I AM?!" and "MY DRILL WILL BE THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS" will actually stick with me for life. It has a lot of comedic value, balanced brilliantly with some very serious story lining, showing us that behind every dark cloud, there is always a silver lining. Then of course you have your massive boobed redhead who wears almost nothing and likes to play with big guns.
Only bad thing I had to say where this anime was concerned, was the ending, but... the rest of it makes up for this, so its all good!!!

27 Name: Stranger : 2014-10-26 23:08 ID:vMCmjCSK [Del]

**Gurren Lagann
damn funny spelled words :P

28 Name: Izaya : 2014-10-27 11:25 ID:729JJKeE [Del]

Have any of u seen dayman for this amv

29 Name: Ombree : 2014-10-27 23:02 ID:TaodpIza [Del]

I have to agree with you about Gurren Lagann being underrated.

I swear this is the best anime I watched of all my life, it was pure epicness and I will remember it forever.

Holly molly I loved it.

30 Name: megumi : 2014-10-27 23:25 ID:4UVeujOm [Del]

This is a underrated anime that is super amazing everyone should check it out, and i mean it was like AMAZING!!!

Anime name ---> Tegami Bachi

31 Name: Hibiscus : 2014-11-14 21:52 ID:aQN8tJ7A [Del]

Overrated: Sword Art Online
Underrated: There's so many, but seriously, Nagi no Asukara.

32 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-11-15 01:48 ID:rZFHrlKh [Del]

Overrated: Attack on Titan. Jesus fucking christ, this show is smothering. A good dark show would use some positive, bright, good moments to contrast the dark atmosphere and make it seem even worse by comparison, but instead, it just smothers you with dark until you don't give a shit about it anymore because it's repetitive and predictable.

Underrated: This one is tough. I could use some more obscure ones, but I think I have to go with SAO. Not that Sword Art isn't popular, I just find it underrated because people watch it, and it's not what they're expecting, so they hate on it, and it doesn't dserve a lot of the shit it gets.

33 Name: Ri-Ri : 2014-11-15 19:49 ID:1wgSvE2W [Del]

I have always loved Attack on Titan but I don't think it's one of those overrated shows. I thought it was creative and different. Main character my scream and yell but that's just his personality. He wants to get revenge and so, let him be.

Overrated: SAO. I'm sorry, but I never found it mind grabbing.

Underrated: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club. Okay, okay, it's an anime on shirtless guys. But so what? Guys can watch it too, without bein called gay. Guys swim and guys watch them swim. Is that so bad? If they openly admit that they are gay, then so what? There's nothing funny about that. Sure, the main audience are girls, but so what if guys like it? Besides all the shirtlessness, I love the story and I actually teared up at the end of the 1st season and cried at the end of the 2nd season.

34 Name: Izaya O. : 2014-11-16 01:03 ID:go0Dzm85 [Del]

Over rated:Black butler book of circus
Under rated:POKEMON

35 Name: Sakurada Kiritsugu : 2014-11-18 03:52 ID:gArn/PJr [Del]

Over rated: Ummmm, a lot of people have taken the good ones.

Under rated: Jormungandr.

36 Name: Mana : 2014-11-18 15:04 ID:3du1JiBl [Del]

I love Stains;Gate so much but it's not over rated in Japan as they made a replica of the time machine on the actual building and Magi isn't underrated either. I love both of them so much though-especially Magi.

37 Name: Re:start : 2014-11-18 18:32 ID:RCDTqOq1 [Del]

Over rated: Naruto
Under rated: Ghost in the Shell

38 Name: Cryessi : 2014-11-19 04:39 ID:RZtIbCbp [Del]

Overrated: Obviously stuff like Naruto, SAO and Bleach.
Underrated: Gatchaman Crowds.

39 Name: Sasayan : 2014-11-20 09:27 ID:TBhXdp4z [Del]

Overrated: SAO
Underrated: Nabari ou ou

40 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-11-20 14:01 ID:Ie3F+fRq [Del]

Overrated : definitely SAO
Underrated : to be honest , Durarara is pretty underrated from what I've seen (it's still pretty big,but it deserves alot more recognition than it has at the moment)

41 Name: Ari!!RV+3t7/a : 2014-11-20 18:55 ID:FRU5z9cB [Del]

Overrater: Like no others, One Piece, Fairy Tale.
Underrated: Natsume's Yuujinchou, Hyouka, [k], Black Cat, Coppelion, 0-7 Ghost

42 Name: petrifiedrose : 2014-11-22 04:37 ID:3EFrH4zN [Del]

after giving so thoughts..
Overrated : SOA, Fairy Tail
Underrated : Psycho Pass, Durarara, Ao no Exorcist

43 Post deleted by user.

44 Name: George : 2014-11-22 10:50 ID:1F6Msg+p [Del]

Not everything on this list is bad or not fun to watch (some of it is,) but... they're a definitely Overrated: SAO, Fairy Tail, Accel World, Free!, la cordo d'oro (this one not many watch, but the people I know who watched it overrated it,) SNK, yowamushi pedal, rail wars, Ao no exorcist, K-project etc.

Underated: baccano, durarara (to some extent,) Akame Ga Kill (has recognition, but is really good,) gekkan shojo nozaki-kun, akatsuki no yona, love stage, etc.

45 Name: Riukkuyo : 2014-11-22 17:34 ID:SVdTBnvP [Del]

Overated: Lucky Star/Azumanga Daioh, Cutesy anime about school life/slice of life.

Underated: Non Non Biyori. Still a cutesy anime about school life/slice of life, but with different age groups and great characters. It's one of the best slice of life animes.

46 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi : 2015-01-14 23:03 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

Overrated: Fairy Tail
Underrated: Bokurano, 07 Ghost, Nabari no Ou, Black Cat, C:The Money of the Soul and Possibility Control.

47 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi : 2015-01-14 23:16 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

Underrated: Ooki furikabutte, Texnolyze.

48 Name: BK201 : 2015-01-15 01:18 ID:UxmsNIHS (Image: 317x450 jpg, 51 kb) [Del]

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Overrated: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Gundam.

Underrated: C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, Mousou Dairinin, Shiki, When They Cry.

Great anime, the lot of them, loved them all xD

(Photo is from Mousou Darinin) Enjoy :D

49 Name: Celty : 2015-01-15 17:46 ID:APT5eOEz (Image: 200x282 jpg, 29 kb) [Del]

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This my not be related to the question but I love the anime Magi. It is so good I also started reading the manga and it is amazing. My favorite couple in the series is Kouen and Hakuei. They look cute together and I am not the only one that thinks so.