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What is the worst anime you have ever watched and why? (339)

1 Name: Echo !V1l9Amc90Q : 2012-02-20 07:24 ID:rNpu2WDA [Del]

As the title states .. What is the worst anime you have ever watched and why?

2 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-02-20 10:36 ID:Fk/DZDax (Image: 360x280 jpg, 105 kb) [Del]

src/1329755785839.jpg: 360x280, 105 kb
"There can be only one"...

All that said, and I like the ending in the anime. Avoid School Days at all costs, but watch the finale on YouTube or something. It's perfect for this Piece of shit story >.>

P.S. It is possible to like School Days, but any affection gained for it would probably be best gained through the Visual Novel, not the anime. The anime tried to give School Days a solid plot line, only to make the plot "Let's see how many women this guy can nail in 12 episodes!", where the Visual Novel never lets you cheat on the girl of your choice, but there isn't really any plot, just day after day of nothing. Long Rant Short: Play the game, use the anime as firewood should you ever find a copy. Keeps your toes especially warm.

3 Name: Composer !5/elwbL0iI : 2012-02-20 13:24 ID:4VQbOTwb [Del]

I have to say the worst anime I've ever watched is definitely Fairy Tail. Some of the scenes almost made me vomit.

4 Name: Telji : 2012-02-20 13:29 ID:lLKiYve5 [Del]

Sailor Moon. Boring and has the dumbest plot ever and it's just so lame and cheesy. First episode almost made me fall asleep.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Azunyan : 2012-02-20 13:34 ID:mwj2t1ge (Image: 500x500 jpg, 155 kb) [Del]

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The worst anime ever has got to be fairy tail. Its that bad it doesn't even deserve capital letters. I mean who does Natsu Fucktard think he is? He's no Luffy thats what!

@composer When I heard about fairy tail it made me vomit, thats why I created an image to post on anything about fairy tail

7 Name: Composer !5/elwbL0iI : 2012-02-20 13:40 ID:4VQbOTwb (Image: 600x500 jpg, 189 kb) [Del]

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>>6 true dat

8 Name: BlueBarry : 2012-02-20 19:16 ID:rgO5WtSt [Del]

When I first saw Fairy tale I thought it was created by the creator of one piece.

9 Name: The56ker !bIx9.mz1Ew : 2012-02-20 20:28 ID:2t43ysCD [Del]

popolocrois hands down

10 Name: Dragpent !4aKe2.L5d2 : 2012-02-20 22:23 ID:WfkPtZF1 [Del]


That we've watched to completion? Or just seen an episode of?

11 Name: Nanoscorn : 2012-02-20 22:30 ID:+Dkd5P0B [Del]

This is a Personal opinion but I don't think Fairy Tail is the worst. And is created by the same people of Rave Master so I like it,but the worst I think would be Hikaru NoGo. No one can really get into a show about ghosts playing an old board game. however I did give it a few shots but gave up after episode 4 so IDK if it redeemed itself

12 Name: Rabe-Chan : 2012-02-20 22:34 ID:VxjbfsSg [Del]

XD I know like, 50000000 people are gonna hate me for saying this, but Naruto... I'm a girl, and Naruto doesn't seem aesthetically pleasing in any way, shape or form. It doesn't bother me, I just don't like it... :3

13 Name: Echo !V1l9Amc90Q : 2012-02-21 06:06 ID:rNpu2WDA [Del]

>>10 Doesnt Matter can have watched one episode or a whole show or even an OVA .. What ever your opinion of the worst anime you have ever seen was. .. and why lol

14 Name: NutWin : 2012-02-21 08:14 ID:ks3LhJ2/ [Del]

For me it's Basilisk. I was sooo~ bored when i watched this! i don't quite remember why (i saw it 3 or 4 years ago)but i remember saying "What a waste of time"

15 Name: Obsidian !vFA5QOIIik : 2012-02-21 11:08 ID:Y3UluhQA [Del]

>>12 I share the same opinion about Naruto. Its the worst anime I`ve seen so far. This isn`t a biased opinion either. I`ve tried watching the show a few times before, but after every few episodes I just couldn`t handle it anymore. Nevertheless, there were still some characters that were memorable to me, but none of them were Naruto. I actually disliked his personality and its not a good sign when you dislike the character that the anime`s named after.

16 Name: Yubel : 2012-02-21 16:00 ID:wth2TbMy [Del]

I'd have to say probaly School Days aside from it's bloody ending it pretty much had nothing going for it and I wanted to bang my head on a table from whatching it but right now recently I've started disliking Bleach and Naruto though they're not the worst for me

17 Name: Smedium : 2012-02-21 17:28 ID:qlONm9lu [Del]

I would have to say Garzey's Wing. While technically a 3 episode OVA, it had so many non-sequiturs and made up words without any explanation that I think that it deserves a mention. Also, worthy of note is its terrible dubbing with wrong emotions in many sentences. It can be watched for free on youtube and is great for a laugh.

18 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2012-02-22 09:52 ID:QPQRq5L3 [Del]

"Shattered Angles", the dub is terabad, the story it pointless and random, fights suck. This is facepalm all the way; no wonder I got the first DVD for free...

19 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-22 11:10 ID:aPqKq725 [Del]

>>6 Wait...what? Of course Natsu isn't Luffy, THEY AREN'T EVEN IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. Fairy Tail is made by the people who made Groove Adventure Rave, and its actually a pretty fucking badass shounen series. Also, what the fuck did you hear about it that made you vomit? Besides Natsu isn't even that reminiscent of Luffy... Natsu has tons of weaknesses, making him not a flawless character like Luffy, who (as I see now) might have none. The story for Fairy Tail is well written, AND its actually pretty original, considering the creator's tendency to make every series he makes relatively the same...
Until you watch something enough to give a proper critique, don't fucking pull shit out of your biased opinionated ass.

In any case, I think the worst anime I've ever seen might be Rosario+Vampire... Simply because, it is EASILY the worst anime adapted from a manga that I have EVER WATCHED, EVER. They turned one of the most badass shounen mangas into a stupid bullshit generic harem, of course the fanservice was nice, but the original plotline had TONS of fanservice already! I don't know what the studio who adapted this was smoking, but they fucked it up hard... twas bullshit my friends... bullshit.

20 Name: Forte : 2012-02-22 11:13 ID:SUJPxi9N [Del]

the worst is the Ideon:Be Invoked,terrible ending.
don't get me wrong, I am a tomino fan

21 Name: Azunyan : 2012-02-23 03:50 ID:bbScH9rI [Del]

>>19 I have watched fairy fail and its just a load of cliched crap thats not orginal at all. Natsu is just an arrgant version of Luffy who just needs to give a friendship speech to win a fight. Luffy has loads of weaknesses like he can't swim, hurt by sharp objects and easily fooled.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-23 07:33 ID:dqciUHcj [Del]


23 Name: hibari : 2012-02-23 09:05 ID:wKuZ0ny0 [Del]

Bakugan. I HATE THAT SHOW. Its like yu-gi-oh
with marbles

24 Name: Starrrk : 2012-02-23 09:26 ID:7uUoCrMA [Del]

>>23 duel masters, it's like duel monsters, but with an "a"

25 Name: unreal507 : 2012-02-23 09:33 ID:T6ptrPQp [Del]


26 Name: Phoenix !hcugXK.swA : 2012-02-23 12:42 ID:5WKjp4wz [Del]

YuGiOh ZeXal
Seriously, WTF?

27 Name: SHsurreal : 2012-02-28 17:22 ID:SdQWtAwp [Del]

It only took me one episode to know that I hated it, Jing King of Bantits.

28 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-28 23:54 ID:aPqKq725 [Del]

>>21 You sure sound like you know what you're talking about... ._. If you can't put up a compelling argument than I could care less what you have to say about anything lol. I rest my case.

29 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-29 01:10 ID:Wvu9IEgh [Del]


"Natsu is just an arrgant version of Luffy"

Yet you only SAY he is. Where is the proof other than some biased bullshit, that is trying so fucking hard to force your opinion on us as if it's a fucking fact?

30 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-29 06:28 ID:pr2+SEqM [Del]

>>29 :0 You sure do curse a lot. I'm not looking for an arguement, or criticizing you. Just making an observation.

31 Name: Mikada : 2012-06-21 07:01 ID:y6XSPBZ0 [Del]

>>12 I'm a girl, and I love that show. Jst because your a girl doesn't mean you cant like it.

32 Name: Yuzuru Katsuragi : 2012-06-21 19:49 ID:Lh6RUcQl [Del]

The worst anime I have ever watched is hands down Aoi Hana. It's a romance Yuri that I thought might be interesting but hell no. It's the most boring, uneventful piece of shit I've ever seen. It's the only series that I've given an "F" to in my Otaku Note.

33 Name: Mayu : 2012-06-21 21:31 ID:CZ0NOT/d [Del]

Shin chan sucks

34 Name: Neko : 2012-06-21 23:55 ID:ydpT/kyz [Del]

School days that anime is just horrible

35 Name: PotJack Mugen !t9IX5Qa20Q : 2012-06-22 04:11 ID:oHrJvCae [Del]

The Wallflower. I forced myself to watch like 7 episodes. I then skipped to the last episode and of course it had a lame ass ending. It's so boring, overly cheesy & they try too hard to be funny. The male characters are super annoying too. The story and animation suck as well.

36 Name: Hoshi-chan : 2012-06-22 05:29 ID:5xPczXCs [Del]

Shugo Chara. I HATE Amu! She's so annoying! DX Her and her personality complex! She looks like she's trying too hard.

And well. I hate Naruto. I don't know what happened to it. Seriously. I have so many characters I hate in that anime it's ridiculous.

And another one is Umineko no Naku Koro ni. I hate everyone in that anime.

37 Name: NexusofPain : 2012-06-22 09:25 ID:W8edY0N9 [Del]

If I had to pick one I hated it would probably be the english version of Ai Yori Aoshi could barely get through the first couple episodes never seen the subbed version

38 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-06-22 14:24 ID:bilKvdYD [Del]

Well, I can never hate an anime or manga, but if I didn't really like one anime, I think it would be Fruits Basket. It was very slow and dragged on, in both the manga and anime. But the storyline was really interesting I just couldn't fathom it

39 Name: Need a name : 2012-06-22 15:15 ID:yYNmh+AR [Del]

I've never seen one I didn't like.

40 Name: Haruko : 2012-06-22 16:56 ID:lNEtOxR5 [Del]

1. Fairy Tail- Is there anything that actually makes sense?
2. Shugo Chara- Seems too immature to me and i hate every character in it (especially Amu)
3.Blood-C -just a poor imitation of Blood+ with more blood and stupid situations (though I kinda like the main idea)

41 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2012-06-22 19:50 ID:TM46nwWG [Del]

While I don't know that I can really say it's a bad anime, it's the only one I've never finished: Neon Genesis Evangelion. I watched the first five episodes and couldn't watch anymore because I just couldn't get past how friggin' annoying and painful it was to watch Shinji.

