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Trinity Blood (9)

1 Name: Handle : 2012-01-07 22:59 ID:+c3QvrOV (Image: 400x373 jpg, 57 kb) [Del]

src/1325998786370.jpg: 400x373, 57 kb
Synopsis from the internet:
In the post apocalyptic future, the world is divided between humans and vampires. The Vatican leads the humans, while the vampires are controlled by a matriarchy. Constant acts of terrorism from a third party upset the balance between the two powers leading to the brink of total war. In charge of revealing and eliminating this mysterious third power, Priest Peter Abel Nightroad, a vampire consuming Crusnik, holds the fate of humanity in his hands.

To be honest, I overall liked the series. It was entertaining, and the fight scenes were nice, as well as the fact that there was that epic Crusnik theme. There was a decent amount of blood and gore in it as well, and by decent I mean a guy ripping his own heart out. The scenes were done really well, with the environment drawn beautifully.

However, I hated how short the series was, and how they seemed to transition through it really quickly. In comparison to the original novels, they missed out on heaps of information, and I wanted to know more about the minor characters.

I want to know what you guys thought of the series. Did you like it? Did you dislike it? Were there any places that you think the series could improve on?

2 Name: Xissx : 2012-01-08 11:34 ID:MFw/HPsw [Del]

I remember when I aired on [Adult Swim] for a short time. The beginning, if i remember correctly was quite slow. But then picked up and ultimately got canceled due to low ratings. :(

3 Name: Brad : 2012-03-30 19:54 ID:8rxhx5c7 [Del]

Loved it.

4 Name: Hoshi : 2012-04-17 05:12 ID:zaI3A/U8 [Del]

I love this anime =]

5 Name: kortney : 2012-04-17 11:50 ID:LhgdcGvJ [Del]

this anime is so awesome

6 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-04-17 12:34 ID:Aazpw0lV [Del]

Wouldnt be suprised if all these posts are from the same exact person

7 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-17 13:18 ID:IPabaTYO [Del]

I liked it, but the ending was complete shit. excusable, only because the writer died before he could finish it).

8 Name: Lelou : 2012-04-17 15:38 ID:N4tRs3t+ [Del]


9 Name: Hoshi : 2012-04-18 03:41 ID:zaI3A/U8 [Del]

Really the writer died awwwwww =(