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Kuuchuu Buranko (Trapeze) (8)

1 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-26 01:52 ID:Ny17cmru (Image: 600x424 jpg, 85 kb) [Del]

src/1319611976515.jpg: 600x424, 85 kb
Many patients with different problems visit the psychiatric ward of Irabu General Hospital; a trapeze artist suffering from insomnia after suddenly failing his jumps, a gangster afraid of knives and sharp objects and a business man who has an erection 24 hours a day. They undergo counseling by Dr. Ichiro Irabu, who is the child-like son of the hospital director. His assistant is the sullen faced sexy nurse Mayumi. With his mysterious injections, and advice that does not make sense, Dr. Irabu confuses his patients. But at the end of his unique treatments, the patients are lead to digging further into their souls to find peace of mind.

Trapeze is a show that comes along once in a blue moon. There is no moe to be found here. There is no fanservice (apart from Mayumi's injections). There are no lolis. The art style is odd, and there is no bloodshed.

So, why should you watch it, you ask? Trapeze is a story that dares to be drastically different, with amazing writing and strong characters, while supporting a unique and engaging art style. The voice acting is top notch, and the stories are great. Unfortunately this is on of those anime that will turn 90% of the viewers away 'because' its so different...

Taking place mid-to-late December, the show is mostly episodic, covering the same time frame. Characters appear in episodes other than their own, lacing the entire show together and creating a living, breathing world. The stories are all very human, and most are rather touching. Every episode is strong, focusing on a patient and following him around their everyday life, and how their mental illness debilitates them.

The real showstealer is Dr. Irabu, though. His three appearances, representing the Ego, Superego, and Id, give a variety of viewpoints, and Fukuicchi gives real medical advice (kind of).

Trapeze is a show that will never be as popular as it deserves to be, because it is so incredibly different than the norm. It will never be seen for the example of what a great show is. And that is the tragedy of this comedy.

2 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2011-10-26 10:35 ID:B5Oblu2W [Del]

This seems interesting Mael.And is not that long, just 11 episodes.

As always, thanks for sharing. Now let's see how much time Anime board will be useful instead of "OMG this anime is awesome"

3 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-26 11:01 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

Yeah, Than, you seem like you'd enjoy this show. Its really out there...

And yeah i know right? 'Tis a shame, These 4 shows i posted will probably be bumped off tonight... lets see its 11 AM right now...

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: bang-bang : 2011-10-26 13:33 ID:RPxtFa8P [Del]

Noo, silly dollars stop bumping down good shows. Even though this one is probably, no, definitely not any casual anime watcher's cup of tea.

I basically watched Kuchuu Buranko after seeing Mononoke, which is directed by the same guy and is very awesome. I think that it was around the episode with the guy with the perpetual erection that I realized this show is totally made for grownups, weird japanese grownups or something. But it's fit for all kinds of people interested in something unusual.

I bet there were a bunch of things in it that flew over my head though, like the constant switched between Irabu's personas and what significance they had. I don't even know exactly which one was supposed to be the Id, Ego or Superego and then again I don't know much about those to be able to identify them. Interesting show anyways.

6 Name: Tsukitty !PL2yJCdKsw : 2011-10-27 10:57 ID:oILk4CGC [Del]


7 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-10-27 10:57 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

>>5 Ooh man, i just watched Mononoke... i should post a thread about that.

8 Name: bang-bang : 2011-10-28 09:58 ID:RPxtFa8P [Del]

>>7 Let me help you with that.