I'd heard from my friend who lent it to me that he was whiny, but geez...Greg Ayres's voice is angelic compared to listening to Shinji piss and moan. The worst part was that I wanted to like it. I'd heard it's like, the classic mech anime, so I figured it would be at least OK. But I just couldn't finish it.

42 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-22 20:09 ID:p5yGLta0 [Del]

Code Lyoko, the animation was bad, the CG was worse and the story made no sense for me.

43 Name: Tenshi : 2012-06-22 20:43 ID:EDMsD+Ay [Del]

I don't really hate the anime Inuyasha. It had a great plot but it took them FOREVER to get to Naraku. There are so many episodes that aren't really important

44 Name: Reaper : 2012-06-23 01:13 ID:7ojk88uk [Del]

@The Doctor code lyoko owns

can't really say i hate any anime cuz iv always liked the 1's i'v watched

45 Name: Oden : 2012-06-23 02:04 ID:NlRtF9kj [Del]

I think Ikki Tousen Is one of the worst Animes I've ever seen the characters are stupid especially the main character and I tried watching it but it was so boring I almost fell asleep it was that boring T_T

46 Name: RK !kY4i.AMUI2 : 2012-06-23 05:33 ID:aOKGN/Ri [Del]

I didn't like Naruto or One Piece ( I don't even know why I don't like One Piece, I just can't sit through an episode of it.) Come at me bro.

47 Name: Reaper !UUx7pe6l6. : 2012-06-23 09:14 ID:eyTq/+af [Del]

>>44 YO. YO! Dude......not cool.....

48 Name: opytt : 2012-06-23 19:28 ID:rnIzNJsB [Del]

Infinite Stratos. The characters were dull and boring (sans Charlotte Dunois) and the plot of the show was non-existant.

49 Name: Zero : 2012-06-23 20:06 ID:JSp+Baxf [Del]


Wtf is with that manga?

50 Name: Hibari ?!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-06-23 20:57 ID:5yJoEGnf [Del]

>>49 i agree but at the same time, that show is so bad it's funny. Every yugioh after gx sucks.

51 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-23 21:50 ID:p5yGLta0 [Del]

>>49 hated the show, but at anime boston, saw the bloopers of the dubbing, and it was funny as hell! "SPREAD HIS CHEEKS!!!(riding a missile at the villain who is bent over!)"XD

52 Name: Rin : 2012-06-23 22:35 ID:iIeBciZE [Del]

>>49 I remember that show!! My brother and I would always watch it thinking we were such rebels since our parents said that was the one show (on cartoon network) that we couldn't watch :3 Gotta love Gas-can

53 Name: RK !kY4i.AMUI2 : 2012-06-24 04:21 ID:aOKGN/Ri [Del]

I couldn't ever sit through an episode of that either... obviously seeing as I didn't remember it existed until you mentioned it.

54 Name: Shika : 2012-06-24 15:35 ID:Md77u/TY [Del]

gravitation (yeah, it has an anime!) the awkwardness of the manga is a lot more emphasized,,,-_-

55 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-24 16:38 ID:p5yGLta0 [Del]

Master of Martial Hearts
It made no sense whatsoever!
a single punch causes JUST the chest area of the shirt to rip-off, and the ending was stupid as hell! Especially the motivation of the villains just make you say.....WTF?!?!

56 Name: Sleonesia : 2012-06-24 17:46 ID:RsHmBbAX [Del]

ill just be blunt, boku no pico. i couldnt watc the first minute of the show. so so wrong! XC

57 Name: Telji : 2012-06-24 17:59 ID:lLKiYve5 [Del]

Sorry to all u fans but, Sailor Moon. Almost put me to sleep and it's pretty lame.

58 Name: Hibari ?!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-06-25 03:31 ID:mZt2dqzU [Del]

Saying thet natsu is like luffy because of the "friend speach" thing is like saying jinka, naruto, goku, and a number of other people who clearly are not are like luffy.

59 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 05:35 ID:8VO0Akfz [Del]

(Well, actually I read this...But...) I'd have to say Fairytale. Now, it might have been the fact that the person forcing me to read it was the stupidest motherfucker I'd ever met, AND he broke his side of the deal (If I read Fairytale, he'd read this manga which he had been prejudicing and being a general ass about just because I liked it) So, I might have had a bad idea about it before I even read it. This being said I may TRY to reread it and see if its any better.

60 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-25 21:06 ID:0Mdrnvvk [Del]

>>59 How... how could you? o-o

What about do you not like, aside from the person who introduced it to you?

I mean, Lucy's a little bitch who needs to die and let us follow the story of the other characters, but aside from that, what's wrong with it?

61 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 21:34 ID:DgBeCjr1 [Del]

>>60 Hmm, idk, I mean, if you knew this annoying gay midget, you would probably hate anything that came out of his mouth.
You (after him): "God I hate puppies."
Anyways, I read it at about the beginning of the year, so I don't really remember what exactly. I'm going to go reread because I feel ignorant and prejudice. I do not want to be like that.

62 Name: Okami : 2012-06-25 21:54 ID:+czsaO0d [Del]

Shuffle! definitely Shuffle!... Shit was like, harem for the sake of harem, there was no real story to it...

63 Name: Hibari ?!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-06-25 22:01 ID:EVRR98uI [Del]

Beyblade, bleach (fillers), and bakugan

64 Name: Sindri : 2012-06-26 01:44 ID:OZmy0ZCM [Del]

eh, probably not the worst, but what sprung to mind first was Demon King Daimao. The first episode was full of promise: intriguing premise, interesting characters, etc. The next nine episodes were pointless, plot-free, idiotic fanservice. The last two episodes attempted to compress what appeared to be eleven episodes of plot into half an hour by removing all the parts that made sense.

Worst anime adaptation of a manga (that I'm aware of) would definitely be Elfen Lied. They took what was originally a well-written and thought provoking manga, and then they removed every scene that didn't contain blood or tits and even managed to butcher those. So guess which everyone thinks of any time you mention it?

65 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-06-26 04:34 ID:Qiz3q/XW [Del]

Don't hate me for this, but I did't really like Fairy Tale. After 10 episodes of it... I gave up. It seems childish for me, but my favorite character on that show has to be Erza Scarlet! :)

66 Name: Aulixe !hRiXx9VPzw : 2012-06-26 10:06 ID:2J/EOB+P [Del]

I didn't really like Bleach or Inuyasha. It took waaay to long to finish both.

67 Name: Mitsuki : 2013-06-05 11:51 ID:g0ViZRqf [Del]

High School Of The Dead. I only saw one episode, so it may get better later on, but I refuse to watch more. As far as I can tell, it's your typical zombie infestation. Add lots of fan-service and a high school and you have this anime.

68 Name: Seishidan : 2013-06-05 13:39 ID:SzFZvTjG [Del]

School Days. This anime is fucked up on so many levels, i don't even know where to start. Just avoid this anime, for you own mental sake.

69 Name: anu : 2013-06-05 15:01 ID:iYVDGo4i [Del]

Well, I really don't like Bleach, because of the story and animation (and that Ichigo isn't handsome >_<) :D

70 Name: Bitchigo : 2013-06-05 15:31 ID:zJzHwSye [Del]

For me it is 11eyes. I just couldn't stand it I thought I was gonna start bleeding from my eyes

71 Name: HAM : 2013-06-05 15:57 ID:8XATWqZw [Del]

Because I have a life I can name a few:

Naruto Shippuuden - I only hated somethings about Naruto, like the ridiculous fillers mainly, but I can't sit for 5 eps where all that happens is them standing around and talking and not fighting -_- I mean, at least in Dragon Ball Z when they fought for 20 eps they actually did SOMETHING!

Uta No Prince Sama - This might be weird because I'm Ms. rapeALLthebishounens! but I just...I just couldn't sit and watch that crap.

There's more but I'll leave it at that for now.

72 Name: Mokona : 2013-06-05 17:19 ID:/oBTW7Y7 (Image: 576x874 jpg, 96 kb) [Del]

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...Special A. There was no plot, and It wasn't even interensting. (and they look like big spiders o.O

73 Name: X.Break : 2013-06-05 19:36 ID:UMXEASw7 [Del]

Dont ask.

74 Name: Sera : 2013-06-06 00:11 ID:janKdP13 [Del]

Special A.
Please don't hate me >.<

75 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-06 02:18 ID:AUi40tU8 [Del]

I've read the replies and I have to say, I understand some of them. Some of them I agree 100% but some I just don't know why people hate them. But people are entitled to have their own opinions so I'll shut up about that. Ok, so I like anime in general EXCEPT yaoi (yes, even some girls do not like yaoi), yuri, ecchi, hentai and other pervy stuff. And I'm not fond of some other anime, but I'm afraid it might take a while so never mind

76 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-06 07:48 ID:2d4N35B4 [Del]

Guilty Crown.

Maybe it's just me but it was a bad mix of romance and action.

I'm sorry for the fans D:

77 Name: Solace!5RRtZawAKg : 2013-06-06 08:48 ID:YXLvF/ow [Del]

>>76 What! Guilty Crown ranks up in my top 5, I loved the dark tragedy and messed up relationships within it. Also the fact that for once in an action anime not every single thing went his way really got it on my good side.

Hrmmm, respect your opinion though.

78 Name: Solace!5RRtZawAKg : 2013-06-06 08:52 ID:YXLvF/ow [Del]

Oh, and least favourite anime would either have to be Clannad (incredibly boring plot, didn't really like Nagisa, went on for way too long) or Shuffle (Weird change in genres really late on, unbelievable plot, got bored of the main character really quickly).

79 Name: Unorthodox : 2013-06-06 09:27 ID:gJPnK0h/ [Del]

Amnesia, I hate harem animes and I didn't like the plot at all

80 Name: eRuna : 2013-06-06 10:14 ID:0SsYOlXR [Del]

for me, i think that would be RDG: Red Data Girl... because i really just can't grasp the story..tch.

81 Name: Bitchigo : 2013-06-06 10:19 ID:zJzHwSye [Del]

>>79 Ahh I agree with you it was one of the worst anime I've ever watched. The plot was really dull and the Heroine completely unappealing in every way.

82 Name: jason : 2013-06-06 17:16 ID:bUcJjfJe [Del]

I'd say cat soup. there is no talking, no english dialogue and it doesnt really so much. i'm staying away from school days and i did watch chobits. it was very boring.

83 Name: Chocolate : 2013-06-07 03:39 ID:j0doKL5h [Del]

RDG: Red Data Girl, Inuyasha and Clannad..
Don't ask why..

