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Fruits Basket (35)

1 Name: Minamii : 2011-12-02 23:36 ID:JnFWzu1U (Image: 800x600 jpg, 232 kb) [Del]

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I just got into this anime and the manga and I think it's REALLY good... Anyone else out there like it?

2 Name: JCgamer : 2011-12-06 13:32 ID:Ee55/aAY [Del]

I love this anime! If you get hugged from the opposite gender, that person get turned into one of the Chinese Zodiac.

3 Name: BakaKun : 2011-12-06 13:36 ID:ZpPeW2kq [Del]

Yeah, quite funny, I have the DVD boX since... a while xD

4 Name: Ryuugan : 2011-12-06 14:53 ID:Zv0pwxsd [Del]

I've read the manga but, have never seen the anime. I guess i should watch it some time.

5 Name: kana : 2011-12-06 18:07 ID:avd+LU23 [Del]

i luv it

6 Name: Hikarin : 2011-12-06 18:13 ID:qU1C4HS+ [Del]

wahhh! This anime is awful if compared to the manga!
>>4 Don't watch D: Ok, just kidding, but it's kind of disappointing...

7 Name: Nearisdasmarts : 2011-12-06 20:35 ID:ZBWpOraV [Del]

fruits basket was my 1st manga ever and like my 2nd anime (my frist was death note) Fruits basket makes a great beginning manga because its cute and has a little somthing for everyone.even some suggestive yaoi for the fangirls.only in the manga though. and the anime is nice just dont watch the dubbed engllish.the voices are akward and high pitched and...uhh, horrible, i srsly suggest if your going to watch it watch it sub only.everyone sounds so much cooler and the plot makes more sence. anyways yeah, good manga good anime

8 Name: Prince Tatsuo : 2011-12-07 07:24 ID:cmSDO99s [Del]

I used to in love with Kyo, but I like Yuki now. :/

9 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-12-07 14:56 ID:HnRHv/3g [Del]

EVERYONE Single character has soem tragic backstory

10 Name: Ashai21 : 2011-12-07 16:25 ID:VnGuFivS [Del]

i like this anime aswell, im kind of in a tie between kyo, akito, and hatsuharu (black haru).

11 Name: cheesepika : 2011-12-07 16:43 ID:8tPZnPtP [Del]

this anime inspired me to learn how to make onigiri :3

12 Name: Minamii : 2011-12-09 16:21 ID:JnFWzu1U [Del]

Im in love with Akito :D

13 Name: Loliprincess : 2011-12-17 18:54 ID:PbLKYdih [Del]

yeah i enjoy this anime it's so simple yet so very touching and enjoyable although the ending could have been different in my opinion.

14 Name: Flyffe : 2011-12-17 18:58 ID:6kO42gzL [Del]

top five for sure

15 Name: Ezry : 2011-12-18 01:19 ID:2Uo5/M3x [Del]

I feel so gay saying that I've watched this... but I have.
Despite being a chick flick in anime form it was actually pretty interesting and fun to watch. Even if Tohru was kind of annoying.

16 Name: DC : 2011-12-29 15:35 ID:vAlDeWKo [Del]

fruits basket sucks how do u people watch this crap

17 Name: Ragus : 2011-12-29 17:45 ID:RmiEk0tE [Del]

this was one of the first anime shows i ever watched!
i still love it today and watch it every now and then

18 Name: Cheese : 2011-12-29 20:20 ID:oMEt9tvo [Del]

This show was actually very good. The only things I was upset about were about how... Chick-flick-y the anime was and how annoying I found Tohru. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Tohru, but face it, she was a fair amount of annoying. But hey, this show wasn't bad! I loved Kyo and Shigure~~! Heh, "High school girls, high school girls, calling to me, calling to me~!"

