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Xiaolin Showdown (43)

1 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-04-10 00:02 ID:BeEh/ELw (Image: 500x375 jpg, 141 kb) [Del]

src/1334034178925.jpg: 500x375, 141 kb
I swear to god, there wasn't a thread about this. God damn it.

Xiaolin Showdown is an American animated television series that aired on Kids WB and was created by Christy Hui. Set in a world where martial arts battles and Eastern magic are commonplace, the series follows four young warriors in training that battle the forces of evil. They do this by protecting Shen Gong Wu (ancient artifacts that have great magical powers) from villains that would use them to conquer the world.

Also, there's a sequel called Xiaolin Chronicles being in production, apparently going to be released in 2013.

2 Name: Zero : 2012-04-10 00:14 ID:RQw4qnFu [Del]


3 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-10 00:31 ID:NnISqQCM [Del]

This show was absolutely amazingtastic

4 Name: Shades : 2012-04-10 01:49 ID:CUKPDABt [Del]

holy f i remember this as a kid it was the ****

5 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-04-10 04:07 ID:pr2+SEqM [Del]

All of my memories of this show are all of the asian girl. Don't judge me.

6 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-04-10 07:02 ID:hBNtYz8c [Del]

I had basic cable til I was 11.
This being on WB saved my childhood til then.

Raimundo was the shit, bro.
Hadn't heard of the sequel, thanks for posting this, Insert!

7 Name: Nes : 2012-04-10 07:54 ID:1hUGvQKL [Del]

Search Xiaolin Chronicle. Its the next series in the same universe. Same characters I believe.

Comes out Spring 2013. :D

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: bang-bang : 2012-04-10 08:50 ID:FHdinh4w [Del]

>> Damn italic fail:<

Did you say sequel? Yesss. I don't know what to say about the trailer thing, but I was always a bit sad about how it ended so this is good.

One of my favorite thing to catch on TV when I had the time. I love me a cartoon with a proper story. And bad guys that you feel like rooting for because they were so awesome.

10 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-04-10 11:15 ID:YOzRewhK [Del]

Lol!! Old times, old times! I love this show when I was really young! :)

11 Name: Neowu !z.S9KJmHTI : 2012-04-10 11:51 ID:4VQbOTwb [Del]

I remember this. At one point this show just was my childhood. I think the last time I watched it I realised how stereotypical the characters were.

12 Name: YuMaRi : 2012-04-10 11:54 ID:xM+W9sjy [Del]

aw damn, sweet memories =w=

13 Name: Spirit : 2012-04-10 14:08 ID:69NYZRXm [Del]

i remember playin this in my pool ~_~ -cries- yyyyyyyyyy

14 Name: dbanks : 2012-04-10 15:23 ID:fevt52ck [Del]

hey people correct me if im wrong but wasnt the blue orb omi has used to be called the orb of tornami?. Also the original voices were better i think.

15 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-04-10 15:28 ID:BeEh/ELw [Del]

>>14 Yeah, they changed it for some reason...

And one of the comments on the video said that Tara Strong was filling in to voice Jack Spicer. That ain't his real voice.

And I like Chase's new voice...

16 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-04-10 19:50 ID:8ENE36rx [Del]

That show is BEYOND was really good though

17 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-10 20:09 ID:8NXctZ1P [Del]

What the fuck. I can clearly remember each character's voice, but I haven't watched this since I was a kid. How did I even manage this?

I barely remember the plot, but I remember the voices really well o=o I... am going to rewatch this and see how accurate my memory is.

18 Name: Weems !Mv6dSuB4XM : 2012-04-10 21:04 ID:WsYKiILF [Del]

>>17 this. I can clearly remember their voices, but can't remember shit about the plot.

19 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-04-10 22:03 ID:hBNtYz8c [Del]

All I remember is that they went to find shit all over the world and fought some pansy and some ghost over it until this one guy came along and made it interesting and Omi walked on his fingers and Clay annoyed me, and Kimiko was just there, and Dojo was cool and shit, but Raimundo was badass.

That's my collective memory.