84 Name: PkmnTrainerRed : 2013-06-07 03:42 ID:UokYgyI3 [Del]

I have to say, from what I watched I didn't enjoy Clannad.

85 Name: hsapin : 2013-06-25 11:47 ID:0mv3EmxN (Image: 390x390 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

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Okay, while Hametsu no Mars IS the worst anime of all time, I won't actually consider it just because it's really more of a joke than anything. It is good for a few laughs though. I guess mine would have to be C - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, and Shakugan no Shana. C tried to be deep or something and failed miserably while also having bland and bad characters, and Shana was completely anti-climactic while also having pretty shit characters. Those two weren't really all that bad, and I know there is much worse anime out there, but those are the worst ones I've ever seriously watched.

86 Name: Natomi-Chan : 2013-06-25 15:26 ID:i1NBOlCS (Image: 1920x1200 jpg, 663 kb) [Del]

src/1372191973341.jpg: 1920x1200, 663 kb
Don't kill me for saying this but Clannad had to be the worst anime I ever watched, not the after story just the actual “Anime”, here’s why. The anime was BORING! It was slow and was made out to be so much more than it was, none of it was funny and I think a snail can move faster than its plot! The art may have been great but the story was slow as hell and never got me interested, I waited forever for it to pick up but it never did. All they did was stay in a stupid school and have boring cheesy drama every now and then. Yup that’s right, I hate Clannad lol but hey that’s just my opinion. (Clannad the after story was fairly good though.)

87 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-06-25 17:34 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

>>86 maybe you just dont like slice of life anime

88 Name: Yamawashere : 2013-06-25 18:27 ID:0H/yJdXt [Del]

Turning girls that still ongoing was the worst thing I had ever scene it's only five minuites long and the animation is just plain lazy I wish I could regain my five mins to spend watching another anime

89 Name: Narikaz3 : 2013-06-25 21:22 ID:PseaZZUM [Del]

thats why angel beats is better but by the same creator!!!!

90 Name: Feral : 2013-06-25 21:49 ID:bDShtcib [Del]

Queen's Blade. Enough said.

91 Name: on-looker-13 : 2013-06-26 13:00 ID:DwvwG762 [Del]

When they cry. I cant understand or follow the plot after evey like 5 episodes. Then my freind tells me it starts over with a new plot. ITS SO CONFUSING o_O

92 Name: Bob : 2013-06-26 16:04 ID:JlJvwNgs [Del]

Sword Art Online.

I was all excited because it seemed like a decent sword-fighting anime, obviously. But oh, of course, it wasn't all that good. I liked it until around episode 4 when it started getting boring. Then I realised it was just becoming some harem crap. With loli-rape. I survived until episode 6, that was when the crappy story dealt a final blow to me and my HP went to 0. Game Over.

Nice art and action at least.

93 Name: Noctis : 2013-06-26 16:09 ID:AaBgfgtq (Image: 300x299 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

src/1372280965964.jpg: 300x299, 22 kb

94 Name: ~Narukami : 2013-06-26 16:26 ID:ceYiZPoC [Del]

Bleach. It has a horrible story, bland plot devices, horrible ideas for filler arcs, BUT the exception to that is the Bount arc, that was enjoyable. Bleach was cool for the first season, then it got worse and worse. Most people who will read this will say im wrong, but im just going to say this :

EVERYTIME THEY GET KILLED ITS ALWAYS ON THE RIGHT SHOULDER then they have a small useless montage of that persons life so we can feel "bad" for them. I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT, IF THEY DIE, THEY DIE. At this moment, im so glad Bleach has done airing in the U.S., there is so much better anime out there then the shit Bleach provides.

95 Name: Cat Rage : 2013-06-26 16:32 ID:/RJFvV7x [Del]

Shugo Chara, it's just too.... cheesey.

96 Name: Ototo : 2013-06-26 18:33 ID:4aaormuJ [Del]

Karin that was a stupid anime god i only watched it because thats what we were watching in anime club. Dont even know who picked it in the first place

97 Post deleted by user.

98 Name: Piangela : 2013-06-27 12:42 ID:ivfq1BXI (Image: 251x201 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

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Yosuga no Sora. It's so gross. The main male character has sex with all the female characters (almost all, but its not hentai) and even his twin sister who goes with it. I have a twin brother so that's just uncomfortable. The only reason I watched it was because the art and music were great, but the story and the character's personalities? Where the frick-fracking hell do people get those ideas? There are better anime that isn't as shameless as this anime , even some ecchi is better. And why should someone think of those silver haired twins when they see us? AS IF I'M AS GROSS AS SORA!! MY BROTHER, HE'S PERVERTED BUT NOT THAT GROSS!

99 Name: Leo_Shiro : 2013-06-27 12:57 ID:ivfq1BXI (Image: 225x225 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

src/1372355845192.jpg: 225x225, 11 kb
I will agree with Piangela. That's because I'm her brother, and that anime is like... woah.... First to that long black haired one, then after that scene, we stopped watching, and my pervertedness is not as bad as Shiro's. Why is my username Leo_Shiro? BECAUSE IT WAS BEFORE YOSUGA NO SORA EVEN EXISTED.... SO I'M KEEPING IT! My sister doesn't even attempt being nice...

100 Name: JuneLemons : 2013-06-27 15:41 ID:ivfq1BXI [Del]

I'd say Trinity Blood. Its just so boring....

101 Name: Nelusa : 2013-06-28 01:23 ID:84IBzCLT [Del]

Togainu no Chi.. It was just horrid.

102 Name: No one : 2013-06-28 14:26 ID:qOB1eOYE [Del]

The Worst Anime I Have Ever Watched

103 Name: EroGaki : 2013-06-28 14:58 ID:vRh0l5kn [Del]

Onegai Teacher and Akisora

104 Name: Ankir : 2013-06-28 19:54 ID:J1wcquuu [Del]

Bobobo-bobo-bobo - some guy can "hear the voices of hair" and he has a freaky yellow afro and eww... it was so horrible.
Aku no Hana - doesn't reveal anything, can't tell where plot is and the animations were disgusting.

105 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-06-28 20:06 ID:EI8X4Vkr [Del]

>>104 How can you not like bobobo-bobo-bobo? it was never intended to be taken seriously.

106 Name: Reggie : 2013-06-28 22:59 ID:ObdCjqmD [Del]

>>105 This.
Why would you watch anime if it wasn't batshit insane, like the rest of Japan.

107 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-07-24 00:03 ID:NStb9IDW [Del]


108 Name: Aoi Sora : 2013-07-24 13:05 ID:14wrrrir [Del]

Im going to get so much hate for this, but Vampire Knight. And its mostly just the main characters fault. I cant stand Yuki, Kaname, or Zero. They just ruin the whole plot with their defective love triangle. I would probably love the anime without them.

109 Name: Shinigami : 2013-08-04 21:33 ID:/bWUCg66 [Del]

Fate/Stay Night. I wasn't able to watch more than a few episodes before I gave up. First of all, Queen Arthur, seriously? I hated the main character and they killed the only character I liked super early on.

110 Name: namika : 2013-08-05 06:33 ID:tHZofo4u [Del]


111 Name: Sheora_Gachher_Petni : 2013-08-05 08:10 ID:3q0JbjrT [Del]

Clannad. I was like... WTF...... so boring........ and people actually cry about it?

112 Name: kitty-kat : 2013-08-07 02:24 ID:mgBaacF5 [Del]

Just throwing this out there, but the manga of Inuyasha, Fairy Tail, and Bleach are much better than the anime; no fillers, and better art (my opinion)

So why not check out the manga versions (which are also the originals), and enjoy the story a bit more than the anime?

113 Name: kitty-kat : 2013-08-07 02:26 ID:mgBaacF5 [Del]

On the other hand, the worst anime I've watched is probably a tie between Pandora Hearts and Prince of Tennis, mainly because the manga was so much better, not to mention the animation for both were extremely crappy.

114 Name: Larmann-Krogeus : 2013-08-19 01:58 ID:sKs7OCoK [Del]

F*cking Negima.


115 Name: Chizuru : 2013-08-19 02:06 ID:UXtLbG0h [Del]

Mmm... Say "I Love You"... it was just kind of slow and didn't really have a plot to it, I guess. There were some good parts, but it was the worst anime out of all I have seen so far...

116 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-08-19 10:48 ID:CUXSF5jZ [Del]

>>113 I thought Pandora Hearts was decent, then I got to the end. I know you shouldn't judge a show from a bad episode, but the ending was such bullshit. The kept piling on mysteries without answering any of them and then after the big build up for the end the idiot main character just accepted that he would never know anything.

117 Name: Tyk1337 : 2013-08-19 13:25 ID:o/jwKFF/ [Del]


118 Post deleted by user.

119 Name: bb-chan : 2013-08-20 18:11 ID:MlF5fopZ [Del]


120 Name: Last Blade !sBX2PPRTGA : 2013-08-20 19:52 ID:Rnk6eDNU [Del]

Many people will hate me, but the worst I've seen so far must be One Piece.

121 Name: EpicKT : 2013-08-20 22:10 ID:8JoDAW7s [Del]

Freakin' BeyBlade. All that happens is a bunch of tops hitting each other. And even hen they use their "special moves" it's still just "bump bump bump" until one falls over. I've watched quite a few episodes, because I never judge something before I try it, and it was just boring. The characters are so annoying and whiny too. Yeah, I know it's for a younger audience, but still. Max and Ruby had more action and plot than BeyBlade!

122 Name: ...... : 2013-08-21 03:13 ID:enS0MeqN [Del]

hino no kakera

123 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-08-21 16:37 ID:bzVonsx3 [Del]

>>120 It's possible you simply haven't seen some shit.
But I've seen some shit.
One Piece doesn't even come close.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though - you never did say why it's the worst you've seen :V

124 Name: Azoula : 2013-09-08 14:40 ID:jgLgJR8l [Del]

I hate shugo chara! , I just hate the characters like prince and especially amu they both drive me bananas, and I didn't like one piece either ... I got bored after a couple of minutes after it started.

And I totally hate bay blade , inuyasha and yu-gi-oh

125 Name: Kaoru : 2013-09-08 22:02 ID:KUZcVYWY [Del]

I hated elfen leid with a passion, I watched it all in one sitting with a friend pretending it was good so he would stop pestering me about watching it, I disliked the story, how it was told, and just everything.

126 Name: Anita : 2013-09-09 01:52 ID:O3ulUFmo [Del]

Blood+, easily.

127 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-09-09 02:27 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

>>126 go fuck yourself.

128 Name: Steve : 2013-09-09 03:11 ID:tUKgBAQq [Del]

>>127 I agree with your statement, good sir!

