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Your Most Influential Anime (43)

1 Name: Aoi Sora : 2013-08-12 04:48 ID:pwuXyqYY [Del]

OK, so I dont think I have seen this yet, but I would like to know what anime you have seen or are continuing to watch that has had the most influence in your life. Some sort of lesson/idea you have gotten from it. Mine would be Code Geass, because it taught me that the lines between "good" and "evil" are anything but black and white. :)

2 Name: Masaomi Kida : 2013-08-12 17:10 ID:SzEC4IIV [Del]

Durarara!! acually, I remember when Celty said *The world isnt as bad as you think*, it give me a new way to view my life and it ultimately changed me as a person, this was anime and I got attached to it very quickly and even today it's very important to me.

3 Name: Ignis : 2013-08-13 11:45 ID:UuKsHwaA [Del]

I think almost every anime I've watched or I'm continue watching (or manga I've read/continue reading) gave a lesson/idea...^^

4 Name: SillyStan : 2013-08-15 21:01 ID:7pCu++Vf [Del]

Just cuz. He's my childhood hero. He's my friend. And he teaches me no matter how hard life kicks you down, NEVER GIVE UP & BELIEVE IT!! It might sound cheesy, but yeah. Naruto.

5 Name: Red n' Specs : 2013-08-16 08:35 ID:tdfwBWJd [Del]

I'd have to go with Gurren Lagann. When I was a kid I also had a very inspirational, very cocky mentor, who ended up moving away. She taught me so much and I feel she is the Kamina to my Simon so to speak.

This show gave me so many feels, and I think it reminded me to spread positivity wherever I go, and always hold my head high, a few lessons from her I almost forgot.

Although, Trigun is a close second, for the exact same reason.

6 Name: Steve : 2013-08-16 23:45 ID:tUKgBAQq [Del]

There are so many that come to mind, but the one that sticks out is Death Note. It taught me that some evils are needed for the good of the world & that good deeds don't solve everything.

7 Name: ...... : 2013-08-17 03:32 ID:ykL1Y+3e [Del]

Shaman King and Naruto

8 Name: Tainted!ljn0ylEcdg : 2013-08-17 08:06 ID:9M2VoW/l [Del]

Hmm i would say that's a hard question
but i think its Death Note for me
since it helped me improve in my observation skills.

9 Name: ಠ_ಠ-- Lone-Wolf-kyle-(> ⌣̀_⌣́)>♥ : 2013-08-17 20:33 ID:thYmwhTR [Del]

Angel Beats~ Angel Beats taught me and probably everyone who watched it to live your life to the fullest with purpose, cause one day we all have to die and and when we're dying the last thing we should remember is 'What an awesome life i lived' instead of begging for more time to change your regrets.

ToraDora~ it taught me about love with a ghost explanation "I believe in ghost. When someone sees a ghost, they'll get shocked, they are some who will continue to think they don't exist, but there are also some who will see it cause they tried there best"

Pokemon 1st movie~ Mew Two quoted "I see now that the Circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."

Naruto shippuden~ Naruto taught me to never give up on your dreams. Rock Lee taught me that hard work is useless, unless you believe in yourself. Gaara taught me 'if love is just a word then why when it isn't there we feel so much pain'

Stien;Gate~ taught me to accept fate the way it is, cause changing it would only cause a burden somewhere else which will still affect you in some way

Fairy Tail~ taught me "Fear is not evil, it tells you what your weakness is, and once you know what your weakness is you can become stronger as well as kinder"-gildarts
"when people realize how lonely it is being on there own, they become more kinder" Mirajane

there's more but since no one is actually gonna read all this i'll stop XD

10 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-18 06:03 ID:4VJLVcXV [Del]

Naruto for the teamwork and losing one of your good friends.
Fairy tail for friendship, I wish I could have friends like that for a family and too NEVER give up.
Ouran highschool host club for not caring if you look like a boy or not and that gender doesn't matter.

These are the anime that have Influence.

11 Name: Larmann-Krogeus : 2013-08-19 01:55 ID:sKs7OCoK [Del]

I dunno if this is necessarily following the prompt, but I believe it's noteworthy.

As a prospective Sound Designer, I'm always trying to learn anything I can about how to effectively use the phenomenon of sound and the way we perceive it as individuals to strike a chord psychologically. One show I watched, Welcome to the N.H.K., introduced me to one of my favorite techniques that I've build experience on after hearing it in use: the power of absolute silence.

