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nabari no ou (13)

1 Name: dragneel7 : 2013-05-23 19:21 ID:Y5FvZc/j (Image: 576x432 jpg, 55 kb) [Del]

src/1369354887267.jpg: 576x432, 55 kb
So this anime is about a very non emotional boy (miharu) who ha this power to see...well truth I guess and can use these crazy powers while seeing it however his teacher who lives in the world of nabari(a parallel like universe) tries to have him join his small band of people that secretly live in the nabari world and try and extract his power so that he won't have to go through what they have by finding 5 sacred ninja scrolls scrolling a note group tries and get miharu on their side to us the power for evil evil and dominate the world of nabari an later befriends one of them that doesn't necessarily want to be alive or anything because of his powers and what he's done

2 Name: dragneel7 : 2013-05-23 19:26 ID:Y5FvZc/j [Del]

...By finding 5 ninja scrollbar an evil group of people from nabari try an by miharu...

3 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-05-23 21:35 ID:IG531SoT [Del]

Did you know that this is a duplicate? I'm just wondering if you know.

4 Name: dragneel7 : 2013-05-23 22:10 ID:s+9A0+c5 [Del]

O sorry no I did not

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-05-23 22:19 ID:VNlLy2xK [Del]

I was gonna say something about it being a bupe too but then I actually looked at the other one. This one has actually has a description so I say let this one live!

7 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-05-23 22:28 ID:IG531SoT [Del]

Yeah, I checked the other one and it sucks. I just wanted to see if he/she knew.

Next time, check to see if there's a thread that already exists.

8 Name: dragneel7 : 2013-05-23 22:30 ID:s+9A0+c5 [Del]

I will

9 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-05-23 23:40 ID:IG531SoT [Del]

I love Nabari no Ou. I was really sad when, you know, 'that' happened. I cried after watching the anime and reading the manga.

10 Name: Piangela : 2013-05-25 21:00 ID:ivfq1BXI [Del]

I watched this! It was really nice and I loved it.

11 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-05-25 21:20 ID:IG531SoT [Del]

It's full of surprises.

12 Name: Orangies : 2013-05-25 21:36 ID:EJMpIA/7 [Del]

I loved it but... Is it bad that I absolutely hated the ending?

I'm too lazy to read the manga at the moment (Yeah, after 2 years... I'm still saying that) so I don't know what happens afterwards... Oh well~

13 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-05-25 22:14 ID:IG531SoT [Del]

No, it's not bad. I thought that both endings were pretty sad.