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What's your first anime (1337)

1 Name: HaHa : 2011-11-07 22:53 ID:wiSVxLtR (Image: 334x235 jpg, 90 kb) [Del]

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2 Name: MsJ3lly !egoZB/cN/Y : 2011-11-07 23:43 ID:hrlPmHTJ [Del]

Kyo Kara Maoh! (God Save Our King). I saw it in the Philippines xD

3 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-07 23:48 ID:dkElDZ4e [Del]

lol me 2 pokemon but my first anime knowing it was anime was Love Hina, twas awesome

4 Name: aKaixtENsHi : 2011-11-08 01:36 ID:IUxwbRw2 (Image: 640x480 jpg, 116 kb) [Del]

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Witch Hunter Robin..^__^

I saw it first on a local channel here in the Philippines..too bad there was no continuation..

5 Name: atil-kun : 2011-11-08 05:02 ID:71R3Wg6x (Image: 571x483 gif, 186 kb) [Del]

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lol my first ever anime that I watched is Ghost Fighter.My dad and my sister used to watch it with me while cursing Mr.Toguro for being so huggggeeee,powerful and badass.

6 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-11-08 05:54 ID:1e4QRhvj [Del]

To be honest.......Naruto XD

7 Name: Yuiko : 2011-11-08 08:06 ID:5gDIaoDp [Del]

Mine was K-on. lol

8 Name: Nezumi : 2011-11-08 08:47 ID:TWuX5hfB [Del]

My first?... thats tough.... NARUTO

9 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-11-08 12:16 ID:1e4QRhvj [Del]

>>8 Im with you dud

10 Name: Styx : 2011-11-08 12:53 ID:iRkdcnl4 [Del]

Pokémon, unless you count Alfred Jodocus Kwak as anime.

11 Name: Merr : 2011-11-08 14:14 ID:qD/D1/dl [Del]

Mine was Dragon Ball Z. >>5 dude, thats yu-yu hakusho.

12 Name: LOVELESS : 2011-11-08 17:21 ID:MjhVmqEd [Del]

i think that my first two were Inyuyasha and Blood+

13 Name: sea-kun : 2011-11-08 17:29 ID:lu5mMKAP [Del]

inuyasha xD

14 Name: Yukari : 2011-11-08 18:51 ID:71AcDEga [Del]

Sailor Moon! Moon Prism Power!

15 Name: KidCrow : 2011-11-08 18:54 ID:XZQ/+xcq (Image: 640x931 jpg, 164 kb) [Del]

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The GOOD Gundam Wing was probably my first if not then it has to be Cyborg 009

16 Name: SkullKid : 2011-11-08 19:16 ID:EP6Xmols [Del]

DBZ and Sailor Moon for me!

17 Name: Sara senpai : 2011-11-08 19:16 ID:ympVvE7W [Del]

Mine was bleach

18 Name: N/tuitt/O!VAXwf1eFAU : 2011-11-09 10:48 ID:MPZjnrDW [Del]

DBZ, Sailormoon, Tenchi's Universe and pokemon for me

19 Name: Mizuishi : 2011-11-09 11:25 ID:KqQTCPr8 [Del]

DBZ, sailor moon, G gundam, Tenchi, yuyu hakusho and shaman king

20 Name: Weems !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-09 13:41 ID:v089IN/H [Del]

Fooly Cooly. Honestly that and DBZ.

21 Name: Kanzo : 2011-11-09 14:02 ID:E4+yeBfL [Del]

It was Zoids,Gundam,DBZ.

22 Name: leelee-chan : 2011-11-09 16:44 ID:2ROpV0JV [Del]

yuyu hakusho

23 Name: GCknight : 2011-11-09 18:18 ID:NaP+2Bun [Del]

Sumomomo Momomo,yu-gi-oh,the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, and pokemon

24 Name: rio : 2011-11-09 18:37 ID:kC9Frhlk [Del]


25 Name: BlackStar : 2011-11-09 22:10 ID:QlYCjiIn [Del]

Dragon ball z

26 Name: saki : 2011-11-10 00:17 ID:mKcdy0qc [Del]

princess comet..pokemon ..digimon

27 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-11-10 01:36 ID:Nsrw3OFi [Del]

Cyber City Oedo 808 you probably don't remember that far back people...only lasted 3 long episodes. actually my first was yuyu Hakusho.

28 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-10 01:40 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

>>11 Ghost fighter is another name for Yu Yu Hakusho... lol

My first anime was either Cardcaptor Sakura, Cyborg 009, or Android Kikaider... its been like... 10 years... i cant remember.

29 Name: Mina : 2011-11-10 06:56 ID:lwOsMVxA (Image: 250x356 jpg, 42 kb) [Del]

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Puchi Puri Yuushi

30 Name: Hibari : 2011-11-10 09:39 ID:qVVi5WzO [Del]

I think pokemon or dragon ball z

31 Post deleted by user.

32 Name: yoshiro : 2011-11-10 18:20 ID:bVJR+BBW [Del]

probably pokemon, gundam,or ronin warriors, I can't remember.

33 Name: Roxas : 2011-11-10 19:35 ID:inaAiI1C [Del]

to many to choose from

34 Name: Kite Asakura : 2011-11-10 19:39 ID:RwuuxxrO [Del]

Lol Dragon Ball Z

35 Name: Tigy-Tigy : 2011-11-10 19:42 ID:tAI3mOry [Del]


36 Name: act 2 : 2011-11-10 20:13 ID:+DUdmpQu [Del]

Pokemon technically, but my first Otaku-ness one would be Fruits Basket

37 Name: Seika Chugo : 2011-11-10 22:29 ID:m6j2uBQ+ [Del]

Had to be Sailor Moon or Monster Rancher, I remember both, but I don't remember anything about them though.
'Cept I wanted to be a sailor scout and get a black cat. That i remember.

Maybe MR was one of my first games. Too far back to remember correctly :/

38 Name: Jenna : 2011-11-10 22:34 ID:2jwe8p+q [Del]

Mine was Pokemon.. d: I remember watching it for the sole purpose of seeing the ho-ho(-_-) and the rainbow and all that junk at the end.. But I love it now xD

39 Name: Xeniar : 2011-11-11 03:45 ID:X8cfsROK [Del]

The first anime I saw was Sailor Moon but that wasn't to my liking and I never finished it. So the first anime I completed was Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens :3

40 Name: Kitsu : 2011-11-11 08:25 ID:tfnwrC6r [Del]

Sailor Moon.. dont remember much of it though lol

41 Name: Nadue : 2011-11-11 08:52 ID:/UDksNL3 [Del]

sailor moon i still have tapes of it

42 Name: The Doctor : 2011-11-11 09:46 ID:2JpL5YIn (Image: 717x574 png, 488 kb) [Del]

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VOLTRON, although, in the early 90's it wasn't called anime

43 Name: Koniko : 2011-11-11 10:50 ID:zRamPtLH [Del]

Ranma1/2 when I was 6 XD gotta love my parente, making an otaku out of my since I was born

44 Name: Celty : 2011-11-16 22:51 ID:jqNvpp84 [Del]

My first anime was Sailor Moon but that was before I knew what anime was. My first anime AFTER I actually knew what anime is was Inuyasha

45 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-16 23:49 ID:ZcOSRYtU [Del]

>>43 You must have a strange life, being born at age six, then having your parents force you to become an otaku...

46 Name: Maximum : 2011-11-17 01:25 ID:uE+tXDT/ [Del]

yu-gi-oh (did i spell that right?)

47 Name: Faith : 2011-11-17 04:29 ID:CDn7ffTW [Del]

Doraemon!! :D

48 Name: 折原 臨也, : 2011-11-17 05:40 ID:Bq0Vxqkt [Del]

my was bleach

49 Name: FishyFish_ : 2011-11-17 08:18 ID:cIujulXf [Del]

My first was Naruto i think?

50 Name: Blade : 2011-11-17 09:34 ID:1D92Qs/Z [Del]

I'd say shaman king.

51 Name: BakaWolf !oxgE9JzpmE : 2011-11-17 15:46 ID:Wb5AgXyF [Del]

Speed racer :D

52 Name: Katsura : 2011-11-17 16:07 ID:mS4LIoQt [Del]

Pokemon 98 FTW

53 Name: rokkr : 2011-11-17 17:52 ID:O7tmJQc3 [Del]

Pokemon xD I didn't even realize it was an anime all of my childhood, just a cartoon. I did think it was suspicious though that their mouths never matched the words they said....

54 Name: All : 2011-11-17 21:03 ID:xWZDxR7M [Del]

My first anime was either Dragon Ball Z or Yu-gi-oh. But the first anime that I really liked and got into was Naruto.

55 Name: kintoki : 2011-11-17 22:45 ID:MNAShGbL [Del]

my first anime was soul eater but now i found way better anime so it is not even on my list of top 15

56 Name: M.I.A : 2011-11-18 07:47 ID:ICUu9XIq [Del]

Pokemon all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Team Rocket were my childhood Idols, I still know there mantra by heart they were fantastic! Also does anybody remember those gold plate things they gave out with the pokemon movie at Mcdonalds? I still have mine=)

57 Name: Masts T : 2011-11-18 08:38 ID:5qCw78d+ [Del]

Mine was Pokemon. I still remember how it went down, mum was flippin through the channels, I see a yellow cartoon. I tell her to go bak. She goes bak. And that's where it all began 8D

58 Name: lol to the max : 2011-11-18 16:01 ID:Qo1b7DrL [Del]

my first anime was pokemon to but in my opinion the first real anime i saw was naruto it was funny bad ass and it touched your heart how he was all alone and people hated him but he never gaveup believe it !

59 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-11-18 17:21 ID:NMyBhdM5 [Del]

Mine was actually Digimon, and DBZ. I thought they were just cartoons at the time.

60 Post deleted by user.

61 Name: unreal507 : 2011-11-18 18:06 ID:Y604mo2i [Del]

mine was db not dbz just db

62 Name: Divinity : 2011-11-18 19:44 ID:dPKJe5uG [Del]

mine was bleach :) then FMA

63 Name: shizzy-chan : 2011-11-18 19:48 ID:38q24teL [Del]

mine was bleach then durarara came out and i was hooked

64 Name: Reisa : 2011-11-18 20:47 ID:Chk3lPWt [Del]

Kaleido Star/Azumanga Daioh

65 Name: TT : 2011-11-18 21:18 ID:mt/SZ0Hz [Del]

mine was yuyu hakusho

66 Name: Chaol : 2011-11-18 22:36 ID:QH6TjY1t [Del]

Oh my miss this

67 Name: iggy : 2011-11-19 08:04 ID:DEw/m/xK [Del]


68 Name: :) : 2011-11-19 09:08 ID:llJV199V [Del]

Alright pokemon Numbah 1

69 Name: Shikah : 2011-11-19 16:14 ID:rrkR34O3 [Del]

Mine was Sailor Moon

70 Name: pspgamer : 2011-11-19 22:34 ID:8RghEu/N [Del]

pokemon. That was my chidhood show. i would watch it anytime it was on, and watch the first movie all the time.

71 Name: Gilgamesh-sama : 2011-11-19 23:35 ID:IFfN0pzv [Del]

Well i do believe mine was actually dragonball (original)

72 Name: Bebop : 2011-11-20 00:46 ID:2UoZ/OdT [Del]

mine was Yu-gi-yo and cowboy bebop

73 Name: dearness !s4hdfBzJoQ : 2011-11-20 01:09 ID:Bp515Voc [Del]

Pokemon, definitely. But the first anime I really ever got into as an actual anime fan was Naruto.

74 Name: Sonra : 2011-11-20 01:15 ID:h+AIi1T5 [Del]

Ah mine was Sailor Moon

75 Name: kurokon : 2011-11-20 01:28 ID:b2Jfq7Ul [Del]

mine was bleach

76 Name: XIII(lolz) : 2011-11-20 03:05 ID:7nItNxiY [Del]

Pokemon but watched some parts of sailor moon unaware of what an anime was (at the time)

77 Name: Oni Ro-Do : 2011-11-20 04:18 ID:W84wg4aV [Del]

Gurren-lagan will always be mine

78 Name: hiya peeps : 2011-11-20 11:52 ID:XHJcxVra [Del]

mine was sailor moon! moon tiara magic!! lol imm still crazy about it ^^

79 Name: Moyashi : 2011-11-20 14:17 ID:9KHxaJIP [Del]

Mine was either Sailor Moon or Fruits Basket. ;/ I forgot which one was first. >.<

80 Name: kuchiru : 2011-11-20 14:57 ID:Z8HPbyEZ [Del]

mine was bleach saw was amased about manga and anime and that was how i got into anime

81 Name: Red : 2011-12-07 17:57 ID:+nuBebZA [Del]

Pokemon, then digimon

82 Name: FaceZombie : 2011-12-07 17:59 ID:oFg1MqhI [Del]

Gurren Lagan

83 Name: triple JJJ : 2011-12-07 18:01 ID:zAQlC7fK [Del]

pokemon but what started me watching other was naruto

84 Name: Kon'ya : 2011-12-07 19:20 ID:/WQBNiHw [Del]

Fruits Basket or Bleach,can't remember which one.

85 Name: Nani : 2011-12-08 00:56 ID:9afII7at [Del]

For me it was also Pokemon, but at the same time I loved and constantly watched Sailor Moon and sometimes DBZ when my brother was. This was when I was growing up. Then I stopped watching them, thinking I grew out of them cause they were for kids. When I was 12 I heard of this show these kids I sat with at lunch loved talking about, it's the anime Inuyasha. So I started watching and couldn't stop lol So I learned of anime for teens and adults and the obvious children ones, though Pokemon is really enjoyable for everyone, same with Sailor Moon and DBZ :)

86 Name: dante : 2011-12-08 08:32 ID:RkBEebTu [Del]

digemon or dragon ball z or Pokemon cant remember witch its been to long

87 Name: DesolationSpace : 2011-12-08 11:56 ID:pEJSRc62 [Del]

Umm InuYasha. Saw it when I was 6 then DBZ a few weeks later, paired with Zoids

88 Name: Soraya : 2011-12-08 12:06 ID:wP7j762F [Del]

Hmm..I think my first was either Pokemon or Sailor Moon but I can't really remember. Oh! and I also watched Digimon. I agree >>86 it has been too long ^_^

89 Name: Krillin : 2011-12-08 15:07 ID:JEb4yIqI [Del]

mine was actually Durarara...

90 Name: kitten : 2011-12-08 16:39 ID:g5cz4qod [Del]

mine was kekkiashi.... sory i can never spell that right

91 Name: Karin : 2011-12-08 16:49 ID:MgiBS+z3 [Del]

my first one is pokemon

92 Name: OneWithMyPast : 2011-12-08 16:50 ID:QHrml9D9 [Del]


93 Name: emo : 2011-12-08 18:51 ID:9bD9V/Jx [Del]


94 Name: emo : 2011-12-08 18:51 ID:9bD9V/Jx [Del]


95 Name: gridlock !JyJ4Lw0YTI : 2011-12-08 19:21 ID:jwA9WbgN [Del]

pokemon! then i got into naruto

96 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2011-12-08 21:52 ID:K6Xp1t+w [Del]

Sailor Moon was mine, I watched it when I was a little kid.

97 Name: sasa : 2011-12-09 03:59 ID:FiJMsu5E [Del]

Mine was Neon Genesis Evangelion. The original ver. XD

98 Name: mohippie : 2011-12-12 23:05 ID:yBTpg3DH [Del]

When I was little it was a tie between case closed, pokemon, and digimon. Then I stopped watching anime till this summer where Black Butler was my introduction into my inner anime loving self!

99 Name: Yukio : 2011-12-12 23:14 ID:VvwalZnO [Del]

i dont was either doraemon or digimon

100 Name: Kagami : 2011-12-13 00:28 ID:eDBS7JSl [Del]

My first actual anime was Tokyo Mew Mew.
Though I grew up with Pokemon...

101 Name: DAK075 : 2011-12-13 00:43 ID:vZD5f1CJ [Del]

Dragon Ball Z. Used to wake up every Saturday morning, and watch that on Fox Kids.

102 Name: Neku : 2011-12-13 02:03 ID:lqwyHyJE [Del]


103 Name: RanRan : 2011-12-13 11:55 ID:+9hBuHJ7 [Del]

First was called Ronin Warriors. Its really old. Anyone know it? About a bunch of guys with these elemental armors of Wildfire, Halo, Strata, Torrent, and Hardrock~

104 Name: Fate : 2011-12-13 12:43 ID:UIT+kv5t [Del]


105 Name: Pandora : 2011-12-13 13:06 ID:ONRf3Lsm [Del]


106 Name: Heki564 : 2011-12-13 14:41 ID:dgtFCq+2 [Del]

Sailor Moon

107 Name: leave2die : 2011-12-13 15:29 ID:4nMfIHUW [Del]

Yugioh G/X

108 Name: bacon : 2011-12-13 15:58 ID:gGODai36 [Del]

mine is probably pokemon! :D

109 Name: Ta-Kun : 2011-12-13 16:05 ID:pXTJyUFV [Del]


110 Name: StarRider : 2011-12-13 16:41 ID:7Me4W6BZ [Del]


111 Name: TPWNW : 2011-12-13 18:46 ID:MVFXot57 [Del]


112 Name: Minzi : 2011-12-13 19:07 ID:dM+Z3qKH [Del]

Mine was Salior Moon~

113 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-12-13 20:25 ID:KCE6k+FI [Del]

Mine was Sailor Moon as well =.=
I'm not proud of this fact.

114 Name: Shikyo-chan : 2011-12-13 21:02 ID:rOZOAapo [Del]

Defiantly Pokemon.

115 Name: TROLLZAYA : 2011-12-13 21:04 ID:UKUOY9yP [Del]

Pokemon or dragon ball z

116 Name: Zeb !nk5uepxjzY : 2011-12-13 21:43 ID:M2nWHbbr [Del]

Sailor Moon, unfortunetly

117 Name: Kuro Taka : 2011-12-13 21:56 ID:Ezg1DCSs [Del]

I can't even remember. It was either Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, or Ruroni Kenshin.

118 Name: dee-dee : 2011-12-13 23:12 ID:sk4KJ1we [Del]

dunno, i think flame of recca, or digimon, or pokemon

119 Name: Yamie : 2011-12-14 09:51 ID:pf7YRPtg [Del]

I can't remember really well.... I think mine was Sailor Moon, but it was too girly for me so I stopped watching it. Then came alongPokemon, Naruto, and Bleach.

120 Name: valerain : 2011-12-14 11:46 ID:EjXO7Bi6 [Del]

lol mine was pokemon too

121 Name: everyman : 2011-12-14 11:52 ID:6mkQJtiR [Del]

Elfen Lied but I'm not sure.

122 Name: Gram : 2011-12-14 12:54 ID:8vwMAJdb [Del]

Dragon Ball Z

123 Name: Silvs : 2011-12-14 14:20 ID:IYtOma49 [Del]

Sailor Moon, oooh the 90s. :P

124 Name: allycat : 2011-12-14 16:49 ID:un1WSMef [Del]

My first anime was Mirage of Blaze.... But the first anime I got into was Naruto. :)

125 Name: KingZeoX : 2011-12-14 17:53 ID:GmpSfiuZ [Del]

Technically, Pokémon might have been first, but I recall watching Card Captors, Sailor Moon (for manly men), and Dragon Ball/Z/GT all the time too, which I all remember around the same time, so it's hard to say. However, the first anime I watched 100% without skipping an episode was Code Geass: -Lelouch of the Rebellion-

126 Name: dragon : 2011-12-14 18:39 ID:AiLZevTR [Del]

the origional pokemon was ok. then it went downhill from there =.= team rocket kept doing the same line over and over and over and over again ITS GETTING OLD!

127 Name: ShadowXBC : 2011-12-14 18:41 ID:Q5+7sPJm [Del]

mine was definetiely digimon, dragonball Z or pokemon. i cant remember which one i watched first, but it all happened in the state. god bless canada!

128 Name: tome : 2011-12-15 10:42 ID:IpL34jsA [Del]

mine was probably Pokemon but i watch alot of dragonball z

129 Name: Ayame : 2011-12-15 11:51 ID:klcdx5Q7 [Del]

Yu-Gi-Oh! was my first anime then Pokemon came after that. I grew up with both of them, but I didn't hear about Pokemon until 4 years after. XD Epic fail.

130 Name: Suku : 2011-12-15 12:42 ID:lCIo1Z3P (Image: 240x288 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

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Mine of course was Sailor Moon, but I was too small to know that this is an anime. So my very first anime was Love Hina and I think that is way I have sentiment for ecchi

131 Name: Juanx12 : 2011-12-15 14:01 ID:dSQDr6Yr [Del]

i love that anime

132 Name: Chii : 2012-01-02 19:05 ID:6BAaDR9a [Del]

Pokemon...but yes, I didn't know it was an anime XD So my first was Vampire Knight. And I was hooked....

133 Name: ~Amethyst~ : 2012-01-02 21:22 ID:lW32Awwd (Image: 800x600 jpg, 117 kb) [Del]

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First anime I guess was Sailor Moon, but that was before I knew what anime was and I was like six so I don't count it xD First Anime I watched while being fully aware it was an anime and knew all about anime genres and such *deep breath* Was Inuyasha ^^

134 Name: 二十一面相 !C5SJfyJ9Fc : 2012-01-02 21:32 ID:6o97CxNg [Del]

The first anime I had actually known was an anime happen to be Dennou Coil. Don't know about it? Not surprised.

135 Name: Bobo Panda : 2012-01-02 22:51 ID:g8NcZmPW [Del]

Mah first anime THAT I COMPLETED was Rosario Vampire. lol its like i hav harem in my blood xD

136 Name: pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2012-01-02 23:13 ID:I140Vdlm [Del]

I guess mine would be Bleach. The first time I saw it was like four years ago with my brother late one night on Adultswim. The episode when they were in Hueco Mundo and the bug-looking guy was shooting his snot around. I remember it being so hilarious at the time.

Then I Completely forgot about it and moved on. Then, Years later, The same episode was on. After watching it I immediately looked it up and watched all the episodes in like a week.
Oh darn...
I don't want to delete any of this, but it was actually FLCL.
I saw this one even before a saw Bleach as a wee little one. Once I saw it I was amazed. But since I was little, I forgot...
I think I might have gone a little over-board.

137 Name: VSweetRed : 2012-01-03 02:54 ID:wOZNgCdx [Del]

I saw POKEMON as a kid on tv, but inuyasha was the first where i saw every ep.

138 Name: Naria : 2012-01-13 02:14 ID:x1xZkTe/ [Del]

In preparatory, life was all about pokemon.
Collected pokemon cards,
played all pokemon games,
bought pokemon figurines for who knows why,
and watched pokemon--even when it was just in betamax.

Beautiful and pitiful life.

139 Name: Rezyu !b6WgA55pAE : 2012-01-14 13:58 ID:FxXKkRdC [Del]

If you count Moomins as an anime, then Moomins, otherwise it's Sailor Moon, Hamtaro or Pokémon, but Moomins is the only one I still like.

140 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-01-14 17:48 ID:p46iwH+4 [Del]

Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh I believe were my first animes though I think Pokemon was the very first one.

141 Name: 1869 : 2012-01-14 18:16 ID:jmAZMGvQ [Del]

Bleach, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Though Bleah was the very first one, I like KHR the best!

142 Name: Clumzyy : 2012-01-14 19:16 ID:lsWpZPCK [Del]

Sailor Moon&pokemon

143 Name: Donchichi : 2012-01-14 19:17 ID:gKBnbQfw [Del]

I had watched a couple of episodes of inuyasha with a friend but the first anime I saw all of was cardcaptor sakura

144 Name: Plushy : 2012-01-14 22:41 ID:WheRqQhZ [Del]

I don't really remember but I think it was Pokemon since my older sister LOVED that show a lot and she must have shown it to me a lot when I was a baby :)

145 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-14 23:47 ID:BrQvTFOP [Del]

The first anime I ever watched was the first Pokemon movie. The second was either DBZ or FLCL, I can't remember.

146 Name: jacob1999 : 2012-01-15 05:25 ID:4Fn+GgC6 [Del]

my first was without a doubt pokemon

147 Name: kanra : 2012-01-15 10:51 ID:2McM9GRy [Del]

The first time I saw was when I was little, I immediately liked it,
I liked the movie up to the game............

148 Name: Jess_180 : 2012-01-15 13:23 ID:j8KTylq7 [Del]

mine was sailor moon. ahh memories :')

149 Name: vladmiri tod : 2012-01-15 19:44 ID:9HYTH0ey (Image: 150x150 gif, 46 kb) [Del]

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7th Heaven i love naruto to

150 Name: MomoKami-sama : 2012-01-15 21:14 ID:AKWjO/zw [Del]

Mines would have to be Digimon and DragonBall Z. :)

151 Name: bang-bang : 2012-01-16 03:27 ID:GST/UgAr [Del]

>>149 *stares intently*

Does he look like he's going to take his clothes off or is it just me?
*accidental click*


152 Name: sleepology : 2012-01-16 03:34 ID:Pghjh4Pg [Del]

why would you burn that into my retinas bang, i figured something else was going to happen if i clicked it.

153 Name: ryuuji1 : 2012-01-16 04:33 ID:EYBLxwvM [Del]

hmm .... nogizaka no himitsu ....

154 Name: Every Blood : 2012-01-16 08:18 ID:OdiD6BB+ [Del]

Ohoohoo Naruto =/

155 Name: 石川 霊子 !eZj/enHwnk : 2012-01-17 02:33 ID:gscxWLxp [Del]

I'm pretty sure it was FLCL (aka Furi Kuri or Fooly Cooly). I nearly quit watching anime afterwards I was so confused...thankfully I didn't and moved on to series that were easier to understand ^^

156 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-01-23 23:50 ID:JmgYrLjY [Del]

cardcaptor sakura ;)

157 Name: NaeBree : 2012-01-24 07:53 ID:SdQWtAwp [Del]

Deathnote. I watched it at one in the morning. the first charecter you see in Ryuuk. :3

158 Name: maiki1242 : 2012-01-24 12:08 ID:DxZ8kCb6 (Image: 96x80 jpg, 2 kb) [Del]

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this show wont end lol. they have a pokemon litterly made of crap lol

159 Name: Bigaloe : 2012-01-24 14:02 ID:QOvHK7Kv [Del]

Technically it was Digimon. but my first hardcore anime, was YuYuHakusho :D <3

160 Name: Master-sama : 2012-01-24 14:16 ID:kEdbTDGA [Del]

Ny first hard core anime was naruto!! I was such a Tom boy!! Even back then!! :)

161 Name: NaeBree : 2012-01-24 17:48 ID:63EJ81co [Del]

The original Pokemon are the best. All the new shit theyre coming up with now is a disgrace to the show. Period.

