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Elfen Lied (34)

1 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-24 02:34 ID:9K+DJFPm (Image: 355x500 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

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Elfen Lied revolves around the interactions, views, emotions, and differences between human beings and the Diclonii, a mutant species similar to humans in build but distinguishable by two horns on their heads and "vectors," transparent telekinetically controlled arms that have the power to manipulate and cut objects within their reach. The series is centered on the teenage Diclonius girl "Lucy" who was rejected by human beings and subsequently wants revenge.
Elfen Lied involves themes of social alienation, identity, prejudice, revenge, abuse, jealousy, regret and the value of humanity.

Because the manga version only talked of the anime, i thought i should make it here as well.

2 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-24 02:37 ID:9K+DJFPm [Del]

So far on episode 5, overall a good anime imo. Pretty interesting plot, the dub is... bearable.
Certain parts/actions/conversations seem very out of place and dont tie well with the situation, but so far that has only happened a couple times, so its not enough to want to smash your tv.
so yeah, go watch it. Its on netflix.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-24 06:08 ID:igX5ik+O [Del]

if possible, you should probably watch the subbed version instead of dubbed. Yes, i thought the voiceovers were that bad. They just didnt seem to match the portrayal

5 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-01-24 19:19 ID:YuyTB8dG [Del]

This really is a good anime to watch. Other than the blood and gore the anime really has good drama in it. A couple of other good things about the anime include Lucy being a kick-ass character and the song Lilium that plays not only in the opening but through out the series. I just find the ending theme of the series pretty ironic since I somewhat feel that it's out of place from the anime. But hey that's just my opinion. Overall Elfen Lied is a cool series to watch.

6 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-01-24 19:28 ID:bRzySPSz [Del]

Anime = Spiffy, but still brilliant.

Manga = My mind has been blown off 83 times and stuck back together with gorilla tape.

It was so phenomenal, the ending of the anime really disappointed me. I cried at the end of both, but the manga had so much more meaning to the end. Lucy was so fucking badass at the manga, it wasn't even funny.

Manga end = Awakened as Queen Diclonius and has the ability to destroy the world if she wants. Protects Kouta and meets him again after reborn. Past is revealed to him.

Anime end = 2 meter range, dies trying to protect Kouta and 'appears' mysteriously at the end.

:| I am super disappoint son. Still, I definitely recommend this.

7 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-01-24 19:50 ID:gy2ZkwIy [Del]

Great anime, lots of meaning and debt, but definitely not for weak stomachs XD

8 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-01-24 20:08 ID:gy2ZkwIy [Del]


9 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-24 20:09 ID:Vu7cpb4U [Del]


10 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-01-24 20:28 ID:gy2ZkwIy [Del]

>>9 been there, edited that >:D
-looks back at >>8

11 Name: Geo : 2012-01-24 21:54 ID:49Cu8zvt [Del]

first episode = boobs and blood

12 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-24 22:06 ID:KRaZU2N7 [Del]

>>11 Isn't that kinda the whole series?

13 Name: Donchichi : 2012-01-24 22:43 ID:UUWmBTs5 [Del]

pretty much, blood, tits and good enough story. Hocico is also in the soundtrack. Overall pretty good. The manga dose have a better story though.

14 Name: PsycheBunny !mfbNb4JzaM : 2012-02-15 12:17 ID:FRY54klr [Del]

Great anime/manga! I had actually watched it back in 8th grade! It was my first gore anime.

15 Name: Hazuki : 2012-02-15 20:13 ID:WQqXKiKP [Del]

I loved the anime __< but the Japanese was wonderful. So much emotion and, if you find the right translation, depth. The OVA episode was good too...a nice, heeartwarming break from the heavy stuff. I tried reading the manga...
Yeah ._. mind rape.
Overall though, I adored the anime.

16 Name: Amakage : 2012-03-21 15:04 ID:/noEoTZp (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 441 kb) [Del]

src/1332360296925.jpg: 1280x1024, 441 kb
This in one of my favorites anime of all time and i will always remembered EPIC!!! there is another version??? do any one knows if more seasons are coming out?

17 Name: LEGION : 2012-03-21 15:14 ID:SOn+SPTW [Del]

I heard 'bout that show, she's a killer within the curse in her and trust her childhood boyfriend. I'm gonna see that or not, maybe, though...

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: Amakage : 2012-03-21 15:25 ID:/noEoTZp [Del]

>17 you got to see that anime... is so fucking good everything is good.. story line, music, even the characters is just perfect...
WARNING you have to have a strong stomach !!

