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hakuoki shinsengumi kitan (9)

1 Name: chizu:D : 2012-05-31 19:33 ID:NeZMl9qR (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 92 kb) [Del]

src/1338510827424.jpg: 1024x768, 92 kb
do you know this anime ?
The protagonist, Yukimura Chizuru, is the daughter of a doctor who works in Edo. The father leaves Edo to work as a volunteer doctor and moves to Kyoto without his daughter. As time passes by, Chizuru starts worrying about losing contact with her father, so she decides to go to Kyoto in search of him. On the way, Chizuru is attacked by few criminals and witnesses a fight between an oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody and saving her, the Shinsengumi debate on what to do with Chizuru when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor they are also looking for. So they decide to become Chizuru's protectors and help her look for her father(the doctor). Lots of events happen while she stays with the Shinsengumi, as they discover mysterious secrets and also fight against the Bakumatsu group. The story is overall romantic with a historical and political background.

2 Name: Tomodachi : 2012-05-31 19:44 ID:bISOuLVd [Del]

I really dont like historical anime genres but i love the characters their good looking.. hehe :D

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-31 20:35 ID:2r8AxWWW [Del]

I just started watching it. It's decent :O Not the greatest representation of the Shinsengumi I've seen, but it's humorous. The main character just bothers me a bit. It's probably the voice actor; I can't stand high pitched voices =o=

4 Name: Suzuki : 2012-05-31 22:50 ID:ozwB9I6k [Del]

saito!!! <3<3<3

5 Name: hiphopgirl : 2012-06-01 16:41 ID:iM4KhKZT [Del]

I love the series especially the male characters, besides who doesn't love sexy guys like them? ^//w//^

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: equinox00 : 2012-07-23 04:38 ID:I3c/To6u [Del]

I thought this anime was very good ( and no not just because of "the sexy guys"). I thought that although it differs from the truth I like what the plot of the Shinsengumi. After watching eps 1-12 I'd definitely recommend it to anyone (but in all honesty don't think it's all just fan service because in my opinion it's a lot more than that).

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-23 18:05 ID:7W3PD9gx [Del]

>>7 Yeah, the story is just as much of a good reason to watch it as is the reverse harem full of sexy men is, in my opinion.

9 Name: Kizuna Kisaragi : 2015-05-25 13:57 ID:31ll/kur [Del]

Hakuouki was an anime, I really love and thanks to it I had found many friends~ =D
I watched the anime and I love the draw style. And the guys there...~
I only dislike Chizuru. X'D
And I like Kaoru.
I think the anime is still a good one, eventhough the games are better in details. But well, I don't think they can make seasons or movies about every route, but its okay =D
The movies are also really awesome, different from the first anime. The story is much colder and serious.
I wish there were more episodes of Hakuouki. Doesn't matter as movie, ova or another season <3