129 Name: Kuryuukia : 2013-09-09 08:26 ID:j7S22ymk [Del]

School takes the 'slice of life'-genre a bit tooooo serious :3

130 Name: SoulCrona : 2013-09-09 18:17 ID:/PnpqAJu [Del]

Naruto. terrible the dub and sub suck.

131 Name: Temp : 2013-09-10 22:14 ID:fW+mlrQe [Del]

Arcana Famiglia, just terrible

132 Name: Kaguraa : 2013-09-10 23:41 ID:f5MSWaBh [Del]

For me it was Bokugara ga ita
Too much drama :L

133 Name: Sairenji : 2013-09-11 04:47 ID:eCQiJmMZ [Del]

i'll say...naruto...
i dunno why....i just get bored of it...

134 Name: REDRUM : 2013-09-11 11:24 ID:oqdC0G1b [Del]

i think its xxxholic .... idk but i really get bored of that

135 Name: Javed Cygnus : 2013-09-23 23:15 ID:mGyHMzvZ [Del]

Naruto.... I usually watch an entire series but thats one I could never start.

136 Name: AkaneAstin : 2013-09-24 14:10 ID:IHQ2jS0q [Del]

Seto no Hanayome
It was terrible! It didn't even have a normal story-line!
It's boring and the characters are annoying.

137 Name: Yakuna : 2013-09-25 19:01 ID:q9YP6VJo [Del]

One Piece,I just hate how the characters look....and the parts where it was supposed to get sad wasn't sad at was just...bleh

138 Name: ShiroYasha : 2013-09-25 21:50 ID:TO0NsvAR [Del]

One piece, for the same reasons of Yakuna

139 Post deleted by user.

140 Name: suzuki : 2013-09-27 01:29 ID:tHZofo4u [Del]

>>137 Many people judge One Piece by the was true at first for me,I too judge the art...however,after watching a few episodes of One Piece,I started getting hooked on it!The plot is great and the adventure is f**king amazing!!Trust me,the art is going to get better!!GUYZ!YOU ARE ALL GOING TO MISS AN AWESOME ANIME!!!

pardon me for my preaching:p

141 Name: Hiruka : 2013-09-27 09:22 ID:zaX1zsUe [Del]

Elemental Gerad, at first it was also interesting, but then the story started to be repetitive, so I've stopped...

142 Name: Excelion : 2013-11-03 07:20 ID:xdSUYvPM [Del]

Boku no Pico.

I regret watching it. It's the first thing I've ever regretted in my entire life.

143 Name: Kirika : 2013-11-03 10:36 ID:Nnl6F/Ua [Del]

Ouran High School Ost Club


144 Name: Tsubasa-chan : 2013-11-03 14:23 ID:+UUx+O1v (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 467 kb) [Del]

src/1383510223044.jpg: 1280x720, 467 kb
...I'm going to say Save me Lollipop. It's really stupid, but I'm going to say at least the voice acting wasn't bad, since funimation did it.

145 Name: Hero : 2013-11-03 18:00 ID:VS7CVRON [Del]

Ugh, I hate High School of The Dead. It's so misogynistic, it kills me. You don't even have to watch the anime- just look at the posters for it. It caters so much to the male audience- and not even the smart half of it! It caters to the dumb half that only cares about boobs, panty shots and zombies. It's just so laughably unrealistic and impossible. It's the first anime that actually managed to offend me.

On a side note, I love how when an anime meant to cater to girls (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club) actually had a decent plot, good, well rounded characters, good humor, and had a good message behind it (especially to me, who is a swimmer), while one meant to cater to men is just porn and zombies. My boyfriend actually got upset that I got a decent anime while he just got something that made him embarrassed.

146 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-03 19:37 ID:E2tSiMBS [Del]

>>145 A lot of anime are like that you know. Majority basically. And then there's the visual novels where the plots basically the guy(the player) going on a train and rapes some girl. This is Japan. Japan does this. More so than the U.S. Might as well hate on Japan's morals rather than an anime if you're going to hate an anime based on "misogyny" and boobs that cater to males.

147 Name: kenpachi ramasama : 2013-11-04 15:38 ID:hLrZ5UG3 [Del]


148 Name: Dark Crow : 2013-11-05 01:40 ID:vSzdi0A0 [Del]

yaoi anime

149 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-05 05:16 ID:3NALIUFz [Del]

>>145 So let me get this straight:
- You called HOTD misogynistic even though the female characters are a combination of smarter and tougher than all the males
- You blame an anime for being 'unrealistic'
- You don't link the jump between liking girl fan service anime more than boy fan service anime with your gender preferences
- You get offended by an anime that literally aims to purely entertain

Good work.

150 Name: Hanachi : 2013-11-05 06:24 ID:5HIniUlU [Del]

Boku no Pico LOL
Yeah, i like yaoi, but not boku no pico... it's really disgusting...

151 Post deleted by user.

152 Name: Eternalhatred : 2013-11-05 07:13 ID:Fo5VW3sD [Del]

yucks.. yaoi sucks. i prefer yuri than yaoi

153 Name: Yoite : 2013-11-05 08:02 ID:0GhGIUKG [Del]

Boku no pico is the worst , no doubt.
Only perverts like it.

154 Post deleted by user.

155 Name: Servant : 2013-11-06 13:23 ID:KcNVHjNn [Del]

Chos;Head, too boring

156 Name: The Alchemist : 2013-11-06 18:54 ID:7G05DB4E [Del]

Guilty Crown. Becuz of character developement and plot

157 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2013-11-06 19:33 ID:YSSbfPXV [Del]

That shit was awful... The whole thing was pretty much, "oh an then this happens because of reasons".

158 Name: Zaunite : 2013-11-07 03:30 ID:FXVbRiWN [Del]

Code geass . I dont like the plot :/

159 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-07 06:13 ID:3NALIUFz [Del]

I don't get why everybody hates Guilty Crown for some reason; it's one of my favourite anime.

160 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2013-11-07 09:14 ID:sKs7OCoK [Del]

I just think the writing was terrible. Everybody likes shows that other people hate on, people's taste is just different that's all. It's the same for me with the Sky Crawlers. I love that movie, other people hate it. I get why they hate it though, and it doesn't really bother me much.

161 Name: !MlyjbDDwqQ : 2013-11-07 10:09 ID:/CjO0966 [Del]

Devil May Cry, although to be fair I only watched 2 episodes, I found the characters boring and couldn't get into it, I've seen other I got bored of quickly but for me this has been the worst by far

162 Name: Haru : 2013-11-07 13:05 ID:NyFH/Vbv [Del]

Boku no Pico...
Everyone said I mustn`t watch that...
And they were right!I have nightmares about that!!!Nobody should watch that!!!!

163 Name: Ardy : 2013-11-07 15:48 ID:br6qO9zi [Del]

Otome Dori
it's the worst,
after i watch that, i lost my desire to girl
and then i think, maybe i should not marry

164 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-08 08:08 ID:3NALIUFz [Del]

>>160 I just feel that the characters were realistic. A lot of people seem to hate Shu because he had flaws, which surprises me. The people in the plot weren't perfect, and that's a lot of what I liked about it. I also didn't find the same plot inconsistencies that you and others seem to have. Granted, it requires suspended disbelief for some of the plot events, but that was not common.

165 Name: RZF : 2013-11-08 21:00 ID:Q+bB3qt4 [Del]

I don't hate anime but the lowest on my list of ones that I have watched is "Princess Lover". The plot was terrible and it was just another harem anime with fanservice instead of a good plot or any actual character development. All that and the OVA was a hentai.

166 Name: maruru : 2013-11-08 21:33 ID:6hwpZsxy [Del]

In general I like psycho angst horror settings. But even so, this one was just to quiet. The story did not catch me and the gore was somehow boring. I stopped watching after the 5th episode.

167 Name: Kumori : 2013-11-09 12:04 ID:xtibfogj [Del]

It would have to be Clannad. I dropped that anime a long time ago. I found every female character in the series kind of annoying, especially Nagisa. I never liked her, though I don't know why. Maybe because she was too shy and couldn't do anything herself?
About Fairy Tail -- I can agree with some people that it's very cheesy. And, Lucy is my least favorite character. I used to LOVE Fairy Tail, but I'm beginning to lose interest in it. I just thought I'd also share my opinion on FT.

168 Name: Zero-chan : 2015-03-28 16:21 ID:JPMD+b93 [Del]

Code Geass...I just...No.

169 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-03-28 18:08 ID:bRaUULfw [Del]

i've been luck to only watch two i didn't like
1.) amnesia it's confusing and has no real plot it's just not good
2.) my little monster it's supposed to one of those cute little awkward love animes but it just sucks like really sucks

170 Name: Bela : 2015-03-28 18:57 ID:Zy/jNFs5 [Del]

Mermaid Melody, which was pretty much a terrible mermaid rip off of Sailor Moon. It took everything I didn't like about Sailor Moon and made it even worse like the long transformations/"attacks" and boring characters and storyline and it was super girly.

171 Name: Shino Kagaya : 2015-03-29 02:29 ID:PMHSPXL1 [Del]

1. The twins are really just knock-off's of the VOCALOIDS Rin and Len

172 Name: Zae : 2015-03-29 05:33 ID:9YLCIhWR [Del]

>>2 I can only agree with you~
School Days is a horrible anime~

173 Post deleted by user.

174 Name: Silas Dane : 2015-03-29 09:03 ID:DjmH0Tcl [Del]

Guys... It really pains me when you write off an anime as "bad or shit" when you don't even give it a chance. For those who have given them a chance and know what you're talking about, I'm not talking to you. I speak to the people who are one-sided and refuse to even acknowledge the other side of the argument, and people who are easily swayed by an uneducated and ridiculous opinion without giving the anime a chance.

I'll use Sword Art Online as an example. Nothing drives me crazy more than hearing this when I decide to ask someone about their opinion on an anime and I get this. This was when I haven't seen SAO yet:

"Hey, you said SAO is not a good anime. Care to explain your reasons why it's not good? I want to watch it and I want to know why you thought it was bad."
"SAO is shit."
"Okay... Can you explain why it's bad?"
"There's no need to explain, it's shit."
"How far have you gotten in the series?"
"The first minute."

Another thing that drives me crazy is this:

"I've seen SAO and it's not good."
"Okay, what wasn't good about it."
"The characters."
"Why were the characters not good?"
"Because my friends said so."
"Okay... What do you think about the characters?"
"I don't know, they're just not good because they aren't."
"What's not good about them?"
"I don't know."


"Hey, so you watched SAO and you say it's great. I want to watch it and I wanted to hear your opinion on it."

"Oh yeah, sure!" (Then he goes on to spoil the entire series for me without giving me a damn opinion or reasons why the series was okay. Just that he loved the series.)

THIS is how you do it properly when you like the anime:

"Hey, I want to watch SAO and you watched it before. Can you tell me what it's about and what your opinion is?"