162 Name: KanoN-ChaN : 2012-02-07 19:32 ID:Y2XLVzTz [Del]

easy, pokemon and sailor moon

163 Name: Donchichi : 2012-02-07 19:49 ID:ifkRrWYN [Del]

I first saw kikis delivery service when I was tiny but CCS was the first series I watched knowing it was anime

164 Name: Randori : 2012-02-07 22:56 ID:Q+sLPnh8 [Del]

I can't remember, I'm probably guess its pokemon too
and I think my first manga was doraemon

165 Name: Phantom : 2012-02-08 01:22 ID:I0PZuUCB [Del]

My neighbor Totoro followed by Kikis delivery service...found out it was anime later.Toonami and KidsWB struck later along with neighbors Princess Mononoke...after that let the good time roll.heh heh been on the japanimation train ever since.

Then my niece accidently discovered hentai while using my internet...oh joy.Most akward moment ever....let my gf explain it.XD

Final fantasy 7 and onwrds ls was a lot of influence.

166 Name: Mizuki !v7dc/HXG46 : 2012-02-08 01:32 ID:pd8JbWvg [Del]

Well my real first 'anime' was Naruto.
And ofcourse when I was a child it was Pokemon.

167 Name: JK Ralni : 2012-02-08 09:10 ID:4p9cLhTJ [Del]

Mine? Well...It was Pokemon as well! But the first real one was either Naruto or Inuyasha, can't remember..

168 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-08 09:30 ID:lRhC9s2w [Del]

Pokemon's not a real anime?

169 Name: Fleurdefeu : 2012-02-08 10:07 ID:xz4bGcaL [Del]

Hmm I've watched a lot. First few were DBZ, Sailor Moon, Ranma, Saint Seya, Inuyasha, Pokemon and Cardcaptor Sakura :)

170 Name: Mizuki !v7dc/HXG46 : 2012-02-08 11:48 ID:pd8JbWvg [Del]

>>168 Lol of course it is, just by the age I watched it I had no idea what anime was.
When watching Naruto, it felt like mah first anime youknow.

171 Name: Russialover : 2012-02-08 16:57 ID:21Kbwzaj [Del]

anime inuyasha, manga tokyo mew mew.

172 Name: bacachan : 2012-02-08 18:08 ID:4LvtMd/Q (Image: 607x797 png, 622 kb) [Del]

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Trigun. A long long time ago. My Girlfriend actually got me into it, and it was Hamazing!

173 Name: bacachan : 2012-02-08 18:08 ID:4LvtMd/Q [Del]

Tn addition thank you Netflix for making Anime so easy to watch!

174 Name: toonami : 2012-02-08 18:50 ID:vAlDeWKo [Del]


175 Name: king of dreams : 2012-02-08 20:40 ID:/z819+n4 [Del]

Dbz as well

176 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-02-08 21:34 ID:u0WLBsgl [Del]

Pokémon! Actually, I watched that when I was really little; my true "gateway drug" anime was Naruto

177 Name: BlueBarry : 2012-02-08 21:58 ID:rgO5WtSt [Del]

Dragon Ball or Gundam.

178 Name: Kingkai : 2012-02-08 23:14 ID:AelKhmQ1 [Del]

My first was probably "Kimba: the white lion", or "Astro Boy".
But what really got me into it, was probably "Tenchi Muyo" or "Inuyasha"!

179 Name: Xaiver!qnt3P1NBvU : 2012-02-09 06:16 ID:WDNzCNra [Del]

I'd have to say it was Speed Racer way back when it ran on Cartoon Network in '97.

180 Name: Rock Angel : 2012-02-09 12:04 ID:heBH+NQN [Del]

Mine was blood plus

181 Name: Black Star : 2012-02-09 12:27 ID:y1EKG1kv [Del]

the first anime i´ve watched were dragon ball & one piece

182 Name: Nikoyaka Chijin : 2012-02-09 16:50 ID:W8C90iVN (Image: 1200x900 jpg, 722 kb) [Del]

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Shaman King Was my First! And I'm re-watching it right now!

183 Name: Blackstar : 2012-02-09 23:01 ID:VvS/ROFZ [Del]

>>181 another Blackstar NO their can only be one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

184 Name: Black Star : 2012-02-10 06:26 ID:zkH5Drkm [Del]

OK OK i change name into Whitestar allright

185 Name: Alchemist : 2012-02-10 12:25 ID:c6iNxXfV [Del]


186 Name: Saeke : 2012-02-10 12:50 ID:/B6RzZnL [Del]

Dragon Ball Z

187 Name: bunny-maid : 2012-02-10 12:52 ID:aRDBezif [Del]

pokemon or mew mew power/tokyo mew mew don't remember...

188 Name: Taekwondo : 2012-02-10 16:38 ID:Viww4bK9 [Del]


189 Name: Shadow Blade : 2012-02-11 01:35 ID:bNw+vXmd [Del]

Either Pokemon, DBZ, Hamtaro, Digimon, or Shaman King
>>182 I'm rewatching it too! "Unity!"

190 Name: chuchu : 2012-02-11 04:28 ID:NSLT1HoW [Del]

same! hahaha

191 Name: Tanaka Taro : 2012-02-11 07:37 ID:gUYn4pxB (Image: 300x319 jpg, 35 kb) [Del]

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That is a kind of the shows that i want then i like YU-GI-OH GX Then Durarara

192 Name: Shizuka : 2012-03-27 18:02 ID:vRKpBidM [Del]

Pokemon but i thought it was a cartoon when i was younger but my first real anime was Trinity Blood

193 Name: park bom : 2012-03-27 18:25 ID:5K9ETKuj [Del]

Mine was hihi puffy ami yumi show on cartoon network ^_^

194 Name: Telji : 2012-03-27 21:00 ID:lLKiYve5 [Del]

Either Pokemon, Hihi Puffy Ami Yumi Show, or One Piece. Maybe Digimon.

195 Name: BitterRabbit : 2012-03-27 21:13 ID:DZMBq1v0 [Del]

My first anime was either Pokémon or Sailor Moon, I do believe!

196 Name: Kibara : 2012-03-27 21:34 ID:FGfLNvH6 [Del]

Samurai X

197 Name: PoignardLucii : 2012-03-27 23:40 ID:Pq9uI8AB [Del]

Pokemon or Cardcaptor Sakura :D

198 Name: Ookami-san : 2012-03-28 00:13 ID:TEIiWAKM [Del]

Detective Conan

199 Name: Cece : 2012-03-28 01:09 ID:Ut70V/vk [Del]


200 Name: Loveless : 2012-03-28 01:26 ID:9xHE4qk5 [Del]


201 Name: Kaiya : 2012-03-28 02:33 ID:6uYLz1WG [Del]

Mine was Pokemon :D

202 Name: tsukii : 2012-03-28 05:30 ID:mYcIAGSe [Del]

Tsubasa Chronicles

203 Name: Finhephor !ndNpXz5mfY : 2012-03-28 13:17 ID:WRVWydm/ [Del]

Pokemon/Digimon on Fox Kids TV. A LONG time ago! BEFORE Fox Box existed.

204 Name: john morgan : 2012-03-28 13:51 ID:nTb0p71z [Del]


205 Name: Sky-Chan : 2012-03-28 18:04 ID:lzOCUFUv [Del]


Sailor Moon. Either that or Naruto.

206 Name: -Lional- : 2012-03-28 18:19 ID:MdIebcZv [Del]

so totally deathnote

207 Name: menji-kun : 2012-03-29 04:15 ID:IJBqtdaY (Image: 180x224 jpg, 14 kb) [Del]

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death note is a nice anime in my whole life!!!!!

208 Name: Arîbéx : 2012-03-29 09:04 ID:DWqBVRKa (Image: 215x235 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

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If yopur first anime was not Pokemon muy opinion of all of you has been drastically changed.

209 Name: Kibara : 2012-03-29 16:42 ID:FGfLNvH6 [Del]

cant quite remember but it was ether pokemon or inuyasha

210 Name: Liozamu !GnZKM.7sWw : 2012-03-29 18:50 ID:qHu3Rjxc [Del]

Pokemon Kanto, ofcourse.

211 Name: Zero : 2012-03-29 20:05 ID:dBPbf9om [Del]

um what? I swear mjavascript:javascript:show('reply1320727986'); show('newpostbox1320727986'); show('newimage1320727986');ine was Pokemon Kanto

212 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-03-29 20:32 ID:BrQvTFOP [Del]

The first ever anime was the first Pokemon movie on VHS. Yeah does anyone remember VHS?

213 Name: Derrick : 2012-03-29 20:50 ID:pa/FQPju [Del]

my fist anime is yugioh but its cool if people like pokemon better then it! its ok! I guess so!

214 Name: riku : 2012-03-30 07:05 ID:MTNLJmwW [Del]

pokemon was my first anime and i still loves it

215 Name: ps103 : 2012-03-30 11:52 ID:BWQYCLUi [Del]

pokemon to the ultamite

216 Name: King-XIV : 2012-03-30 18:12 ID:19QvUVzk [Del]

Mine was Inuyasha, then cold case then bleach then the list never endes:3

217 Name: Shade : 2012-03-30 18:55 ID:rLK1/wb0 [Del]

Mine was Mobile Report Gundam Wing. I caught the ending of the Endless Waltz movie back in 2000 on Toonami. That started my anime fandom. Gundam still remains one of my favorite anime ever!

218 Name: The Mighty Kamina : 2012-03-30 19:06 ID:QK0ICfhP [Del]

Mine was either Yu Yu Hakusho or Sailer Moon XD. I was 6 when I started watching them.

219 Name: Nemesis Q : 2012-03-30 22:11 ID:r7yGNmNj [Del]

Mine Was Fullmetal Alchemist or Inuyasha

220 Name: patheticAlly : 2012-03-31 00:12 ID:Fc9A8cfV [Del]

Doraemon or Fullmetal Alchemist...(rewatching the whole series xD)

221 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-31 01:21 ID:IPabaTYO [Del]

Sailor Moon

222 Name: KumiHaze : 2012-03-31 03:14 ID:sdn0pdmz [Del]

Sailor Moon

Same haha. It was Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Ahhh Missy Ash & Brock.:)

223 Name: dbanks : 2012-03-31 08:44 ID:Nbq59pEM [Del]

dragonball z

224 Name: 0013Starry : 2012-03-31 15:36 ID:Mp4+Tre2 [Del]

Let's see.... Either Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, or Rurouni Kenshin~

225 Name: Milly : 2012-03-31 21:11 ID:1MKRIQjE [Del]

Mine was Kaichou Wa Maid-sama

226 Name: Leroy : 2012-03-31 21:16 ID:hkLs1m0d [Del]


227 Name: Echo !V1l9Amc90Q : 2012-04-01 07:34 ID:ZE/dNLup [Del]

The first one I watched knowing what anime was and loving it, starting my deep decent into the bit of never ending Japanese television was probably Gundam Wing .. But I had watched Dragonball Z, Pokemon and seen some Sailor Moon as a young child

228 Name: Mikado : 2012-04-01 08:35 ID:tiXsCy8C [Del]

yugioh or maybe shaman king

229 Name: Nameless : 2012-04-02 15:56 ID:xQE5Bcfw [Del]

maybe pokemon
...but also Yu-Gi-Oh
anyway, both are good series ... or rather they were

230 Name: Vix (Izaya) : 2012-04-02 16:25 ID:sVQsb91P [Del]

Kimba the White Lion!

231 Post deleted by user.

232 Name: Mikada : 2012-04-02 20:28 ID:A6Hc7K4l [Del]

My first Anima was probably........ Pokemon

233 Name: Seiko-kun : 2012-04-03 17:16 ID:nV9XNmsr (Image: 714x388 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

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Hmmm... Spirited Away!!!

234 Name: Aziron : 2012-04-03 18:41 ID:mPjuO5Ui [Del]

Man, that was a long time ago. Hmm I think mine was Pokemon. :D

235 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-04 05:31 ID:3dDXgzSx [Del]

I think mine was Hetalia: Axis Powers, that,or Mermaid Melody.

236 Name: vernanonix : 2012-04-04 08:09 ID:B2JIA09J (Image: 492x340 jpg, 64 kb) [Del]

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Samurai Pizza Cats :D

237 Name: St.Joshin : 2012-04-04 08:25 ID:dqciUHcj [Del]

Fooly Cooly.

238 Name: kimimaro : 2012-04-04 19:00 ID:D4IEnvc+ [Del]


Still addicted all these years later

239 Name: Damien : 2012-04-04 20:00 ID:W+oMo6bJ (Image: 200x261 jpg, 18 kb) [Del]

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I've only seen a few episodes on a random VHS my parents bought my sister and I, but I'm pretty sure this was my first one. The dub was called 'Noozles', and the original name was 'The Wondrous Koala Binky'.

240 Name: Tajadoru : 2012-04-04 20:13 ID:jEfa9R9a [Del]

I think mine was Nintama Rantarou.. Anyone seen that lately?

241 Name: Angel89 : 2012-04-04 20:38 ID:8K3tc999 [Del]

Totoro. Yeah, old school.

242 Name: User : 2012-04-04 22:16 ID:fhXv+jGB [Del]

Love that!

243 Name: Kira : 2012-04-04 22:17 ID:8+eiIM4z [Del]

Mine was Sailor Moon I believe. Can't be too sure...or maybe it was Dragonballz.,,Wwho knows? ^^

244 Name: d.maria : 2012-04-05 02:30 ID:GK9eqbsP [Del]

Rurouni doubt! (´ω`)

245 Name: Kuro : 2012-04-05 04:27 ID:laHg5dyl [Del]

Prince Makaru ^_^ wu ju~

246 Name: Rikuo : 2012-04-05 05:31 ID:4+WOL1xV [Del]

It was either pokemon or Black Cat. Probably Fusigi Yuugi xD

247 Name: Sola : 2012-04-05 07:26 ID:Z2Fl4Oy6 [Del]

i think my first anime was sailor moon, yu yu hakusho, pokemone or rurouni kenshin XD

248 Name: ~Angela~ : 2012-04-05 08:28 ID:EUomqwnE [Del]

Sailor Moon
Best anime ever :3

249 Name: Rachel : 2012-05-11 17:41 ID:LQ9xEZQV [Del]

Spirited Away and Pokemon

250 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-11 19:03 ID:7pvTj8yq [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle~!

251 Name: Nemesis Q : 2012-05-11 19:06 ID:OqZnpQ52 [Del]

Fullmetal Alchemist

252 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-05-11 21:28 ID:bilKvdYD [Del]

Either Naruto or Inuyasha, probably Naruto because of Toonami Jetstream on Cartoon Network back in the day.

253 Name: Beaver : 2012-05-12 00:44 ID:HB4k15BR [Del]

Naruto i only watched like 11 episodes then like a year started watching bleach and then i havn't stopped

254 Name: onii-sama : 2012-05-12 01:33 ID:9GIXCFs/ [Del]

haha mine was bleach ^_^

255 Name: quarteris !18sbAxgWNA : 2012-05-12 04:22 ID:ZSNfPni3 [Del]

My first one was Ayashi-no Ceres, and then FMA, Naruto and Bleach at the same time :D

256 Name: phantom : 2012-05-12 04:47 ID:6M3dAHxn [Del]

mine was detective conan which has over 600 EPISODES !!!

257 Name: Toshiro : 2012-05-12 17:16 ID:OSRrMT8u [Del]

Naruto and bleach...

258 Name: Accos : 2012-05-12 19:30 ID:OpXT712X [Del]


259 Name: shizou<3 : 2012-05-13 00:28 ID:qaMNSF7S (Image: 640x480 jpg, 52 kb) [Del]

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when i was 6 years old i watched inuyasha my neighbors totoro, spirited away.

260 Name: kappa !FzAyW.Rdbg : 2012-05-13 00:33 ID:AGrP8piq [Del]

Dragon Ball or Pokemon.

261 Name: Kira : 2012-05-13 04:57 ID:9LAaXhBX [Del]

Mine is Sailor Moon I think...that or Dragonball.

262 Post deleted by user.

263 Name: Oh_Yeah!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-05-13 11:53 ID:waLGhJTD [Del]


264 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-05-13 19:13 ID:HjS2JdJ0 [Del]

My first anime was Bleach. Bleach all the way

265 Name: Durence !/19MV32koE : 2012-05-13 19:17 ID:2eWCku9J [Del]

My dad introduced me to Neon Genesis Evangelion when I was a little kid, so it would be my first anime. Sailor Moon is what really got me into it though. P.S. I'm not a girl.

266 Name: DangerOtter !nI5ayVXEKo : 2012-05-13 19:21 ID:7r2sJVpV [Del]

First anime i every saw was Akira. Then i was addicted.

267 Name: this girl : 2012-05-13 21:59 ID:cq6A4zpu [Del]

well Pokemon of course then death note and code geass >:D

268 Name: Jing : 2012-05-14 02:24 ID:zu8tfKU0 [Del]

First anime ive seen was Jing king of bandits or vash cuz i was watching both at the time so yeah..

269 Name: saiklone : 2012-05-14 03:36 ID:GX7L0GM5 [Del]

mine was samurai champloo

270 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-14 08:38 ID:oKbtyW8e [Del]

Too lazy to check if I commented already or not.

Sailor Moon.

271 Name: kukuxumusu94 : 2012-05-14 12:53 ID:zAQfamaG [Del]

Naruto ^.^

272 Name: izaya : 2012-05-14 13:18 ID:wtbyJ/n7 [Del]

mine was tokyo mew mew

273 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-14 14:28 ID:zpthYkrz [Del]

lawl mine was sailor moon XD

274 Name: Ninja99 : 2012-05-14 15:10 ID:TxTSRaCc [Del]

Naruto, man that brings back some memories. :)

275 Post deleted by user.

276 Name: Daisuke : 2012-05-14 17:37 ID:vc+vJlZV [Del]

Naruto...good times

277 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-05-14 21:59 ID:bilKvdYD [Del]

Seems to me that most people I've met has seen Naruto, Bleach, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, or FMA as their first anime

278 Name: Durence !/19MV32koE : 2012-05-14 22:14 ID:2eWCku9J [Del]

^ There weren't as many shows dubbed back then as their are now and those shows were all broadcasted on TV. I had my Sailor Moon on VHS though :D Still do... somewhere... -The Hunt Begins-

279 Name: RinRin : 2012-05-14 22:19 ID:CQ3ton2p [Del]

My first animes were Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing and Digimon, because that was the only "anime" that aired back then (that I knew of). I didn't find out about any other animes until I used ye olde internet. So i guess other than the "popular" stuff, I also started with Please Save My Earth, Serial Experiments: Lain, and Ghost in the Shell. I liked FMA a lot but I never really got into Naruto and Bleach as much as my friends did ^^;;

280 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2012-05-15 19:00 ID:GD67f/q1 [Del]


281 Name: PikachuX : 2012-05-16 12:50 ID:uox1S8tt [Del]


282 Name: chibumii : 2012-05-16 16:46 ID:RZaEKkYJ [Del]

Digimon Digital Monsters!!!(zero two)

283 Name: Aki : 2012-05-16 17:39 ID:dG/40Gtj [Del]

Naruto... X3 that was a LOOOONG time ago XD i miss those times... XI

284 Post deleted by user.

285 Name: Rain_80 : 2012-05-16 22:49 ID:fWeYc/8V (Image: 2400x1091 jpg, 149 kb) [Del]

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Gotta catch 'em all!

286 Name: Kokoro : 2012-05-18 12:56 ID:ohcse+VR [Del]

I think, it was Sailor Moon or Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon or Digimon.
These kind of animes 'cause they were shown in the german channels and my brother was a fan of these (not Sailor Moon, but the others) I watches with him.
Yeah, that was 2002 or earlier as I was three or four.

287 Name: Yukiko : 2012-05-18 18:43 ID:neGolMOd [Del]

I like Bleach, Soul Eater, and Naruto :3

288 Name: candy : 2012-05-19 06:48 ID:pv4eWTpd [Del]

pokemon and yu gi oh

289 Name: candy : 2012-05-19 06:55 ID:pv4eWTpd [Del]

but the 1st one that i knew was anime was bakugan then clannad then vampire knight

290 Name: Echo !V1l9Amc90Q : 2012-05-19 07:36 ID:epUQPHsZ [Del]

I think everyone who was born in the 1990's their first animes were either dragonball Z, Sailor Moon or Pokemon

291 Name: Immortelle !06NY4sFIG. : 2012-05-19 08:19 ID:ijwxgohh [Del]

I've been watching anime for as long as I can remember, so I'm not sure what my first one really is...

But it has to be one of the following: Voltes V, Yu-yu Hakusho, or Sailor Moon. Or any of those that my older siblings actually watched.

Annnddd.. well, it's off-topic, but although Slam Dunk isn't my first, it really brings out a lot of childhood memories (like trying to escape from my nanny just so I can watch it in the other room :))

I miss my anime-filled afternoons...

292 Name: Immortelle !06NY4sFIG. : 2012-05-19 08:21 ID:ijwxgohh [Del]

Oh I forgot Dragonball. Can be that too.

293 Name: Kanra : 2012-05-19 18:03 ID:vq4jXlp6 [Del]

Naruto was one of my 1st はははああ

294 Name: Sonicboomdrive : 2012-05-20 03:33 ID:TgyynP2w [Del]

Gurren Lagann, no contest.

295 Name: Hoshi-chan : 2012-05-20 07:35 ID:5xPczXCs [Del]

My first anime was Dragon ball. And the first anime I know is anime was Sailor Moon. :P

296 Name: Ray : 2012-05-20 16:47 ID:av869KUQ [Del]

Digimon. Never saw Pokemon, really. Don't like it so as for that Dm vs. Pm, in my opinion, Digimon is better... But, yeah, First anime : Digimon

297 Name: vychune !ikWwjGipnY : 2012-06-18 07:51 ID:sfMPDy9X [Del]

my first one was DBZ

298 Name: Need a name : 2012-06-18 07:53 ID:yYNmh+AR [Del]

That was a long time ago, but I think it was yu-gi-oh (if that counts. If not, naruto.)

299 Name: abel : 2012-06-18 08:22 ID:Mb6GPpLb [Del]

I THINK my first one was either Naruto or Pokemon.

300 Name: Me-chan : 2012-06-18 08:58 ID:GBp7Nsin [Del]

Mine was Pokemon... my favourite show ever since I was three.

And then, years later, Death Note, which I consider to be my first because it really got me into watching anime.

301 Name: BabiiCupiid16 : 2012-06-18 16:31 ID:t+T0Nfvb [Del]

Mine Was Sailor Moon >w<

302 Name: Shizuka Axel : 2012-06-18 20:45 ID:FUJt8wZ+ [Del]

I can't remember which was my first anime, but it was between Sailor Moon and Digimon.

303 Name: Rin : 2012-06-18 20:49 ID:iIeBciZE [Del]

Pokémon, but I consider Naruto my first true anime :)

304 Name: MiGo : 2012-06-19 00:07 ID:xBgDd1em [Del]

God, I used to love pokemon.

305 Name: Tsukiko !TgQ3fuQLTo : 2012-06-19 03:20 ID:vPysPRWu [Del]

I'm not sure if it was card captor sakura or sailor moon :/

306 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-19 20:20 ID:6hj6ZTZI [Del]

p.s. happy dollars day

307 Name: Yuzuru Katsuragi : 2012-06-19 21:53 ID:Lh6RUcQl (Image: 762x960 jpg, 70 kb) [Del]

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The first anime that I ever really watched and got into was Angel Beats! I've slowly been becoming an otaku ever since and never once looked back.

308 Name: Aya : 2012-06-19 22:56 ID:EwzXNRGo [Del]

Pokemon, I guess

309 Name: Okami : 2012-06-20 11:17 ID:+czsaO0d [Del]

Mine was baccano

310 Name: Fenrir : 2012-06-20 14:19 ID:fB1r/vz9 [Del]

I've forgotten what's my first anime :P
It's already years since then.. so I couldn't really remember. And it was when I was still 3-4 years old I guess.
Gotta agree that Angel Beats! was a very good one. It was really funny but full of meaning..

311 Name: Koshitani : 2012-06-20 14:22 ID:u7UQH9zA [Del]

Mine is Neon Genesis Evangelion,which watching as a six year old at 4 am in the morning was very traumatizing,haven't watch it ever sense,it still gives me shivers when I see its name.

312 Name: Neko : 2012-06-20 14:50 ID:bthH7e8y [Del]

Mine was Wolfs Rain

313 Name: Bobet22 : 2012-06-20 19:04 ID:fQxzZ3wX [Del]

Ouran High School Host club

314 Name: SonicSam : 2012-06-20 20:04 ID:dTIj8J5M [Del]

The first anime type show I do remember is Dragonball Z. I remember being a very young child (So young I couldn't understand what they were saying), I said to myself "Why are they always fighting in the same environment?!".

To this day, I still laugh whenever the show comes on.

315 Name: Vivi : 2012-06-20 22:41 ID:EdA4WDST [Del]

Either Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-gi-oh, or Kiki's Delivery Service.

316 Name: Ryu Kente : 2012-06-20 23:22 ID:yIuUQz+i [Del]

my first was dragon ball z, or the movie spirited not sure which.

317 Name: Beerbellybaka : 2012-06-21 00:20 ID:se6mZGhy [Del]

Ah pokemon... Brings me back.

318 Name: AriaMichaelis : 2012-06-21 01:40 ID:ytOCeap+ (Image: 259x194 png, 132 kb) [Del]

src/1340260858345.png: 259x194, 132 kb
InuYasha! d(_ _|||)b

319 Name: Shadow Reaper : 2012-06-21 17:55 ID:kP5wDqzH [Del]

Either Inyuyasha,FMA or Pokemon

320 Name: Missingno. : 2012-06-21 18:32 ID:7jYyol/o [Del]


321 Name: Mayu : 2012-06-21 21:25 ID:CZ0NOT/d [Del]

My first anime was Yu-gi-oh I miss that show so much.

