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Dakara baku wa h-ga dekinai (6)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-07-12 08:20 ID:EDKDCUni (Image: 500x270 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

src/1342099226261.jpg: 500x270, 19 kb
When courting, announce your intentions clearly and truthfully.

The main character, Kaga Ryousuke, is quite possibly the most honest thing to come out of anime since Daichi Kakeru. This man lives and breath perversion in a way that would make many hormone driven idiots erotically jealous. He's legendary for his perversion, and... Somehow retains a very big breasted and completely not-shy next door friend.

The reasoning is actually kind of understandable - Guy's honest. Brutally so. He can't even think to himself, he mumbles everything aloud. So when he's contemplating your breast size, you're aware of it.

That honesty also means he's apparently not out to get any action out of people secretly. Refreshing I guess.

Anyway, the plot of the series so far is that a death god, Lisara Restall, has come to earth in order to find a "Singular Being", a man or woman of such amazing life force that they will change the world and go down in the annals of history. The reason for this, is that by obtaining that person's soul when they die, Lisara can ascend in the aristocratic ranks of the grim reapers.

The problem is, Shinigami lose their power rapidly while in the human world. She needs to forge a temporary bond with someone to drain their life force perpetually until she can locate that Singular Being.

Enter Ryousuke. This guy got hosed pretty hard, and apparently will die in like three months unless Lisara feels like saving him. In return for saving his pitiful life, he has to be Lisara's super-power battery to keep her alive, as well as fight off weird jelly monsters in the meantime.

The problem is... Remember I told you Ryousuke lives and breathes perversion? I meant it literally. His "Will to Live", his "Reason for life", is being horny. Everytime he gets hard, Lisara's suddenly this massive energy bomb ready to explode and power her up.

>insert typical tsundere reaction
>insert rest of series


So this series feels like it's going to be predictable. I can't say I'm not going to watch it anyway, though. It's predictable in a kind of good way, and while it won't be breaking any ground and making anyones "most amazing series ever" list, it's going to be enjoyable to watch. Both for fanservice, and seeing the inevitable romance play out.

And also for Ryousuke. His unfailness as a male lead so far is as refreshing as his honesty regarding perversion.

2 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-07-12 08:21 ID:EDKDCUni [Del]

title should be "boku". Stupid typos.

3 Name: Sumizome : 2012-07-12 14:05 ID:YvHTWExK [Del]

I'm gona watch, I lol'ed a little with the stupidity here, so yeah... The art is appealing as well for the kind of thing they are doing, though the story may lack in a lot of aspects as the anime goes on.

4 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-13 09:07 ID:nKlf3r8n [Del]

Lol'd so hard.

You hit the nail on the head Navi, this is predictably funny, and the lead being a hopelessly horny kid who can give Lisara strength out of his own erotic desires is just...just...

Silly. Totally the good kind of silly too.
Looking forward to the rest of this show.
Nice OP pic BTW. Sums everything up nicely.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-14 03:51 ID:F4GuWMld [Del]

in the manga are there gonna be more chapters? or did it get get dropped?

6 Name: kana : 2012-07-14 18:28 ID:VBa+hQ9u [Del]
