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Unanswered Questions in Anime (29)

1 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-23 11:12 ID:lo8dkSYM [Del]

Many many times there are small details in a story that simply are so open ended that we are left angry that no one answered the question. There have been loopholes and details left in the dark in all anime. One example I have is why most of the crew in Ghost in the Shell had no information about their back stories revealed. Or if Lelouch really did become immortal at the end of Code Geass. Sometimes these things are self explanatory but we stil feel like we deserved more clear answers.

What's your favorite unanswered question in an anime?
(If this thread is deemed poor or un-needed, please inform me, I'll sage this myself if needed.)

2 Name: Maylin : 2013-04-23 12:46 ID:YPNFD/IT [Del]

You just HAD to throw in the thing about Lelouch didn't you! D:<
could of at least gave a spoiler alert! T_T

3 Name: Sola : 2013-04-23 18:33 ID:fUT9hoQ7 [Del]

One of my favorite unanswered question is what world did Heroine choose in the end of amnesia? Although, I would love to know, it kind of adds to the effect, like what world would you choose XD

4 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-23 19:38 ID:idl12AWp [Del]

>>2 If you read the thread title, you should have been able to tell that the thread was a spoiler thread.It's your fault.

5 Name: Shizuka : 2013-04-23 20:24 ID:9hahLuZE [Del]

Well, to answer the Code Geass one. Even though he did not grant CC's wish, he lives after being stabbed. I would say that he did become immortal. I don't know if this help or anything.

6 Name: Scy : 2013-04-23 21:39 ID:Jri3Vq/1 [Del]

>>5 He does? I looked for a long while for the answer to that! I didn't know he lived...

7 Name: Sheka : 2013-04-24 07:24 ID:9kARQrFm [Del]

>>5 I heard he changed CC's wish to live instead

8 Name: Solace : 2013-04-24 07:38 ID:SlzIbT5r [Del]

Oh god I was planning on watching code geass... Hope its not ruined.
All I read was post 5 and the OP! please warn of spoilers (I know it should be obvious but just to save people as retarded as me)
Everything about the GiTS team's backstory is explained in the Manga, look it up on Wikipedia if you cant be bothered. A question for me would have to be, what the fuck happened in the time skip at the end of Guilty Crown? And why Natsume never tried to gain powers in Natsume Yuujinchou. Those aren't plot related but are the ones that bothered me the most.

9 Name: bang-bang : 2013-04-24 08:27 ID:QMTEKB26 [Del]

>>8 What do you mean by Natsume gaining powers?

And this thread is kind of like that Best Endings thread, where it's impossible to avoid spoilers once you decide to read it. Pretty much the only reason it's not a very good idea fir a thread.

10 Name: Solace : 2013-04-24 22:53 ID:W/9/bjzt [Del]

>>9 He obviously has great potential because he can one shot smaller spirits with a punch, his grandma had kickass fighting skills and he is always getting attacked by evil spirits that are trying to eat him and such. Why not learn some sealing/fighting/magic techniques and bring the fight back?

11 Name: Shizuka : 2013-04-25 11:57 ID:i6g69MES [Del]

>>6 If you look for the Japanese version, you will see that Lelouch is alive
>>7 I never heard that but it could be true

12 Name: Chizuru : 2013-08-13 00:39 ID:UXtLbG0h [Del]

This one is about Angel Beats. :P If Otonashi gave Kanade his organs after he died, that means he died first. Then Kanade passed after him. So why is it that when Otonashi arrives at the underworld, Kanade is there BEFORE him? Was there a period where he wandered in between the world of life and death? This always drove me crazy. :P

13 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-08-13 01:54 ID:aRpD9/6F [Del]

At the end of Elfen Lied, that was Lucy, right?

14 Name: Keyboard : 2013-08-13 05:38 ID:LjLWbqBV [Del]

How bout the whole mindf*ck that are the endings of Darker Than Black??

15 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-13 13:55 ID:OgXx3fSg [Del]

>>1 With Ghost in the Shell SAC (and 2nd Gig), as far as the anime goes, I didn't really feel like I needed the characters' backstories. I felt like what relatively little they did show was enough.

The way I understood the ending of Code Geass was that Lelouch died, and his consciousness became part of the collective unconscious. C.C., being...well...C.C., was still able to communicate with him.

My big unanswered question is what's the story behind the gates and the false stars and the contractors and dolls in Darker Than Black. They don't ever go into that. It's part of why I was so frustrated at the 2nd season. They could have explored where the gates, false stars, contractors, and dolls came from, in addition to the evolution of dolls and contractors. It still frustrates me when I think about how they completely botched the second season and ruined its potential.

16 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-13 16:30 ID:VT8Ba5sd [Del]

death and rebirth of EVA?..... What. The. FUCK. Was. THat?!

17 Name: Steve : 2013-08-25 17:45 ID:tUKgBAQq [Del]

So I know that the 2nd arc of SAO is ALO, but whats this GGO (Gun Gale Online iirc) I hear is supposed to be the 3rd arc? I've heard about ALO but not GGO. Btw, I know spoilers are a given here but if u can explain w/o them i'd appreciate it. If not, that's cool too.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-25 17:53 ID:a06wO9TE [Del]

>>17 It's the third arc obviously. You'll have to read the Light Novel to know the plot of GGO, because obviously it's not adapted yet. Shouldn't think go in the SAO thread?

19 Name: Steve : 2013-08-25 18:18 ID:tUKgBAQq [Del]

>>18 well yea, but I thought since no one asked it could go here too. Oh well...

20 Name: Yuuko !agJZKPpgxw : 2013-08-25 20:20 ID:fn3oYm8J [Del]

>>12 it probably has to do with the fact that time has no effect in the afterlife, so it's eternally the same and anything can happen in the afterlife, so you get get plopped wherever in the time that you just happen be get throw to.

On another note, it's kind of sad that we get left with so many loose end about each of the side characters and even Hinata. You just felt you need to know a bit more about these characters.

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Post deleted by user.

23 Name: Rexist : 2014-02-24 00:49 ID:Hnz8aStw [Del]

what's C.C real name? -Code Geass-

24 Name: ZeroCoolX : 2014-02-25 02:41 ID:+ndvO//4 [Del]

if you can lip sync Lelouch voice in the cave scene then you would probably figure it out.

25 Name: Axel Faraday : 2014-02-25 14:46 ID:3rZ1Vu67 [Del]

I'm amazed this thread is on the top! Nice.

26 Name: Robo40 : 2014-02-25 15:32 ID:G7Uh6kuo [Del]

Episode:Over 90000000000000....!

27 Name: Axel Faraday : 2014-02-25 18:48 ID:dC7O/ZSL [Del]

How does Lelouch's Zero mask work? Like you know when opened the bit over his eye, how does he activate that?

28 Name: DeadsetFuture : 2014-02-25 20:31 ID:XJVTbn4v [Del]

Will the main character in school animes ever stop looking out the god damned window?

29 Name: Axel Faraday : 2014-02-28 21:36 ID:dC7O/ZSL [Del]

>>28 I love Windows!