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The Demented Cartoon Movie (5)

1 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-11-07 19:10 ID:FVP2/LUq (Image: 658x391 png, 81 kb) [Del]

src/1352337001060.png: 658x391, 81 kb
Prepare your anus.

The following from TV Tropes' summary:
"The Demented Cartoon Movie! is a 2001 Flash cartoon written, directed, drawn, animated, created, recorded, conceived of, responsibility claimed, filmed, edited, converted to standard transport elephant zucchini format and converted back again by Brian Kendall.

It features a trailer, opening credits, stick figures, green and blue chairs, Qrrbrbirlbel, a kamikaze watermelon (DA-DA-DA-DA, Da-DAAAAA!), a production of Romeo and Juliet, a tidal wave, nucular* explosions, a rocket to Mars, a car race, a superhero, a villain and an ending, among other things. If you have thirty minutes of your life to waste, you ought to check it out.

This movie is best movie.
I remember watching it in first grade and laughing non-stop the whole time. I revisited it a few times since with similar results. Then I just watched it again tonight.

Holy shit, this is the best film ever made. It transcends reality, common sense, and plotlines to make a jumbled mesh of juxtaposed silliness and audacity that goes terribly, terribly, wrong, if it goes anywhere at all. It can be seen as a waste of your time, but there are these moments in life meant for you to just kick back, watch stupid shit like this, and turn off your ability to give a fuck.

This is about as best a timewaster as they come.
Watch it.

2 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2012-11-07 23:39 ID:vUi8mS7b [Del]

Alright you've convinced me. I will watch this film. Now. I have an affinity for awful animation and nonsensical weirdness.

3 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-03-02 18:15 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]



4 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2014-03-03 06:15 ID:WminGX+9 [Del]

Spoiler(?) alert.

Apparently there's one or two people who don't die, but I've yet to find them. Has anyone found them?

5 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-03-03 06:56 ID:m8pGClNZ [Del]

"Tonight's story: a large outbreak of nuclear explosions have been.. Exploding everywhere recently"

Good movie, I sense massive influences of Monty Python. It's that same kind of absurdest, lucid comedy.