19 Name: Hana-chan : 2011-12-29 23:08 ID:rx3Ddxu8 [Del]

hey personaly i love this show its really good in my opinion and really funny but it did have its bad moments, wished it was longer though

20 Name: Marianna : 2011-12-30 00:18 ID:FcH/8r29 [Del]

The show is very good but personally I think the manga is better!
Also I've already finished the manga its REALLY GOOD!

21 Name: NXandria : 2012-01-03 08:05 ID:2qomCzE4 [Del]

Idk about the anime (apparently it's disappointing if you've read the manga, so I won't watch), but Fruits Basket was my first manga and I LOVE IT! It's so cute (Tohru and Kyo, anybody?) and the story is so CAPTIVATING - I couldn't stop reading, and it's quite long.. And some of the stories were quite sad. Momiji's past made me tear up a lot :")

Initially I thought that the whole "hugging the opposite sex turns you into a zodiac animal" was a lame attempt at opening heaps of opportunities for "romantic awkwardness"... ifyougetwhatimean. But I never expected it to be this engaging.

Oh and the anime was stopped by someone for some reason so the "ending" isn't exactly where the story ends, 'cos the manga continues and it gets waaay better from there.

22 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-30 20:51 ID:NnISqQCM [Del]

Currently on ep 11, its a weird show.
the voices dont really seem to match the character, but meh
its on netflix, go watch it.

23 Name: R2v3nbl2z3 : 2012-01-30 22:37 ID:k7Za7wN0 [Del]

fruits basket gets sad at the end... its really good. its the first manga where ive almost--but not quite-- cried.
but please don't watch the anime! The manga is way better.

24 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-01-31 03:16 ID:gt/LRDSL [Del]

>>23 to late, already finished

25 Name: Neon : 2012-01-31 09:43 ID:heBH+NQN [Del]

Oh this is one of my favorites :)

26 Name: Kenren : 2012-01-31 15:57 ID:pondX8DM [Del]

Cutest thing ever i love it so much

27 Name: Russialover (not just hetalia's russia) : 2012-01-31 19:37 ID:21Kbwzaj [Del]

i love akito, hatsuharu (cow), Shigura (dog), Hitori (seahorse), and ayame~ (snake)

28 Name: Lakota : 2012-01-31 19:56 ID:UZ/7hEki [Del]

this is one of my favs. Kyo is my favorite <3

29 Name: char16 : 2012-03-18 12:19 ID:MMumKkTy [Del]

The anime was good, but I loved the manga (cuz the anime is too short). I have all the volumes!!! And I've read through them twice...I really wanna read a third time too, even though I cry a lot while reading. All the stories are so amazing and I love all the characters but Tohru is my favorite. She is just so sweet and charming and so easy to like. I didn't find her annoying, but I guess I can see where some people would.

30 Name: R2v3nbl2z3 : 2012-03-18 19:55 ID:k7Za7wN0 [Del]

Yeah, the anime wasn't good. It ended too soon, when the manga goes on for a while after that.
I LOVE AKITO! AND HARU! AND ...kyo... <3

31 Name: Jinski !Dj1vv4zaJw : 2013-01-01 11:30 ID:XlwRMH0C [Del]

Gonna start watching this today. Sorry for posting like 10 months since the last post

32 Name: Loliprincess : 2013-01-01 12:49 ID:+itYmixq [Del]

>>31 That's okay, it happens. As long as you didn't make a new thread it's fine.

33 Name: K. !lFf0rLkBgg : 2013-01-01 20:20 ID:sFFoPyzZ [Del]

I've watched the whole series twice (plus read all of the manga).

Great character development here; better than the normal shoujo fare. ;)
(Also, this is where I found my first trap. XD)

34 Name: Hsin : 2013-01-02 01:10 ID:lhNfMube [Del]

I watched it years ago. It's a great anime that i read with laught and tears. I like Kyo chan ~He's cute when he is getting angry LOL

35 Name: nadeshiko10s : 2013-01-02 08:10 ID:H39Y69SZ [Del]

I haven't watch this in a long time. Its a great anime but makes me feel kinda sad every time I watch it.