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Ixion Saga DT (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-11 19:52 ID:ONiHGHL/ (Image: 1127x634 jpg, 291 kb) [Del]

src/1352685166337.jpg: 1127x634, 291 kb
One day as Kon Hokaze is playing an MMORPG, he receives a request from a female character in the game. He thinks that he has lucked out and found a girlfriend online, but suddenly he finds himself transported into the world of Mira where he accidentally saves a young princess by landing on her attacker with his swivel chair. With no idea how he got there nor how to get back to his own world, Kon tags along with the princess as part of her honor guard while a militant faction of the princess's own country seeks to capture her before she can complete her arranged marriage.

This anime is based on an online game by Capcom, named Ixion Saga. It began airing October 6th, and it'll probably be two cours, so around 26 episodes. Maybe more.

It's a mix of fantasy and comedy. It's really hit or miss. So far for me, it's hitting. The innuendos with some of the characters names, the characters personalities, and the voice actors just make up the comedy, along with the actions of the characters, and the action scenes also. Same studio that brought you Durarara, Princess Jellyfish, Tonari Kaibutsu Kun, etc. So Hiroshi Kamiya's in it, FukuJun's in it, and he plays a transvestite. And I must say, FukuJun is pretty damn good.

Also, the OP/ED of the anime is addicting.

2 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2013-03-31 19:56 ID:bIqiXzAD [Del]

I cant believe no one posted on this anime it was really funny and I just saw the last episode the balls transfer maic was funny and poor Kon never lost his DT A.K.A his virinity.

3 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2013-03-31 19:59 ID:bIqiXzAD [Del]

>>2 I meant balls transfer magic o!o

4 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2013-04-01 11:44 ID:m3WHVhBN [Del]

"I will gift you my balls" WTF HAHAHA