322 Name: Nyx : 2012-06-21 21:52 ID:AjntTDu3 [Del]

mines was Yu-Gi-Oh and i still watch it now and then

323 Name: sebiemew : 2012-06-21 23:05 ID:JiGTJYP5 [Del]

mines codel yoko

324 Name: Michaelis : 2012-06-21 23:42 ID:vaDWJcqq [Del]

mine was Hamtaro ans sakura card! <3

325 Name: Makkenji !Q7t.srvWZ6 : 2012-06-22 01:35 ID:chZMZdsH [Del]

Pretty sure it had to be Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh or Hamtaro :3 cant remember which was first since I was pretty young lol

326 Name: Haruko : 2012-06-22 17:14 ID:lNEtOxR5 [Del]

My first anime was Pokémon, when I was very young. But the true begining of my long journey was Naruto.

327 Name: Karloz : 2012-06-23 14:29 ID:fr+Yy0j8 [Del]

Shaman King. I'll never forget it.

328 Name: Sparky Hanazaki : 2012-06-23 17:04 ID:+q+dO3U4 [Del]


329 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-23 19:07 ID:BAsAD6Ms [Del]

Gundam WING

330 Name: InnerDemonZero : 2012-06-23 23:13 ID:uggnUUu9 [Del]

Dragon Ball Z

331 Name: Dark : 2012-06-23 23:20 ID:RzzwzauF [Del]

Pokemon :D

332 Name: Misaki : 2012-06-24 03:21 ID:7Eip47vJ [Del]

First anime- Pokemon

First manga- Sailor moon (I couldn't read yet and I didnt realize i was going through it backwards)

333 Name: Megumi : 2012-06-24 10:56 ID:NHAm7VSb [Del]

First anime was Sailor Moon; I had one episode on VHS tape and literally watched it almost every day. Never saw another episode until I got a lot older, but my love for the series still holds strong <3

334 Name: Shika : 2012-06-24 15:31 ID:Md77u/TY [Del]


335 Name: Blastoise : 2012-06-24 20:28 ID:pVlTu+aA [Del]

pokemon and digimon.

336 Name: hardcore : 2012-07-16 22:28 ID:41MW0Zv0 [Del]

between DBZ and pokemon

337 Name: Vandal : 2012-07-17 02:03 ID:3grS705x [Del]

DBZ and Cowboy bebop were my first, i had to sneak into my living room to watch Bebop on adultswim... nostalgic

338 Name: yuuki heiwajima (^-^) : 2012-07-17 05:53 ID:oepxIR8a [Del]

BLEACH (^-^)

339 Name: Bersicker : 2012-07-17 08:46 ID:qDIZA+qz (Image: 253x199 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1342532760470.jpg: 253x199, 16 kb
Transformers: Robots in disguise~!

340 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-17 09:32 ID:2vXZFYbA [Del]

Is it strange if you started with Sailor Moon?

341 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-17 11:46 ID:bbaM1XE5 [Del]

>>340 Not really. Sailor Moon was pretty popular.

342 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-07-17 12:52 ID:gSUNfDD+ [Del]

Hamtaro... or maybe Pokemon or Digimon? Dunno. One of those. xD

343 Name: Veronica!TajKvtF51U : 2012-07-17 15:13 ID:UHZKd8IA [Del]

Dragon ball Z and Baki the grappler

344 Name: BadAppleSauce : 2012-07-17 16:31 ID:JyGrd2My [Del]

Can't remember.
I think it was Pokemon?

345 Name: Berlin : 2012-07-17 17:53 ID:dawC5dqM [Del]

Im first animes where DBZ,Yugioh,Pokemon,and Naruto

346 Name: Berlin : 2012-07-17 17:54 ID:dawC5dqM [Del]

opps! also One Piece lolz

347 Name: Meili : 2012-08-02 00:33 ID:j7fOzP2P [Del]

I was raised on Dragon Ball Z, Speed Racer, and Astro Boy
But first anime with knowing that it was an anime would be Card Captor Sakura~

348 Name: Void : 2012-08-02 12:44 ID:a85Tl2mQ [Del]

My first anime was Black Cat lol

349 Name: Akira !TbtN1ov/L2 : 2012-08-02 15:45 ID:s0wck9O6 [Del]

Sailor Moon! :)

350 Name: Kimiwarui : 2012-08-02 15:49 ID:RdyzsZXE [Del]

My first anime was Astro boy-But i didnt know it was an anime at the time(plus i was only 6). I discovered anime when i watched Death note.

351 Name: Ragus : 2012-08-02 16:16 ID:PyQ27K7V [Del]

aside from pokemon, i didn't know it was an anime at the time, mine would have to be InuYasha.

352 Name: Psynico : 2012-08-03 01:20 ID:HNgZySPv [Del]

Digimon, Pokemon and pretty cure I think (I watched these when I was a brat)...but I started to become an otaku ever since I watched Naruto (that was my first year in middle school)

353 Name: Victoria : 2012-08-03 08:10 ID:CrSNYz52 [Del]

My first four:
1. Black Butler
2. Durarara
3. Soul Eater
4. Fullmetal Alchemist

354 Name: Isis-chan : 2012-08-03 09:45 ID:NSkRFJ1W [Del]

I think my very first anime was either Death Note, Fruits Basket, or FMA. ^.^

355 Name: Shiroi : 2012-08-03 11:35 ID:WRlDUdpt [Del]

My first was pokemon~

356 Name: MoonKisses !l2Jg3UpEzo : 2012-08-03 15:38 ID:uJxO7pE9 [Del]


357 Name: sugarstars : 2012-08-03 17:00 ID:V31pjDZT [Del]

Sailor Moon. It was definitely my "gateway" series.

358 Name: Satoko!jGQFlTU1ws : 2012-08-03 18:06 ID:/XwHeOzb [Del]

Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z.

359 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-08-03 20:36 ID:5+CsxUCx [Del]

I have faint memories of what I think was Samurai X when I was,like,4 years old.Was it even on that long ago?
Also,A few Bleach episodes,The first Yugihos(when it didnt yet suck and yes I bought the cards)And I still to this day watch pokemon on occasion,and Im 14.....

360 Name: KatKawaii : 2012-08-04 14:31 ID:O8Cc14Oe [Del]

Bleach, Pokemon and Code Geass

361 Name: Young_Aria : 2012-08-04 15:23 ID:75lRGT8A (Image: 184x274 jpg, 14 kb) [Del]

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Card Captors

362 Name: _Eca_ : 2012-08-04 16:46 ID:DwFuLiWE [Del]

Dragon Ball, I think. I had 5-6 years then, it was so long ago o_o

363 Name: WRAITH 96 : 2012-08-04 20:33 ID:be0twkB7 (Image: 340x212 jpg, 33 kb) [Del]

src/1344130438684.jpg: 340x212, 33 kb
Code Geass

364 Name: DJ VocaPony : 2012-08-05 02:01 ID:l5mPpIMX [Del]

I'm proud to say that the first anime that I ever watched was... Um.... Oh yeah! My number 4 favorite anime of all time, Neon Genesis Evangelion! Although, I was only 10 when I started watching so I'm pretty sure that I started watching the first episode and then stopped watching on the same episode after Eva 1 started bleeding. I had come to the logical conclusion that the Evas were organic beings and I lost interest because, when I was 10 all I was interested in was giant robots and with Neon Genesis not really involving giant robots, I kinda lost interest and went on to my second anime.... My least favorite anime of all time, Naruto....

365 Name: MinTy : 2012-08-05 04:07 ID:4pbze+qA (Image: 259x194 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1344157678534.jpg: 259x194, 12 kb
BOBOBO-BO-BO-BOBO!! I was little then, but I'd stay up just for it ever friday night! =D memories~

366 Name: DN : 2012-08-05 07:23 ID:I8E/Nfnd [Del]

My first was either Pokemon or Digimon... I can't remember I was very young! And then I didn't watch anime for a good ten years or so, and then Death Note brought me back in. :)

367 Name: KuroToShiro : 2012-08-05 15:14 ID:hAreVprh [Del]

Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha!

368 Name: Asia. : 2012-08-29 18:17 ID:ntydLYJ3 [Del]

My first anime was Dragon Ball. I had whatched it with my brother when I was more or less 5. Later when I was 11 it came back to me with Naruto.

369 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-08-29 18:25 ID:/AYF+Jw5 [Del]

Speed Racer..

..which may explain my need to drive like an F1 driver.

370 Name: rairai : 2012-08-29 22:41 ID:HRuErd5Z [Del]

hunter x hunter

371 Name: seven : 2012-08-30 00:55 ID:enl5I1lN [Del]

Speed racer nothing more enjoyable than going full throttle

372 Name: Kougetsu : 2012-08-30 01:05 ID:bVwLQBxE [Del]

Dragonball and Pokemon

373 Name: Raikura : 2012-08-30 06:59 ID:jRoL6FRT [Del]

pokemon, then dragon ball, then kirby

374 Name: GuiltyStar : 2012-08-30 07:09 ID:0X9p7tAM [Del]

Tokyo Mew Mew (LOL XDDD)

375 Name: Raikura : 2012-08-30 07:24 ID:jRoL6FRT [Del]

"o" tokyo mewmew o0o whats that

376 Name: Taeyeon !l9jfGnSXiE : 2012-08-30 12:11 ID:HlWFpogy [Del]

>>375 Tokyo Mew Mew is about one girl named Ichigo, who by mistake, get's the DNA of a wild cat. By that she becomes more cat-alike, and a super hero.
There are also other girls, who also got DNA's, but different animals, and they all made a team to stop the Aliens from disturbing the earth.

There are most about love problems, and it's a girly manga, but I think it's good atleast.

Sorry, I'm not good at explaining, but I hope you'll understand. :3

377 Name: Tenshi : 2012-08-30 13:35 ID:KyWMB34f [Del]

Code lyoko or maybe pokemon or ouran high school host club

378 Name: Shea !A3eK/z6hmc : 2012-08-30 15:54 ID:6MqjvHKL [Del]

Ah, Sailor Moon and Pokemon... how nostalgic.

379 Name: Vocal Breaker : 2012-08-31 03:21 ID:MNy94+Fv [Del]

Neon Genesis Evangelion or Soul Eater

380 Name: Raikura : 2012-08-31 06:36 ID:Y6VIsa7k [Del]

>>376 o know i know what your talking about i seen that cat girl lots of places

381 Name: Miyasawa Ami : 2012-08-31 06:39 ID:9Kn36BtP [Del]

jungle king ta-chan and ranma

382 Name: HowlSilver !//o0mthQ22 : 2012-08-31 12:13 ID:Q/Ac/5SI [Del]

I think mine was Magic Knight Rayearth ( CLAMP awesomeness)

383 Name: cody : 2012-09-01 14:45 ID:UEskQdEA [Del]

pokemon and yu gi oh

384 Name: Mina.. : 2012-09-01 14:49 ID:P/pstKKa [Del]

Nartuo. I saw the ugly dubbed version on Cartoon Network. Then I discovered it had a manga. Best day of my life by far.

385 Name: Rio : 2012-09-01 15:33 ID:VM6sJdRk [Del]

we share the same backstory 0_0

386 Name: wolf-man : 2012-09-01 17:00 ID:2W+FFhjG [Del]

all ways, it's pokemon, when it first started in the late 90's

387 Name: Peko-peko : 2012-09-01 21:13 ID:DRPyQiQm [Del]

Pretty sure it was Dragonball Z or Samurai X

388 Name: AtheistwayAnyone!APvLUZnkEY : 2012-09-02 23:17 ID:zryFSpEn [Del]

*face palm* I can't belive I forgot about Pokemon! And um.... Yu-gI-oh! I used to watch those when I was little!

389 Name: Kitsune : 2012-09-03 17:55 ID:qoWdBtte [Del]

Im pretty sure mine was Naruto....

390 Name: Kitsune : 2012-09-03 17:56 ID:qoWdBtte [Del]

Or maybe it was sailor moon..?

391 Name: Chaos : 2012-09-04 00:42 ID:5P+6m6UR [Del]

Mine was definitly Pokemon*Gengar rules*

392 Name: Yuki : 2012-09-04 03:52 ID:q1YxcvQo [Del]

Mine was Naruto!

393 Name: CHIA : 2012-09-04 08:52 ID:Gbj/NPRD [Del]


394 Name: CHIA : 2012-09-04 08:52 ID:Gbj/NPRD [Del]


395 Name: "Tsuubomi!4kdXNnnjBo : 2012-09-04 09:02 ID:93MRKDdN [Del]

Mine was Fruit Basket <3

396 Name: Hatash : 2012-09-04 09:08 ID:TLkmRP3o [Del]

Is it awkward if my 1st was Sailor Moon?

397 Name: misaki : 2012-09-04 09:22 ID:1aCai+I8 [Del]

Mine was peach girl

398 Name: Zen : 2012-09-04 10:54 ID:0unC9z/5 [Del]

dragon ball

399 Name: Otaku kuro : 2012-09-04 15:55 ID:T+axJYi7 [Del]

pokemon all the way!

400 Name: Najiru !5jFtlXD9vU : 2012-09-04 17:11 ID:P68I0IWA [Del]

Mine was School Days lmao

401 Name: Maren : 2012-09-04 19:38 ID:qsUUMdjy [Del]

Eureka Seven

402 Name: Nazza!b0w3GdoXc6 : 2012-09-04 20:10 ID:3uqpio3V [Del]

>>401 yay Eureka Seven, and mine was naruto

403 Name: Shadow !ShJRM/FsBI : 2012-09-04 20:11 ID:ol8dEL13 [Del]

First anime was probably Pokemon. But if we mean when I got old enough to actually learn what the word "anime" even meant, it was Death Note.

404 Name: Sirjj : 2012-09-05 01:23 ID:tLoYLIDl [Del]

Gundam seed I was 7 and woke up early on day as adult swim was about to end and I fell in love with anime

405 Name: wick3dwick : 2012-09-05 03:00 ID:l/yPcauz [Del]

pokemon is the first i followed but code geass was the first i finished

406 Name: wick3dwick : 2012-09-05 03:00 ID:l/yPcauz [Del]

pokemon is the first i followed but code geass was the first i finished

407 Name: Yukihira Nigata : 2012-09-05 13:30 ID:tllyN2aa [Del]

First Anime:Neon Genesis Evangelion....

my parents were cruel enough to make me watch it...

408 Name: Medoli : 2012-09-05 17:42 ID:Gbxglhx2 [Del]

The first one is Sakura cardcaptor (I want an another season >_<).

409 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-09-05 18:22 ID:bhFN10jL [Del]

Lucky Star.

410 Name: Lin Lin : 2012-09-05 22:34 ID:ymELUc7k [Del]

Sailor Moon! :3

411 Name: Ottor !OdWP00iOaY : 2012-09-05 22:48 ID:QZv80nKz [Del]

Dragon Ball Z!

412 Name: Alf Lee : 2012-09-06 07:06 ID:ap35t0U4 [Del]

Lupin the III

413 Name: Tetsu-kun : 2012-09-06 08:19 ID:dGYOJgbF [Del]

Chibi Maruko Chan!!

414 Name: lupin 3rd : 2012-09-06 08:23 ID:45r6oHpX [Del]

case closed

415 Name: Ryu Atalier : 2012-09-06 10:12 ID:fWGKPeSD [Del]

I think Doraemon or Shin-chan... ^_^v

416 Name: ZIG : 2012-09-08 16:48 ID:hZ8EmVZq [Del]

digimon and pokemon like most people when i was young i watched it then a friend gave me eureka seven and that was when i was hooked

417 Name: Hotaru : 2012-09-08 17:54 ID:RHcbPjuD [Del]

In all honesty, my first anime was Naruto. Though now I can say that the plot has some issues...

418 Name: Flyffe : 2012-09-08 18:08 ID:GifiKIBP [Del]

I was obsessed with Digimon when i was little. The first Anime that i ever watched, realizing that it was, indeed, an anime, was a Gundam that was on [Adult Swim] about eight or nine years ago.

419 Name: Lyn : 2012-09-08 21:00 ID:CWPNW9e3 [Del]

When was little, th first anime I watched was Naruto, then Inuyasha

420 Name: riding hood : 2012-09-09 11:48 ID:SRF49tvi [Del]

Monster Rancher.....the shame..(tears)

421 Name: Jywy !fbLUmhdNA2 : 2012-09-09 14:02 ID:gyGh/PE1 [Del]

I think mine was Pokémon, too. XD LOL!

422 Name: Tonami : 2012-09-09 15:57 ID:Ost56YxK [Del]

my first anime would technically be pokemon i guess..

but to me that doesn't count. im pretty sure i loved anime all my life, but it was only around when i was 13 that i actually came to know anime as something other then just another cartoon.

my first anime was Love Hina.

423 Name: amy : 2012-09-09 16:18 ID:0FQtDdBH [Del]

cardcaptor sakura :)

424 Name: Celestial !9jNfXA3Gno : 2012-09-09 21:13 ID:7ieC2uzc [Del]

Sailor Moon XD same story as >>422 lol

425 Name: dollar : 2012-09-09 21:52 ID:QZkfiO5z (Image: 196x146 jpg, 6 kb) [Del]

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Cause when Pokemon Chronicles came out I loved it.

426 Name: Luciferus Hellsing : 2012-09-10 02:05 ID:ScYniclk [Del]

Mine was either Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon. I used to watch them when they came on television, but a few years ago, I became quite obsessed with anime and to date have seen about sixty anime.

427 Name: Fredio : 2012-09-10 12:14 ID:WSIlaE6L [Del]

Naruto or Shaman King. I don't really remember, heh

428 Name: Tanuki : 2012-09-10 14:44 ID:QHzOesr/ [Del]

Sailor Moon

429 Name: Harmonia : 2012-09-10 22:32 ID:9EoHv8kd [Del]

Mine was sailor moon but that was when I was 3. I only watched the first half of the first episode, so it doesn't really count. So really it's Fruits Basket.

430 Name: Shizuka : 2012-09-11 09:26 ID:b9MrqNPn [Del]

Mine was Yu-gi-oh when I was really young, like 5 or something...

431 Name: Izanami176 : 2012-09-24 19:17 ID:T7mvpxzs [Del]

Rurouni Kenshin FTW!

432 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-24 19:26 ID:M61mz76U [Del]

First anime I watched, and what got me into anime when I was a young kid, was Gundam Wing. I'm still a big Gundam fan to this day.

433 Name: Nuin : 2012-09-24 20:13 ID:q4LQP5ac [Del]

Pokemon all the way!!!!

434 Name: Jace-chan : 2012-09-24 21:34 ID:NDZTM455 [Del]

sailor moon when I was little

435 Name: KittenKat : 2012-09-24 23:39 ID:sNLKhlJ0 [Del]

i actually saw inuyasha first, and it was awesome.

436 Post deleted by user.

437 Name: Balthizar : 2012-09-25 01:18 ID:OGApbKPC [Del]

My first TV series was either Pokemon, Digimon, or DBZ. However, my first movie was either Totoro or Kiki's Delivery Service. I was two years old when I watched those.

438 Name: jjp47 : 2012-09-25 04:08 ID:9jQPlzc5 [Del]

inuyasha but it was memories from bleach that made me come back 5 years later

439 Name: K : 2012-09-25 14:11 ID:cwYcrp4E [Del]

Digimon, I think. Or possibly Monster Rancher.

440 Name: Mikoto~ : 2012-10-20 12:54 ID:z1tC0SJ1 [Del]

Dragonball FTW!

441 Name: Kawaii : 2012-10-20 17:30 ID:dFeB2Yx+ [Del]

i guess dbz + pokemon since i watched them at the same time.

442 Name: Noob Terror of Death : 2012-10-20 20:31 ID:m7m0ysc/ [Del]

The first time I was aware I was watching anime was Soul Eater, but my first was definitely Pokemon

443 Name: kana : 2012-10-20 22:42 ID:AOVusOkH [Del]

case closed was my first

444 Name: kuroshiro : 2012-10-21 00:15 ID:KQbO591Z (Image: 600x450 jpg, 36 kb) [Del]

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I'm pretty sureits Black Cat~

445 Name: Emerald : 2012-10-21 00:26 ID:V37wRwmO (Image: 624x507 jpg, 87 kb) [Del]

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Card captor Sakura!

446 Name: Yuko : 2012-10-21 07:37 ID:xAZbM5WC (Image: 750x600 jpg, 46 kb) [Del]

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Hmm.... I think my first anime was Xxxholic

447 Name: UnstableStar014 : 2012-10-21 12:37 ID:iwp+B5wv (Image: 468x466 jpg, 44 kb) [Del]

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ZENKI/DEMON CHILD ZENKI is the first anime I watched~

448 Name: Raida : 2012-10-21 20:00 ID:QR2zhmhT (Image: 400x552 jpg, 45 kb) [Del]

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My first anime ever was The Vision of Escaflowne. It's still one of my favourites now. :)

449 Name: Maka : 2012-10-22 10:15 ID:wIAgOM0S [Del]

well, it was dragonball z to me xD

450 Name: Dragantis : 2012-10-22 10:40 ID:EEPcATCV [Del]

If i remember correctly it was Sailor Moon.

451 Name: Balthizar : 2012-10-22 12:32 ID:gF427rHZ (Image: 267x189 jpg, 17 kb) [Del]

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Pokemon, Digimon, and DBZ were my first. However, the first anime that I saw after I became aware of anime as its own seperate art form was FLCL. It opened up a entire new world for me.

452 Name: Ayrea : 2012-10-22 18:32 ID:qLrO2tDX [Del]

I think my first anime was either cardcaptor sakura or sailor moon

453 Name: Kiyomi : 2012-10-22 22:06 ID:fF+jIs4B (Image: 287x175 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

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Technically it was sailor moon but i was 4 and i only remember half of the first episode (i probably only watched that much considering my attention span of a flea).

454 Name: Mattie Elyosora : 2012-10-23 00:08 ID:QojzR7CS [Del]

Mine was Shaman King and Beet the Vandel Buster >:D

455 Name: Yukio : 2012-10-23 11:42 ID:DPmge8u5 (Image: 576x732 jpg, 72 kb) [Del]

src/1351010568544.jpg: 576x732, 72 kb
Mine was Dragon Ball Z. It was and still is one of my favourite anime series (although I think Kai is better). It was just mindless fun to watch when I first saw it and now I can appreciate it even more.

456 Name: Karma : 2012-10-23 12:27 ID:lxWuW5D9 (Image: 284x177 jpg, 15 kb) [Del]

src/1351013237772.jpg: 284x177, 15 kb
angel beats
warning the ending will make you cry it is so sad
but i have watched no kidding over 60 anime and this one is still the best one i have ever seen

457 Name: yuuki : 2012-10-23 14:22 ID:Znn4L1+U [Del]


458 Name: Nullany : 2012-10-23 14:34 ID:6tTxwC6+ (Image: 471x726 jpg, 168 kb) [Del]

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Well, my first anime KNOWING it was Anime would probably be Weiss Kreuz. Overall, though...? Digimon, I think

459 Name: Cole : 2012-10-23 17:11 ID:lJQiC/BL (Image: 800x576 jpg, 582 kb) [Del]

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Sailor Moon

460 Name: Koty : 2012-10-23 18:39 ID:LrpHd8ux (Image: 225x350 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

src/1351035593546.jpg: 225x350, 67 kb

461 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-10-23 20:37 ID:NnISqQCM [Del]

^ you had an empty childhood

462 Name: koty : 2012-10-24 16:32 ID:LrpHd8ux [Del]

>>461 me? XD ((if it is me)) HOW SO XD?!

463 Name: Denmark : 2012-10-24 20:01 ID:4q/0v9FR [Del]

Baccano kicks butt.
Nuff' said. ^^^

464 Name: Makoto : 2012-10-25 07:02 ID:C37932Ot [Del]

Pokemon and DBZ!

465 Name: Ryuu_Knight : 2012-10-25 13:24 ID:YfUF8kNo [Del]

It was dragonball, me and my family finished it and was also watched it recently.

466 Name: Sango : 2012-10-25 13:41 ID:1bcVWD37 [Del]

Mine was Detectiv Conan. :3

467 Name: koty : 2012-10-25 13:46 ID:LrpHd8ux [Del]

>>463 IKR?! people who hate baccano cant understand it due to there lack of a brain :3

468 Name: Mummy boy : 2012-12-05 09:05 ID:jwNUOWfp [Del]

my firs was chibi vampire

469 Name: shizu inuzuka : 2013-02-24 17:16 ID:lO7e+Hqq (Image: 452x340 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

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that would have to be naruto..i mean the first naruto

470 Name: Zamor : 2013-02-25 03:14 ID:Fel9bhkH [Del]

My first was Pokemon, but the first Anime i watched as an Anime was Angel Beats :3

471 Name: Rin-kun : 2013-02-25 05:09 ID:dTviMDqJ [Del]

It was either dragonball z or pokemon. But i'm gonna go with pokemon

472 Name: wraith98 : 2013-02-25 05:37 ID:gB4REMA4 [Del]

Death Note or Code Geass

473 Name: Ckea : 2013-02-25 07:09 ID:yr+UG/xY [Del]

My first were BeyBlade, CrushGear-Turbo and Pokemon

474 Name: SoraAiAme !UL5/V6OEIg : 2013-02-25 15:34 ID:AKRcKQ4N [Del]

Yu Yu Hakusho back when it was on Cartoon Network~ ;D

475 Name: Jackie-chan : 2013-02-25 17:05 ID:J/jWkTJq [Del]

i think it was meow meow powers or shugo chara. :D

476 Name: Hana : 2013-02-25 17:29 ID:AmVE3MgE [Del]

My first anime was Naruto! I don't currently watch the episodes, but I have nostalgia and defend it whenever someone makes fun of it :)

477 Name: shizu inuzuka : 2013-02-25 17:46 ID:lO7e+Hqq [Del]

>>476 haha same, but i still watch the episodes though i get REALLY defensive when it comes to naruto XD

478 Name: Kuro : 2013-02-26 15:15 ID:SrrlmqJW [Del]

I believe mine was Sailormoon.

479 Name: fading : 2013-02-26 15:40 ID:IN95sj/+ [Del]

Mine was probably pokemon either that or dragon ball z I used to love those when I was younger.

