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Bokurano (40)

1 Name: Bokurano : 2013-03-16 19:43 ID:tGRGNkIB (Image: 210x301 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

src/1363481000337.jpg: 210x301, 31 kb
During a summer camp, 15 children, 8 males and 7 females, find a grotto by the sea. Deep within they discover working computers and some electronic equipment, and later the owner, a man called Kokopelli. Kokopelli claimed to be a programmer working on a brand new game, in which a large robot has to defend the Earth against alien invasions. He persuades the children to test the game and sign a contract. All but one of them signs, barely a moment later they mysteriously awaken on the shore believing what happened was just a dream.

It's a really nice anime.

2 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2013-10-15 11:20 ID:sKs7OCoK [Del]

On episode 7. This show is reeeeeally f*cked up. It's pretty great. Hard to believe something like this came out in 2007.

Highly recommended.

3 Name: Helunai !xlawUWLpIw : 2014-01-15 04:59 ID:l0l007K1 [Del]

I really liked this anime. It was unique and well thought out. Each episode revolved around a certain character (spoiler) usually the next pilot. I think that the anime did a good job of making the audience feel sympathy and sadness towards the characters and also letting the audience relate to the characters just before (spoiler) they die. Definitely a recommendation, on my top 3 anime list.

4 Name: i am you : 2014-05-06 09:49 ID:qCIt6JRA [Del]

this is a really awsome anime.Its like evangelion but 10 times better.

5 Name: Letz Shake : 2014-05-06 19:26 ID:SgaaWEaG [Del]

Yeah im starting to get into it, its kinda hard with all that characetrs whose names i dont know, though. Aparently its also a deconstruction anime, at least from a review i started to watch then turned off. Anyways its cool so far and i cant wait to get to the good parts!

6 Name: i am you : 2014-05-07 05:10 ID:qCIt6JRA [Del]

>>5 was the review you watched by arkada

7 Name: mikado : 2014-05-07 14:25 ID:hs9spA4R [Del]

no amine is better than evangelion that is my shit

8 Name: Letz Shake : 2014-05-07 23:01 ID:SgaaWEaG [Del]

>>6 yes, in fact it was

9 Name: Jadekyo : 2014-10-11 11:40 ID:rJ1vD05J [Del]

Omg now I don't feel like I'm the only one in the world who's seen this anime it needs way more popularity it's such a good show but no one had seen it but a few so I love the characters and the op is one of the best I've seen

10 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-18 19:54 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

I really love this anime. I just finished it today, and teared up. My favorite character, ever since the 2nd episode, was Ushiro. I wish more animes were similar to this one. I didn't really favor the female characters, except for the adults. The opening was great, and the ending took part in me crying my eyes out. I find this anime very underrated.(Spoiler??) I did enjoy how Dung Beetle messed with the characters minds(Spoiler?? End). This anime did have very unexpected scenes like(Spoiler!!!) Maki's brother being Dung Beetle!(Spoiler!!! End) I also liked how (Spoiler) right before the pilot was chosen, their situation was shown(Spoiler End). I really disliked Kodomo. This anime, all the way until the end was amazing.

11 Name: Aki-Pi : 2015-01-19 00:27 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

I really love this anime! >>10 It made me cry also. The ending is so sad!!! Bokurano is an anime I am truly glad to have found.

12 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-19 02:41 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

The ending, and opening songs had a large part in making me sad. I payed attention to the lyrics, and they fit the anime so perfectly. It was frustrating because the times I wanted to break down, and cry I couldn't. This series is heartbreaking. This is the type of show I believe should be watched by many others.

13 Name: Momo : 2015-01-19 11:55 ID:bWdCdjBr [Del]

It's a really, really good anime. >>12 You said exactly what I think. I always liked the opening, and found it was sad. But I didn't pay attention to the ending until the last episode. I really wanted to cry but I couldn't. I was also sad because there were no more episodes. But then, he ending appeared and I read the lyrics, with the song...and then I cried.

14 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-19 16:10 ID:78tgjeaW [Del]

When I found out the opening was clips of the actual anime, it was more depressing. Their smiling faces on the ending song made it worse.

15 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-19 17:58 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

I forgot to put my other favorite characters, besides Ushiro. They are:All the male characters except for Kako. Ushiro is my favorite.

16 Name: Sedinu : 2015-01-19 19:46 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

I love all the male character, sans Kako, also! Though, when *Spoiler* That girl killed him*Soiler End* I didn't feel sympathy, just like an "awww" feeling.

17 Name: Sedinu : 2015-01-19 19:46 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]


18 Name: Sedinu : 2015-01-19 19:47 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

The spoiler was in the manga by the way.

