Dollars BBS | Animation
















Unforgotten Realms (4)

1 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-02-07 20:59 ID:NnISqQCM [Del]

I believe this would go under here... so lets give it a shot.
Unforgotten Realms is a web original animation following the adventures of Sir Schmoopy of Awesometon, dual-nunchuck-weilding sorcerer, and Eluamous Nailo, wizard in-training, as they quest to find a magical herb that will cure Sir Schmoopy's dying grandmother of her illness. Wait, no. Actually, the show follows Rob and Mike, two "friends", as they play Unforgotten Realms, Mike's roleplaying game as Sir Schmoopy and Eluamous Nailo, respectively. Rob's... interesting roleplaying style quickly and frequently results in throwing Mike's game off the rails, no matter how hard Mike tries to keep things on track. The group is quick to pick up two more allies: Petey, the (totally not evil) Undead dire rat, and Jacques, the magical talking axe. Other important characters include Evil Overlord Timmy the Evil, who plans to destroy Sir Schmoopy, Roamin the crime-solving rank-11 paladin, who tracks down crime with Gaary, a midget who is far more competent then Roamin, and the mysterious Kobolds.
The majority of the humor comes from Sir Schmoopy's interactions with the campaign world, which often results in the plot being ignored, strange characters showing up, and explosions.

The show's contract with the Escapist recently ran out, causing the show to be rather unceremoniously removed from the index on the main page. They can still be viewed there as well as the old episodes which are still on Newgrounds.

2 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-08 18:31 ID:lRhC9s2w [Del]

Oh man, this Rob dude is goddamn hilarious. Only finished episode 3 though, but goddamn, everything he does is so stupid, it's fucking funny.

3 Name: Nikoyaka Chijin : 2012-02-09 16:52 ID:W8C90iVN [Del]

I cast...Flare!

4 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-10 05:29 ID:3Z62YLkP [Del]

Okay...I wanna cast a spell.

God, this series. Schmoopy is either a genre busting newbie, or an absurdly genre savvy badass.