480 Name: fogcloud : 2013-02-26 17:25 ID:qeXE1Io5 [Del]

Pokemon was my first! HECK YAH! :D

481 Name: xNicky REDx : 2013-02-27 11:45 ID:DWQe8IuP [Del]

mine was also Pokemon
followed by digimon

482 Name: Pasune : 2013-02-27 11:57 ID:IIPpaaXL [Del]

Mine was Toradora

483 Name: Kongo204 : 2013-02-27 12:44 ID:b9UruowV [Del]

D.N.Angel wasn't my first, but it's what got me into anime so I count it

484 Name: xNicky REDx : 2013-02-27 13:16 ID:DWQe8IuP [Del]

then I count mermaid melody since it's the first anime i was aware it was an anime

485 Name: Magica : 2013-02-27 14:53 ID:I/wVxTmc [Del]

Mine was also Pokemon

486 Name: Skell : 2013-02-27 22:21 ID:DignxqEf [Del]

Thinking back...when I was little I was allowed to stay up and watch TV all night and I didn't know how to work the TV remote. So I actually have memories of watching Cowboy Bebop and Big O before getting into Pokemon like everybody else.

I didn't understand what was going on, but technically one of those 2 was my first.

Another contender is Sailor Moon, because I honestly can't remember when I started watching that...sometime in Kindergarden I think

487 Name: Ven : 2013-02-28 00:28 ID:MSPSZOix [Del]

I watched an Anime that went DoReMi or something on TV... It's a Magical Girl series of some sort. That was probably my first.

488 Name: SusukiHino : 2013-03-01 02:55 ID:ywmPO4FZ [Del]

That show was pretty awesome!

489 Name: Taireita : 2013-03-01 07:59 ID:t33r5Sd6 [Del]

I don't remember. But I think Doraemon is my first :)

490 Name: Priyanka : 2013-03-01 09:12 ID:YGXaG/rk [Del]

death note haha

491 Name: taro : 2013-03-02 10:44 ID:EtKbVmiP [Del]

Dragonball Z

492 Name: Kingpin : 2013-03-02 21:05 ID:FDtVIhG6 [Del]

Dragonball. Harhar.

493 Post deleted by user.

494 Name: Noone : 2013-03-03 03:49 ID:jUQsqiHk (Image: 466x307 jpg, 47 kb) [Del]

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Gundam Wing.

495 Name: kyou kara maou... i guess.. :D : 2013-03-03 05:42 ID:L9hwZYW1 [Del]

496 Name: Kureo : 2013-03-03 12:43 ID:ZkVQ7lj4 [Del]

SAILOR MOON! What girl DIDNT grow up with her?

497 Name: Ghost : 2013-03-03 17:53 ID:94g2kC5e [Del]

G Gundam

498 Name: soul : 2013-03-03 17:55 ID:T6ZwPUFU [Del]

mine was yugioh

499 Name: Karma : 2013-03-04 03:25 ID:lxWuW5D9 [Del]

>>496 i didn't

500 Name: Nemui : 2013-03-04 10:31 ID:H86pa2C2 [Del]

Digimon.... I think

501 Name: K-chan : 2013-03-04 17:35 ID:znyadlaB [Del]

Tenchi Muyo

502 Name: Calamity !Qk7qb6S/J. : 2013-03-05 07:54 ID:BGYjYZ1m [Del]

Bucky (AKA Jibaku-kun)

503 Name: <Coal> : 2013-03-05 11:06 ID:AuApGryM [Del]

Digimon & Cowboy Bebop! I started watching them around the same time. Think I'll go watch them again in fact... :)

504 Name: CrispyHatake : 2013-03-05 17:20 ID:tYQQQkZB [Del]

Mine was also Pokemon... But I didn't really know about anime then...

505 Name: bass-god : 2013-03-05 19:25 ID:uevbblS2 [Del]

although the first ive seen was full metal alchemist, (i cried on the last episode because it was the end but then FMA:B came out) i have about 13 vhs tapes with 3 pokemon episodes each of the original series. i used to sing out with the opening title haha.

506 Name: PaRaDoX : 2013-03-05 20:34 ID:Zn48jidh [Del]

yu-gi-oh lol

507 Name: Rei☆彡 : 2013-03-06 00:08 ID:SgwHHENz [Del]

I'm pretty sure it was Dragon Ball

508 Name: Sora-Kins~ : 2013-03-06 00:33 ID:+xyB33n6 [Del]

Mine was either Pokemon or Sailor Moon.

509 Name: Yusee : 2013-03-06 07:47 ID:NCyCivCS [Del]


510 Name: Hitsumi : 2013-03-06 08:21 ID:9G6gm/Jh [Del]

Card Captor SAKURA

511 Name: Taiga : 2013-03-06 08:57 ID:igIshE8R [Del]

heidi, princess sarah or mew mew power

512 Name: Nobody !nNP0bPAimE : 2013-03-07 19:01 ID:x/7pjQ7z [Del]

When I was 2-3 I saw Totoro.
It wasn't till I was 5 that I saw Dragon Ball.
After that I would watch Sailor Moon with my mom.
Eventually Pokemon came out, at this point I knew that I was hooked, and watched anything I could get my hands on.

513 Name: KanraChan : 2013-03-07 19:03 ID:aV70etsI [Del]

Inyuyasha. 90's baby

514 Name: bass-god : 2013-03-13 02:12 ID:uevbblS2 [Del]

Big O, naruto, FLCL, Pokemon... the list could go on because i started watching and knew anime at a young age. But i would say big O or slayers.

515 Name: Xerxes Break : 2013-03-13 14:56 ID:7veSge7x [Del]

The first anime I watched....
Code Geass....

516 Name: kushee-chan : 2013-03-14 22:04 ID:GhoPqkOq [Del]

what anime i STARTED with...hmmm well technicaly it was the old swiss family robinsons on the old christian channel. but at that time i didnt know what anime was. i grew up with pokemon, DBZ, and sonic X. the anime that got me started on becoming an otaku was death note. my friend showed me a couple episodes then i finished the show and then kept on watching more anime.

517 Name: Chiro : 2013-03-15 15:55 ID:rXFYRVzH [Del]

Sailor Moon.
What got me into being an otaku was Mermaid Melody. No lies XD I've mostly been watching Magical Girl animes, but I also like action and adventure.

518 Name: ice : 2013-03-15 17:48 ID:soXtiKZG [Del]

Pokemon no questions asked

519 Name: HapUgMata : 2013-03-23 11:00 ID:PVHny67f [Del]

dragonball in the tv...if that doesn't count, i think the first anime i completed was katekyo hitman reborn(though it was still ongoing at that time)...

520 Name: THE_CARVER : 2013-03-23 18:41 ID:pUXt2kRO [Del]

I think mine was Pokemon(big suprise)but my first true one was Princess Tutu

521 Name: HAM : 2013-03-24 18:42 ID:8XATWqZw [Del]

The first anime I ever watched was Dragonball Z on Nickelodeon, which I then proceeded to watch all three seasons of it on the internet. But if that doesn't count my first real anime was either InuYasha or Haruhi Suzimya, idk which one I watched first.

522 Name: Cerebella : 2013-03-26 08:23 ID:Xjbh7Vgl (Image: 188x268 jpg, 32 kb) [Del]

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My first was one piece,but my first when I actually regonized it as anime was save me!lolipop. And I loved that show too,but

Really girly.

523 Name: Cloxenvate : 2013-03-26 11:00 ID:LG4hkTqt (Image: 799x467 jpg, 132 kb) [Del]

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my first anime was bleach . maybe ? but , now i love to watch black butler . it's awesome . i'm dead serious . i'm fall in love with sebastian michaelis :3

524 Name: Zeal : 2013-03-27 17:55 ID:0cvyAT6t [Del]

My first non-kids anime (i mean other than pokemon and yugioh) was Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

525 Name: •Gin-Hime• : 2013-03-28 01:14 ID:p99GaS7Z [Del]

Mah first anime ish D-gray man then Jigoku Shoujo

526 Name: Steve : 2013-03-28 02:28 ID:6/pmJg/J (Image: 400x274 jpg, 47 kb) [Del]

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Cowboy Bebop

527 Name: aria : 2013-03-28 19:11 ID:4leF+LYn [Del]

full metal alchemist brotherhood

528 Name: Kairi : 2013-03-28 22:26 ID:WnTRBQmS [Del]

Elfen Lied (such a sad anime)

529 Name: kai : 2013-03-28 22:53 ID:ZELrydI0 [Del]


530 Name: deadman : 2013-03-29 07:53 ID:NbVX0npn [Del]


531 Name: Noeru : 2013-03-29 17:44 ID:4yHEVsRT [Del]

First one from start to finish was soul eater

532 Name: sean king : 2013-03-29 22:45 ID:7x4A47Vi [Del]


533 Name: Red Queen : 2013-03-30 00:32 ID:Rov4vIYi [Del]

Mine was either Yugioh, digimon, or inuyasha

534 Name: falzamar : 2013-03-30 15:23 ID:2AblwAyD [Del]


535 Name: Lama-Hat : 2013-03-30 17:49 ID:/b4sU/Kc [Del]

Dragon Ball!

536 Name: xxThe_Pegacy_xx : 2013-03-30 18:54 ID:PIx4zIz8 [Del]

Mine was Dragon Ball Z! I still love that anime. :3 Vegeta is my fav character.

537 Name: Yellrobot : 2013-03-30 19:09 ID:tGRGNkIB (Image: 305x350 jpg, 32 kb) [Del]

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mine has to be...Pokemon then Marmalade boy... XDDD then hellsing!! >:D

538 Name: Itou'n : 2013-03-31 03:01 ID:6oMDekHW (Image: 256x211 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

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Mine was.. S.E.L (and I love it until today), Haibane, Tokyo Babylon, and X :))

539 Name: Yuushi : 2013-03-31 06:46 ID:xxZ/GKk3 [Del]

My first anime was doraemon and dragon ball :D

540 Name: Yuhi : 2013-03-31 07:46 ID:3JP76sBc [Del]

dragon ball

541 Name: Cyn : 2013-03-31 08:24 ID:sbK+T+Tm [Del]

I think mine was Card Captor sakura. it was so good back in the day

542 Name: freak-chan : 2013-03-31 09:47 ID:Xmq8VD41 (Image: 461x504 jpg, 83 kb) [Del]

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mine was death note and then ouran high school host club

543 Name: Andie : 2013-03-31 13:29 ID:zUCVcm1C (Image: 640x480 jpg, 150 kb) [Del]

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Mine was One Piece.

544 Name: Dstar89!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-03-31 13:35 ID:af5sMGoQ [Del]

Mine was Pokemon as well. :)

545 Name: KidaLover : 2013-03-31 23:13 ID:CNwTBd88 [Del]

Mine was Sailor Moon I think

546 Name: Zuke : 2013-04-01 06:12 ID:Mxc4yguO [Del]

Zoids i think... that or the usual pokemon, sailormoon, ...

547 Name: Shikami : 2013-04-01 06:39 ID:FDjM0Cbx [Del]

Gundam, pokemon or medabots either one

548 Name: Pk : 2013-04-01 07:11 ID:DntfTPT3 [Del]

Astro Boy

549 Name: Dottle!tsGpSwX8mo : 2013-04-01 09:56 ID:na06fcTS [Del]

mine was Dragon ball Z

550 Name: Akira : 2013-04-01 11:36 ID:qql65iBN [Del]

Mine was Naruto

551 Name: Kairin : 2013-04-02 00:24 ID:yRpG/+C7 [Del]

Sailor Moon. But if that doesn't count [which it does, I don't even know why others would say it doesn't] Then One Piece and Zatch Bell tied.

552 Name: Otaku kun : 2013-04-02 06:51 ID:QGh3A6K1 [Del]

my first one was bleach
thought it was pretty god but it turned out syupid

553 Name: Hana : 2013-04-02 18:13 ID:yl3OK8pL [Del]

>>552 Hey! Dont diss bleach! Its lengthy, has a LOT of fillers, and has characters that make you want to rip out your hair (cough cough ORIHIME cough)...but i really enjoyed that show. but anyways, for this post, my first was Naruto, the same as many others i guess lol

554 Name: LinkOfThrones : 2013-04-02 19:19 ID:sVv3QS+V [Del]

My first Anime was Kimba the white lion. It was a great Anime.

555 Name: Akise-kun : 2013-04-02 20:20 ID:opkpkB4O [Del]

My first was Death Note, got me hooked on anime

556 Name: jun seba : 2013-04-03 00:58 ID:tW85LJY1 [Del]

the first one I watched all the way through was cowboy bebop just the music and perfectly balanced humor/action stories are what made me fall in love with anime

557 Name: Echo/Sound Test Service : 2013-04-03 06:17 ID:AMHcKsaa [Del]

Kenichi the mightiest disciple. It was so funny. But stupid.

558 Name: Kausus : 2013-04-03 08:44 ID:NKEGYaV/ [Del]

My first anime that I remember sitting down and watching was Chobits. It was such a wonderful Anime and I think it is what really pushed me into the deep end of the Anime pool. ^^

559 Name: BloodShadow : 2013-04-03 10:30 ID:iUkSLCUo (Image: 320x240 jpg, 23 kb) [Del]

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code geass
i even spent my free time drawing characters

560 Name: Otaku-Rin : 2013-04-03 10:57 ID:vCWzps1q [Del]

My first was One PieceXD

561 Name: izaya : 2013-04-03 15:00 ID:FF2ONsLb [Del]

inazuma eleven

562 Name: Slothua : 2013-04-03 15:03 ID:uuRHLLuE [Del]

first anime was cowboy bebop on adultswim

563 Name: Raynebow : 2013-04-03 16:35 ID:lQdnvSHv [Del]

Yuyu Hakisho

564 Name: ~Narukami : 2013-04-03 20:36 ID:ceYiZPoC [Del]

The Slayers. Gotta love siblings

565 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-03 21:59 ID:9Z9n5jB4 [Del]

it would have to be death note. boo kira !

566 Name: Kyumi : 2013-04-03 23:10 ID:4w2Ogpz5 [Del]

Angel Beats!

567 Post deleted by user.

568 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-04-04 13:45 ID:2mTPiJ0P [Del]

Tenchi Muyo, lol.

569 Name: long_road : 2013-04-04 14:26 ID:LEjXJgFG [Del]

Fairy Tail!

570 Name: long_road : 2013-04-04 14:26 ID:LEjXJgFG [Del]

Fairy Tail!

571 Name: England : 2013-04-04 19:06 ID:Y9ML2Xli [Del]

Maid Sama! I loooove that anime!!!1

572 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-04-04 22:53 ID:IG531SoT [Del]

Mine...... was also Pokémon.

573 Name: Getsuga : 2013-04-05 01:23 ID:o8cZP4Mo [Del]

Dragon Ball

574 Name: Totemic : 2013-04-05 02:25 ID:tqGQ/8Qy [Del]

Wolfs Rain

575 Name: Gintoki : 2013-04-05 05:10 ID:bLm2jcEa [Del]

Rave Master

576 Name: The doctor : 2013-04-05 17:56 ID:qWDCehTX [Del]

Digimon 1G!

577 Name: Chiron !zBg38AUVCM : 2013-04-06 06:57 ID:WXBMRxSF [Del]

It's a mix between Pokemon, Neon Genesis Evangelion and Dragon Ball Z

578 Name: DeiChan : 2013-04-06 12:50 ID:ub6cnDbf [Del]

Shugo Chara or Sailor Moon... don't sure! xD

579 Name: Kisaya 1513 : 2013-04-06 15:26 ID:vbTGUygf [Del]

-Pokemon XD

580 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-06 17:24 ID:DxD3VSMN [Del]

Pokemon is best anime ever I seen before like Digimon. Man I been watching new pokemon black and white seasons

581 Name: otaku : 2013-04-06 17:59 ID:LFWh9Pbp [Del]


582 Name: 奈良市、奈良 : 2013-04-07 14:07 ID:mnEeejq6 [Del]

Death Note or When Cicadas Cry.

583 Name: fogcloud : 2013-04-18 14:21 ID:qeXE1Io5 [Del]


584 Name: Ritsuka : 2013-04-18 14:23 ID:p5zzzalg [Del]


585 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-04-18 14:28 ID:dEn6l9eg [Del]

pokemon... -_- it was either that, or Sailor Moon, which I clearly don't remember because I remember watching an animation that played the theme song when I was like 2, which was a long time ago (obviously)......

586 Name: korakora : 2013-04-18 22:50 ID:7dcCy0M9 [Del]

Rurouni Kenshin

587 Name: Kyu : 2013-06-09 17:10 ID:AmhT7zQ3 [Del]

I think mine was pokemon , mazinkaiser , mazinger z , or tekken the movie I really don't know.

588 Name: Rukimii : 2013-06-10 00:20 ID:bDHWRiSA [Del]


589 Name: Shaz : 2013-06-10 01:12 ID:5k6Ljxps [Del]


590 Name: Izucchi : 2013-06-10 03:09 ID:Vi9YEQ6+ [Del]

Cardcaptor Sakura

591 Name: PkmnTrainerRed.ghy : 2013-06-10 05:32 ID:5eRX+Gb/ [Del]

DBZ ~~

592 Name: STguy : 2013-06-10 12:02 ID:PssyGfXJ [Del]

My first anime, i think is Saint Seiya. ^^

593 Name: Gallifreyan : 2013-06-10 12:18 ID:JAHKmAoP (Image: 640x912 jpg, 95 kb) [Del]

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I think it was Soul Eater:)

594 Name: CielPhantomhive : 2013-06-10 13:46 ID:ze59zpQC (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 279 kb) [Del]

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I think it was Sailor Moon or Hamtaro....

595 Name: Mio~ : 2013-06-10 14:20 ID:wOMvMeyJ (Image: 640x1136 jpg, 124 kb) [Del]

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Lucky Star! So many memories...

596 Name: Ifrit : 2013-06-10 19:50 ID:J3G66QnU [Del]

i'm so ashamed.. Yu-Gi-Oh.

597 Name: Hollow : 2013-06-10 20:24 ID:9Q7ysrkz [Del]

mine was Ouran high school host club

598 Name: haruhi31 : 2013-06-10 20:47 ID:SqOA7nOu (Image: 1024x1147 jpg, 218 kb) [Del]

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Dr. Slump!

599 Name: Hollow : 2013-06-10 22:25 ID:9Q7ysrkz [Del]

no I change my answer it was Pokémon and then years later Ouran

600 Name: Agorain : 2013-06-10 22:53 ID:QWw49Nwz (Image: 188x268 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

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Big Windup! And then RRR!!

601 Name: Ziggy !gWBUKmXcj6 : 2013-06-11 05:53 ID:z8ikShH2 (Image: 500x375 jpg, 68 kb) [Del]

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Code Geass, FTW!

602 Name: PresidentWalrus : 2013-06-12 16:44 ID:BhE6GZI+ [Del]

Yu Yu Hakusho, then dbz after that

603 Name: Mimiku : 2013-06-12 19:47 ID:39JlavRj [Del]


604 Name: TrollingKuraiChan : 2013-06-13 09:13 ID:YJSrAmyM (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 208 kb) [Del]

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tho I'm not sure if it was Voltes V or Doraemon

605 Name: nene : 2013-06-13 10:44 ID:HghnRqhD [Del]

Bobobobobobobo. Stupidest anime ever. Lolol

606 Name: onchyophoran : 2013-06-17 15:48 ID:vnNYV1eK [Del]

DAE 90's?
There's probably a lot of people here that grew up with Toonami, too.
My first proper anime experiences were through that block, I started off with Rurōni Kenshin & Yu Yu Hakusho (with a little Outlaw Star for good measure)

I'm glad they brought back Toonami

607 Name: Frankenstein : 2013-06-17 16:00 ID:MnwAoDdW [Del]

I don't remember what my first anime was that I watched...Hello Kitty? Tonari no Totoro? I really don't remember, coz I started watch anime since I was really small.

608 Name: Serisai : 2013-06-17 19:00 ID:/OQz8uq7 [Del]

the first one ever that i watched at all was pokemon. the first one i completed was soul eater.

609 Name: anwar9542 : 2013-06-18 15:10 ID:pI8Xdmsf [Del]

the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya

610 Name: Mokona : 2013-06-18 15:44 ID:SbC1ya3n [Del]


611 Name: あんな : 2013-06-18 17:30 ID:td1AloQI [Del]

Bleach or Inuyasha.

612 Name: Seiro : 2013-06-18 20:59 ID:I/Y6YJ0B [Del]

one piece.

613 Name: CEsTJF : 2013-06-18 21:20 ID:yDvJKjbA [Del]

Pokemon, back when it was good. Though the first subbed one I watched was Toradora.

614 Name: Shinji : 2013-06-18 23:53 ID:iz8W4aev [Del]


615 Name: Quad Piece : 2013-06-19 03:07 ID:vzqN1qZS (Image: 720x1098 png, 97 kb) [Del]

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I believe that was Pokemon, but the first one which made me search for more and get involved in the Otaku community was Bleach

616 Name: ~Lelei~ : 2013-06-19 20:46 ID:LDgIu66q [Del]

The first Yu-Gi-Oh! I cried at the last episode. *Sniff* It was a hard time...

617 Name: Sabo : 2013-06-19 22:52 ID:BYgydSzq [Del]

One Piece, my childhood in a nutshell. ^.^

618 Name: teehee : 2013-06-20 00:57 ID:TVzSi0BX [Del]

Princess Mononoke, I think '_'

619 Name: Minerva : 2013-06-20 03:50 ID:GqH0SNQq [Del]

Doraemon :)

620 Name: Fukitsu : 2013-06-20 09:40 ID:6ngV2g1/ [Del]

Mine was Pokémon 2. :D

621 Name: Aurelia : 2013-07-23 14:01 ID:UXtLbG0h [Del]

My first anime... was One Piece, sort of. I had a movie and watched as I was bored out of my mind.

622 Name: Steve : 2013-07-23 14:12 ID:tUKgBAQq [Del]

>>620 Mine was also pokemon.

623 Name: Rin : 2013-07-23 14:19 ID:SFXuMU0S [Del]

Avatar the last airbender probably doesn't count? If not than probably Digimon when I was a kid and Studio Ghibli movies. But my first REAL anime, and the one that sent me spiraling down the path of becoming an otaku, was Fairy Tail!! :)

624 Name: Emily : 2013-07-23 17:15 ID:KrHgdTp8 [Del]

My first anime was Sailor Moon~ Man, how my sister and I LOVED that show! We wanted to collect all the dolls.

625 Name: BatangUlap : 2013-07-23 17:34 ID:SRn0yp2k [Del]

The one I remembered the most would be the original Yu-Gi-Oh series C:

626 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-23 17:36 ID:VT8Ba5sd [Del]

Dragon ball Z, Pokemon, Yu- Gi- Oh, pokemon, and digimon XD

627 Post deleted by user.

628 Post deleted by moderator.

629 Post deleted by user.

630 Name: Shinigami : 2013-08-04 22:44 ID:/bWUCg66 [Del]

Mine would be Pokemon. My first more mature anime was Inuyasha.

631 Name: Aoi Sora : 2013-08-05 03:20 ID:pwuXyqYY [Del]

Inuyasha. I was six when I saw the first episode, and I even remember which one it was (the one with the spider-heads and human inuyasha). I even stayed up all night to see the re-run on adult swim...

632 Name: rikei : 2013-08-05 06:30 ID:tHZofo4u [Del]

Pokemon or Inuyasha...can't remember

633 Name: Lain !BsbiBYRrJM : 2013-08-05 23:01 ID:BGV+3l5W [Del]

Dragon Ball Z

634 Name: Kumo : 2013-08-06 11:52 ID:i6/EHiwa [Del]

Well, I think the first i watched would be either Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, or Digimon, ages ago... But the first that I actually watched regularly would probably Myself; Yourself :3

635 Name: Svecia : 2013-08-06 15:30 ID:aiGkn6hS [Del]

Angel Beats. My friends introduced me to it and it is amazing. Needless to say I did not grow up with anime but it is wonderful

636 Name: Aeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-08-06 20:54 ID:CUXSF5jZ [Del]

I do believe it was either Pokemon or MegaMan.

637 Name: Beignet : 2013-08-07 15:26 ID:0rXXJP30 [Del]

My first anime was Sailor Moon :3

638 Name: Aune : 2013-08-07 17:19 ID:DvL6oeY3 [Del]

Dragon ball! Or, Digimon... :D

639 Name: Yumeko : 2013-08-07 20:24 ID:hYrLhjBU [Del]

ether pokemon,sailor moon or digimon

640 Name: Blu3rosephantom : 2013-08-07 23:04 ID:o0ImJ0hV [Del]

It was pokemon, but since I didn't know it was an anime and considered it a cartoon for so long, The anime I consider to be my first is actually Cowboy Beebop.

641 Name: Violet : 2013-08-08 01:27 ID:MleeztvR [Del]

Naruto for me. Ya, I know, lame.

642 Name: MIMO : 2013-08-08 02:11 ID:4XYjMHL1 [Del]

Blood +
It actually saved my life!

643 Name: MIMO : 2013-08-08 02:11 ID:4XYjMHL1 [Del]

Blood +
It actually saved my life!

644 Name: noah !BYJt3AHQPc : 2013-08-08 05:38 ID:3KuQb1ZE [Del]

Cowboy Bebop. I was like 4 years old

645 Post deleted by user.

646 Name: Coska : 2013-08-09 07:32 ID:8+SxY5+g [Del]

um, well my dad always loved anime too... and i remember being little about 3 i think and i have always had trouble sleeping so i would walk out into the living room and my dad would be sitting there, he would pick me up and sit me on his lap and i would sit there and watch anime with him, i cant remember which was my first but i remember we used to watch, ghost in the shell, fullmetal alchemist, naruto and one piece.

647 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-08-09 18:45 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]


648 Name: Newkid150 : 2013-08-09 21:10 ID:h6e/qzRw [Del]

Wow! The first anime movie I ever watched was my neighbor Totoro the first series was Fruits Basket.

649 Name: sugar : 2013-08-09 21:21 ID:8ylDZyXZ [Del]

the first anime i watched was hetalia

650 Name: Rivaille : 2013-08-10 07:52 ID:/yEpQUF5 [Del]

Pokemon and Digimon!

