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Animaniacs (2)

1 Name: Karasu~ : 2013-01-28 12:02 ID:Mp99I6Ls (Image: 300x318 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

src/1359396177679.jpg: 300x318, 22 kb
Simply one of the brilliant animations ever created by Spielberg in the 1990s. I mean one of the greatest I've seen. This cartoon had almost everything, from breaking the 4th wall, to guest stars, random singing to dropping large amounts of anvils, and old fashion slapstick to pop cultural references. Maybe even teaching a little something every now and then. The starting three main characters are the Warner brothers, Yakko, Wakko, and their sister, Dot. They' creatures....heck I don't even know. They were locked away in a water tower since the 1930s and escaped in the 1990s to return causing chaos all over the studio, or which ever plot they're in. But these aren't just the only stars on the show that get the attention (obviously), there are many other characters who receive their own time in the show and worth watching as well. Such as, Pinky and the Brain, who are two genetically altered laboratory mice that continuously in the plot every single night, try taking over the world (which fails each time no matter what they do). Slappy the Squirrel, who is an aged cartoon that easily outwits her antagonists while educating her nephew Skippy, and many more like, Rita and Runt, the Goodfeathers, Minerva Mink, Katie Ka-Boom, Buttons, and Mindy, ect. Now it's not just some kid cartoon where it's all innocent like and probably for very young children. It's not like that at all. Well first off, there are some guest stars, music, and probably some political jokes or scenes I wouldn't get unless I either looked it up or someone told me (course now I get most of them as I grew older), and second, there are some pretty adult jokes in there are are so well written the the sensors didn't even take a look at. I'm surprised that the Hub didn't ban a few episodes. Then again, probably some of the younger ones wouldn't get it even if they tried (unless they would know...). The music scores had its own originality in each show. For a great animation containing so much I can't even imagine, this is one of them. It's a great animation for all, and no matter what age I am, will will continue watching this show as long as I live.

To see the adult jokes, see this link here:

So..if you wanna check a couple episodes out, they are on Youtube and showing them on the Hub. Thank you for reading and hope you liked it I guess~

2 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-01 18:59 ID:c5Z62yG6 [Del]

Great show, I loved this song from it:

I think I watched a little bit of it when I was younger, I'm glad it's being re-shown on the Hub, now that I'm old enough to appreciate it :D Steven Spielburg is the man.

The name Yakko keeps reminding me of Yoko from Gurren Lagann though XD