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Sayonara Zetsubou- Sensei (16)

1 Name: Telji : 2012-02-16 20:48 ID:lLKiYve5 (Image: 590x371 jpg, 53 kb) [Del]

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I so love this anime but surprised to see that barely anyone knows this anime.

Kafuka Fuura is the most positive person you may meet. No matter how bad things may seem or get, she always finds a way to smile or let the sun shine. One day, on her way to the first day of high school, she encounters a man hanging himself. Fuura discovers that the man's name is Nozomu Itashiki ('Despair' if written horizontally) and that he is her new teacher.

Nozomu Itoshiki is a man that is constantly in bitter despair. Though he is a teacher, he cares nothing more but to die and rid himself from the face of the Earth. Which is why he is always attempting suicide on several episodes. After encountering Kafuka Fuura, most of his life changes. All of his students are... er... different in every way.

The Hikimori (shut-in), the methodical and precise girl, illegal immigrant refugee girl, the stalker love obsessive chick, bilingual- no- bipolar girl, the super positive girl, the ordinary girl, tail fetish girl, the poison e-mail girl, and so many more! (There are males in the class.) I suggest you read the manga because looking for the episodes are confusing (for me at least).

2 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-02-16 22:46 ID:i3G7M/wh (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 521 kb) [Del]

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Great manga. It actually is very well researched on its satires

3 Name: Hatash : 2012-02-17 00:35 ID:HzXyvBng [Del]

Though certain people don't understand it, I understand it :\

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-17 00:50 ID:k4oTvNU/ [Del]

Thanks for making this thread.

SZS was one of my favorite shows a couple years back when I first watched it. It was a satire of everything, from social problems to world events, and even other anime entirely. The comical (despairing?) spin they put on every issue in the world made this both insightful and hilarious at the same time.

Not to mention, its OP and ED sequences? Easily some of my favorites out of any anime. Kuusou Rumba (especially the Rap-bito mix from the OVA) was my favorite song for a long time, and then Ringo Mogire Beam when the third season hit.

5 Name: Yamie : 2012-02-17 13:42 ID:YOzRewhK [Del]

I better watch this anime when I get home. This looks hilarious! XDD

6 Name: Parel : 2012-02-18 10:59 ID:TO79PESV [Del]

SZS the power of negative thinking!

7 Name: mado : 2012-02-19 06:43 ID:25Ka6pZn [Del]

>>4 I agree with you, the OP and ED were one of many reasons I jumped into this series. Especially the Goku ones, mindfuck is what you get from SHAFT + Gekidan Inukare combo. Also, the miracle train episode.

8 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-09-14 09:42 ID:gEnAagKw [Del]

I know this is old thread but had to post. I've seen the 1st and 2nd season and OVAs just need to watch third season.

I'm in despair not watching the 3rd season yet has put me in despair.

9 Name: Akira !TbtN1ov/L2 : 2012-09-14 22:52 ID:BMlJXSDX [Del]

Love this anime!

10 Name: vashts6583 : 2012-09-15 01:26 ID:Qorgz0H2 [Del]

I only just watched this series for the first time, and I absolutely loved it. I think my favorite part is the first 20 seconds, when it looks to be a serious show, but then the sound effects give it away.

I will say, though, that 'Zoku' is a bit odd. Like a very large amount of odd.

11 Name: Hikahhe99 : 2012-09-15 22:30 ID:hsfnVyUB [Del]

His name is Itoshiki Nozomu, not ITASHIKI!! ñlkaalñkalñskd

12 Name: Hikahhe99 : 2012-09-15 22:30 ID:hsfnVyUB [Del]

And it´s Hikikomori e,e

13 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-26 12:10 ID:Jy+Hz9hJ [Del]

Just bumping this thread
Ive been a hardcore SZS fan for years now and I feel that this post deserves a bump
I dont care if its really old

14 Name: Vitaeu : 2017-09-26 15:29 ID:dYOlthhp [Del]

tl;dr suicidal teacher gets an underage harem. The characters include stalker girl, "everything must be placed PERFECTLY" girl, the immigrant, the schizophrenic american (typical), danzo the high schooler, the hikkikomori, the cell abuser, the bl girl, and of course the normal one

Also APPLE PICKING BEAM thats important

15 Name: Vitaeu : 2017-09-26 15:30 ID:dYOlthhp [Del]

also rin is best girl

16 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-27 06:30 ID:Jy+Hz9hJ (Image: 720x480 jpg, 48 kb) [Del]

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>>14 You forgot the ghost who was killed and had her organs put into all the characters after they attempted suicide
In the process taking over other characters bodys to get screen time
God I love SZS