651 Name: minus : 2013-08-10 09:47 ID:4MIh8Wox [Del]

Dragon Ball! Those were funny times with a naive Goku and a very disturbed Bulma haha

652 Name: Derek : 2013-08-10 14:44 ID:6VfQwoMd [Del]

Gundam Wing

653 Name: Derek : 2013-08-10 14:44 ID:6VfQwoMd [Del]

Gundam Wing

654 Name: Innocent : 2013-08-10 23:01 ID:rrNJsPNY [Del]


655 Name: Billy J : 2013-10-03 19:49 ID:GdZF+67Z [Del]

Gundam Saga(Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam -A New Translation-
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, Gundam 00, Gundam Unicorn)

656 Name: Najib D Ace : 2013-10-03 23:31 ID:LHOOzVyA [Del]

Dragon Ball XD

657 Name: Jolteon : 2013-10-04 08:43 ID:k2yKN9gF [Del]

Pokemon definitely :)))))

658 Name: Amel : 2013-10-04 11:41 ID:m7lsoYST [Del]

bleach! then spice and wolf and fruits basket :3

659 Name: Mitskui : 2013-10-04 21:19 ID:JlFXERSL [Del]

Sailor Moon

660 Name: Cocoa : 2013-10-04 21:52 ID:tQtbFtzn [Del]

Doraemon, and crayon shinchan I guess (man that boy never grows)

661 Name: Meili : 2013-10-04 22:48 ID:j7fOzP2P [Del]

Card Captor Sakura and Sailor Moon...
I think I watched them at about the same time

662 Name: mu51cadd1ct : 2013-10-05 00:03 ID:aEH8Wt9/ [Del]

Angel Beats was mine i think

663 Name: Mika : 2013-10-05 04:25 ID:0Msfn2I9 [Del]

The very first one I watched everyday back then was Inuyasha~♥
Then mirmo de pon, super gals ,princess tutu, princess comet etc.~
Oh, those good old days~♥

664 Name: Railos : 2013-10-05 04:53 ID:g+e0dIip [Del]

Mirmo de pon and digimon were my first. Then it'sbeen all anime since then.

665 Name: Ginro : 2013-10-05 08:19 ID:ra5boiUr [Del]

Mine was yuyu hakusho

666 Name: Starkind !HdmBBb0M1c : 2013-10-05 09:13 ID:Z0jCluct [Del]

My first was Ouran High School Host Club!
As you can tell I didn't start watching anime that long ago...

667 Name: lucysister : 2013-10-05 12:09 ID:yBxFrZdy [Del]

I watched tokyo mew mew but death note was what really got me into anime.

668 Post deleted by user.

669 Name: Kurohime : 2013-10-05 16:39 ID:YspYO2W6 [Del]

My first anime was Naruto

670 Name: Yuuna : 2013-10-05 17:50 ID:sYWMyn+6 [Del]

Think my first anime was Dragon Ball Z because my uncle watched it when he babysat me when I was really little. I couldn't understand a thing because I was only 6. But the first anime I really liked was Hamtaro

671 Name: jenia : 2013-10-05 18:04 ID:il0zygRG [Del]

mine was Spirited Away (does that count) I watched it when I was 5 years old and I did not know what I watched (anime of course) until I was 10

672 Name: Minami : 2013-10-13 12:36 ID:YwJmZqoq [Del]

My first anime movie was Totoro when I was like a year old....
Then, my actual first anime series was Naruto probably around 5....

673 Name: Saori : 2013-10-13 17:29 ID:XnrPooDV [Del]

Digimon :D

Sorry Pokemon... you came afterwards.

674 Name: Weelah : 2013-10-13 20:31 ID:HicagCdc [Del]

My first was Clannad

675 Name: Nehra : 2013-10-13 21:45 ID:d9DOVhZj [Del]

My first one was Lucky Star

676 Name: Nevermore !yGCnBDZNfc : 2013-10-14 10:36 ID:hgvhpy24 [Del]

My first was Sailor Moon, I think...

677 Name: Maki : 2013-10-14 17:13 ID:IOpJzeqT [Del]

My first was Magic Knight Rayearth

678 Name: akayuki !YwkF8wc4qU : 2013-10-15 07:15 ID:1KjcSzqe [Del]

mine was... doraemon. if it's an anime at all.

679 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-10-15 11:52 ID:xdMDSwGj [Del]

Heidi and Dragonball. I think it's the fifth time they broadcast dragonball on the tv, i know it by heart.

680 Name: Fayge : 2013-10-15 19:26 ID:7J51KNTV [Del]

i think it was the first season of pokemon for me.

681 Name: mono_cat : 2013-10-15 22:59 ID:g7u1F0JH [Del]

mine was inuyasha

682 Name: Azure : 2013-10-16 06:44 ID:U0YEWL5L (Image: 300x300 png, 100 kb) [Del]

src/1381923896395.png: 300x300, 100 kb
My first Anime was DBZ on Toonami in the UK before it was taken off the air.

683 Name: Vaan99 : 2013-10-16 08:51 ID:2mMYq7Lw [Del]

Mine was IGPX

684 Post deleted by user.

685 Name: Firo : 2013-10-16 21:49 ID:Ilb0xAHr (Image: 259x194 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1381978167529.jpg: 259x194, 9 kb
Fullmetal, baby!

686 Name: Jour férié : 2013-10-17 08:13 ID:cPMQ2JO5 [Del]

Pokémon for sure! Years after that I tried watching Anime such as Naruto and Bleach but they became boring at some point... The first anime that I actually managed to finish was Baccano!

687 Name: Shu : 2013-10-17 10:40 ID:VxjzfUHS [Del]

Mine was Digimon... I even rewatched it a bunch of years later and still found it very good

688 Name: Grettle : 2013-10-17 11:00 ID:h2teKYm4 [Del]

Mine was actually "Tokyo MewMew"

689 Name: Metallium : 2013-10-17 20:33 ID:QLld4rB4 [Del]

My first anime was Digimon. Great memories, I must say. ^^

690 Name: Kenpachi Ramasama : 2013-10-17 21:55 ID:hLrZ5UG3 [Del]

Naruto or Pokemon or Dragon ball z

691 Name: Vigil : 2013-10-18 00:19 ID:gj6DTqP/ [Del]

DBZ or sailor moon I think

692 Name: Yoruichi : 2013-10-18 08:50 ID:NDi1SFZ6 [Del]

Pokemon and Shaman King :P

693 Name: Yuineko : 2013-10-18 15:26 ID:JGoQBtES [Del]

Digimon OwO

694 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-18 17:31 ID:9UQw47UE [Del]

Same! Then Lucky Star, then Nichijou.

695 Name: Yuki : 2013-10-18 22:33 ID:GhPd1bK2 [Del]

It must be Crayon Shin-chan. I watched it when i was 5 LOL

696 Name: Lucifer : 2013-10-19 13:11 ID:dAqR98nP [Del]

Shaman king for me.

697 Name: Bippy : 2013-10-19 14:43 ID:dOU7GB5K [Del]

Cardcaptor sakura

698 Name: Mio-chan : 2013-10-19 16:25 ID:UHHcec8Q (Image: 845x1200 jpg, 197 kb) [Del]

src/1382217945271.jpg: 845x1200, 197 kb
Lucky Star all the way!

699 Name: hrs42 : 2013-10-20 14:39 ID:sKbGiET0 (Image: 1600x1000 jpg, 409 kb) [Del]

src/1382297980331.jpg: 1600x1000, 409 kb
I don't remember MY first one, but I sure got my 8-year-old sis into anime with the help of these guys.

700 Name: Sakoto : 2013-10-20 16:25 ID:1fSuu+xI [Del]

mine was deathnote.

701 Name: Yamaze.Nel : 2013-10-20 22:26 ID:yZzI8IjI [Del]

I think mine was either Yu-gi-oh or Dragon Ball Z.

702 Name: RyuzaTefuma : 2013-10-21 10:42 ID:xwaiX8Pz [Del]

the first anime I've watched was Yu-gi-oh i think or something much more older :/ can't remember though

703 Name: Angel : 2013-10-21 11:51 ID:PZSEaObf [Del]

If I remember correctly my first anime was Yugioh!

704 Name: Lee : 2013-10-21 15:02 ID:5fG6doyv [Del]

Technically Pokemon, but I have started watching anime since I saw Naruto two years ago.

705 Name: Silverfang : 2013-10-21 16:21 ID:vwgjQan+ [Del]

First anime... uhmm....
I guess that would be digimon/beyblade/pokémon... one of them, though I can't remember.

706 Name: Rednose47 : 2013-10-21 18:30 ID:pgeaqoJ/ [Del]

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, still one of my faves

707 Name: keone : 2013-10-21 23:17 ID:7jT10x1U [Del]

my first anime is DIGIMON :3

708 Name: Colorless : 2013-10-22 11:44 ID:qkQ4U9H9 [Del]

Mine was either Pokemon or Le Chevalier D'eon... I have a bit of a fluffed up mind. e-e"

709 Name: Zoskia : 2013-10-22 12:27 ID:1h0Szx9F [Del]

Hamataro, watched it when I was around 6 and flipping through the channels.=P

710 Name: Mimi : 2013-10-22 15:46 ID:hGNMqlo3 [Del]

Conan, I guess :3 or Doraemon.... I not really remenber.... XD

711 Name: Island and Sun3 : 2013-10-22 20:10 ID:HvSEYtql [Del]

Not sure if I should count digimon, but if so then that.
Durarara got me back into anime.

712 Name: Hayden Bass : 2013-10-22 22:01 ID:Mh3POL1w (Image: 970x836 jpg, 535 kb) [Del]

src/1382497283257.jpg: 970x836, 535 kb
Highschool of the Dead.

713 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-10-23 07:16 ID:DRFBm6Ry [Del]

Fairly sure mine was Corpse Princess (Shikabane Hime)

714 Name: Roraito : 2013-10-23 13:25 ID:oE3aai6U (Image: 275x183 jpg, 7 kb) [Del]

src/1382552741638.jpg: 275x183, 7 kb
Black Jack 21

715 Name: Youdontknowme : 2013-10-23 14:05 ID:6A6lnQk0 (Image: 361x500 jpg, 233 kb) [Del]

src/1382555103355.jpg: 361x500, 233 kb
Soul Eater

716 Name: Yume : 2013-10-25 05:48 ID:Jw8cx8x6 [Del]

Fullmetal alchemist!

717 Name: Kanra : 2013-10-25 07:38 ID:7apYRitx [Del]


718 Name: Chiba : 2013-10-25 07:49 ID:7apYRitx [Del]


719 Name: Reyson : 2013-10-25 09:46 ID:cQbBYx3G [Del]

Pretty sure mine was Yu-Gi-Oh! Either that or Pokémon

720 Name: Kitty : 2013-10-25 14:49 ID:2M0e9xK1 [Del]

The first anime I ever watched was either pokemon or sailor moon.

721 Name: durarara13 : 2013-10-25 16:54 ID:rlBn0Jzj [Del]

first anime would be dragonballz

722 Name: Sakura : 2013-10-26 10:23 ID:A8soZGeW [Del]

hm pokemon or sailor moon

723 Name: Embi : 2013-10-26 11:00 ID:fL0EhaBo [Del]

Hm~ This's Doraemon :3

724 Name: Anime : 2013-10-27 10:16 ID:nkxfDDiL [Del]

DBZ Kai but at that time I didn't know what anime was, the first anime(s) I watched after I found out what anime was were on toonami and they were: bleach first then fma brotherhood kekkaishi after and finaly ending the 2 hours with drrr.

725 Name: the Mantis : 2013-10-27 21:38 ID:3/n/h8/k [Del]

pokemon and DBZ technically. but when i first really knew what anime was it was Srgt frog and soul eater

726 Name: farytailz : 2013-10-28 08:25 ID:bAoztg+4 [Del]

I think mine was Diggimon :D

727 Name: Fish : 2013-10-28 08:49 ID:YUX6neN9 [Del]

Mine was Keroro (i dont really remember the entire name of the anime). I watched it when i was a child and i never laughed so hard in my life. Though i can't find any episodes or stuff like that on the web, so i never watched it again. :/

728 Name: Azura !2y1il5Qy0g : 2013-10-28 10:16 ID:52HO0Xbt [Del]

mine was ether card captors sakura or digimon

729 Name: Nakuta : 2013-10-28 12:56 ID:m7C37ix/ [Del]

Haha mine was Pokemon. ^_^

730 Name: BlamBam : 2013-10-28 16:08 ID:1og0wFxx [Del]


731 Name: taishi : 2013-10-28 19:45 ID:GdICTcQu [Del]


732 Name: rain : 2013-11-05 09:16 ID:9F7gCjiP (Image: 566x570 gif, 109 kb) [Del]

src/1383664615540.gif: 566x570, 109 kb
12 Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger. I literally skipped my last day of preschool to watch its ending.

733 Name: Yu : 2013-11-05 22:28 ID:NvD0Ncc8 [Del]

cowboy bepbop

734 Name: Kazuya : 2013-11-05 23:55 ID:bwtaIuzE [Del]

My first real anime would have been Chobits, followed closely by Deathnote.

735 Name: Ari!!RV+3t7/a : 2013-11-06 09:45 ID:TQNFUZ5O [Del]

InuYahsa ^.^

736 Name: Akayuki : 2013-11-06 12:18 ID:JslVQZU9 [Del]

Death Note, I didn't have as much fun as I could have, because someone spoiled me, but still I enjoyed it.

737 Name: bigfellow319 : 2013-11-07 07:55 ID:EYGF21t3 [Del]

mine was Outlaw Star xD

738 Name: !MlyjbDDwqQ : 2013-11-07 10:10 ID:/CjO0966 [Del]

It was probably pokemon, but the first anime I saw while recognizing it as an anime and that got me looking for more was One Piece

739 Name: Haru : 2013-11-07 13:00 ID:NyFH/Vbv [Del]

Pokemon :D

740 Name: Ardy : 2013-11-07 15:49 ID:br6qO9zi [Del]

One Piece!!

741 Name: Zulz : 2013-11-08 07:37 ID:Psbbl+si [Del]


742 Name: mrs.kagamine : 2013-11-08 17:47 ID:aZ3+FRcP [Del]

go pokemon!!!

743 Name: RZF : 2013-11-08 21:25 ID:Q+bB3qt4 [Del]

>>712 same here

744 Name: Kagerou-Kaage : 2013-11-08 21:35 ID:EkeXkAMd [Del]


745 Name: maruru : 2013-11-08 21:36 ID:6hwpZsxy [Del]

Not easy. The first to watch unconciously (I did not know it was an Anime - nor did I know it was set in Japan. Always thought "those Chinese Cartoons are Cr4Zy") was Sailor Moon. When it was aired. The first I watched as Anime was Elfen Lied. I should really rewatch it.

746 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2013-11-09 01:53 ID:ytfckupf [Del]

Dragon Ball on Toonami. But I'm sure when I was younger I saw Pokemon but didn't seriously watch it until I got Crystal Version and Pokemon began to show on Cartoon Network.

747 Name: Nana Orihara : 2013-11-09 10:55 ID:I+O3ipNq [Del]

Code Lyoko...
Would that even be considered an anime...?

748 Name: Kumori : 2013-11-09 11:44 ID:xtibfogj [Del]

Mine was either Pokemon or Sailor Moon, but I didn't know it was considered anime at the time.

749 Name: Ayu : 2013-11-09 17:46 ID:vxIaeC2r [Del]

Hmm...I think it was either Pokemon,Yu-Go-Oh!, and Digimon. I'm not sure which one i started watching first but they've always been my favorite shows from my childhood.

750 Name: XvWindvX : 2013-11-10 15:35 ID:dk32v/C7 [Del]

Mine was Yu-Gi-Oh!

751 Name: rias gremory boyfriend : 2013-11-10 18:38 ID:EFNrPVe2 [Del]


752 Name: CrazyOtaku : 2013-11-10 20:12 ID:NCG8KXiY [Del]

Digimon but I dislike it now

753 Name: MISAKA 11235 : 2013-11-10 20:53 ID:KMuLQSGC [Del]

Either Fullmetal Alchemist or Slam Dunk. Though I MAY have watched DBZ accidentally.

754 Name: adrian : 2013-11-10 22:22 ID:cYFORGza [Del]


755 Name: Tsubasa21 : 2013-11-10 23:17 ID:2p1wqYB5 [Del]

Sailormoon. When I was little, I thought that it was so cool! When I remembered it now and watched it, I feel like such a loser! HAHAHA! But I guess I was young and naive back then, though I genuinely thought it is pretty great.hmm. Guess, I'm still a kid :P

756 Name: DreamsofBuses : 2013-11-11 02:54 ID:IDAE/XXe [Del]

Death Note was my first :)

757 Name: Yagiri : 2013-11-11 07:16 ID:mjeGz3yD [Del]

Same as HaHa i guess :-D

758 Name: Clear : 2013-11-11 09:22 ID:qeEGKPlR [Del]

Card Captor was my first. It was pretty interesting if I could say so.

759 Name: Trai : 2013-11-11 15:31 ID:1zkjfcjh [Del]

Mine was Hamtaro :3

760 Name: Nina : 2013-11-11 19:56 ID:jb1ijeC5 [Del]

POKEMON YEAHHHHH!! The first one I actually got into when I was old enough to understand the plot was Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood

761 Name: Othello : 2013-11-12 17:19 ID:v569M2nI [Del]

Sailor Moon!

762 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-11-12 18:59 ID:dMtzfZz+ [Del]


763 Name: thecrimsonlord : 2013-11-12 21:34 ID:0EOcaKgZ [Del]

g gundam

764 Name: Lahj : 2013-11-13 02:44 ID:IK735OJD [Del]

Gundam wing

765 Name: RAIGO : 2013-11-13 04:54 ID:zykl05uh [Del]


766 Post deleted by moderator.

767 Name: Haruko : 2013-11-13 05:08 ID:9xJ4dDpA [Del]

Is it Fooly or Cooly?

768 Post deleted by user.

769 Post deleted by user.

770 Post deleted by user.

771 Name: Kitty : 2013-11-13 16:26 ID:WPoaec4D [Del]


772 Name: Nakuta : 2013-11-13 18:58 ID:m7C37ix/ [Del]

>> 760 I definitely agree, me too.

773 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-16 13:31 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]


774 Name: one_extra_footstep : 2014-01-16 21:50 ID:uWF3Osvj [Del]

My Neighbour Totoro

775 Name: Rsas : 2014-01-18 11:16 ID:U4GGVfNo [Del]

mine is pokemon to

776 Post deleted by user.

777 Name: Nikki : 2014-01-18 19:35 ID:LAeIFNs+ [Del]

mine was Kaichou wa maid sama :3

778 Name: Kirusan !SvzsunXAUI : 2014-01-18 19:50 ID:R0Pl3025 [Del]

I don't remember... mine was either Dragonball, Yugioh, Duel Masters or MÄR Heaven :P

779 Name: Elisa : 2014-01-18 20:18 ID:Qli5VcvA [Del]

My first anime are Pokemon and Digimon Adventure :)

780 Name: Lilium : 2014-01-19 16:02 ID:m/DRiN1K [Del]

My first anime series was Cowboy Bebop.
As for movies, it was Spirited Away.

781 Name: AliceBossell : 2014-01-19 19:26 ID:6rRAt3Qk [Del]

It was Pokemon and Naruto

782 Name: Femia : 2014-01-20 20:45 ID:7/Fmzj3A [Del]

I know for a fact mine was Sailor Moon...

783 Name: Nori : 2014-01-21 07:45 ID:Mgw6+nQs [Del]

I vaguely remember it being Yu Yu Hakusho

784 Name: hi1119876 : 2014-01-21 14:11 ID:xGyzUJXy [Del]

One Piece was my first

785 Name: Anton : 2014-01-21 15:50 ID:J2qn+nXn [Del]


786 Name: Meulie : 2014-01-21 16:06 ID:TS3/U/tG [Del]

Mine was Naruto and Inuyasha

787 Name: maruru : 2014-01-21 17:02 ID:jjf6tone [Del]

when I was small, I watched many on TV... didn't realize they were actually Anime.
The first I really watched as "Anime" intentionally was Elfenlied. And damn, it had an impact on me!

788 Name: Hikaru : 2014-01-21 22:58 ID:SSGGW18F [Del]


789 Name: Setton : 2014-01-22 13:47 ID:gdjzxk6c [Del]

Dragon Ball Z (XD)

790 Name: Setton : 2014-01-22 13:47 ID:gdjzxk6c [Del]

Dragon Ball Z (XD)

791 Name: Shan Garadex : 2014-01-22 16:08 ID:7OT/wN28 (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 112 kb) [Del]

src/1390428514066.jpg: 1024x768, 112 kb
sailor moon

792 Name: Yovox : 2014-01-23 02:37 ID:MmylSr4h (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 916 kb) [Del]

src/1390466250315.jpg: 1024x768, 916 kb
I think mine was Pokemon but the first one I actually payed attention to and can remember vividly would have to be Naruto

793 Name: Mhmm : 2014-01-24 13:05 ID:pDovpeZK (Image: 450x600 jpg, 44 kb) [Del]

src/1390590350681.jpg: 450x600, 44 kb
I was blind for years, so I couldn't watch anything.
Then Higurashi was adapted into an anime and I began to see everything clearly. I saw the light, I saw love, I saw life. And it's all thanks to Higurashi.

794 Name: yasaman : 2014-01-24 13:19 ID:5zOfShrY [Del]

Death note

795 Name: Chreggome : 2014-01-26 05:31 ID:kxsqbXu8 [Del]

Ranma ½

796 Name: BrooklynKitty : 2014-01-26 09:43 ID:ktgiF+od [Del]

School Rumble

797 Name: James : 2014-01-26 11:44 ID:MIgBVkOc [Del]

Cardcaptor Sakura

798 Name: bb reg : 2014-01-26 15:02 ID:s0f5ytqp [Del]

Kanon (2006)

799 Name: bb reg : 2014-01-26 15:02 ID:s0f5ytqp [Del]

Kanon (2006)

800 Post deleted by user.

801 Post deleted by user.

802 Name: Baron !MDuruDkv0Y : 2014-01-26 16:17 ID:HvgIP823 [Del]

It was either Gundam Wing or Sailor Moon

803 Name: Jdoll13 : 2014-01-26 16:37 ID:B2pyq7EE [Del]

NARUTO!!!!!!! XD

804 Name: Jinx : 2014-01-26 17:06 ID:UXtLbG0h [Del]

Hmm, Fruits Basket. ^_^

805 Name: kyan : 2014-01-26 23:56 ID:TLszolg7 [Del]

sailor moon. what.

806 Post deleted by user.

807 Name: Haikal : 2014-01-27 03:21 ID:+WJvUStU [Del]

My first anime was DBZ

808 Name: baka shiori : 2014-01-27 13:39 ID:osPZ7kaO [Del]

My first anime was Hamtaro >//<

809 Name: Kashi : 2014-01-27 14:16 ID:ULubYFm5 [Del]

Pokémon for me then it was Dragon Ball Z

810 Name: Rose : 2014-01-28 09:56 ID:KMKVI8Zv [Del]

Mine was Special A

811 Name: Valkyrie : 2014-01-28 14:13 ID:gxu5CnpZ [Del]

Tokyo Mew Mew or Pokemon

812 Name: Akira : 2014-01-29 21:08 ID:hyPzqigt [Del]

Gotta Catch them all!

813 Name: kumagawa : 2014-01-30 10:22 ID:sHlQsyDH [Del]

Monster rancher

814 Name: NinjaZ10 : 2014-01-30 15:03 ID:AZGLUum2 [Del]

Dragon Ball Z

815 Name: Seirin : 2014-01-30 16:29 ID:ZWnRZXoT [Del]

Soul Eater

816 Name: MisakiMochizuki : 2014-01-31 10:00 ID:NPFcPq/C [Del]

Mine was Cardcaptors c:

817 Name: Koizumi : 2014-01-31 11:53 ID:YFq1LxLQ [Del]

Pokemon/Digimon but the one i did know it was an anime was ouran highschool host club

818 Name: Ventus : 2014-01-31 14:16 ID:RvC0SS7o [Del]

Rave Master was my first one

819 Name: Alex_Hellwing : 2014-01-31 16:02 ID:Lw4qA+fR [Del]

The first anime I watched knowing it's an anime was Bleach. When I was young I saw a lot of them on tv like Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Detective Connan, that's about as much as I can remember.

820 Name: M-W : 2014-01-31 18:34 ID:nRYacfNZ [Del]

I believe my first were Zoids and Sailor Moon

821 Name: Deadman !oCGJ.ggqF. : 2014-01-31 23:37 ID:bsXIuX9T [Del]

For me it was Pokémon. But, Digimon Season 2 was the on I was hooked on. I wanted to be The Digimon Emperor. That explains so much. Oh, well.

822 Name: BloodSplatters_onmy_WhiteSuit : 2014-02-02 01:18 ID:eGVJcQlB [Del]

My first anime was either DBZ or Sailor Moon.
I LOVED Sailor Moon when I was little, so I'll go with that. XD

823 Name: HangedNeck : 2014-02-02 01:53 ID:bTImM4CT [Del]

Either Dragon Ball or Yu Yu Hakusho. Great shows. Old days~

824 Name: Zayrha !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-02-02 06:52 ID:j5sP2Ir2 [Del]

dragonball, holly & banji, inuyasha, saiyuki... and so on XD

825 Name: BB-REG : 2014-02-02 15:48 ID:O3dh1CSF [Del]

Kanon (2006) that I watched by myself and finished by myself.

826 Name: Zetto : 2014-02-02 16:42 ID:yLMQ3xmW [Del]

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia(2013),..
cuz, I'm newbie,.. :)

827 Name: Ryotaru : 2014-02-02 20:27 ID:zUmJAIbX [Del]

Pokemon and Dragonball. :)

828 Name: Andyfire : 2014-02-02 22:21 ID:bLW5AtM5 [Del]

pokemon, dragonball, and Blue seed were mine

829 Name: Koro-sensei : 2014-02-02 22:40 ID:4pYXaG8+ [Del]

Fruits basket, it touched me

830 Post deleted by user.

831 Name: emichi : 2014-02-02 22:53 ID:5k9o3/if [Del]

tokyo mew mew. and ive never seen another magical girl anime since

832 Name: Alfred : 2014-02-02 23:12 ID:DdUudfwl [Del]

Hetalia Axis Powers taught me how to survive history class.