The scene where he imagines himself as the only person in the universe... has no sound whatsoever in between the dialogue. Not even air fill or room tone. The impact of taking even that away from the viewer had not even really occurred to me before that. It is now one of my favorite tools in designing sequences and scenes.

12 Name: LinkSeasonMaster : 2015-02-22 15:41 ID:87g13vD3 [Del]

For me, it has to be Outlaw Star. It has been played such a large role in my life, and to this day, it remains my favorite anime of all time! You better get ready!

13 Name: kopiko : 2015-02-22 21:12 ID:q7Y8WLHw [Del]

madoka magica because sometimes your worst enemy is truly yourself and a whole other lot of morals and lessons that really impacted my psyche??

14 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2015-02-22 21:29 ID:whh+7JIs [Del]

the most influential anime I've watched is probably Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Despite the fact that they had performed human sacrifice, the Elric brothers never stopped moving. The characters were very inspirational and even the Homunculi were very influential. It motivated me to keep going, no matter what the bads and goods are.

15 Name: Reneo : 2015-02-22 22:26 ID:yquqhPf+ [Del]

Probably Card Captor Sakura! =)

16 Name: M : 2015-02-22 22:49 ID:5OaBaZnP [Del]

Naruto and Code Geass made me look at the world in a different way. So much wisdom in these animes.

17 Name: Biku : 2015-02-22 22:54 ID:CMHdqCxk [Del]

Mine would be Persona 4 The Animation :D

18 Name: Pen-Jiku : 2015-02-23 03:06 ID:shb0XxGn [Del]

this is hard........One Piece? Or maybe its Durarara, cuz it taught me about how complicated life can be, and coincidences, and xxxholic definetly

19 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-23 03:22 ID:XvRqwsH1 [Del]

like 5 years ago Naruto had me really deep, like, after that all has just pooled into a big porridge of wisdom and I thought that nothing could have me so good
but then I started to watch the 2011 Hunter x Hunter, I got the same Naruto vibes, like the really really good ones, like I was thrown straight back to the primary school and first discovering anime
after watching the last episode, I felt like I had finally found inner peace

20 Name: Kanata : 2015-02-23 08:40 ID:JdJtSLlj [Del]

definitely Digimon!

21 Name: Bateneko : 2015-02-23 09:38 ID:Ae0XwZIc [Del]

Totally naruto!! It taught me that if believe in yourself you could even change your fate. Ps I love neiji and cried so much when he died

22 Name: Nymeria : 2015-02-23 12:42 ID:ML0Lk9EI [Del]

Naruto!! It taught me that the most important thing that I have in my life are my friends, who recognize me and accept me by who I am. I was in a very troubled moment of my life when I started watching it and it was because of Naruto that I could go through all of my problems, 'cause it made me realize what a great group of friends I had, and that I wasn't as lonely as I thought I was.

23 Name: Deki : 2015-02-23 20:49 ID:0QvD6aR7 [Del]

I think Black Butler, because ciel has to push through everything, even though what he wants his outcome to be isn't what I would do. Just all that he has to go through, and he is still right in the head, somewhat.

24 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!tlzjQjHf9o : 2015-02-24 23:57 ID:y62efrhK [Del]

Bokurano hit me hard. I can't explain what it taught me, but it was...interesting. Also, One Piece. Well, maybe Paranoia Agent, or Texhnolyze. Either way, definitely Bokurano.

25 Name: Naroku1 : 2015-02-25 00:29 ID:F85GSUEM [Del]

Log Horizon No Game No Life and Natsume Yuujinchou taught me how I can overcome my inner loneliness

26 Name: Honoko Orihara : 2015-02-25 02:00 ID:gN6DT0Hj [Del]

Ooh, Naruto I would say. I imagine Naruto in my mind cheering me on through the things I think I can't do. Durarara too. It makes me notice the little things in life, and it makes my life more interesting.

27 Name: Hayden Bass : 2015-02-25 10:17 ID:lqyWlF5Y [Del]

Elemental Gelade. I encourage everyone to watch this because there are no words to describe the impact this anime has.

28 Name: Draculacard : 2015-02-25 21:42 ID:pz7z/RwD [Del]

Parasyte the maxim. The philiosphical discussions Tamiya Reiko and Migi Have with Shinichi about the meaning of life and nature always make me think.