"Sure. SAO is an anime set during the not-too-distant future where virtual reality is possible with video games. The story follows a boy named Kirito who gets trapped in a virtual reality game called Sword Art Online along with thousands of other players. If you die in the game you die in real life. It'll explain how that happens in the series."

"Great! Anything else I should know?"

"Yeah, so basically in order for them to escape the game, the players have to get to the last level of the game and defeat the final boss."

"Awesome, sounds like a good anime. What's your opinion on the series?"

"Well, it's pretty good. I like the setting, and the animations and art are really good. The fight scenes are pretty intense if you have the volume put up to a decent amount. And the background in every scene is just beautifully drawn. There were some issues I had with the series, but nothing too serious. Overall it's a pretty good anime."

THIS is how you do it properly when you don't like the anime:

"Hey, I've never seen SAO before and I want to watch it. Can you tell me what it's about and what you're opinion is?"

"Oh, SAO? It was okay, but I didn't like it."

"Alright, what was bad about the anime?"

"Well SAO is an anime set during the not-too-distant future where virtual reality is possible with video games. The story follows a boy named Kirito who gets trapped in a virtual reality game called Sword Art Online along with thousands of other players. If you die in the game you die in real life. That's what the anime is about."

"It sounds pretty interesting, what didn't you like about it?"

"The anime does a poor job of explaining what happens in some parts. I wouldn't mind if an anime did that, but this one skipped a giant time frame where a lot of information and character development could have been done right. If the creators of SAO would have put forth the effort into trying to make this a good anime, they wouldn't have cut out so much needed details."

"Wow, what stuff was missing?"

"I'll try not to spoil too much. But one thing that would've been great to do was to show what happened once the players found out they were trapped in a death game. At one point in the series, they explained that a lot of players committed suicide. I personally would want to see that and the reactions of the other players who witnessed it and how they internalized the suicides. Another thing that would have made for great character development was showing us how the players adapted to their new environment. I mean, there were people in the game who have never played video games before and it would've been great to show how they adapted to their new environment."

"Wow, that does sound like a lot of stuff was missing."

"You bet, there's a lot more too. I really did not like the fact that they only briefly mentioned what bad players do. Like, there were murderers in the game. I wanted to see how and why they decided to choose that life in a game. And also, the main characters are surprisingly plain. There's no real uniqueness about them, but I won't say anymore because I'd be spoiling it for you."

"Wow. Well thanks for your opinion. I'll definitely check out the anime now."

Well, I hope that rant of mine knocked some sense into people. I mean, seriously, there are a lot of people out there that don't know what the hell they're talking about and just judge an anime without even giving it a chance or even paying attention. Trolls will be trolls. But people who take an interest in the series and want to watch it? What the hell are they supposed to think if you don't give a proper opinion on the series?

175 Name: Ghostie : 2015-03-29 09:23 ID:YYCEwQHJ [Del]

I don't know what the worst anime I've ever watched is. I've watched too many to remember, I consider narutto bad. That's cause I watched 5 episodes and still didn't get what was going on. The actual anime art is decent and from others opinions the characters seem good.
Don't get me wrong I know a bad anime when I see it, but since I tend to avoid those I forget what they are. 😓

176 Name: D35TR013R : 2015-03-29 14:53 ID:a0xbVXpc [Del]

Boku... 'Nuff said

177 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-03-29 15:41 ID:NqE9DCMc [Del]

I really disliked Lucky Star. It might just be because I hate the slice-of-life genre in general, but I just really hate Lucky Star

178 Name: Rat : 2015-03-29 19:16 ID:ZkVQ7lj4 [Del]

Bakugan, Just... just no.
I also never liked or appreciated "Uguu" moe animes like Kanon, Clannad or Air.
Lucky Star for me was an exception because of all the funny anime references.

179 Name: daimao : 2015-03-30 13:35 ID:dSHdnO/m [Del]

You: we will, just tell us
ME:its ...naruto, hate it

180 Name: Yahoru!Wi1d9zHZZ. : 2015-03-30 14:53 ID:bQYuaTGi [Del]


181 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-03-31 05:47 ID:Qir0mawc [Del]

>>180 I totally agree!

182 Name: Matev : 2015-03-31 07:22 ID:YIN+XOAo [Del]

>>179 Dont worry, dude. I hate it also

183 Name: Kamina : 2015-03-31 07:26 ID:vB5MuBEH [Del]

I hate that big 4 naruto bleach fairytale Dragon BallI

184 Name: Setton : 2015-03-31 08:00 ID:QscP4k7K [Del]

Honestly I really dislike fairy tail and clannad. Fairy tail is all about boobs and friendship is magic(totally not from my little pony). Clannad is slow and cliche

185 Name: Setton : 2015-03-31 08:22 ID:QscP4k7K [Del]

Also if Lucy(from fairy tail) didnt have those fucking keys she would be worthless

186 Post deleted by user.

187 Name: ... : 2015-03-31 15:51 ID:H40jWNws [Del]

My god .. where do I even start? I'd have to say:

-One Piece

And all the harem anime. Tbh I find the girls pissing me off, and I can't bear to watch it. Not only the girls, but how usually the MC male is so weak and gets embarrassed so fucking easily. I mean, some anime series aren't like that, but the majority of the anime series have the MC male as a fucking asshole wimp. It's really hard to find an anime series you haven't watched that has a serious OP MC male that you actually fucking like.

188 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-31 17:50 ID:PqH6ujj7 (Image: 720x540 jpg, 130 kb) [Del]

src/1427842217675.jpg: 720x540, 130 kb
Witch blade...

It had it's good dialogue and drama and even a nice cute lil romance- BUUUT...

Well... Look at the photo. If you've watched anime long enough, you can tell trash when you see it.

They were randomly giving out orgasms as they fought.
I think even cumming.
But what really pissed me off was the bullshit scifi they made up to justify the moanings.

189 Name: Aurora !IV0gF1CJF. : 2015-04-01 01:12 ID:QtSXepFW [Del]

i think the worst i've ever seen was bokura ga ita.
it made me want to punch my screen every single episode and the animation was something i couldn't get used to.

190 Name: Eric : 2015-04-01 19:44 ID:ITTxV9lc [Del]

I think that Naruto was a great show

191 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-01 19:51 ID:PqH6ujj7 [Del]

>>188 oh wait oh wait oh wait.

No. It's Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne.
Deeefinitely Rin. To hell with what I said before.

192 Name: DamnMan : 2015-04-01 20:56 ID:bHNsJhIB [Del]

Claymore. Fcking shit.

193 Name: Kanoko-sama : 2015-04-02 00:00 ID:YdFo8Aqf [Del]

I don't know if anyone has said this yet & if no one hasn't then...I'm shocked. For's Boku no Pico
..I'm wondering if that even counts cause that's just how bad it is.

194 Name: TreyTSB : 2015-04-02 01:27 ID:H4gNJiOM [Del]

Really?? I'm shocked. I actually thought Rin: daughters of mnemosyne was rather good. But hey, to each their own.I'd say maybe school days or high school dxd are the worst animes I've seen.

195 Name: licca : 2015-04-02 08:55 ID:B2nOXy57 [Del]

>>193 i think because no one watched them? lol. Have you watched it? I never wanna watch it XD

196 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-02 10:21 ID:PqH6ujj7 [Del]

>>194 I couldn't get past the first episode man. I mean, really? Oh no if we meet these soulmate creatures we'll be forced to have sex with them, I'm so scared! This grown ass woman only wants to have sex with you, my loli sidekick!!



197 Name: baka_Soda : 2015-04-02 14:02 ID:TfbEhIOH [Del]

Diabolik Lovers. .___.
It was nosense and stupid. Really.

198 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-04-02 17:07 ID:PqH6ujj7 [Del]

>>197 Which one is that again? The one with the vampires or the one where the girl has amnesia and everyone's a psychopath?

199 Name: Daniel : 2015-04-02 18:27 ID:mX5LFC1W [Del]

definitely Eiken
it's such a bad anime shame about it

200 Name: Minako : 2015-04-02 18:43 ID:7JjZSdVr [Del]

Hmm maybe Madoka Magica... To be honest I think it's really overrated.

201 Name: konyaku : 2015-04-02 20:52 ID:n/efTqkJ [Del]

binan koukou chikyuu bouei bu love, definitely
as a man, i think it's horrible

202 Name: valtystic : 2015-04-03 01:52 ID:qO0tZ3ap [Del]

Arcana Famiglia, that show felt like should've had more action than it actually did (it had the premise of an interesting show but holy cow did that fall flat)

203 Name: !!LTL6hFw4 : 2015-04-03 02:01 ID:6JUGab2m [Del]

All of them.
Anime is for nerds.

204 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-03 12:46 ID:bU3H5rUn [Del]

Highschool DXD is the worst in my opinion.

205 Name: ______ : 2015-04-03 15:57 ID:81yQHc48 [Del]

School days because of it's amazingly stupid plot, even if it did have and ending that was deserved.

206 Name: Sky7 : 2015-04-03 15:59 ID:xneA9HBY [Del]

Trinity seven I think...

207 Name: Cake : 2015-04-03 20:40 ID:IU6hXkhk [Del]

orst anie to me is probably every eechi harem ever where the guy is a douche...idk?

208 Post deleted by user.

209 Name: Kaminari : 2015-04-04 09:10 ID:KjMeCDQA [Del]

>>206 I think trinity seven had a pretty decent concept, despite all its other faults, so I wouldnt call it the worst anime I've seen, just saying I guess

210 Name: Kotatsuneko : 2015-04-04 15:52 ID:ZB5pScsa [Del]

Blood+, C³, Dragonball GT, Gokukoku no Brynhildr, Hitsugi no Chaika, Mahou Sensou, Sasami-san@Ganbaranai, SAO2, Yumekui Merry.
Those are the worst animes I have ever watched. I was struggling through them.

211 Name: Kotatsuneko : 2015-04-04 15:58 ID:ZB5pScsa [Del]

>>210 as to why:

Blood+: Story was good in the beginning, but the course it took was just bs.

C³: Thought it was a "horror" anime. It was utterly bs

DB GT: Should be self explaining

Gokukoku no Brynhildr: Thought it would be great like Elfenlied. Turned out to become a typical Harem with everybody surviving the most unbelievable scenes. I mean come on..i.e they have such a dramatic goodbye. then surviving..

Hitsugi no Chaika: Just so boooring

Mahou Sensou: The Final episode was just sooooo bs. i mean why...why on earth would you bring in time travel...

Sasami-san: The story utterly bs.

SAO2: Has nothing to do with Sword Art Online

Yumekui Merry: Story boring af

212 Name: Akatosh : 2015-04-05 07:59 ID:obT7c+VO [Del]

Mahou Sensou is the worst anime I ever saw.
it have a very very confusing and senseless story.