833 Name: Ear-kun : 2014-02-15 00:42 ID:hui7QFxY [Del]

Probably Crayon Shin-chan and Cyborg Kuro-chan :)

834 Name: Tiki Jade : 2014-02-15 05:48 ID:3RxT2++u [Del]

Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Digimon and Doraemon

835 Name: kairoHD : 2014-02-15 07:15 ID:tjJ7OJrM [Del]

Mine was pokemon, DB (all series) digimon and doraemon xd

836 Post deleted by user.

837 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2014-02-15 13:27 ID:tC410lRo [Del]

Vampire Knight...

838 Name: Lord Eldren : 2014-02-15 15:43 ID:SIxw64KJ [Del]

Good old Digimon season 1.

839 Name: Anonymous : 2014-02-15 18:14 ID:GJvqW4bi [Del]


840 Name: Ami : 2014-02-15 18:17 ID:ez3g/7kX [Del]

Neon Genesis Evangelion. What a rough start xD Still the best I've ever seen.

841 Name: Mena : 2014-02-15 19:31 ID:74N15jws [Del]

It was either Pokemon or Yu-Gi-oh!

842 Name: Uchiha Oreki : 2014-02-16 00:03 ID:M66QvHiD [Del]

Detective Conan, i love that anime

843 Name: Rexist : 2014-02-24 00:36 ID:Hnz8aStw [Del]

Dragon Ball

844 Name: Akane : 2014-03-07 02:44 ID:I2+72aTo [Del]


845 Name: Valkyrie : 2014-03-07 08:09 ID:7AdPi5Kv [Del]

HETALIA!!!!!, or possibly avatar, the last air bender..... Idk :3

846 Name: Lux : 2014-03-07 08:50 ID:nr3IaEh/ [Del]

Strawberry Panic!

847 Name: CheshireCat : 2014-03-07 11:14 ID:ak/EBea4 [Del]

I think it was Sailor Moon....... or DBZ
or fma

848 Name: Eccentric : 2014-03-07 22:37 ID:ospX6OBi [Del]

My first anime, I confident of, is Pokemon. This show brings back so many childhood memories and I still love it now

849 Name: zero : 2014-03-09 20:01 ID:aMWtKl3N [Del]

I want to be the very best

850 Name: foreversigh : 2014-03-10 05:10 ID:TEkcwlnz [Del]

Mine was Naruto. Naruto was actually what got me into anime.

851 Name: foreversigh : 2014-03-10 05:12 ID:TEkcwlnz [Del]

-_- I just realized how obvious that last part was.

852 Name: Grimly !0clQOa6qhY : 2014-03-10 12:15 ID:GjtdxTPf [Del]

Dragonball Z and Pokémon.

853 Name: Chi : 2014-03-10 14:31 ID:UXiHKRKB [Del]


854 Name: gusFDB : 2014-03-10 14:54 ID:RZdDCuMY [Del]

I didn't get into anime until very late, mine was One Piece

855 Name: Koto !QvUIXe.cik : 2014-03-12 03:27 ID:e2ft3oVA [Del]

Pokemon and Inuyasha

856 Name: ashino : 2014-03-12 08:36 ID:vvARWyL7 [Del]

voltes V

857 Post deleted by user.

858 Name: Barakitten : 2014-03-12 14:04 ID:lmpi9gqB [Del]

Death Note

859 Name: Barakitten : 2014-03-12 14:04 ID:lmpi9gqB [Del]

Death Note

860 Name: animelover : 2014-03-12 16:37 ID:cxWLUkly [Del]

ouran high school host club

861 Name: AIGO : 2014-03-12 20:53 ID:dw27c9wy [Del]


862 Name: LukeHeart : 2014-03-12 22:46 ID:iB895xXc [Del]

Soul eater

863 Name: Splair : 2014-03-13 03:46 ID:OcmrG0IM [Del]

Fruits Basket

864 Name: Misunai : 2014-03-13 10:12 ID:WeA3GyVw [Del]


865 Name: Tsukasa : 2014-03-13 11:22 ID:l+JkRUlT [Del]


866 Name: Alfiense : 2014-03-13 13:18 ID:/pwi47z1 [Del]

Shaman king

867 Name: Souruītā : 2014-03-13 22:33 ID:urQwr9u4 (Image: 463x463 jpg, 91 kb) [Del]

src/1394768017234.jpg: 463x463, 91 kb
I LOVE soul eater! It was the first anime I ever watched! Waiting for season 5! I also like fairy tail! But I like soul eater better.

868 Name: Tiki Jade : 2014-03-14 10:26 ID:vomZY0ue [Del]

Digimon, sailor moon, pokemon, tokyo mew mew, oliver & benji, doraemon, card captor sakura, dragonball, yu-gi-oh, ....

869 Name: Genichirou : 2014-03-14 11:19 ID:BQdex8k/ [Del]

As for me it'd be dragon ball, yaiba, slayers uhm... saint seiya, oh noo i forgot, the first one was probably Yattaman xD

870 Name: FourTwenty : 2014-03-15 16:26 ID:kLyeWnTu [Del]

Cowboy Bebop.
My dad was awesome.

871 Name: MiyuKiH : 2014-03-16 07:06 ID:Tq+HFN29 [Del]

its cardcaptor sakura, detective conan, ouran highschool host club and alice academy

872 Name: Yuri : 2014-03-16 21:56 ID:KQ1UGZog [Del]

My first anime was Fullmetal Alchemist when I was 4 years old XD

873 Name: Shojin : 2014-03-17 07:45 ID:I8XOrlQ7 [Del]


874 Name: Nightlock : 2014-03-18 07:37 ID:0162xqnW [Del]

Sailor moon

875 Name: DanoKanbara : 2014-03-18 08:39 ID:8LnwSGTL [Del]

Mine was Naruto Shippuden :)

876 Name: DanoKanbara : 2014-03-18 08:39 ID:8LnwSGTL [Del]

Mine was Naruto Shippuden :)

877 Name: designated drinker : 2014-03-18 09:52 ID:kO/rk6L8 [Del]

normal naruto

878 Name: scarlet lacie : 2014-03-18 10:53 ID:Bli2CHg7 (Image: 360x487 jpg, 56 kb) [Del]

src/1395158039476.jpg: 360x487, 56 kb
Mine was Blue Seed

879 Name: Mako : 2014-03-18 15:38 ID:SikpOV4q [Del]

Naruto :)

880 Name: Chu : 2014-03-18 18:38 ID:H93SaF29 [Del]

I think the first I ever watched as a kid was Yu Yu Hakusho, :)

881 Name: Arison : 2014-03-18 22:07 ID:eUsym6oR (Image: 1024x764 jpg, 593 kb) [Del]

src/1395198451398.jpg: 1024x764, 593 kb
Wolfs Rain!!

882 Name: Twitch : 2014-03-19 01:12 ID:KzTDoQ2g [Del]

Mine was Sailor Moon when I was like like 3, so I don't think that should count so I'll go with Digimon

883 Name: kazuma !dnx.K.50Tg : 2014-03-19 06:51 ID:KHF4wrGv [Del]

fushigi yuugi was my very first

884 Name: SuperMarondaSunshine : 2014-03-20 14:44 ID:PK4+2Dye [Del]

I believe mine was Persona 4 The animation.

885 Name: Akanoshi !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-03-20 20:48 ID:J5ctt6qF [Del]

either Digimon or Pokemon

886 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-03-27 12:58 ID:+r0YL1S0 [Del]

Shaman King was my very first anime ~
That was when they still showed anime on TV...

887 Name: plue : 2014-03-27 13:52 ID:g7mHp6gH [Del]

sailor moon!! i can't wait for the new anime ^o^

888 Name: inkyubeytor !LKPzUnN/nQ : 2014-03-28 02:55 ID:XRya2pY6 (Image: 2263x3190 jpg, 746 kb) [Del]

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Sola was my first! It was great ^^

889 Name: Enru chi : 2014-03-28 03:23 ID:UfNRszUk (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 143 kb) [Del]

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890 Name: Reita : 2014-03-28 06:37 ID:N0bagPZa (Image: 300x450 jpg, 58 kb) [Del]

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I remember waking up one night and finding it on, I watched the rest of the episode. Then later when I got further into anime, I saw InuYasha again later down the line.

891 Name: kittkatt : 2014-03-28 18:25 ID:st7begE1 (Image: 640x480 jpg, 81 kb) [Del]

src/1396049110670.jpg: 640x480, 81 kb
I'm pretty sure mine was Mew Mew Power~ it cam on all the time when i was little

892 Name: Takama-chan : 2014-03-29 11:52 ID:QAwDhISQ [Del]

Oh mine was Tokyo Mew Mew too! I loved the blue one but I also remember watching a few episodes of Yu Gi Oh ^_^

893 Name: Lissi : 2014-03-30 05:31 ID:6IdIjk/m [Del]

Mine was also tokyo mew mew/mew mew power (well atleast the whole seasons i mean i watched other anime before that but not the whole seasons because i didnt know how to computer lol)

894 Name: Yamashita : 2014-03-30 11:24 ID:b0YlVXWG [Del]

Mine was either Cowboy Bebop or Naruto.

895 Name: RedMYSO : 2014-03-30 15:15 ID:qm/zl2GY [Del]

I started watching Bleach and Zatch bell at around same time.

896 Name: Greape : 2014-03-30 17:21 ID:NWKi538k [Del]

if its my childhood then its pokemon ?
if its something when i obsessed with anime then its nagasarete airantou

897 Name: Synnøve : 2014-03-30 20:41 ID:rBmGjMSl [Del]


898 Name: Doc Bobski : 2014-03-31 00:29 ID:90eF73iH [Del]

Dragonball Z here

899 Name: Hikaru : 2014-03-31 14:52 ID:ZJVndKMq [Del]


900 Name: Taishi : 2014-04-01 09:23 ID:X/Lt/xRs [Del]

Pitchi pitchi pitch ...

901 Name: jongout : 2014-04-01 10:38 ID:bar04Nvw [Del]

Sailor Moon

902 Name: Yamihime : 2014-04-01 11:43 ID:O5cADFQF [Del]

One Piece

903 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-01 15:13 ID:anzZYAHt [Del]


904 Name: Infitix : 2014-04-01 16:13 ID:9Hy1zcix [Del]


905 Name: STAY.IN.THE.TREES : 2014-04-02 07:44 ID:wbnXV4mO [Del]


906 Name: Delithius : 2014-04-02 08:44 ID:t6VBA3eA [Del]

Demon Lord Dante

907 Name: Alm0st falling : 2014-04-02 09:14 ID:RHppN9OU [Del]

full metal alchemist

908 Name: Kanra : 2014-04-03 06:27 ID:FbeW/rn8 [Del]

mew mew power >.>

909 Name: menchi : 2014-04-03 07:28 ID:73+sapbY [Del]


910 Name: Renee : 2014-04-03 08:20 ID:rw4MPMob [Del]

either Naruto or one piece

911 Name: Renee : 2014-04-03 08:20 ID:hgPgqlTP [Del]

either Naruto or one piece

912 Name: Kid Kit : 2014-04-03 11:58 ID:J6n3mGb/ [Del]

Dragon Ball

913 Name: manoe : 2014-05-20 16:28 ID:9Az0mmlT [Del]

Noir :)

914 Name: Mura : 2014-05-20 20:39 ID:OK/gdlpe [Del]

My first anime was Pokemon but I didn't quite know what anime was at the time so the first anime I watched knowing what it was had to be One Piece

915 Post deleted by user.

916 Name: Akira!hqbnPC3Y7o : 2014-05-21 04:25 ID:qPDD18lY [Del]

I think mine was Captain Harlock

917 Name: kidu97 : 2014-05-21 10:13 ID:QYNxCYut [Del]

I would say Pokemon or Dragon Ball when I was a kid. But the first anime that I watched when I started really watching it was Naruto.

918 Name: Takako : 2014-05-21 11:25 ID:byDWaOw9 [Del]

I believe my first anime was Ojamajo Doremi (Magical DoReMi)

919 Name: Raiden : 2014-05-21 13:03 ID:P3PLf2+e (Image: 720x1280 jpg, 142 kb) [Del]

src/1400695387354.jpg: 720x1280, 142 kb
My Neighbor Totoro!

That's why i got Totoro on my ancle :)
It's about five years old lol

920 Name: Martin : 2014-05-21 22:46 ID:/kZ5MPX6 [Del]

Pokemon was my FIRST "anime" (i still consider it a cartoon though) and the anime that got me hooked was Durarara. Is the next season a legit thing?

921 Name: Ryo : 2014-05-22 11:03 ID:zztJuQVI (Image: 300x318 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

src/1400774601281.jpg: 300x318, 24 kb

922 Name: Keiko : 2014-05-22 18:40 ID:iqknBVfm [Del]

Mine was either Digimon (the first one) or Cardcaptor Sakura. Or it might've been Detective Konan, or the Tennis Prince. I'm really not too clear on that. But the anime that got me hooked was Bleach.

923 Name: Keiko : 2014-05-22 18:40 ID:iqknBVfm [Del]

Mine was either Digimon (the first one) or Cardcaptor Sakura. Or it might've been Detective Konan, or the Tennis Prince. I'm really not too clear on that. But the anime that got me hooked was Bleach.

924 Name: Mai-chan : 2014-05-23 11:40 ID:R/R4VTeJ [Del]

mine was.... haha maybe Planet of the beast king

925 Name: Yuki : 2014-05-23 15:42 ID:KQ1UGZog [Del]

Fullmetal Alchemist when I was 4!

926 Name: Jessi : 2014-05-23 16:13 ID:tzxfvyPG [Del]

My dad used to watch FMA and Sailor Moon with me when I was like 2 or something, but of course I don't remember, i started watching Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon when I was around 7, 8, or 9 xD

927 Name: kanoko : 2014-05-24 11:13 ID:KzrjwtvW [Del]

mine was card captor sakura and inuyasha. I started watching err .. around 3 i guess. :D

928 Name: Fredzilla : 2014-05-25 06:18 ID:zLpSyqyX [Del]

The first Dragonball.. I even used to carry a stick around as well .. when I was 5

929 Name: N7ShadowKnight : 2014-05-25 15:01 ID:IsoIzOcs [Del]

My first anime was soul eater because I liked drawing characters that I imagined (apparently anime style) and I drew a scythe and my friend freaked out and fangirled over soul eater.

930 Name: KenKiryu : 2014-05-25 16:02 ID:8T1hUjxT [Del]

Me too... I watched Pokemon when I was a kid.

931 Name: Toshiko : 2014-05-25 17:53 ID:T7RPIHNT [Del]

Fairy Tail *o*

932 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-25 20:09 ID:4TXTrqtp [Del]

Either Rurouni Kenshin or Yu Yu Hakasho...the former was technically first though I think, but they were both airing around the same time back then.

933 Name: SleepyzzZ : 2014-05-25 20:56 ID:eAjLXDId [Del]

One piece XD

934 Name: Lifiya : 2014-05-25 23:12 ID:oQsKPRtl [Del]

Shugo Chara ^^

935 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-05-25 23:30 ID:2BIVNUdt [Del]

My favorite Chinese cartoon is Naruto.

936 Name: Jessi : 2014-05-26 01:24 ID:tzxfvyPG [Del]

*facepalm* "chinese" .... Please tell me that was a joke.

937 Name: Stelth !UL5/V6OEIg : 2014-05-26 18:51 ID:7uw6sU3r [Del]

Gundam Wing

938 Name: Mura : 2014-05-26 20:18 ID:Z2djLH/E [Del]

unfortunately it was the 4kids dub of One Piece thank god that died and the real one piece is back.

939 Name: Anon : 2014-05-26 20:34 ID:u/KjELa5 [Del]

Mine was Afro Samurai

940 Name: Shiori : 2014-05-26 20:47 ID:447r+LS4 [Del]

mine was... naruto

941 Name: 27 : 2014-05-26 20:49 ID:Cjy0+Rol [Del]

Dragonball Z was mine!

942 Name: Pondgirl : 2014-05-26 21:34 ID:sBVdCN7o [Del]

Sword Art Online!

943 Name: Yuki : 2014-05-26 22:43 ID:UXiHKRKB [Del]


944 Name: Yuki : 2014-05-26 22:43 ID:UXiHKRKB [Del]


945 Name: Allena Frost : 2014-05-26 22:48 ID:bj2NJrYa [Del]

Ranma 1/2

946 Name: Sonya !LaYnnmjpQ. : 2014-05-27 03:03 ID:RFSBfUc6 [Del]

>>945 ily just because you watched Ranma 1/2

947 Name: Sonya !LaYnnmjpQ. : 2014-05-27 03:05 ID:RFSBfUc6 [Del]

I don't remember my very first exactly, but the first 3 animes I've watched (when I was 3-4 years old) were Pokemon, Sailor Moon and Akazukin Chacha! c:

948 Name: Jekko : 2014-05-27 06:14 ID:3pgz34NC (Image: 262x192 jpg, 17 kb) [Del]

src/1401189241072.jpg: 262x192, 17 kb
Beyblade and yugioh were also one of the first
Shaman King also

949 Name: Nekodamashi : 2014-05-27 09:07 ID:oz5M07KO [Del]

Yes, Pokémon~

950 Name: Relapse-San : 2014-05-27 09:24 ID:QautsK00 [Del]

Its like u're asking the impossible XD, but i think it was crayon shin-chan

951 Name: Bakyura : 2014-05-27 10:11 ID:rKgU+wyF [Del]

im sad to admit it but mine was Yu-Gi-Oh! -_- =(

952 Name: moriko : 2014-05-28 00:21 ID:SZRwcxRv [Del]

Um I have no idea ha ha when I was little I watched all kinds of anime and had no idea what they were now I love anime but it still creeps me out at times

953 Name: Rayven : 2014-05-28 13:19 ID:HNbqx0Wt [Del]

Sailor Moon was mine.

954 Name: AliaSun : 2014-05-28 22:42 ID:Lw9/AcHx [Del]

Id have to say my first anime was Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It was really late at night and i only saw half of episode 8 (the one with the 5th laboratory i think). My reaction was beatiful. (mainly shocked conusion)

955 Name: Crow : 2014-05-28 23:38 ID:x6NKPOln (Image: 510x385 jpg, 19 kb) [Del]

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Angel Densetsu is my first anime, its very funny and cool

956 Name: bang✫bang : 2014-06-03 13:47 ID:FSLxJJ43 [Del]


957 Name: LiraOswinNoble : 2014-06-03 18:27 ID:VWQpzm14 [Del]

Mine was probably Cowboy Bebop or Inuyasha

958 Name: Chrome : 2014-06-03 21:05 ID:nQFRm+3u [Del]

Fullmetal Alchemist (original)

959 Name: BloodGallade : 2014-06-03 23:03 ID:RP5z3n2J [Del]

I actually forgot the first anime I ever watched all because the sheer amount that I watch now in life but the one that started me off to how i am now was Soul Eater (though hopefully i will eventually be able to remember the first one I ever watched)

960 Name: NexoFX : 2014-06-04 01:18 ID:ZZ7N/Ss9 [Del]

It was, don`t laugh now Girls und Panzer

961 Name: Akirisa : 2014-06-04 02:30 ID:3r9nQ+hn [Del]

First was Pokémon to xD And next I watched Beyblade and Bakugan :)

962 Name: Akirisa : 2014-06-04 02:30 ID:3r9nQ+hn [Del]

First was Pokémon to xD And next I watched Beyblade and Bakugan :)

963 Name: Dragoone : 2014-06-08 12:19 ID:sxupCYj/ [Del]

Mine was either Pokemon, Digimon, or Yu-Gi-Oh lol

964 Name: Haru : 2014-06-08 15:52 ID:fBNaC4X3 [Del]

Mine was either Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Beyblade or Digimon.

965 Name: KoHaKu : 2014-06-08 16:07 ID:yzlpAYIW [Del]

I seem to always think that it was naruto but im pretty sure it was either pokemon or digimon

966 Name: Nico : 2014-06-08 21:48 ID:AM5bag9M [Del]

Doraemon :p

967 Name: Malone : 2014-06-08 23:17 ID:yqnREs9X [Del]

Mine was either Cardcaptor Sakura or Yu Yu Hakusho.

968 Name: Xyer : 2014-06-09 14:19 ID:O5k5RONx [Del]

I think mine was Sgt. Frog.

969 Name: Kenichi Nakagawa : 2014-06-09 19:03 ID:hTDu2EaQ [Del]

Mine was Dragonball... The one that started it all...

970 Name: Red Riding Hood : 2014-06-10 07:53 ID:UazzX2hW [Del]

I don't really know. Maybe it was Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh!

971 Name: hiro : 2014-06-10 22:07 ID:79gVfkc+ [Del]

naruto, but i hate it now c.c

972 Name: Kanjiki no Yami !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-06-11 01:45 ID:YhXLnsmQ [Del]

Mine was Code Geass. Such an amazing anime. :)

973 Name: Wesuke : 2014-06-11 03:01 ID:d7VI4F5l [Del]

Mine was guilty crown

974 Name: Doopie : 2014-06-11 05:29 ID:UBMQ/QjX [Del]


975 Name: GHOST : 2014-06-21 05:22 ID:p0EUgy7L [Del]


976 Name: : 2014-06-21 07:45 ID:rsMrc2Ra [Del]

Yu Yu Hakusho

977 Name: Kara : 2014-06-21 08:48 ID:AMKi/w20 [Del]


978 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-06-21 12:34 ID:JQyD6nQU [Del]

pokemon and naruto before I knew about anime. Afterwards, Naruto again because I started re-watching it to remember what it was like. Then first anime I hadn't seen before when I knew what anime was was FMA:Brotherhood

979 Name: Maybird : 2014-06-21 20:53 ID:49ZZ5WcI [Del]

I believe my very first anime I ever watched was Soul Eater on tv as it was a new anime. Also like a few years before FUNimation was taken off tv. Now I just watch anime on anime sites.

980 Post deleted by user.

981 Name: SourDezzel : 2014-06-21 22:12 ID:xiFg/MTJ [Del]

GHOST IN THE SHELL!! the one that got me started

982 Name: Ariah : 2014-06-28 08:43 ID:xq8ENY4l (Image: 485x580 jpg, 73 kb) [Del]

src/1403962987665.jpg: 485x580, 73 kb
Elemental Gelade! I think I was 4 at that time but I really loved the anime, I remember crying whenever I missed an episode and my mother scolding me for staying up late. I didn't finished the anime at that age and I forgot the title because it was hard for me to pronounce it but when I grew older I searched for it like crazy and fortunately found it

983 Name: Serinu Ootori : 2014-06-28 10:35 ID:YbTlYnCe [Del]

My first one was Clannad, just last year. I think it'll always have a special place in my heart.

984 Name: Reena Xion : 2014-06-28 11:15 ID:tn+Uqmxh [Del]

......Either Inuyasha or Card captor Sakura......

985 Name: Daisuke Shimonzu : 2014-06-28 16:57 ID:t3VniOL0 [Del]

Soul Eater, 4 years ago... .-. Daaaammnnnn...

986 Name: Miku_100 : 2014-06-28 20:58 ID:gB9VETQL [Del]

My first anime was Lucky Star. ~_~;

987 Name: Invisible : 2014-06-28 21:55 ID:FisYxSU5 [Del]

First anime would be either Pokémon or Soul Eater

988 Name: Kati9c : 2014-06-29 00:17 ID:wkPhsUnn [Del]

peach girl 6 years ago i think maybe 7

989 Name: THEPOET : 2014-06-29 05:54 ID:J336wBKl [Del]


990 Name: Devil Assassin : 2014-06-29 06:37 ID:uAZIqlpz [Del]

Voltron..though most people I know don't seem to think that it can actually be classed as an anime because it was made famous through the American dub

991 Name: Itami : 2014-06-29 20:04 ID:MJckgYEp [Del]

Kaze no stigma

992 Name: kanra : 2014-06-30 00:58 ID:gQPCKV+6 [Del]

Samurai champloo

993 Name: Kon3kochan~ : 2014-06-30 01:32 ID:k7hAKpfU [Del]

Inuyasha ^ ^

994 Name: Rania : 2014-06-30 03:55 ID:tn+Uqmxh (Image: 1964x1000 jpg, 753 kb) [Del]

src/1404118511851.jpg: 1964x1000, 753 kb
Samurai Champloo~!!

995 Name: Kuro : 2014-06-30 03:56 ID:tn+Uqmxh [Del]

Detective Conan.
My entire family watched it together!

996 Name: DeadlyShadows : 2014-06-30 03:56 ID:tn+Uqmxh [Del]

Slam Dunk I think...? Yeah...

997 Name: Kon3kochan~ : 2014-07-03 06:29 ID:qeNXw5gh [Del]

Inuyasha? That was my first manga at least I don't remember if it was my first anime but probably it was

998 Name: Pride : 2014-07-03 08:42 ID:7WvwMD/H (Image: 638x478 png, 280 kb) [Del]

src/1404394949847.png: 638x478, 280 kb
Naruto i think...

999 Name: XblueberrykinzX : 2014-07-04 07:00 ID:k65XN0jk [Del]

The first anime I watched probably Naruto!?

1000 Name: Bo!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2014-07-04 07:26 ID:wGC6BaPo (Image: 221x228 jpg, 20 kb) [Del]

src/1404476802243.jpg: 221x228, 20 kb
the first anime that i watched is Voltes V. I still remember the lyrics of the opening song of the series (lol). ^____________^

1001 Name: Izzy : 2014-07-05 14:23 ID:1H40+Q3P (Image: 900x719 jpg, 155 kb) [Del]

src/1404588202859.jpg: 900x719, 155 kb
Dragon Ball :3

1002 Name: Zen : 2014-07-06 05:26 ID:AskKfsDP [Del]

First anime I was watching? Definitely Naruto I think, but first that I end was Death Note, next was Mirai Nikki I think.

1003 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-07-06 20:00 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]


1004 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-06 09:05 ID:yMczb/fQ [Del]

Shaman King was my first anime!
Well,Pokemon is actually the first,but I was like 4 years old and didn't really know what an anime is lol

1005 Name: 404Random : 2014-08-06 10:18 ID:n9bsfbVV [Del]

My first anime was one piece, and I still love it!