20 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-04-10 22:04 ID:BeEh/ELw [Del]

Raimundo's always the badass. Clay's just there to have a white guy in it. Kimiko turns out to be Raimundo's girl and does things for him. And Omi's Raimundo's bro.

21 Name: the_reaper : 2012-04-11 05:04 ID:uARO2tVA [Del]

thats such an old show

22 Name: Weems !Mv6dSuB4XM : 2012-04-11 05:26 ID:WsYKiILF [Del]

>>19 doesn't it end with Raimundo becoming their leader or something?

23 Name: Alchemist : 2012-04-11 10:48 ID:c6iNxXfV [Del]

I miss this show so much!! I was really looking forward to the next season but it got cancelled :(

24 Name: Okamiren : 2012-04-11 14:42 ID:wy+RZyW8 [Del]

I used to watch this show! I miss it so much!! :(

25 Name: chibipanda : 2012-04-11 17:55 ID:gRDBnIe9 [Del]

This is such a good show, they should put it back on TV :(

26 Name: Hibari : 2012-05-07 12:52 ID:nycxpZuQ [Del]

This show was the best.

27 Name: name : 2012-05-07 22:04 ID:qLfLf06l [Del]

this anime awesome!

28 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-05-07 22:11 ID:hBNtYz8c [Del]

lol, wasn't even an anime.

29 Name: kim : 2012-05-07 22:48 ID:T7jUvn6O [Del]

i used to watch this show all the time XD i was in <3 w/ rainmundo at the time XP

30 Name: DaniV : 2012-05-08 01:19 ID:sEzzP2Fu [Del]

I loved the shit out of this show but I have no idea why I never finished it.

31 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-05-08 07:00 ID:VaJZg4GD [Del]

oh. my. god. I loved this show!!! it was soooo funny and cool. Even now when my Bro and I grab the tv remote accidentaly at the same time, we look at each other and say " I challenge you to a xiaolin showdown!" and then we beat the hell out of each other for the remote.

32 Name: Damarimagr : 2012-06-07 18:33 ID:kRAUJnxz [Del]

This show is part of my childhood an I still love it. II surprisingly remember a ton about this show even though it hasn't been on for years. I didn't know they are making more episodes! Thanks for letting me know so I can be exited till it comes out ^-^

33 Name: (●◕‿‿◕●) !WKPU2ZD7ck : 2012-06-07 19:58 ID:2J/EOB+P [Del]

>>31 It's the same with my brothers and I.

34 Name: Bartender~ : 2012-06-07 20:56 ID:24Vg1ema [Del]


35 Name: Okami : 2012-06-07 21:45 ID:+czsaO0d [Del]


36 Name: Jaxos : 2012-06-07 22:39 ID:Wwpg1wFH [Del]

I thought I was the only human being tht still loved that show。( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

37 Name: roxas132 : 2012-06-07 23:21 ID:7qNlp3od [Del]

I remember this show I always wanted to watch it again but I couldn't remember the name of it

38 Name: Ayaka : 2012-06-08 16:22 ID:JLaQ4OfU [Del]

Oh look, my childhood! :D I used to love this show when I was a kid. Even after the series finished I'd watch the same episodes over and over again. xD

39 Name: kazuki : 2012-06-09 02:11 ID:wFXG1vN0 [Del]

Yeah that a very cool i love to watch this when i was little .... even after school i rush home early to watch this its so awesome

40 Name: Starrrk : 2012-06-09 15:17 ID:4v0siQTj [Del]

This was a highlight of my Saturday's when I was a kid. God I miss good shows like this.

41 Name: Kaze : 2012-06-09 16:38 ID:oBdHoZYQ [Del]

Naw. I remember this one! But I wasn't really able to watch it since it wasn't translated to the right language -.-'

42 Name: Badara : 2012-06-11 07:51 ID:yrriam23 [Del]

I like it too. That show was f'ng awesome I will never stop missing it lol lol

43 Name: Flame1200 : 2012-06-11 09:14 ID:rsjOBBqz [Del]

a good show the characters were detailed and had a great story with many twists. oh SPOILER i don't think rymundo deserved to be the leader.... just sayin.