213 Name: 眼鏡の悪役 : 2015-04-05 08:23 ID:0thgRylE [Del]

>>211 I suppose you don't like slower-paced shows based around intrigue, rather than ones where everything is solved with an explosion at a rapid pace? And as for SAO2, SAO was originally intended to be a one-off light novel. Kawahara didn't expect the runaway success, so to capitalize on it more LNs were made. Since clearing the game was a done deal in the original LN, there were the anachronistic side-stories, before ultimately feeling a desire to branch out and move the plot forward. Also, it is related to the namesake game, if you give it a chance to explain itself.

On topic, I think probably the anime adaption of Rosario+Vampire. The manga is far superior, with an actual plot instead of the anime's cheap "plot," with excessive panty shots whenever the camera just happens to be facing one of the girls, not to mention the hotspring scene, where the water was not opaque as is usual. There is no excuse for not exempting Yukari from it, given that she is twelve. I'm also not fond of Vampire Knight, seeing as how it's nominal heroine is almost entirely useless until near the very end and spends most of her time complaining when the deck has been stacked in her favor from the beginning.

214 Name: Akatosh : 2015-04-05 08:44 ID:obT7c+VO [Del]


Light novel is pretty good.

215 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-05 09:16 ID:De3K7bIX [Del]

>>213 aha i see you're ripping into >>211 comment and i totally see where you're coming from anyway on topic mahou sensou was terrible of course but i think glasslip was terrible but only because i got my hopes up in thinking it would captivate me like Nagi no Asukara in the end all rhe characters began to piss me off... I apologize to those who liked the adaption i just couldn't bring myself to like ot at all

216 Name: 10Sept : 2015-04-05 14:56 ID:1aLDI0Ly [Del]

Master of Martial Hearts, hands down. It was also kind of one of the best things I've ever seen. It's a mindnumbingly dull shitty girls fighting show that's basically softcore porn --everyone's clothing is made of tissue paper and explodes when hit-- but the ending is one of the best things I've ever seen. It's so spectacularly dumb that it makes you rethink the nature of life itself. So yeah, in short this show is simultaneously the worst and best thing ever.

217 Name: Black !LewdrAsD2s : 2015-04-05 16:37 ID:4UF/TiEC [Del]

To be fair, Master of Martial Hearts is one of the biggest "WTF" endings out there.
Still didn't see it coming though >.>

218 Name: ASXXST SAMA : 2015-04-05 21:51 ID:H1SqRJq5 [Del]

school days, ending was stupid and horrible

219 Name: Frizz !iqthU3m5P6 : 2015-04-06 08:54 ID:qOYvqng8 [Del]

Vampire Sherlock, it just came out recently but man it's terrible

220 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-06 18:43 ID:u+Eq8e8L [Del]

>>219 was about to watch it thanks this just changed my mind ahah

221 Name: Thorny : 2015-06-02 17:13 ID:LXAxWfeA [Del]

ofcourse its durarara

just kidding my worst anime is definitly to aru majutsu no index. strong first ep but thats it. It goas rapidly downhill from ep 2

222 Post deleted by user.

223 Name: Mose : 2015-06-03 02:25 ID:KdxG5Wiy [Del]

It would be Fairy tail and Yosagu no sora.

Yosagu no sora was doing good at first but then, incest happens...

Fairy tail... The most bullshit contained overrated anime in the history of Shonen

224 Name: Thorny : 2015-06-03 07:02 ID:LXAxWfeA [Del]

altho first time i watched fairytail few years ago i liked it.
But second season is as bullshit as it can get.
I dropped it after ep 15-ish of second season.
Plainly stupid, dont reccomend

225 Name: Rin Mitsuo : 2015-06-03 12:01 ID:RxVMPT4k [Del]

I once watched an anime called Hentai. That was the actual name of the show. It was terrible. The jokes were bad and the animation was worse.

226 Name: Akira : 2015-06-03 13:37 ID:H+O6Ikbp [Del]

I think 'Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou' or 'Yuyushiki'. I just can't understand those anime jokes.

227 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-03 16:22 ID:Yo0f8IHN [Del]

Pupa has the worst rating as a series on myanimelist
My personal opinnion though is school days.
The sound and animation were below average, and the story and characters were created to be hated.

228 Post deleted by user.

229 Name: Mose : 2015-06-04 00:20 ID:KdxG5Wiy [Del]

>>225 Really? Is it a ecchi anime?

230 Name: Nainu09 : 2015-06-04 04:18 ID:lTs7zsgx [Del]

For me:

Mekakucity Actors.
Now WHY? Because from the first few episodes, it was really, really slow, I can't even understand what's the direction of the storyline. I've stopped watching it for a half month but then I decided to finish watching that anime. Now, in the half to the end episodes of the anime, things are starting to get good. The character development and the animation was ok. I had no problems with it, even the music is good. It had a good ending but my overall for it is 4/10. I'll blame for the storyline over it. If they fixed the storyline of the first few episodes, I would've gave it a 10/10.
(This is just a personal opinion, Don't get stark raving mad Mekakucity Actors fans...)

231 Name: Sidian : 2015-06-04 08:24 ID:TYBbaJDD [Del]

I hated RWBY... just kidding plz no hate comments. I'd have to say the worst anime I know is probably Tokyo Ghoul... The first season they build up a really good start for an awesome plot, knowing their was a second season I didn't mind the dumb cliffhanger. However when the second season came I was ready to punch a hole in the wall. NOTHING HAPPENED. For the second season you could just watch the first episode then the last three and you would basically be fully informed. If I were to talk about the crappy ending of Kaneki walking I would write a 5 paragraph essay.And with the second season done the third season isn't confirmed or even anywhere near possible at the moment!? I hate it -_-

232 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-06-05 00:01 ID:NMUPbfV5 [Del]

I really hated "Diabolik Lovers" and "The World God Only Knows". They were boring and I hated the main characters in both. The art in the second one was also really awful.

233 Name: CheshireCat : 2015-06-05 00:53 ID:9bfTDR7A [Del]

i hate vampire knights.i found it retarded cuz like the hoe didnt know what guy to pick like if they were a piece of candy she kept making stupid decisions and when she turned into her old vampire self she goes with her brother knowing damn well shes in love with him which is really disgusting and then leaves zero all alone to deal with his vampire urges. it was stupid i never watched something so retarded in my whole life. it was shows like this that i cant watch too many romance anime especially the supernatural ones. sorry for everyone who actually liked it and stuff but this is my opinion. now the art wasnt so bad it was decent but most of the voice actors sounded horrible like the main girls voice actor was so bad that i always blocked it. it was so annoying i mean most of the guys where great but the girls sounded like they didnt want to be in it like if they were just to read the script normally. again sorry everone who likes it but again my opinion dont reply if your offended by this

234 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-05 13:21 ID:4MsbS/2m [Del]

For me, the worst anime I ever watched was Hetalia. When I first saw it, I was like "This is funny." and I wanted to learn about some of the countries because I had no idea some of them existed. However, it quickly got old because of the lack of storyline and the completely pointless comedy. Also, I felt like it just completely ignored all the dark and cruel stuff any country has ever done. I mean, no you don't condem a nation for something its past people have done but you certainly need to be aware that it happened. Then, I met someone at school who completely ruined it for me. I couldn't deal with her constantly talking about France and yelling "PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTAAA!" everytime I saw her. Hetalia was the only thing she would talk about and I couldn't take it so now I won't look at it if I can avoid it. It was embarrassing and incredibly abnoxious for her to do that stuff 24/7.

235 Name: Haru : 2015-06-06 02:25 ID:bV3yU4ig [Del]

That would be Boku no Pico.
I don't need anymore explanation

236 Name: Agenim : 2015-06-07 18:20 ID:kXOg8m67 [Del]

@235: While I must say that Boku no Pico is high on my list, the worst anime I have ever watched was, without a doubt, Midori Shoujo Tsubaki. Not because it was bad, but because it was so unnecesarily gorey and disgusting. So much, that I wouldn´t really recommend it to anyone. Just stay away seriously.

237 Name: Cuchurinn : 2015-06-08 17:42 ID:rklqiARB [Del]

Boku no pico. And don't ask why mate.

238 Name: Ollie : 2015-06-08 22:06 ID:0PZ9f7Wc [Del]

lets never speak of boku no pico ever!!

239 Name: Hinata : 2015-06-08 22:39 ID:CVaOfCL3 [Del]

i agree /_\

240 Name: Gajeel Redfox2002 : 2015-06-08 22:53 ID:FsCOOxmz [Del]

once I accidentally watched "High school of the dead"

241 Name: PandaFreak : 2015-06-09 11:24 ID:C0uzY+Gs [Del]

>>240 The anime would have been so much better if it wasn't for all the fan service

242 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-09 14:58 ID:cgWOQIpb [Del]

>>240 and >>241 There was just so much boob everywhere I couldn't stand it. It sounded interesting but after a little bit, I was like "Nooooooooooo thank yooooouuuuuuuuuuu." and haven't looked at it since..

243 Name: Eru : 2015-06-10 02:16 ID:zounwsP8 [Del]

boku no pico and every single anime that's overloading with fan service

244 Name: RedReaper : 2015-06-11 15:37 ID:x/HuVMMi [Del]

Vampire Knight because of the forced incest

245 Name: cupcakemayhem : 2015-06-11 15:58 ID:4QuTAVR8 [Del]

Absolute Duo-so generic haha

246 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-12 02:35 ID:aNOoB0n7 [Del]

Is Absolute duo going to have season2 ?

247 Name: CAmiLLa : 2015-06-12 02:46 ID:961PMUzG [Del]

Vampire knight by far!!!

248 Name: MoyashiSan : 2015-06-12 03:35 ID:Gv7LCRAT [Del]

True Tears. The anime is SHIT!!

249 Name: Akane : 2015-06-12 03:50 ID:m7jgj7Bu [Del]

Yeah Vampire Knight as well...

250 Name: midori !Ql4o5HtpzU : 2015-06-12 16:33 ID:xa3qmk+o [Del]

I agree with MoyashiSan

251 Name: Sairbyu : 2015-06-12 22:17 ID:Wxk1VM4B [Del]

I don't really "watch" the anime that I do not like so I can't judge well, I just accidentally pass by them, and I'm just not impressed: Vampire Knight and Code Geass.

(Sorry, my bff who loves Vampire Knight and begged me to watch/read it, I just can't!) ^^

252 Name: Ash Sheriffo : 2015-06-13 14:35 ID:Bpz8H5VN (Image: 289x450 jpg, 61 kb) [Del]

src/1434224112962.jpg: 289x450, 61 kb
Sorry but I'm gonna have to say Alnoah.Zero.

I love Mecha animes, don't get me wrong but this anime was really boring and NOBODY FRICKIN DIED. At least one protagonist should have died I mean, come on man.