1006 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-06 10:36 ID:LjNPu1Zb [Del]

Mine was death note, then I watched full-metal alchemist
both are amazing in my opinion

1007 Name: Nina !zIuZ.XvH0o : 2014-08-06 13:31 ID:qf0X/Jdd (Image: 225x350 jpg, 53 kb) [Del]

src/1407349907358.jpg: 225x350, 53 kb
To be honest i am not even completely sure about this,but the first show i remember watching while having no idea what Anime even was ir probably,Akachan to Boku (Baby and Me)

1008 Name: Exoexoten : 2014-08-06 14:19 ID:EpX3qnfJ (Image: 420x437 jpg, 40 kb) [Del]

src/1407352773662.jpg: 420x437, 40 kb
Mine was probably the older version of Hunter x Hunter

1009 Name: BlindSamurai : 2014-08-06 16:55 ID:XegIvyA3 [Del]

Escaflowne, the series and then the movie.

1010 Name: Deki : 2014-08-06 17:24 ID:0QvD6aR7 [Del]

Wolf's Rain was my first ever anime, and it is a very good anime.

1011 Name: Tam3 : 2014-08-07 00:24 ID:Im7gtOYU [Del]

For me it would either be Hamtaro or Naruto

1012 Name: ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░♠Black Rabbit♠░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ : 2014-08-07 04:17 ID:rJTLopFp [Del]

i think my first anime was Pokemon... i watched it since i was four.. o_o and I never knew what "anime" really was back then. x'DD

1013 Name: Yasaukiro : 2014-08-07 15:10 ID:d9JCGvuS [Del]

I don't ktow, but i think it was Pokemon, Mumines, Yu-Gi-Oh or DB ;)

1014 Name: Sung SYW : 2014-08-07 20:52 ID:PMSMM1Sc [Del]

Dragon ball!! (/^,^)/

1015 Name: Kaze ♍ : 2014-08-08 00:57 ID:Nx5ler2F [Del]

My first anime was Death Note. A brilliant show I've come to respect as an anime.

1016 Name: Verya : 2014-08-08 12:39 ID:2dAbbBdR [Del]

I believe either Doraemon or Sailor Moon :D

1017 Name: Ashaero : 2014-08-08 13:29 ID:6FIHaK3Q [Del]

Dragon Ball Z!

1018 Name: admin : 2014-08-08 16:59 ID:wGTovnOY [Del]

Mine was da pokemons

1019 Name: obx : 2014-08-08 19:21 ID:sHtPRCkM [Del]

sailor moon for sure, remember watching that at 6am before school

1020 Name: ikkalokka : 2014-08-09 06:25 ID:3uFf7zR6 [Del]

Sakurasou no pet na kanojo was my first and favorite anime!

1021 Name: Kaye_pon : 2014-08-09 07:25 ID:CYAV3Ufs [Del]

My first anime was digimon! Then followed by Yu-Gi-Oh

1022 Post deleted by user.

1023 Name: Ogajo : 2014-08-09 08:58 ID:BTwGdE5i [Del]

Toradora, and after my FAVOURITE ANIME : Durarara

1024 Name: juu : 2014-08-09 12:53 ID:IgXXYTnk [Del]

super robot monkey team hyperforce go! if that counts xD if not, digimon or probably naruto

1025 Name: Purini : 2014-08-09 19:25 ID:PYH5NJbO [Del]


tatoe arashi ga futou tomo
tatoe oonami areru tomo
kogida sou tatakai no umi e
tobikomou tatakai no uzu e

1026 Name: Kaoru : 2014-08-10 01:50 ID:03op4RdM [Del]


1027 Name: Ayana : 2014-08-10 14:53 ID:PeTujkIn [Del]


1028 Name: Karune : 2014-08-10 16:11 ID:z8nDG+Vc [Del]

Gosick - I fell in love with that anime in five minutes :33

1029 Name: Adam Lokker : 2014-08-10 16:26 ID:Up9lPN3L [Del]

Death Note

1030 Name: Grey : 2014-08-10 17:06 ID:mjnyjQoz [Del]

Wolf's Rain

1031 Name: Kami : 2014-08-11 02:40 ID:PePuF8PW [Del]

One piece

1032 Name: Kaye_pon : 2014-08-11 05:01 ID:CYAV3Ufs [Del]

Mine was Digimon Adventure ^^

1033 Name: Kuroko : 2014-08-11 11:06 ID:Zcs9t4SK [Del]

I think it was inazuma eleven

1034 Name: Naito : 2014-08-11 11:34 ID:YVAooAGM [Del]

Corpse Party- Tortured Souls :3

1035 Name: Sravdar : 2014-08-11 13:11 ID:EwjjJdUg [Del]

Naruto... Yes, bad choice -_-

1036 Name: NEX!b6Qgd2/1O6 : 2014-08-11 21:36 ID:N3ZNXTKC [Del] card captor... DON'T JUDGE MEEEEE

1037 Name: Mikado : 2014-08-11 23:21 ID:BI7JA2/q [Del]

I think it was.... Fairy tail

1038 Name: Punkblue94 : 2014-08-12 01:12 ID:ynu9E6v6 [Del]

Mirai Nikki.....

1039 Name: Chavesta !nM3eBxwfDs : 2014-08-12 05:16 ID:nYKEZpN9 [Del]

My first anime was Digimon

1040 Name: Luka : 2014-08-12 05:25 ID:iLPsh0SF [Del]

Mine was Death Note.

1041 Name: Kazoko : 2014-08-12 11:49 ID:IrKjNZ+Z [Del]

My first was Darker Than Black.

1042 Name: Kasumi : 2014-08-12 17:48 ID:0cIxz9kS [Del]

My first anime was Pokemon, but i never knew it until i started watching different animes. Like Tsubasa Resivoir Chronicles and Soul Eater.

1043 Name: Kaoru : 2014-08-12 23:51 ID:03op4RdM [Del]

Inuyasha! (Not including Pokemon lol)

1044 Name: Akihisaaa : 2014-08-13 03:43 ID:60ic/sw1 [Del]

Cardcaptor Sakura It's was my first yaoi couple Touya and Yukito XD

1045 Name: Betkyo : 2014-08-13 04:39 ID:i8CIzY+O [Del]

Trigun :)

1046 Name: Andyfire : 2014-08-13 18:02 ID:VpVwVUF3 [Del]

Blue Seed (dosn't include pokemon or digimon)

1047 Name: TheGirlNooneKnows : 2014-08-14 01:22 ID:U1MUNZXb [Del]

Hmm...first anime. My very first anime was probably either Inuyasha or One Peice. (And yes I'm counting pokemon digimon and even naruto.)

1048 Name: Kali : 2014-08-14 19:33 ID:AS6TlxGc [Del]

Counting Pokemon and Digimon : Pokemon!
Not Counting : Wolf's Rain

1049 Name: Toa Missingno : 2014-08-15 01:29 ID:3Ph7dd70 [Del]

My first anime were Sonic X (if that counts) and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX on 4KidsTV. It was my only source for "saturday morning cartoons". I remember watching episodes of GX on my mom's laptop because it was rarely on. The first anime that I consciously knew as anime series was Fate/Zero and Chronicles of the Going Home Club.

1050 Name: Kotako : 2014-08-15 01:36 ID:ma0hkirn [Del]

My first was mushi-shi

1051 Name: Kira : 2014-08-15 14:29 ID:M8ZUSKbp [Del]

My first was DragonBall Z :D

1052 Name: Frifris : 2014-08-15 14:48 ID:10Zoslxc [Del]

My 1st anime i ever saw was yugioh

1053 Name: Takumi : 2014-08-15 18:00 ID:TrsGu+aM [Del]

1st Angel Beats

1054 Name: AlohaZen : 2014-08-15 18:47 ID:kosBQXLG [Del]

my first was g-gundam

1055 Name: Midnight : 2014-08-16 09:29 ID:aIHBKZ8G [Del]


1056 Name: THEMADECK : 2014-08-17 05:21 ID:5e1zhFFV [Del]

The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya

1057 Name: THEMADECK : 2014-08-17 05:21 ID:5e1zhFFV [Del]

My first was the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya

1058 Name: Izumicchi : 2014-08-17 11:56 ID:uOUd8E2M [Del]

Sailor Moon!! >.< OMFG

1059 Name: Genezato : 2014-08-17 15:20 ID:0E7nX3NP [Del]

Naruto pls xD

1060 Name: Baruna !g/Yf9G5diA : 2014-08-17 18:52 ID:BE9+yr3C [Del]

Digimon 03! haha, Digimon ftw.

1061 Name: 溝田 : 2014-08-18 00:11 ID:Mpk+Zx/T [Del]

Either pokemon or dbz, but I think I saw dbz before I did pokemon though. . . I'm not really sure :p then sailor moon which is taxedo mask was my favorite character wanted to be liked him :p

1062 Name: Kyohei.K : 2014-08-18 05:21 ID:yk5KeWm4 [Del]

it was sailormoon omg i was a toddler watching it i used to cosplay them until now

1063 Post deleted by user.

1064 Name: Arexot : 2014-10-27 04:49 ID:TKlOqHvB [Del]

That was probably Pokemon. But I started watching anime actively around june last year. The first anime I saw back then was Attack on Titan, because at the moment there were a lot of posts about it on Meme Center.

1065 Name: Izaya : 2014-10-27 11:20 ID:729JJKeE [Del]

I'm pretty sure it was dragon ball z hehe

1066 Name: Kiri : 2014-10-27 16:40 ID:HGVAIq2p [Del]

Ah, Pokemon, the thing we all start out with. Watched it in Chinese when I was younger and then on American TV so I couldn't tell that it was anime. Tokyo Mew Mew too. The first anime I really looked up as an anime was Death Note and it was great.

1067 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-27 18:25 ID:rjeJOvRC [Del]

Pokemon or Dragon Ball Z, not sure which I saw first but I know I started off with those two at the tender age of three thinking they were just the coolest cartoons ever.

1068 Name: Sleepy Savior : 2014-10-27 23:24 ID:TJhQ6PzT [Del]

First was Pokemon, but the show that got me into anime was Air Gear, which I stumbled on to while watching Pokemon online.

1069 Name: Grim666 : 2014-10-28 07:35 ID:2PQPp8cS [Del]

Death note!

1070 Name: seiju : 2014-10-28 09:29 ID:0M6COFoH [Del]

Technically I guess Pokemon was mine, but Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha got me further into it.

1071 Name: Creeping Death : 2014-10-29 15:51 ID:ZASFZ610 [Del]

Durarara!! :-D

1072 Name: LedoJaeger : 2014-10-29 21:48 ID:YDyF9gMK [Del]

Like >>1070, Pokemon was technically the first, then I discovered Naruto, then Durarara I found on youtube and that was probably one of the earliest anime of my days...

1073 Name: Mana : 2014-10-30 12:26 ID:3du1JiBl [Del]

Bleach, I didn't like it that much though.

1074 Name: MASON : 2014-10-30 17:40 ID:olipTIMW [Del]


1075 Name: Chigii : 2014-10-31 04:42 ID:IAArMlPx [Del]

First Anime I think t'was Slam Dunk...or Pokemon? Either of the two

1076 Name: Kageyama : 2014-10-31 05:00 ID:Dbo+KA5/ [Del]

Pokemon or Inuyasha,I'm not sure...

1077 Name: BarabiSama : 2014-10-31 16:09 ID:tA4QZYGM [Del]

Mine was Digimon

1078 Name: Nilsee : 2014-10-31 16:51 ID:2JlZU79m [Del]

Mine was Shaman King

1079 Name: Nolwenn : 2014-10-31 20:34 ID:cjA9MnGJ [Del]

Mine was Detective Conan

1080 Name: Vottvey : 2014-10-31 22:22 ID:Fvlx7BV/ [Del]

Mine was Dragonball Z

1081 Name: kenpachi : 2014-11-01 02:51 ID:6J5uIzJf [Del]

Mines is Pokemon also

1082 Name: ArczyFellow : 2014-11-01 11:03 ID:okDwBbQf [Del]

Mine was some anime I can't recall from Studio Ghibli.

1083 Name: Brythania : 2014-11-01 11:17 ID:6FXcT3hV [Del]

mine is pokemon too

1084 Name: ShinkaiH : 2014-11-01 14:05 ID:FmsKD1Ds [Del]

Cyborg 009
I was like 4 and i had absolutely no clue what was going on

1085 Name: Azura!2y1il5Qy0g : 2014-11-01 15:26 ID:tMixjLcq [Del]

card captors sakura

1086 Name: kai !qrEKylLXvY : 2014-11-01 16:20 ID:j4q8qtPS [Del]

It was either Wolf's Rain or DNAngel. I can't remember which one I watched first but it was definitely one of them.

1087 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-01 16:26 ID:tLnP+BXq [Del]

Ouran high school host club hahahaha

1088 Post deleted by user.

1089 Name: Rhyme : 2014-11-03 07:22 ID:x8DHSvjb [Del]

Eyeshield 21

1090 Name: Yumiko : 2014-11-03 10:00 ID:G5pmwefE [Del]

Naruto or Inazuma Eleven. I can't remember...

1091 Name: 秋子 : 2014-11-03 14:51 ID:Ne1B3vC/ [Del]

For me it was Card Captor Sakura :3

1092 Name: Griever : 2014-11-04 00:27 ID:IPW11ld3 [Del]


1093 Name: Kiki : 2014-11-04 19:45 ID:CvaWTWAC [Del]

Sailor Moon lol

1094 Name: Joppix : 2014-11-04 23:59 ID:pXe6x7n5 [Del]

POKÈMON of course ;D
Followed by Dragon Ball, Doraemon, and everything transmitted by my tv... Then I discovered internet *^*

1095 Name: Kyon : 2014-11-05 14:44 ID:Z3h8tNnz [Del]

Tokyo mew mew, haha

1096 Name: turbanator : 2014-11-05 21:55 ID:GVC/pT1x (Image: 320x320 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

src/1415246125776.jpg: 320x320, 67 kb

1097 Name: Chasity : 2014-11-06 00:50 ID:jRFxiPod [Del]

Black Butler !!

1098 Name: Mureez : 2014-11-06 07:58 ID:6QggDVBn [Del]

i watched dragonball since i was a todler

1099 Name: Grim666 : 2014-11-06 14:14 ID:2PQPp8cS [Del]

Death Note!

1100 Name: Chocolat : 2014-11-09 14:09 ID:L60OKvKH [Del]

YES POKEMON!!! Mine was too ^ - ^

1101 Name: PK : 2014-11-09 17:47 ID:KCV0Bj8L [Del]

naruto, maybe bleach. anything that came on toonami

1102 Name: SON GOKU : 2014-11-09 18:30 ID:sshDhQXD [Del]

kiki's delivery service for a series dragon ball

1103 Name: OroseC!puodSbGaRU : 2014-11-09 22:57 ID:7Sk4cSRp [Del]

Mine was Kiki's Delivery Service

1104 Name: psyotic : 2014-11-10 08:20 ID:XxvLNMPJ [Del]

i belive pokemon or digimon
but im pretty sure it was pokemon

1105 Name: reena : 2014-11-10 11:15 ID:OvEpuO5J [Del]

I think it was either.......Slam dunk, Digimon, one piece, detective Conan or card captor sakura....I dont quite remember since I was raised watching anime....

1106 Name: Jokealot : 2014-11-10 18:48 ID:+gWv2hCj [Del]

Bleach was mine

1107 Name: Aia : 2014-11-10 22:26 ID:RR3EpQcD [Del]

Well the first Anime I remember watching was Yamato Nadeshiko! XD Kyohei feels!

1108 Name: Sakurada Kiritsugu : 2014-11-10 23:19 ID:vryFm7L3 [Del]

Mine was Digimon 01. Ah memories.

1109 Name: Sakurada Kiritsugu : 2014-11-10 23:19 ID:vryFm7L3 [Del]

Mine was Digimon 01. Ah memories.

1110 Name: Ranmaru : 2014-11-12 05:30 ID:W8O2bj/+ [Del]

Well... as long as I can remember, it was Naruto.

1111 Name: AoiBlue : 2014-11-12 20:57 ID:Hav6lXWq [Del]

It was Sailor Moon... I was so in love with Tuxedo Mask back then. XD

1112 Name: Asuna-chan : 2014-11-14 01:37 ID:2Zl16jQi [Del]

Naruto and it's still my favoriteXD

1113 Name: Hibiscus : 2014-11-14 21:50 ID:aQN8tJ7A [Del]

It's hard to say...but I think my first overall exposure to anime was when my dad was watching Gundam Wing when I was about 4, then more exposure when I watched the first season of Pokemon, then Rurouni Kenshin. But I really got into anime and manga when I read Cardcaptor Sakura for the first time.

1114 Name: iSacre : 2014-11-15 04:43 ID:cboLekO7 [Del]

Mine.. Idk. It's either DB or Naruto.

1115 Name: Haru : 2014-11-15 13:49 ID:xRiQQZSr [Del]

cyborg cat kuro-chan and DB

1116 Name: ButterCakes !e.pe2rP3sU : 2014-11-15 14:13 ID:67bJBm6E [Del]

Fruits Basket <3

1117 Name: neko : 2014-11-16 00:30 ID:DEF5viDz [Del]

voltes 5

1118 Name: Lady Reah : 2014-11-16 02:51 ID:MUoBOWdt [Del]

when i don't know what i watch is called anime : doraemon
when i know what i watch is called anime : eureka 7

1119 Name: Luna Lodi !TMq/w.x4Ps : 2014-11-18 09:41 ID:QoOfbp54 [Del]

Pokemon, but back then I didn't even know what anime was :P After I found out, my first was Naruto~

1120 Name: A noun a miss !hjCsM6BRpE : 2014-11-18 13:41 ID:I4QOI8zd [Del]

I believe my first anime was Big O.

1121 Name: Maki : 2014-11-18 20:59 ID:z5/EHWQF [Del]

Black Butler

1122 Name: Orion : 2014-11-19 00:53 ID:AVbGt7tK [Del]

Code Geass

1123 Name: Kanra : 2014-11-19 12:47 ID:A93Q2+1x [Del]

My first......Dragon ball Z

1124 Name: zwei : 2014-11-19 16:20 ID:t6WM6wBj [Del]

Sword art online

1125 Name: Synk : 2014-11-20 12:10 ID:GS1WdEiU [Del]

CardCaptor Sakura

1126 Name: KuraiAngel : 2014-11-20 12:51 ID:jDRukWUt [Del]

Mine was probably Dragon Balls xD I watched it when i was little and when I had no idea what anime is :D

1127 Name: Kamon : 2014-11-20 22:06 ID:IBpaDNPS [Del]

Im am a dragonball z child.

1128 Name: KillerBunny : 2014-11-21 01:44 ID:Z3UDeWvL [Del]

Flame of recca.

1129 Post deleted by user.

1130 Name: Kurona : 2014-11-21 17:37 ID:pnecwj2S [Del]

digimon adventure

1131 Name: ReiReiss : 2014-11-21 17:53 ID:F9TsCg5O [Del]

Captain Tsubasa

1132 Name: Zaiphon : 2014-11-21 20:32 ID:uK6im/43 [Del]

I think mine was Inuyasha or Tsubasa Resevior Chronicle

1133 Name: George : 2014-11-22 10:52 ID:1F6Msg+p [Del]

Pokemon! Then Tokyo Mew Mew (though I didn't finish it,) then Full Metal Alchemist! (which is amazing, the original and the remake both!)

1134 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-22 12:09 ID:4MRsIAga [Del]

i think it was One piece. If my father hadn't made a mistake about chain, i will never been an Otaku ^^'

1135 Name: Riukkuyo : 2014-11-22 17:44 ID:SVdTBnvP [Del]

Toonami, 1998, Sailor Moon.

1136 Name: Shirai : 2014-11-23 02:31 ID:b761C1vU [Del]

I think it was One Piece or Beelzebub.

1137 Name: Carlos : 2014-11-24 11:58 ID:whdS4RhP (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 152 kb) [Del]

src/1416851920198.jpg: 1024x768, 152 kb

1138 Name: daccano : 2014-11-24 18:27 ID:l4ST236F [Del]

pokemon but i like to say one piece

1139 Name: Bela : 2014-11-24 19:03 ID:rJDeRxoX [Del]

Pokemon. But the first one I watched that I knew was an anime was Sailor Moon

1140 Name: XNightWhisperX : 2014-11-25 04:33 ID:le9UCtdt [Del]

Might be either digimon or pokemon.Wait!Its dragon ball z kai!

1141 Name: Miko : 2014-11-25 05:43 ID:pr6kLJU+ [Del]

Ouran High School Host Club

1142 Name: Moonlight : 2014-11-25 06:33 ID:JUSPGtNz [Del]

Mine was Maid-sama!

1143 Name: Nero D. Blood !Ri.BZ8FKMQ : 2014-11-25 07:18 ID:cDlPIYc5 [Del]

Mine was either Dragon Ball or Bleach

1144 Name: Anri-san : 2014-11-25 14:26 ID:N9kVpsmh (Image: 1500x983 jpg, 300 kb) [Del]

src/1416947169831.jpg: 1500x983, 300 kb
Tokyo Mew Mew :3

1145 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-11-26 03:27 ID:7280+b/J [Del]

Pokemon and Detective Conan...awesome plot

1146 Name: Sasayan : 2014-11-26 16:43 ID:V6uUEKRF [Del]

Sailor moon was my first!

1147 Name: Thanatos2154 : 2014-11-27 17:30 ID:i7mkMAIz [Del]


1148 Name: Yuukio : 2014-11-28 06:03 ID:PTMjtiQA [Del]

First anime might be pokemon on tv.

First anime that actually get me to start getting hooked on is Special A.

1149 Name: JadeKyo : 2014-11-28 17:38 ID:7AMIrAvB [Del]

mine was Sonic X... that was a sorry start but the show that got me into anime (I don't think I even knew what anime was when I watched Sonic X) was Cowboy Bebop and the anime that made me realize what made a good anime was non other than our beloved Durarara!!

1150 Name: emi-chan : 2014-11-28 18:13 ID:eZxKyGdQ (Image: 550x727 jpg, 107 kb) [Del]

src/1417219992213.jpg: 550x727, 107 kb
mine's durarara right now basicly because of izaya...<3

1151 Name: daccano : 2014-11-28 22:15 ID:l4ST236F [Del]

what do you mean be "right now" ?????

1152 Name: emi-chan : 2014-11-29 14:20 ID:HLFLmA7X [Del]

sorry kinda missed the point there

1153 Name: emi-chan : 2014-11-29 14:21 ID:HLFLmA7X [Del]

my first one was dbz i guess so yeah

1154 Name: tenshi-san : 2014-11-29 16:46 ID:nHjZiQRI [Del]

Yu Yu Hakusho! ^^

1155 Name: yukiko : 2014-11-29 23:09 ID:pYB/hpb4 [Del]

Kiki's Delivery Service

1156 Name: 4oureyes : 2014-11-30 04:51 ID:Ws5CiV9R [Del]

Love Hina. ( ♥ _ ♥)

1157 Name: nobody : 2014-11-30 17:39 ID:3x940i0l [Del]

to love ru

1158 Name: Kisuke : 2014-12-01 16:22 ID:Iu1nVBkc [Del]

dragon ball z

1159 Name: Riko-chii : 2014-12-02 01:05 ID:pB/jIU8O [Del]

Mine was Sailor Moon or Pokemon, i forgot...

1160 Name: LightningXDash02 : 2014-12-02 12:16 ID:2eRlNc7V [Del]

the picture above is my first anime.. quite obvious.. after naruto

1161 Name: yukkii : 2014-12-03 12:30 ID:CQaCAzG8 [Del]

i dont really count pokemon as an anime (even though it probably does) but the first real one that I've seen was spice and wolf

1162 Name: X : 2014-12-03 14:31 ID:gHcGW+hK [Del]

Hm... I think my first was Soul Eater

1163 Name: so : 2014-12-04 02:13 ID:igjOZydF [Del]

mi primer anime fue vampire knight

1164 Name: Colorless : 2014-12-04 08:44 ID:e+9GrYBU [Del]

gotta go fast. gotta go fast. gotta go faster faster faster faster faster SONIC!!!!

1165 Name: MothraDeathray : 2014-12-04 08:49 ID:qH12gMAq [Del]

My first one was Pokémon as well, ofcourse I was still unaware it was called 'anime' at that time hahaha, sure were fun times!

1166 Name: Brasily101 : 2014-12-04 11:55 ID:5QPL8R/h [Del]

Probably Pokemon or Digimon, I was to young to remember.

1167 Name: Star-chan : 2014-12-04 14:15 ID:dqVrjlhZ [Del]

Mine was Pokemon to!🐾

1168 Name: Hyas : 2014-12-04 16:25 ID:aF4dfAKi [Del]

Mine was Pokemon as well. However, I credit Fruits Basket as the show that really got me into the genre.

1169 Name: OtakuGirly(=^.^=) : 2014-12-04 17:23 ID:8Hu76WAF [Del]

Mine was Inuyasha.

1170 Name: Kogasa Lee : 2014-12-04 19:27 ID:DQPQtJ4y [Del]

Mine was The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya.

1171 Name: Cana : 2014-12-04 19:59 ID:N3ZNXTKC [Del]

My first anime was Full metal alchemist

1172 Name: Kyouko : 2014-12-05 00:00 ID:ntzd/98Q [Del]

Mine was Madoka Magica!

