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Anyone else getting annoyed of all the animes being made on mangas which are still just starting (21)

1 Name: Echo !V1l9Amc90Q : 2012-05-09 07:44 ID:rJy7i+Kj [Del]

I watch alot of Anime .. I use it as an escape.

But Has anyone else noticed the huge amounts of anime which are based on manga series' which are still just only starting or still very early on in their production. Like the Animes for Blue Exorsist, Soul Reaper, FMA, D-Gray man, Bleach

They all had to make up how the show progressed or simply apply fillers and repeats while they waited for the manga to catch up and typicly the stuff they made up or the fillers are sub-par on just weird .. Great example Soul Reaper, Brillliant Anime, Terrible ending .. common I won the battle because I was brave ... If was a result of trying to make up an ending ...

Please tell me I am not the only one who
1: Has noticed This
2: Finds it somewhat annoying
3: Will still watch the shows no matter what then go WTF when it goes terrible or overly weird

2 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-05-09 07:49 ID:WZNARg6L [Del]

Hellsing and Pandora Hearts are good examples of this as well.

I find myself really excited to check out the anime for the manga I really enjoy... Only to realize about four episodes in that this anime is going to inevitably disappoint me.

I start series like that expecting to be disappointed with the ending though, so it's really just a sliding scale of "how much does this ending suck", rather than any shock or dismay at it sucking.

3 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-05-09 08:55 ID:qhQF3ZIm [Del]

Same thing with Fairy Tail. The anime is nice, but the episodes have to be released so slowly with varying fillers because of the manga coming out slow. Now that the manga is moving faster, the quality is getting shittier (IMO) as they rush to put more episodes out.

I still can't believe they did that with Ao No Exorcist. I love that manga soo much, but I tried watching the anime; major disappoint ment went on here.

>>2 This. It's definitely obvious in PH.

4 Name: bang-bang : 2012-05-09 14:13 ID:SnYhkzud [Del]

Which is why I rarely watch adaptations these days and prefer to go for original anime or just read manga.

I'm guessing it's all for financial reasons though. If you have a popular manga, having an anime adaptation for it is of course going to bring you more profit. I don't really know how much they think about the 'later on' when they start out with it. So they employ various tactics to keep it going or somehow end it. Which also kills the possibility of a sequel, sigh.

Thankfully some anime just take breaks and have seasons that are some time apart. Shows like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Natsume Yuujinchou, Nodame Cantabile, Gintama and probably a bunch of other all did this to adapt the source material properly and avoid adding their own stuff.

I suppose it's not something easy t o do though, since if it was I can't see the reason why more series don't try that.

5 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-05-09 18:53 ID:mo6o73n/ [Del]

Thats how Durarara was. Except, I dont really care, because Im more of a manga person than an anime person. I like both, though. But...all Im trying to say is: Thats how Durarara is.

6 Name: Shika : 2012-05-09 19:19 ID:Kp1EoqP7 [Del]

>>5 No, the english Manga came out when the show was just about to end. DRR!! is based off a light novel in Japan

7 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-09 20:14 ID:NMF52h6T [Del]

>>6 This.

8 Name: Zero : 2012-05-10 10:29 ID:2PtQnyvy [Del]

When it came to Soul Eater, they took it too fast, the anime came out faster than the manga.

Now, with a lot of lead way for a season 2, Soul Eater will be back on air.

Anime like Bleach come out a few chapters behind the manga,since the show was made when the manga was already popular.

9 Name: Echo !4XkUU6.J/k : 2012-05-11 23:58 ID:epUQPHsZ [Del]

I really dont think they could do a sequal to soul eater .. they went really far away from the plot of the anime in some bits from what I have heard .. but if they remade it like what FMA brotherhood did .. I would be very happy

10 Name: phantom : 2012-05-12 04:50 ID:6M3dAHxn [Del]

i watch D.N.Angel which still hasent finished i think but the anime has. it was great though and i wanted to see more.

11 Name: Parel : 2012-05-12 07:09 ID:TO79PESV [Del]

mostly, anime adaptation is just a way to commercialize the manga.

12 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-05-12 07:16 ID:jPGAkPp2 [Del]

>>9 I agree with you here. They went pretty far off track at the end of Soul Eater. If they tried to bring it back on track with the manga and make a second season, I think it would come out like shit as they struggle to find excuses for the differences and compensate for them when there are references later about those parts later on :V

13 Name: RinRin : 2012-05-12 09:57 ID:CQ3ton2p [Del]

>>3 to be honest I stopped watching Blue Exorcist because I forgot there was a manga and I kept seeing all of this cool stuff on tumblr from future chapters that hadn't happened yet in the show. It seems a lot of fans were disappointed. So now I'm going back and reading the manga so that I wont suffer the same fate lol

I do get annoyed by the "oh look! this manga seems popular! Let's make an anime and make up our own endings even though the manga isn't even finished". But I get a morbid kind of satisfaction when the manga ends up being completely AWESOME and the anime is lame in comparison. I wonder if the studios in charge of the anime ever says "damnit... why didn't we just wait for that" (probably not though oops)

That's why I'm glad they did the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime. >_> I like the first one since I saw it first , but I love the original story SO much better~

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-12 21:40 ID:kXanaPo9 [Del]

>>13 It's mainly because of budget that they have to end early, but I wish they would just stop where they are and let another studio continue on. There's no reason to have a rushed ending, imo, whether they want to feel "complete" or not.

15 Name: Zetta : 2012-05-13 07:33 ID:epUQPHsZ [Del]

Does anyone else think bones Is just going to keep making Full Metal Alchemist movies in order to keep it going even though the mangas finished

16 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-05-13 07:44 ID:i5FA+puO [Del]

>>14 Then we get Inuyasha. So...I'd just let Bones handle anything that won't be ending soon, since they haven't struck out yet when it comes to making decent endings to things.

17 Name: Seika Chugo -forgot her tripcode- : 2012-05-13 18:18 ID:IyISt+T2 [Del]

>>16 I just wish that instead of doing what they do and going offtrack and then fixing everything like with FMA and what I've heard they're gonna do with Soul Eater, and leave it for a bit so the manga can progress.

It's irritating how they diverge and then restart like they do.
It's also confusing to the people who don't understand that the second series is the correct, canon one; or how the first idea they use to end the series usually is rushed or terrible or both.

18 Name: Caro-chan99 : 2012-05-27 08:01 ID:2Qh7VW7l [Del]

Like some said blue exorcist i was disapointed!! D: and there's 07-ghost that cut more then half of the story D:

19 Name: Mummy boy : 2012-12-05 09:14 ID:jwNUOWfp [Del]

same with chibi vampire, the manga and anime is different.
>>1 i use anime as a escape to get away from drama

20 Name: Aurelia : 2013-07-23 14:37 ID:UXtLbG0h [Del]

FMA was so weird compared to what was written in the manga. When they start animating during the manga's early stages, it's a recipe for disaster. If the director's only know how to follow the manga, what they come up with for the rest of the episodes is usually so messed up and not even close to what the author had in mind. D: It was nice though, having Brotherhood.

21 Name: Baka_Chocolate : 2013-07-23 16:10 ID:FghGveK4 [Del]

I've seen a looooot of animes too, and I've noticed this probelm too,
But if that anime has a good sell in Japan , they'll make a second season for it!