253 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-06-13 20:01 ID:HLO8Y+Di [Del]

>>252 of all the stupid reasons to dislike something.
Why does somebody have to die for a show to be good?

254 Name: Namiko : 2015-06-13 22:10 ID:JMN2zAVW [Del]

Well these are the anime I've dropped:

Vampire night, kill la kill, air gear, hunter x hunter, magi, code geass r2, log horizon s2, sekirei, k, index

They were either terrible, boring or both. I'm the type of anime viewer that will drop an anime after five episodes and checking reviews to make sure I'm not missing out by stoping. I like to use that time to watch good anime rather than suffer through bad or even 'meh' anime

255 Name: Setton : 2015-06-13 22:59 ID:xVlacmqP [Del]

worst you say?

i think it's Rail Wars , full of fan service :3

256 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-06-14 00:13 ID:WObYlRkk [Del]

>>254 Their were some bad reviewers if they didn't tell you that you were missing out big time if you didn't watch Code Geass R2.

Vampire Knight on the other hand, there should have been blaring warning signs as to NOT watch that.

257 Name: Goreal : 2015-06-14 05:23 ID:MiXn4ONZ [Del]

I know a lot of people loved it, but the series I hated the most out of all I have seen was Elfen Lied.
It was so depressing and bland, lacked character development, and other than Lucy had fairly uninteresting characters.

I can understand its following, but it just did nothing for me.

258 Name: Ash Sheriffo : 2015-06-14 05:55 ID:Bpz8H5VN [Del]

>>253 Im not saying that someone has to die, its just that the storyline was pretty boring and every1 seemed to survive fatal wounds :/

259 Name: werepupHOWL : 2015-06-14 07:11 ID:P+NJFnfc [Del]

Worst anime? Wallflower. The animation was horrible in my opinion and the plot was stupid.

260 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-14 10:21 ID:AQI/5Txh [Del]

Read up to 93, and I have to say, I fucking love this thread. It points out every single bad point in every single famous anime.
For me, any harem ecchi anime is something I hate, just because that shit is so fucking unrealistic that you can't make a proper story out of it.
So, DxD, Sora no something something, To love ru, Highschool of the Dead, Demon King Daimo and the list goes on and on

261 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-14 10:57 ID:AQI/5Txh [Del]

>>258 Well more or less world dies, only main character do any fighting, and only main character live from head shot......

262 Name: _______ : 2015-06-14 22:00 ID:81yQHc48 [Del]

School days just because....

263 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-06-15 17:23 ID:kbhCiw68 [Del]

>>261 Aldnoah Zero was awful since only two characters in the whole army could do anything. Even in the idealistic Gundam SEED, which features an op protagonist, he faces some opposition and his allies aren't absolutely useless. Honestly, in A/Z, it wouldn't have made a difference if the armies only consisted of the two protagonists.

264 Name: Jay Ohashi : 2015-06-15 19:27 ID:KcAAQv5B [Del]

I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but Gurren Laggan and Kill La Kill are, in my opinion, the two worst anime(s?) That I have ever watched. The plots seems sloppy and characters change out of personality a lot.

265 Name: John Smith : 2015-06-15 19:58 ID:hpVimi6w [Del]

High School DxD.. I couldn't even finish watching the first episode because it was so god awful, the main character is a rapist and everything about it is retarded.

266 Name: John Smith : 2015-06-15 20:01 ID:hpVimi6w [Del]

Lucky star is also another anime I cant stand. I only watched the first episode and it felt like every second I watched it, I was loosing braincells..

267 Name: CeaseAge : 2015-06-15 21:34 ID:I5kvVhH4 [Del]

This is a tough one. I guess I would have to say Black Rock Shooter. Because the story was kind of underdeveloped and I was kind of confused. And the ending was kinda lame.

268 Name: alice : 2015-06-16 05:04 ID:RoVFv7/j [Del]

Kokoro Connect
Reason: i just hate inaban! argsss

269 Name: Poppers : 2015-06-16 09:25 ID:ydmWc3dd [Del]

Dead Leaves- it had action and comedy and a guy with a drill for a penis, but the story was all over the place; plus the ending left much to be desired.

270 Name: Jay Ohashi : 2015-06-16 11:36 ID:KcAAQv5B [Del]

>>267 kind of.

271 Name: Kurone : 2015-06-16 12:22 ID:cs1NkDKT [Del]

Boku no pico

272 Name: Betty : 2015-06-16 19:56 ID:g8+RYJ3H [Del]

Boku no pico :(

273 Name: NebularPoet : 2015-06-17 16:36 ID:uJfblcNm [Del]

Knights of Sidonia. The plot is fan-flipping-tastic, but the art style is too 3D to be 2D, but still too 2D to be 3D. It gave me a headache. Read the manga, folks.

274 Name: Erebos !kJLEOmq1Ho : 2015-06-24 15:35 ID:3A/oc1fI (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 194 kb) [Del]

src/1435178124076.jpg: 1024x768, 194 kb
I tried watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but it was kind of boring to me. I watched the first few episodes of the show and it just didn't sit right. I've heard a lot of good things about it though, and I'm thinking about trying to watch it again. Is that something I should do, or is the series not as good as everyone says?

275 Name: Mhemsbal : 2015-06-25 08:30 ID:SH2zW3Mu [Del]

>>274 I loved this, what didn't you like about it? The movie for this was absolutely incredible, really long but amazing.

276 Name: Erebos !kJLEOmq1Ho : 2015-06-25 09:10 ID:3A/oc1fI [Del]

>>275 There just wasn't a whole lot going on in the first few episodes I watched. Does it get way better LATER on? Would you describe this as a MUST watch anime?

277 Post deleted by user.

278 Name: Ty : 2015-06-26 11:57 ID:SV7ffwoh [Del]

Probably Deadman Wonderland, only reason being the show ended in such a crappy way, I was so confused that I said out loud, by accident, "What the actual hell!?"

279 Name: Ray : 2015-06-26 14:58 ID:lWXVcnba [Del]

I'm with Ty. It was really good until the end fucked me over

280 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-26 15:02 ID:zcWesRmw [Del]

High School of the Dead. Holy crap, all it was was FANSERVICE, 'le~!

281 Name: ZenithYore!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-06-26 18:31 ID:4shc2J8m [Del]

>>278 The manga's better, and gives you an ending.

282 Name: SaddenedOtaku : 2015-06-26 19:39 ID:hj73wllx [Del]

Boku no Pico. Merry christmas

283 Name: Eisa : 2015-06-26 22:22 ID:z7x4WNRD [Del]

Worst anime? I have to say Naruto. Don't get me wrong I like Naruto and has been a fan of it for a long time now but after it ends, it was pretty ridiculous to say. The ending is crap as hell and too much plot holes, you can't even imagine that a lot of the bad issues in the manga didn't get resolved.In the end, most of the characters are all been decharacterized . So yeah, Naruto for me.

Boku No pico brought me nightmares.

284 Name: Nin : 2015-06-26 22:45 ID:vxt/y2hD [Del]

I'd say SAO, only because it should have really stopped when it was at the 13 or the 14 episode. The fact that it kept continuing opening it up to forced love triangles, MC is just a pro at every game apparently, and the fact that they just survived from being stuck in a game and nearly being killed yet they still are playing these types of games. I don't know about you, but I'm sure many people would be traumatized after experiencing that, honestly.

285 Name: firelily : 2015-06-27 11:48 ID:NlR1WiJ/ [Del]

>>282 boku no pico is a work of art XD
(no but really i liked it)

umm the worst would be..........Vampire Knight, most people say its just cus i didnt understand it but...the people in it mostly cried about everything and barley did anything about it

286 Name: I-H-Sa-N : 2015-06-27 12:27 ID:04oaSxPU [Del]

Green Green is complete shit and i wish i had never watched it.

287 Name: 田中太郎 : 2015-06-28 01:42 ID:zMuNhCHN [Del]

Accel world was the worst. I'm not a big fan of anime associated with machines and that sort of thing.

288 Name: Myself : 2015-06-28 22:08 ID:Ys/Wx+Gw [Del]

Ok....i know people are gonna hate me forever after i say that....but without a doubt....that would be Naruto....i actually dislike DBZ more, but i have to admit Naruto is worse..

Every single character seems like it came from a different anime, and some actually look like clones from other anime! Sometimes design,sometimes abilities,sometimes BOTH!
And Madara.....holy snap Madara.....the so called best villain actually is a really cliché one, not to mention most of his abilities are just powered-up versions of older characters abilities, and never forget that Kishimoto himself DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO KILL IT!

I really can't understand why people like it so much....well....The Akatsuki was cool tho....

289 Name: twentythree : 2015-06-28 22:44 ID:+YKKDOur [Del]

I'd go for Kampfer. Its full of fanservice and the plot is trash. I don't even know how I finished it.

290 Name: Ana : 2015-06-29 12:05 ID:36iFNnff [Del]

I was going to mention Mars of Destruction, but I haven't watched that anime. I just heard it was really bad, and there doesn't seem to be a single person who liked it.

Any hentai anime, or shows that revolve around fanservice (ex: Seikon no Qwaser).
As for anime that I watched seriously...Watamote?
I actually wasn't expecting much out of this anime. I watched six episodes and nothing really changed with Tomoko. I wasn't too into the comedy either.
Or maybe Fairy Tail...I quit the anime during the filler arc (when the celestial spirits turned bad) because it was so boring. Most of the fights had cheap victories. I wasn't that interested in the story, but the ending of each arc. The characters don't seem very impressive to me either.

291 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-06-29 13:48 ID:OzaNLMsr [Del]

watch Mars of Destruction

it's the best worst, if that makes sense

292 Name: MissCocoaNeko : 2015-06-29 14:35 ID:m4z9D71N [Del]

Tales of Eternia is awful. I mean, I know the Tales of series is big on friendship but the anime for Tales of Eternia is just no and I love the Tales of Series. Like, it just feels incredibly draggy and slow, I feel like the only focus is friendship building, and it just tries too hard to be funny at times. I see them all worried more about friendship rather than the lands of Celestia and Inferia. I'm halfway through the anime but at this point it's becoming a huge struggle to finish it.

It's I can't. I'll try 1 more episode but that's it.

293 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-29 18:36 ID:zcWesRmw [Del]

>>290 I do agree, Fairy Tail is detestable. I somehow watched up to episode 60 without dying of boredom and cringing but then I was like NOPE. Burn Fairy Tail to the ground, 'le~!

294 Name: honeysenpai : 2015-06-30 04:16 ID:O129WcHY [Del]

i watched glasslip when it was the first episode released until the last worst anime ever, that was the first time for me regretting watching an anime, the story was too unclear, too much drama, and not making sense at all (._.)