1173 Name: [ ] : 2014-12-06 11:46 ID:ON9Jud3M [Del]

Mine was Albator

1174 Name: BlueWorld : 2014-12-06 15:51 ID:9OlEY327 [Del]

Mine was Maid-sama or Special A
Now I'm watching stuff like Akame ga Kill

1175 Name: Layfonsin : 2014-12-06 18:08 ID:6z4wDpuA [Del]


1176 Name: Cube : 2014-12-06 18:18 ID:xXoXlmb+ [Del]

My first and favorite anime was Code Geass

1177 Name: BlueWorld : 2014-12-06 18:20 ID:9OlEY327 [Del]

Oh it could have been Code Geass
Ack NVM I forget

1178 Name: Roxas : 2014-12-06 18:53 ID:ZxXp4rEu [Del]

I don't remember

1179 Name: Baconator : 2014-12-06 19:52 ID:emGTg2Ih [Del]

Mine was Naruto

1180 Post deleted by user.

1181 Name: omera : 2014-12-07 06:31 ID:CYCvycTS [Del]

i remember now, NARUTO and Doraemon

1182 Name: Sventachi : 2014-12-07 09:28 ID:iBqdDImA (Image: 950x692 jpg, 514 kb) [Del]

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It was Sailor Moon :'D
it's the first i remember clearly xD
some great anime in german tv at that time were digimon ( endless love QwQ ), gundam wing, crush gear turbo ( does anyone know that anime qwq ? ), dedective conan,... oh, and i loved yu-gi-oh xD

greetings from germany,
sventachi :3

1183 Name: PhoenixFlare : 2014-12-07 21:29 ID:yqnREs9X [Del]

Surprisingly enough, my first was Speed Racer. I ended up somehow watching it about twenty years AFTER it's first release in the states (might have been an old VHS).

1184 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-07 21:38 ID:2QLWQ7+p [Del]

Pokémon... I didn't know it was an anime but first thing I ever watched on tv

But the reason I am here today is One Piece.

1185 Name: Pickel : 2014-12-07 21:44 ID:Q/HLM42d [Del]

Mine was Pokemon, but that was back before I really knew what anime was, so as far as this question goes I don't really count it.

My first anime after learning about anime was Outlaw Star, and it remains a favorite to this day. I'm really glad Funimation got the rights to it after the original distributor went under, and I really hope they do some kind of HD re-release. I don't care how much it costs, I'll lap up whatever crazy collector's edition they throw at me. It'll be worth it, at least sentimentally.

1186 Name: Sylwa !6uhjhu8hY6 : 2014-12-28 05:56 ID:9Ou9CovK [Del]

Mine was probably Pokemon. Or Sugar Sugar Rune. And then Kilari... But I was a child and didn't even know they were japanese animes :p
So my real first anime was SAO. <3

1187 Name: Creashion : 2014-12-28 06:25 ID:NFPYojG1 [Del]

well that depends... if its my first anime but i don knew that was anime....saint seiya... in the other case Beyblade :P

1188 Name: Mamorou : 2014-12-28 07:24 ID:HOWG3uG2 [Del]

My one was either Hikaru no go OR Cardcaptor Sakura when I was 6 years old. The second anime is still kinda my favourite.


1189 Name: Yui-kun : 2014-12-28 11:39 ID:B75qoi4H [Del]

First anime: Black Butler aka Kuroshituji :)

1190 Name: Ken : 2014-12-28 14:49 ID:aGNbARzy [Del]

Mine was Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, haha..

1191 Name: Sakunai : 2014-12-28 16:11 ID:KoXtIawy [Del]

Mine was a Shugo Chara XD

1192 Name: Chiatarou : 2014-12-28 22:03 ID:nBckmUtO [Del]

Lucky star haha

1193 Name: Nagihiko : 2014-12-29 15:30 ID:qOnJwS+S (Image: 320x222 jpg, 21 kb) [Del]

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Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.
Watched it when I was like four. So good for a little kids brain XD

1194 Name: Jeremy : 2014-12-29 20:39 ID:vGgq5N0U [Del]

I was dragon ball z

1195 Name: MR. TOP HAT : 2014-12-30 04:02 ID:eoqhJ3mJ (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 303 kb) [Del]

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Neon Genesis Evangelion

1196 Name: Shirase : 2014-12-30 10:32 ID:wGC6BaPo (Image: 640x480 png, 580 kb) [Del]

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Choudenji Machine Voltes V

1197 Name: LittlePOOTIS : 2015-01-05 10:36 ID:jx+5bj/1 [Del]

Hard to say.. Either Pokemon or Sonic X.
Or maybe Shin Chan..
But the first anime I watched in japanese (with subs) was Mermaid Melody.

1198 Name: NateRiver : 2015-01-05 11:00 ID:XjnG5o6I (Image: 480x328 jpg, 26 kb) [Del]

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Sword Art Online~

1199 Name: Kezuga : 2015-01-05 14:00 ID:sUln0T3+ (Image: 1045x750 jpg, 145 kb) [Del]

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Also the reason why I love gore.

1200 Name: BK201 : 2015-01-06 00:14 ID:UxmsNIHS (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 246 kb) [Del]

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First anime i watched was my favourite for sooooo long and one of the best ones I've seen! Easily!

Kenichi !!

1201 Name: Hanzo : 2015-01-06 02:53 ID:A9i36++H [Del]

Yugioh GX on Saturday morning cartoons. I regret nothing for being a worthless plebian.

1202 Name: MBgov1133 : 2015-01-06 06:24 ID:FXgcnaKJ (Image: 333x500 jpg, 65 kb) [Del]

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I think it was Either Beyblade or Pokemon. But, the first one I watched through, was Deltora Quest, and the first one I watched when I wanted to get directly into Anime, was Sword Art Online. But for some reason, I don't like SAO that much anymore, it just makes me cringe for some reason. Don't ask why, I don't know. The first Anime I thoroughly enjoyed though, was Log Horizon.

1203 Name: Aridus : 2015-01-06 15:37 ID:pK4XzzxN (Image: 324x426 jpg, 106 kb) [Del]

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My first series was Zero no Tsukaima (XD) but first anime was Daft Punk's anime movie Interstella 5555 The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem.

1204 Name: SILVERWOLF : 2015-01-06 17:51 ID:r597ItOF [Del]

I can't remember my first anime at the moment it will drive crazy till I remember but once I think of it

1205 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-06 19:18 ID:8v/A0Ein (Image: 586x465 jpg, 106 kb) [Del]

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This is the very first anime I remember watching at the tender age of 5.

1206 Name: Katscratch : 2015-01-07 05:19 ID:KzVyGi8u [Del]

sailor moon was my first then Pokemon shortly after. i mean, it was almost Pokemon but Sailor Moon bet them to it.

1207 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!N.06ibPNxc : 2015-02-01 13:06 ID:p4V4Ofmd [Del]

Was either InuYasha, Pokemon, Naruto, or One Piece.

1208 Name: devektra : 2015-02-02 03:16 ID:f8OH9eUB [Del]

The first anime I watched was Blue Exorcist/Ao no Exorcist. It's a great anime and series 2 is said to come this summer!

1209 Name: graywalls : 2015-02-02 04:25 ID:CpM/NlJZ (Image: 196x257 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

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My first anime was Zenki. I was like really young and I don't know if anyone remembers that anime, but yeah that was my first. It was aired on tv and I watch it every afternoon after school.

1210 Name: ARYA : 2015-02-02 07:29 ID:yrZ/UxqR [Del]

Mine was inuyasha

1211 Name: Emiko : 2015-02-02 08:41 ID:XEvc7RKZ [Del]

Mine was Dragonball haha

1212 Name: Cin : 2015-02-02 10:13 ID:PFGsJclX (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 141 kb) [Del]

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tokyo mew mew, and i loved it

1213 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!N.06ibPNxc : 2015-02-02 17:55 ID:D9pirkiJ [Del]

Oh, yes. Tokyo Mew Mew was the first anime I watched all the way through.

1214 Name: NyNy!L0qx4VPiR6 : 2015-02-02 18:31 ID:W0PigjN1 [Del]

Mine was SGT. Frog. ^^

1215 Name: akaixtenshi!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-02-04 23:02 ID:ik7MjULi (Image: 400x400 jpg, 60 kb) [Del]

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Every girl's must-watch -- Sailor Moon!!

1216 Name: Masamune1 : 2015-02-04 23:08 ID:HH27Xazp [Del]

My first anime was Fruits Basket, then I watched Soul Eater and I was hooked well.

1217 Name: Ash Sheriffo : 2015-02-05 02:05 ID:4W4Y4gw8 [Del]

One Piece for me

1218 Name: Shinobi_13 : 2015-02-05 08:48 ID:jvLVpYIZ [Del]

Naruto for me

1219 Name: Onee-chan, desu : 2015-02-05 09:16 ID:DcbiCQO5 [Del]

Mine was Pokemon too, but I didn't think that is an anime (I just watched it on TV). So I think that my first anime was Full Metal Panic!

1220 Name: Ytrezar !LYmE0ooJXE : 2015-02-05 11:26 ID:wuhBgJZu [Del]

It was hokuto no ken, with shitty french dub.
It was awfull, but i was young so i enjoyed it :D

1221 Name: Orion : 2015-02-05 13:38 ID:f/4IU7D5 [Del]

High School DxD! I discovered it by watching an AMV for the song Never Wanted to Dance by Mindless Self Indulgence :)
That was back in the summer of 2012 so I've only been into anime for 2 and half years.

1222 Name: Yuki : 2015-02-05 13:54 ID:7DRdWOuq [Del]

Naruto,I watched it with younger brother few years ago

1223 Name: Kyousuke : 2015-02-05 14:13 ID:Fvf+9C5F [Del]

It was Dragon Ball when I was a 2 or 3 x)

1224 Name: Android R : 2015-02-05 14:28 ID:jr2IBDo/ [Del]

Mine was probably Dragonball

1225 Name: Deivo : 2015-02-05 16:00 ID:l0Gu6X8D (Image: 600x443 jpg, 105 kb) [Del]

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I doesn't count Pokemon because i watch it sins i was .. too young, so i think that ... Highschool DXD :D

1226 Name: Deivo : 2015-02-05 16:02 ID:l0Gu6X8D [Del]

and Koneko-Chan is the best yay~

1227 Name: sloaner : 2015-02-05 16:03 ID:HYwY4eU9 [Del]

my very first (real) anime is probably Ouran High School Host Club :3

1228 Name: ARYA : 2015-02-05 18:13 ID:mFhQvZq4 [Del]

Probly inuyasha or Soul Eater

1229 Name: Pizza.. : 2015-02-05 18:26 ID:3+f6do+2 [Del]

my first was kiss x sis :]

1230 Name: Takumin : 2015-02-05 18:50 ID:X+dEUeIx [Del]

I think mine was "Flint the Time Detective". If not it'll be the usual "Pokémon", "Yu-Gi-Oh!" or "Digimon".

1231 Name: Aster : 2015-02-05 21:06 ID:1q+Q+39T [Del]

death note or soul eater

1232 Name: You Will Never Know : 2015-02-05 22:42 ID:ugNOH03x [Del]


1233 Name: Admiral Akhibhar : 2015-02-05 23:29 ID:BvXIjjv+ [Del]

First anime (no joke) was the based Corey in the House
Full honesty, it was One Piece (unfortunately for me it was the 4Kids dub)

1234 Name: 生活 : 2015-02-06 07:23 ID:CobwgsRd [Del]

Yu-Gi-Oh! for the win!

1235 Name: DarkKing : 2015-02-06 09:59 ID:OkQOonag [Del]

My first anime was probably pokemon.

but the first anime I actually called an anime was corrector yui.

1236 Name: Potato-san : 2015-02-06 11:00 ID:2vQyH+a9 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 316 kb) [Del]

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I would hafta say, Steins;Gate

1237 Name: Taco_Del_Mega : 2015-02-06 15:50 ID:DaYuqWrg [Del]


1238 Name: Yomi : 2015-02-06 15:55 ID:Gj+/AuWO [Del]

Shaman King

1239 Name: Infinite : 2015-02-06 20:19 ID:r6VvPIk3 (Image: 500x375 jpg, 100 kb) [Del]

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Sands of destruction was my first!

1240 Name: Anorak : 2015-02-06 21:43 ID:4mQkZYYe (Image: 550x413 jpg, 65 kb) [Del]

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My first anime was Saint Seiya!

1241 Name: Jormungand : 2015-02-06 22:02 ID:t0QcOkie (Image: 350x198 jpg, 34 kb) [Del]

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Mine was code geass and what a start it was!

1242 Name: Admin : 2015-02-07 01:47 ID:Jr35uVyi [Del]

My brother dragged me into watching the first season of Sword Art Online in late 2012. My anime tastes have sure gone a long way from there!

1243 Name: Skia : 2015-02-07 07:09 ID:sWFdlWMK [Del]

My first anime was Detective Conan... from my friend back in... what, 2013 maybe? i forgot... XD

1244 Name: Kuroneko : 2015-02-07 07:33 ID:vKoWV2Nb [Del]

My first anime was Mermaid Melody xD

1245 Name: Rin : 2015-02-07 09:13 ID:BJ36F1RC [Del]

My first anime was pokemon or sailor moon

1246 Name: Seox : 2015-02-07 09:30 ID:gGhjKS8C [Del]

Mine was either Pokemon or Naruto XD

1247 Name: Saijo : 2015-02-07 09:52 ID:u+DLin6N [Del]

Heidi, Girl of the Alps.

1248 Name: Sakux : 2015-02-07 12:43 ID:GFWAY8Yx [Del]

InuYasha, maybe.

1249 Name: Sekai : 2015-02-07 13:28 ID:mEEHApQG [Del]

Tokyo mew mew

1250 Name: MoyashiSan : 2015-02-08 07:57 ID:dvHe7SM1 [Del]

Ah, my first anime was Wolf`s Rain <3 Beautiful anime, one that i will remember..

1251 Name: Anarkan : 2015-02-08 10:13 ID:/a+8RRoH [Del]

Pokemon I think?

1252 Name: Hibiki : 2015-02-08 11:18 ID:JV9lYclO [Del]

It was Death Note. Trust me, I am proud of that one.

1253 Name: Akije : 2015-02-08 14:36 ID:aTwUJ16v [Del]

Mew Mew Power... I was 5 years old....

1254 Name: YC : 2015-02-08 15:31 ID:Qda70xHT [Del]

"Heavenly Host Elementary School" And it's all thanks to PewDiePie! That sly bastard...

1255 Name: Tomoko : 2015-02-08 16:10 ID:HDKnRP1X [Del]

Mine would be either sailor moon or inuyasha

1256 Name: Romeo : 2015-02-08 16:42 ID:v5XNAqsg [Del]

Probably Vampire Knight.... I saw the Eng dubbed version on TV years ago... i mean...I'd seen other anime, but never really made it an effort to watch the whole series, you know?

1257 Name: Sebas : 2015-02-08 17:04 ID:9/rjFhzx [Del]

Mine was Dragon Ball, and he's comeback my favourite anime

1258 Name: Shin : 2015-02-08 18:45 ID:VPxtNXus [Del]

Mine was Ouran High School Host Club.... Ah, a classic.

1259 Name: Kida : 2015-02-08 20:18 ID:5YBVSr9x [Del]


1260 Name: kk : 2015-02-08 20:28 ID:3/dW4jE9 [Del]

mine was technically DBZ...

1261 Name: Mad Hatter : 2015-02-09 02:45 ID:IQPAd0+v [Del]

pokemon... i think so. But it was xxxHolic that rally brought me into the world of ACG

1262 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-09 08:22 ID:28m9pmYO (Image: 1920x1080 jpg, 492 kb) [Del]

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mine was Attack on Titan

1263 Name: katachii !.9nsQYtFGI : 2015-02-09 08:38 ID:twZ4FcQ0 [Del]

okay so I used to watch pokemon and hamtaro when I was younger but the show that really got me into anime was Hetalia: Axis Powers

1264 Name: : 2015-02-09 08:40 ID:sC4zCoFH [Del]


1265 Name: Yopie : 2015-02-09 08:48 ID:dsLK/mBX (Image: 277x200 png, 84 kb) [Del]

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If this all is about the very, very first Japanese animation I watched at least one episode of... It would be Pokemon.

If it's the first anime completed, it was Mirai Nikki, I completed it about 3 years ago.

1266 Name: NyNy!L0qx4VPiR6 : 2015-02-10 09:01 ID:W0PigjN1 [Del]

Does DBZ count? If not, mine was SGT Frog. -w-

1267 Name: Ikki : 2015-02-11 08:56 ID:IeoOeOt6 [Del]

Mine was called REC. <3

1268 Name: Baka-chan : 2015-02-12 12:23 ID:D4jHeScz [Del]

My first anime would be Sailor Moon and then later watching DBZ and Conan.

1269 Name: Aisaka : 2015-02-12 12:46 ID:NK/JfKo6 (Image: 462x295 jpg, 95 kb) [Del]

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My first anime was Naruto! I have the Will of Fire and I will always be a Fighting Dreamer!!!!!!!

1270 Name: Luka : 2015-02-12 19:53 ID:Ugp90Yh7 [Del]

Definitely Pokemon...

1271 Name: Windy : 2015-02-12 20:00 ID:yhAkGQ7f [Del]

Dragonball Z's

1272 Name: Brynxx : 2015-02-12 20:42 ID:6CqjGUhz [Del]

Mines was og digimon!

1273 Name: Kendoshi : 2015-02-12 23:17 ID:7xPi3lKY [Del]

Pokemon or Captain Tsubasa.

1274 Name: Riku : 2015-02-13 09:22 ID:dtBOs+dM [Del]

Mine was Dragonball or Vanguard. (pretty sure its dragonball... or not...)

1275 Name: Kurisu : 2015-02-13 14:19 ID:L9Dc9A4/ [Del]

Durarara, my friend introduced it to me, first anime i ever watched........ *unpauses durarara to continue watching.*

1276 Name: Minky : 2015-02-13 16:04 ID:Fl7fyXiz [Del]

I think mine was Doraemon... or sailor moon!

1277 Name: DiegoBrando : 2015-02-13 17:01 ID:2ntD8z5g (Image: 576x432 jpg, 35 kb) [Del]

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I think it was Kaiketsu Zorro when I was 4.

1278 Name: Felicitá : 2015-02-13 20:18 ID:SI1AJDlk [Del]

Tokyo Mew Mew

1279 Name: Shoku : 2015-02-13 22:00 ID:HYaUwwUo [Del]

Pokemon, and YuGiOh, and dragon ball z... but like not on tv would be kodocha

1280 Name: Alice : 2015-02-14 13:40 ID:A6WYRUOQ [Del]

My 1st anime was moon phase

1281 Name: adiosnoob : 2015-02-14 15:23 ID:c3RgdZVt [Del]

My First Anime was Death Note

loved every episode of it

1282 Name: Akane : 2015-02-14 17:43 ID:7ybFVlVR [Del]

my first anime was Soul eater

1283 Name: spirit cat : 2015-02-15 02:56 ID:zkRLx74f (Image: 600x400 jpg, 53 kb) [Del]

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my first anime was naruto when i was 5

1284 Name: Eden : 2015-02-15 03:47 ID:brG2VtYW [Del]

Mine was Bleach, then Noragami and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia :)

1285 Name: Shin Suki : 2015-02-15 10:07 ID:BK2sdZjz [Del]

Hmm...I think it was the original 4kids dubbed Yugioh? But Lucky Star was definitely my first.

1286 Name: Little Sis : 2015-02-15 11:45 ID:U2YPkdwB [Del]


1287 Name: Cha' : 2015-02-15 12:35 ID:Mzd5Q4g0 [Del]

I guess it was tokyo mew mew, but when I really start to watch anime, i started with fairy tail I think :')

1288 Name: Meika : 2015-02-15 13:53 ID:7YRzetcc [Del]

Sonic X

1289 Name: Nyctea : 2015-02-15 16:29 ID:V4kcezLK [Del]

Pokemon too.

1290 Name: Zak : 2015-02-15 17:48 ID:4kDOJl6Z [Del]

Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakushowas my first anime shows

1291 Name: BarabiSama : 2015-02-15 17:51 ID:vbjxNySm [Del]

My first anime that would probably be Dragon Ball Z, but if you mean the anime that got me into anime, it'd be Clannad. The feels in that and After story are amaaaaaaazing,

1292 Name: Luna : 2015-02-15 18:05 ID:mhPkiaw9 [Del]

My first anime was Dragon Ball Z too.

1293 Name: Nakura : 2015-02-17 08:19 ID:bcAQM/76 [Del]

Detective Conan, Pokemon,or Naruto im not quite sure yet because i watched alot of anime since i was 3

1294 Name: Alex : 2015-02-17 12:57 ID:e6GhDU8l [Del]

I can't say I remember... I watched a lot of anime when I was little. Like Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball Z, Cardcaptor Sakura, Detective Conan, Pokemon, Digimon, Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2, Slayer, Rurouni Kenshin, Magic Knight Rayearth...

1295 Name: Yuno-chan : 2015-02-17 14:17 ID:57qwqtgc [Del]

I think mine was Naruto, but I don´t really remember.

1296 Name: Teacakes : 2015-02-17 17:02 ID:h5UE4ml8 [Del]

I believe mine was Pokemon. I remember watching it when I was little, but I'm not totally sure if it was my first anime or not.

1297 Name: Pharos : 2015-02-18 00:36 ID:6eyIm1vd [Del]

Sailor Moon was definitely my first anime...I still use the email I created in 6th grade that was based off of the English dub.

1298 Name: Kanra : 2015-02-18 08:12 ID:vCdDL4xk [Del]


1299 Name: Kurome : 2015-02-18 08:41 ID:qkhS/JbQ [Del]

Magica DoReiMi or Shugo Chara

1300 Name: Yuuki Kazuto : 2015-02-18 17:44 ID:rPVqoJeX [Del]

That is pokemon.. hard to get around that one xp but the first one that really got me into anime and manga was fullmetal alchemist and Naruto

1301 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2015-05-13 06:29 ID:rtcNBXcm [Del]


1302 Name: littleBROKER : 2015-05-13 11:53 ID:Mhnz9Nsl [Del]

I was nine... It was Akira... enough said...

1303 Name: Shunsuke : 2015-05-13 13:57 ID:Y3lUkvmO [Del]


1304 Name: Himura Rei : 2015-05-13 15:22 ID:/Ggno48T [Del]

Gundam Wing was the first anime I watched, the show that started me on the path of becoming an otaku/weeaboo. ;P

1305 Name: Fray !W1Nq.7lGn2 : 2015-05-13 17:27 ID:wczrTw20 [Del]

The original Yu-gi-oh!

1306 Name: Finnaswyin : 2015-05-14 00:44 ID:oNdGJbUZ [Del]

my first anime Dragon brother watch it and i follow to watch it and then i love anime until now..^_^

1307 Name: Ken : 2015-05-14 02:59 ID:pc4fflB/ [Del]


1308 Name: Kazahaya : 2015-05-14 08:18 ID:GOgJQB6G [Del]

Beyblade: Metal Masters was my first ^^ then my 5 year sister switched the channel to Inuyasha and that's how it started xD

1309 Name: Eclipse : 2015-05-14 11:07 ID:csv4NiwA [Del]


1310 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-14 11:56 ID:yEayG88u [Del]

bb nbnb

1311 Name: Ghostz6199 : 2015-05-14 12:16 ID:JBjqDoHd [Del]

Gundam Seed :3

1312 Name: MissyInu : 2015-05-14 16:27 ID:iL+sA5id [Del]

Dragon Ball

1313 Name: Vanilla : 2015-05-16 04:35 ID:GhoeNQRH [Del]


1314 Name: Cap'n America : 2015-05-16 08:08 ID:ghAI0kDc [Del]

Princess TuTu

1315 Name: Kago Chiaki !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-05-16 10:18 ID:YvpW9Ixw [Del]

Mermaid Melody

1316 Name: Kazuko : 2015-05-16 13:17 ID:tG0m4M6X [Del]


1317 Name: Shiki : 2015-05-16 18:30 ID:NsPrOUxS [Del]

Black Rock Shooter

1318 Name: mtndew610 : 2015-05-16 18:37 ID:JtS2nmDX [Del]

most likely pokemon. it's been a while.

1319 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-05-16 19:09 ID:zcWesRmw [Del]


1320 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2015-05-16 21:14 ID:PTxEjlC7 [Del]

If we count Pokemon then that. Otherwise, the first show I actually remember the plot from/understood is Eureka 7.

1321 Name: Nekster : 2015-05-17 02:55 ID:+FLL23pg [Del]

Tokyo mew mew
It was also the start of my 4Kids hatred

1322 Name: Riam Niisan : 2015-05-17 22:41 ID:pweEd2L2 [Del]

My friend showed me Highschool DXD...

I didn't know what I was getting into at the time.

1323 Name: Frizz !iqthU3m5P6 : 2015-05-18 12:36 ID:aTtlkRsO [Del]

It was Pokemon, i saw the original reruns when i was 3, now i'm 15 doe. I still think the original pokemon was the best

1324 Name: hoanganhjohnson : 2015-05-18 23:12 ID:XwFA3b6A [Del]

first anime was baccano, i was only eleven but hey whatever right?

1325 Name: Spyralmask : 2015-05-19 07:11 ID:TYBbaJDD [Del]

My first anime I guess what pokemon... the first anime I was aware I was watching as an anime was naruto... but I didnt really I actually started to enjoy anime for anime after watching squid girl randomly on netflix

1326 Name: Yui Woo : 2015-05-19 17:30 ID:dO+KXwDs [Del]

Mine was Pokemon too!!

1327 Name: Tenzo : 2015-05-19 20:35 ID:I4ly/vAN [Del]

I have to say Naruto was mine

1328 Name: the dark angel : 2015-05-19 20:43 ID:M/R9vYWI (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 67 kb) [Del]

src/1432086204153.jpg: 1280x720, 67 kb

1329 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-05-20 09:21 ID:LjErod1J [Del]

>>1328 i remember watching this as a kid! loved it

1330 Name: Joel : 2015-05-20 10:08 ID:6QvYFsEg (Image: 150x113 jpg, 4 kb) [Del]

src/1432134508835.jpg: 150x113, 4 kb
Mine was Death Note

Got me hooked on anime ever since

1331 Name: Osama : 2015-05-20 14:57 ID:+/Fd9iyR [Del]

Dragon ball Z

1332 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-05-20 15:58 ID:NqE9DCMc [Del]

same as Osama

1333 Name: NaikoRe : 2015-05-20 18:05 ID:FoXnCcfL [Del]

I'm looking for Shizuo they have seen ?

1334 Name: Minitiny : 2015-05-21 07:58 ID:0RB3ou29 [Del]


1335 Name: Marekri : 2015-05-22 22:23 ID:vadupmJk [Del]

pokemon or naruto

1336 Name: Raya : 2015-05-22 22:53 ID:EUmnOyG7 [Del]

My first anime was Pokemon...Or Attack on titan if you don't count the stages when i didn't know wtf anime was

1337 Name: aura : 2015-05-23 00:30 ID:ngJ48rAw [Del]

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