29 Name: D¬¬ : 2015-02-26 02:47 ID:mJcj6q+9 [Del]

Gintama, helped me follow my beliefs and personality instead of societies, taught me how to happy life is the best types of lives, and that I should live it to the fullest
Barakamon, well, the whole anime covers it. Work hard, and live through lifes obstacles without hesitation

30 Name: koi : 2015-02-26 09:04 ID:mgEVySlR [Del]

Gundam 00

31 Name: Gintoki : 2015-07-18 12:44 ID:rqWRO1n7 (Image: 500x375 jpg, 49 kb) [Del]

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Gintama and laughing under the cloads taught me alot. Gintama taught me that nothing beats kindness and to cherish what i have and luaghing under the cloads taught me to that theres nothing wrong with crying as long as ur able to luagh and be happy afterwards

32 Name: Mr_Shoplifter : 2015-07-18 14:30 ID:k/6sD/Wb (Image: 661x800 png, 343 kb) [Del]

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Gurren lagann Influenced me the most. What I basically got from that show was that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. I know that's not true in some cases but it's a good message I think.

33 Name: Elucidator : 2015-07-20 04:38 ID:Uw0nAJA+ [Del]

When I was a kid tho, DBZ played a HUGE part in my life, mainly because Goku was like the dream superhero and he was so influential to me. But I also find Gintama a very influential anime- some of it arcs really have good plot and teaches a lot of morales (jokes and nonsense aside xD)

34 Name: Thug : 2015-07-20 05:06 ID:j9KoBOzU (Image: 1920x1200 jpg, 295 kb) [Del]

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I think mine is Bakuman, I was really moved at how the two teen-aged boys strives for their dream in the anime, taking many risks and thinking that every choice they make is a gamble. Which I totally agree.

35 Name: Tempest : 2015-07-21 11:42 ID:UxmsNIHS (Image: 1680x1050 jpg, 534 kb) [Del]

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Easily Horizon On The Middle Of Nowhere

Made me see that you can do anything to change fate!
Wonderful anime with wonderful characters!

36 Name: Lil Ghoul : 2015-07-21 18:41 ID:0hvnGcAt (Image: 1280x908 jpg, 228 kb) [Del]

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Tokyo Ghoul Because It Has A Very Good Opening And Also It Was A Great Anime, And The Last Episode Of Tokyo Ghoul Season 2 Make Me Cried A Lot.

37 Name: Jun : 2015-07-24 20:46 ID:Yu0GNmnD (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 247 kb) [Del]

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Mine has to be JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Not just the anime series, but the whole franchise has been really influential. I have been a fan of it since 2007 and I became really intrigued with it's creativity and it's interesting characters.

38 Name: (blank) : 2015-07-24 21:24 ID:TZgGyzmG [Del]

what anime is that the one at the top

39 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-07-25 10:26 ID:hEq4YLPk [Del]

attack on titan really inspired me for some reason

40 Name: Ichiro : 2015-07-25 12:09 ID:QGYz4wHT [Del]

Drrr!! Changed my view of what an image board community can be, Soul Eater made me more accepting of my friends flaws.

41 Name: Izteef : 2015-07-27 02:39 ID:z8qmbEy9 [Del]

POKEMON is my first anime and its what really got me to get out of my introvert world. No matter how suck it is now, still forever my best friend.

FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD made me realize how small humans really are and how big the world really is.

DURARARA!! taught me that for every dark side of things, there is always a lighter side and that "The world isn't as bad as you think." (And that throwing Vending Machines are cool!)

42 Name: ldlove3 : 2015-07-27 04:48 ID:9Q6rRUMI [Del]

InuYasha really had an impact on my life because of just how light hea rted it is.

Naruto had an impact on my life because it taught me to have the guts to never give up on your dreams and to never give up on hope.

Wolf's Rain showed me the beauty of
life and new beginnings.

Durarara has shown me that there's always a touch of light even in the greatest darkness and that life can be very exciting!

43 Name: Mudial : 2015-08-01 05:05 ID:+MPEembA [Del]

I say the world god only knows really change me. At first i was just your ordinary shy otaku kid that you usually see around but after i watch TWGOK i realizee there is no need for me to hide my interest at something.