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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (15)

1 Name: JILL : 2013-01-04 14:37 ID:RI3wFSEH (Image: 300x400 jpg, 113 kb) [Del]

src/1357331820285.jpg: 300x400, 113 kb
new anime just aired!!
genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, and Shounen!!
a story about a demon king and a hero travelling together to discover whats beyond the hills..

2 Name: Kita : 2013-01-04 18:13 ID:iMjtYSgt [Del]

What's it called??

3 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-04 19:25 ID:VjDhAUVB [Del]

>>2 Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Did you look up.

4 Name: TheSherpa : 2013-02-24 20:53 ID:F9MBsrUy [Del]

Its a good anime, but i miss the clever banter between the male and female protagonist that was so prevalent in Spice and wolf. I think the creators should just make a season 3 instead of this.

5 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-02-24 20:58 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

I actually really like this despite the extremely obvious similarities to Spice and Wolf. It's kind of lacking in the plot department still, sure, but it's a simple and fun watch. Not much to see, but what's there is nothing short of enjoyable.

6 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2013-02-25 14:00 ID:HqHcXzDP [Del]

So its like Spice and Wolf?

7 Name: TheSherpa : 2013-02-25 18:26 ID:F9MBsrUy [Del]

kind of yes. it has alot more of a supernatural element though and the characters are also different. >>5 Yeah i enjoyed this anime as well. Still wish it was a season 3 of spice and wolf though :(.

8 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-21 23:07 ID:ImiZttzg [Del]

Bumping this up, I just started the series the other day - finished episode 10 today.

And wow. I really love this.

Not at all what I expected it to be - a great deconstruction of what would have turned out to be a typical JRPG setting. Perhaps I was simply caught up in the first-watch hype, as I am wont to do, but episode 9 was one of the most powerful scenes in anime I've seen.

What I'm most surprised about is the amount of realism in this series. When she first opened her "secret weapon," I laughed unnaturally hard, having expected something... well, more unusual.

I've heard more than a couple people say it has similarities to Spice and Wolf, and honestly that just makes me want to watch Spice and Wolf more. If it's really so similar, I have a feeling it's something I really should have watched by now.

As a footnote, I really love its OP - both the song itself and the accompanying scenes. It highlights every event in the series before it even happens, but keeps it vague enough to only serve as a teaser rather than a spoiler - I found myself rewatching it a few times, in much the same way one rewatches a trailer for something highly anticipated.

9 Name: Mytheroin : 2013-03-22 23:57 ID:KdzSEBV7 [Del]

Terrible, kids version of Spice and Wolf

10 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-23 01:19 ID:U/Ewc5HB [Del]

>>9 Care to elaborate or are you just throwing dissent in the ring to be an asshole

11 Name: Mytheroin : 2013-03-24 13:58 ID:KdzSEBV7 [Del]

To be honest, I only watched the pilot, I couldn't even watch all 23 minutes of it, I had to stop because of how predictable everything was from the first few minutes.

I might just be being an asshole since I really haven't watch any of it. It's just, the dialogues pissed me off. ._.

12 Name: Solace : 2013-03-24 21:20 ID:+pyKhEzE [Del]

It's good but don't be expecting something amazing.

13 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-25 20:06 ID:wlRt0S+O [Del]

>>11 The first episode differs greatly from the rest of it. The romance plot is really just the hook - and understandably so. Not many people would really jump on it if they went into politics and shit no one cares about right away without something to hang on.

The series kind of weens the viewer off that romantic subplot a bit as real events start to unfold, and more characters are introduced. I think you should give it a chance, if anything - and if you don't, at the very least don't make assumptions based off of the pilot alone when it's already 11 episodes long.

14 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-03-25 22:20 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

In Mytherion's defense (though I do agree if he/she wants to diss it they should get farther in), they're correct in saying that this is quite kindly...a ripoff of Spice and Wolf.

Okay, maybe ripoff is too strong of a word, but a bit of politics aside, this show pretty much follows the same pattern and appeals to the same audience as fans of Spice and's just a lot less focused, has a worse pace, shallower characters in general and well....yeah, those are the attributes necessary to make a show such as this work, and it doesn't stack up.

Suto, if you like Maoyuu, you should watch Spice and Wolf and tell me comparatively which is better and in what ways. I can see why you're getting defensive here, and I'm still enjoying Maoyuu, but S&W does this all, and a lot more entertainingly and in-depth. I agree with both of your points.

btw I agree that the OP to this is fabulous in both the musical and animated sense.

15 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-25 22:47 ID:wlRt0S+O [Del]

I'm sort of speaking as a go-between. I mentioned to a friend of mine who had watched S&W that Mytherion made that claim, and he says they're too different to compare despite having a similar theme. That simply being about politics and economics doesn't make it the same concept. It may be the same genre, but then we might as well be trying to compare Naruto to Cowboy Bebop.

If anything, I think the fact that I haven't seen Spice and Wolf gives me a more unbiased opinion of the series. I have no prior expectation to go off of, and from what I've seen, I think it's a great series on its own.

If Spice and Wolf does certain aspects better, that's all well and good. It was the fact that Mytherion said it was terribly done that I disagreed with. I do intend to watch S&W later on, but simply because this kind of comparison is being made, I think I'll wait until after Maoyuu is finished first.