:) enjoy

20 Name: Skwishy !WdDCrt9EHs : 2012-03-21 19:22 ID:or59E6VW [Del]

Just finished this yesterday, it's one of the best anime I have ever seen! Gonna read the manga on my next day off :D

21 Name: Telji : 2012-03-21 22:06 ID:lLKiYve5 [Del]

My friend's trying to get me into this I don't really mind the nudity and he laughs when he found that out. How many episodes are there if I may ask?

22 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-03-22 15:50 ID:i3G7M/wh [Del]

>>21 13 episodes

23 Name: Zyshi !wwb/uRI1Ko : 2012-05-28 00:33 ID:G4zNcrIW [Del]

Heh, sorry, had to bring back a dead thread, just because i finally watched/finished this series~ I actually liked the ending too ~

24 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-05-28 00:35 ID:5q+C6+ZN [Del]

Not a dead thread. Nothing wrong with posting a thread that no one posts on in a long time.

But on topic. Never seen it. Watched clips of it. Goddamn brutal. I will watch it sometime in the near future. If I remember.

25 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-28 12:11 ID:2r8AxWWW [Del]

>>24 Still not as bad as Higurashi. I mean, EL was more bloody, but Higurashi was more brutal when it came to how the characters died (over and over...)

26 Name: Nikoru : 2012-05-28 20:11 ID:J54gNRzE [Del]

this is one of my faves! the manga was awesome too (it was the same as the anime but extended) :)

27 Name: Rizaya : 2012-05-28 20:31 ID:SG8mgjrM [Del]

Really great anime!!! I mean, it was abnormally bloody and gory and some parts made me cringe a bit, but overall it was an amazing story haha. I even cried at some parts.

28 Name: Erika : 2012-05-28 21:00 ID:3a86r8Hu [Del]

I loved the anime till the end. -_- I thought the ending was half-assed and lame. I was disappointed! The opening theme song was Beautiful though! Loved it!!! I sing it allllll the time.

29 Name: BREAD : 2012-05-29 00:15 ID:NW9O8Cpu [Del]

>>24 WYNAUT.

DO IT! Watch it all and admire the greatness that is known as Elfen Lied.

After that, read the manga and complain about how horrible the anime was in comparison (like I did :I)

>>25 You can't really compare Higurashi and Elfen Lied in terms of brutality

I mean, both are fucking horrific. In a good way. I think Elfen Lied did a pretty good job of killing off the characters. I mean, *spoiler* getting ripped apart limb by limb? Sliced in half in front of your family? Missle explosion from within your body? DEATH BY PEN. DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE PEN. Hell, there are lots more but I can't remember them right now.

>>28 I share the same sentiment. t__t Read the manga for a better ending!

30 Name: Wulfie !pVlbATSdwE : 2012-05-29 00:20 ID:Lmd7fWtc [Del]

Oh my fucking Gods I LOVE Elfen Lied :D Easily my favorite anime of all time. <3 Lucy.

31 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-29 05:29 ID:2r8AxWWW [Del]

>>29 ...have you seen Higurashi?

Being tied to a torture cross and having your limbs brutally cut off one by one by being stabbed with a butcher knife? Swallowing needles? Watching a little girl bang her head against a knife she's holding against the wall? Your twin sister/best friend hammering long needles into your fingers? Burning and whipping your grand mother in a wheel chair to death? Stabbing a needle in a little girl's arm? Pulling off your own fingernails? Beating all your best friends to death with a baseball bat in their sleep?

Although, I admit, watching that slut get her head beat in by a pipe was rather enjoyable. Elfen Lied was just gore, though, and it was so unrealistic that the gore wasn't scary or creepy at all. Everything was clean cut; watching them get cut in half reminded me of my failed attempts at drawing cut off limbs when I was little.

32 Name: weaksauce : 2012-05-29 23:31 ID:/pYexQxc [Del]

So I just finished watching the series, and it's by far the saddest I've seen (there's one part in FMA that's really damn sad but I think Elfen Lied takes the cake...). It was a great series regardless.

Also the song Lilium is great, my favorite anime opener for sure

33 Name: OMGanASIAN : 2013-01-16 06:15 ID:d5dTUQdT [Del]

Just finished this anime and absolutely loved it

I found the storyline to be very intense and kept me wanting more. Although the deaths of characters were quite brutal, I was more focused on what was happening with the story rather than feeling disgusted by the gore.

The ending though, who that person at the door?!
Its got tearing my hair out!! >.<
Is it Lucy? or some random? WHO?!!???

34 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) !Enough.h12 : 2013-04-21 22:23 ID:6hiZz7a+ [Del]

I am on like episode 11, and it's pretty decent, though given how short it is and not following the manga exactly, I feel it should warrant a reboot so that it follows it exactly.

I enjoyed the voices to a point, like Lucy's was pretty decent, and even though some sucked, if they did a reboot they should keep the same voices.