19 Name: Hi : 2015-01-20 21:34 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

I really like this anime also. Have any of you read the manga?

20 Name: Hi : 2015-01-20 21:34 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

*Well, you did Sedinu.

21 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-21 01:17 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

I just finished reading the manga, and I'm heartbroken. I actually love endings like that, but the feeling of hopelessness is strong.

22 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-21 01:19 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

I just finished reading the manga, and I'm heartbroken. I love endings like that, but the feeling of hopelessness is strong.

23 Name: Himizu : 2015-01-21 08:56 ID:BatCpcrp [Del]

Ahh, I'm definitely going to watch this anime soon. I heard Akatin's somewhat crack cover of the opening and I am usually taken when I hear an opening that I just love without reason. The premise itself seems to be very interesting.

24 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-21 16:28 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

The story is interesting. Though, There are some unexplained things.The anime is good, in my opinion. I'm not the type of person that notices if something is missing. I only know because some people pointed it out to me. And, yes. The anime(oringinal) opening is amazing. The lyrics fit the story perfectly. I didn't cry during the anime, or manga for that matter, but I really wanted to. It's frustrating. Prepare for the feels train, if you're like me at least. When I finished watching it, I did tear up.

25 Name: BacKuryo12 : 2015-01-22 14:26 ID:CqPWJCeB [Del]

Who's watchin' the new season of Durarara here? :))

26 Name: Jiki : 2015-01-23 16:00 ID:1UZ6J9yW [Del]

Me. Though there is already a Drrr 2 thread.

27 Name: Koji : 2015-01-24 18:05 ID:uLKQYsyp [Del]

Woah, there are people who actually talk about this! I'm excited, 'cause Bokurano is a very underrated anime. Not a lot of people have watched it, or even heard of it for that matter. I agree with >>24 completely. By the way, the manga was sooo sad. The anime cut a lot of stuff out.

28 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-25 13:40 ID:wwF9MwHA [Del]

>>27 It is very underrated! I'm disappointed it's not as popular as it should be. The anime did cut many parts of the manga out. A down point of Bokurano(anime) is that it leaves important things unexplained. The manga showed everything clearly.

29 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-25 13:44 ID:wwF9MwHA [Del]

>>16 I know exactly what you mean. It was snot & tears when he died it's just that you know his story by then, and even though he did horrible things, it's still like 'Woah, he *Spoiler* was killed by the one he liked, he's dead.'*Spoiler End*

30 Name: Hi!gvBMSJKtYY : 2015-01-25 21:50 ID:wwF9MwHA [Del]

What was the saddest death/past to you guys?

31 Name: Hi!gvBMSJKtYY : 2015-01-25 21:51 ID:wwF9MwHA [Del]

Mine was Kanji's.

32 Name: AikahisakatuSenshi!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-01-25 22:00 ID:ukKmeK9t [Del]

The saddest deaths for me, manga and anime, were Kanji's, Ushiro's, Waku's, Moji's, Masaru's, and Daiichi's, but if I had to choose one it would be ...I want to say Moji's, but I'm not sure if I can decide. I'll type out the reasons later; I'm on my phone right now.

33 Post deleted by user.

34 Name: Hi!D8.TCEpwsY : 2015-01-26 20:06 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

My saddest death was also Kanji because of his, and Ushiro's relationship. It was cute.

35 Post deleted by user.

36 Name: Prototape : 2015-01-27 10:54 ID:nSc7D2IP [Del]

You have no idea how happy it makes me to see this here. Bokurano is one of my favorites, yet I rarely see anyone talking about it at all. Maybe I'm just in the wrong circles :L

I really need to read the manga sometime.

37 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!N.06ibPNxc : 2015-02-02 19:00 ID:D9pirkiJ [Del]

>>36 Yes, you need to read the manga. Honestly. Though, regarding the anime, it leaves a lot of things from the manga, and there are some unexplained things. Even so, it is still a great anime, in my opinion.

38 Name: FagNoob : 2015-06-19 23:10 ID:jxjciij3 [Del]

I started reading the manga about a week ago. Im on the 41st issue, its become my favorite manga.

39 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-06-20 01:06 ID:q2C9CC3m [Del]

>>38 I'm glad to see that there is a fan of this manga. It's definitely one of my favorites. What's your opinion on it so far - as in like who's you favorite character(s)?

40 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-06-20 01:09 ID:q2C9CC3m [Del]

>>39 Okay, I said manga, and we're in the Animation section.
>>38 You may want to head over to the Comics board, and comment there. There is a Bokurano thread. This is for the anime only, but I'm still interested in your thoughts of the manga.