295 Name: Tsen : 2015-06-30 13:23 ID:ka5az9kW [Del]

It's not the worst, but I need to vent about Owari no Seraph. It started out as a kinda cool amalgamation of a bunch of other popular animes but it ended up a streaming pile of shit with the most unlikeable characters ever. Ugh complete waste of time and I hope it gets cancelled before its next cour.

296 Name: Haruhi Suzumiya : 2015-06-30 18:32 ID:hj73wllx (Image: 300x168 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1435707143154.jpg: 300x168, 9 kb
I'm calling Boku no Pico on this one!

297 Name: Gintoki : 2015-07-08 23:58 ID:rqWRO1n7 [Del]

I. Sorry guys u guys might hate me for this but my least favourite anime was inuyasha (probably since I don't remember half of the bad anime I've watched)

298 Name: summer : 2015-07-09 02:20 ID:Sd1sJm28 [Del]

1. Soul eater not!
2. Girl bravo
3. Love complex
4. the few episodes after the main characters were introduced in KHR
5-Was Needless a good anime?

299 Name: mie : 2015-07-09 09:01 ID:AxzjpHi+ [Del]

11 eyes maybe..

300 Name: Darkath : 2015-07-09 12:10 ID:kwQAGPm0 [Del]

I think the worst was probably Deadman Wonderland, despite the fact that the earlier parts of the series were great. It rushed towards the end and never really resolved anything.

301 Name: Creeper : 2015-07-09 14:22 ID:PacUhGJu [Del]

im serious.

302 Name: Z3R0.jpeg : 2015-07-10 01:56 ID:SDie/LhN [Del]

Boku no pico or Sword art Online season lacked what the buildup had created making me literally unable to finish the rest of the series.

303 Name: Mr_Shoplifter : 2015-07-16 23:12 ID:k/6sD/Wb [Del]

Did anyone watch Boku No Pico. I stopped once I saw the first scene :P SAO was terrible as a whole but Mars of Destruction is the worst Anime ever made. Just watch it. They were serious lol.

304 Name: Thud : 2015-07-17 08:11 ID:e8t9TB6z [Del]

>303 i can't really say if SAO was that terrible, if so, why is it so popular? And I really can say about the plot the author has made, you really can't write an interesting novel about RPGs without a good event that would supply the plot, Really, a guy who just want to play his game but ended up getting butthurt by his idol and stuck in a deathrow game? It's interesting! But the fact that Reki was trying hard to find another catastrophic event to continue the novel, the quality has dropped unfortunately for the sudden change of events fans were not prepared for... But I wouldn't call it terrible.

305 Name: Mr_Shoplifter : 2015-07-17 12:12 ID:k/6sD/Wb [Del]

>>304 It was that popular because of the animation and great soundtrack. Also the action. That's why most people did not enjoy season 2. And because of the incest... but anyway your right it is an interesting plot. For the first three episodes though. Then it started focusing on how many unrelated side stories they fit in to show how OP Kirito is. Season 2 did have some action but jeez they were just adding on the the crap they already made. I'm not saying Its bad I'm saying its terrible when it comes to story! everything else was great. Even the plot but they did not do it right. I don't think. But, think what you want that's all.

306 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-07-17 15:51 ID:oiGEtf2f [Del]

"i can't really say if SAO was that terrible, if so, why is it so popular?"

because people are also terrible

307 Name: Shinmai : 2015-07-17 22:03 ID:JWCQ0uub [Del]

hatin' the world bro?

308 Name: Sebastian Michealis : 2015-07-18 08:36 ID:/HsYoYhU [Del]

I like Its

309 Name: ニコウィジャヤ : 2015-07-18 10:20 ID:od0n60yd [Del]

SAO is terrible anime

310 Name: Fake : 2016-08-19 01:12 ID:ZIBdns3O [Del]

The worse anime I have ever seen is Chaos;Head. The first episode is promising, but the rest are terrible.

311 Name: Boopwrang : 2016-08-19 12:09 ID:+upQbuNV [Del]

One of the worst I've seen is Cerebus and Hundred

312 Name: Sharo : 2016-08-19 14:10 ID:rljxeFZf [Del]

Neon Genesis Evangelion, cant think of a more crappy ending.

313 Name: Kitana : 2016-08-19 16:39 ID:5HoZixim [Del]

I seriously hated SAO... it was just bad.

314 Name: Xihuitl : 2016-08-19 21:08 ID:uYhYKqsT [Del]

Shugo Chara.
I don't even know where to start... There's A LOT of flaws with this anime.

315 Name: elisa : 2016-08-20 13:18 ID:3o5tLHep [Del]

accel world i mean i was so close to finishing it but i gave up on the last 4 episodes

316 Name: Aya : 2016-08-20 21:12 ID:uxbwT+tg [Del]

I thought GATE was pretty sucky too. But SAO? smh. It has such an interesting storyline. An rpg anime? They couldve gone very far with that idea but SAO was just a sack of dissapointment

317 Name: Jin Junko : 2016-08-22 10:26 ID:sN2cjMn/ [Del]

(Idk if I already posted but) I really couldn't stand Clannad. It was so boring and the characters were extremely annoying in my opinion. >_<

318 Name: Silver : 2016-08-23 01:23 ID:Mi0aSsLK [Del]

SAO if you see it you will undestand why i hate it

319 Name: Takahiro : 2016-08-23 11:24 ID:W6MUbvtw [Del]

I began watching Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love, but it was so cheesy I stopped after the first few episodes. I've never liked magical girl themed shows (with the exception of Madoka Magica), so I'm not sure why i ever tried watching it.

320 Name: Samiko : 2016-08-23 11:40 ID:0SvUQodu [Del]

I really didn't like Vampire Knight for some reason I started watching it because a friend recommended it, but it ended up being very boring.

321 Name: Eion : 2017-05-21 02:52 ID:1KReHda4 [Del]

Boku no Pico and School Days.... i like yaoi and slice-of-life, but these, these are just over the top. They're traumatizing.

322 Name: "Weeb" : 2017-05-24 20:44 ID:IDQ2hTxL [Del]

Durarara!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

323 Name: K.A.R.M.A : 2017-05-26 01:51 ID:1BPIdLxN [Del]

The worst? I think mine would be Death Parade. That is too much death.

324 Name: Yin : 2017-05-26 11:41 ID:p1AuB3qt [Del]

I would have to agree with Eion. Boku no Pico is just a traumatizing anime that leaves you mentally scarred. I mean, I was getting into Yaoi and Yuri anime at the time I watched this, but after seeing this it has deterred me from further watching Yaoi and Yuri. I hope one day the I might un-see the tragedy know as Boku no Pico.

325 Name: joko : 2017-05-28 19:37 ID:osBvax6m [Del]

The worst anime that i'v watched would have to be food wars because the main character never really faced any conflict, so that made it very boring.

326 Name: Krollo : 2017-05-28 23:31 ID:lHVaHM70 [Del]

probably gotta be sword art online, after they got out of the first game it became so boring, it picked up again a bit in ggo but after that it was still boring

327 Name: Hibiscus : 2017-05-31 00:33 ID:KVZMYdU1 [Del]

Definitely Pupa. It's a good thing the episodes were only a few minutes long, but it's still a few minutes I'm never getting back. :/

328 Name: randonym !7V/FDjp0Gs : 2017-06-02 23:26 ID:6ZkDhRXH [Del]

boku no picー*SHOT*

Irregular At Magic High School. MC starts OP and stays OP and everyone else is just waiting to know it. He's too plain in personality, not even signs of depth for an introvert. There's zero character development. Also the incest played seriously is a major turn off for me. The fights/magic animations were pretty cool? but that was it.

Also Fushigi Yuugi. One of my first marathon experiences, and it was a terrible idea lol. Don't do it.

329 Name: Nox : 2017-06-07 11:12 ID:x8cCXgJD [Del]

i'd say school days. i've watched it one and it was a terrible mistake.

330 Name: Anonymous : 2017-06-08 14:33 ID:fmJI+VYr [Del]

I absolutely hate Chaos;Head
It was mostly made for the people who played the visual novel so for a commoner like me it made no sense, threw logic out the window and was a complete waste of time. I would love for my neighbors dogs to take a shit on a physical copy of it.

331 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2020-07-03 23:02 ID:1aryE4A/ [Del]


332 Name: kanedgy : 2022-12-07 18:29 ID:ClAoQYtM [Del]

Racal does not dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. Thought it was really weird and i didnt like it.

333 Name: Soda : 2023-01-24 08:58 ID:8XW48boF [Del]

Like roughly half of all anime on Netflix, they seriously have one of the worst anime selections of any streaming service.

334 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2023-01-26 07:03 ID:Zqm+hUER [Del]

Rent-a-Girlfriend- I was using Crunchyroll ad-supported and they wouldn't stop advertising it so I gave it a shot and it was so cringe. I watched season 2 only because I already invested time in the series and it was that one show for me that's so bad I have to watch because if I just watch good or great shows I get numb to their greatness over time and watching shit like that helps me not get numb to awesome stuff.

Mother of Goddess' Dormataory was shit as well. Same for First Love Monster, Hi Score Girl, Love Tyrant, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, and everything up to the last few episodes of Clannad which were approaching masterpiece level.

All those shows go beyond simply disliking them.i disliked The Duke of Death and His Maid, but those shows were shit.

335 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-01-26 08:07 ID:6o8VNHIb [Del]

>>334 What do you mean "Yahari Ore no Seishun wa Love Comedy" is shit, fight me.

336 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2023-01-27 01:43 ID:Zqm+hUER [Del]

>>335 I will fight you. My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU is shit. It was so bland and boring over 3 seasons. The characters weren't all that interesting. Now it had its moments, like that one chick from season 2 that MC always held her bags for, but overall it was one of the most boring, bland, and unprogressive series I have seen. For being called a comedy I didn't laught a single time.

337 Name: seikon no qwaser : 2023-02-09 13:59 ID:TTgzHxqb [Del]

an insufferable story with a peculiar way of recovering power that takes away all the seriousness of the series.

338 Name: Framrick : 2023-04-21 23:34 ID:DpdP0drK [Del]

Elfen Lied was by far the most shit anime I have ever watched. The main characters were too carefree and oblivious when the stranger they picked up started swapping personalities. One personality was basically a pokemon, they would only say nu and didn't act human, while the other personality was sadistic to the degree of feeling nothing after slaughtering hundreds.

A disgusting attempt at a love triangle and the anime finishes on a cliffhanger that makes zero sense. A big reveal with no lead up or foreshadowing or warning. Also no signs of a season 2.

Time I could have spent watching something good. Never taking that friends recommendations ever again.

339 Name: Oikaho : 2023-08-04 09:58 ID:33z48UGA [Del]

No game no life by far. Just en entitled creep self projecting on the main character