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Midori Days (4)

1 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-14 20:12 ID:+3DtcXdW (Image: 1280x800 jpg, 541 kb) [Del]

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Copied from Wikipedia: "Seiji Sawamura is the toughest student in his high school. His grades aren't very good because he fights more than he studies, but he tends to protect the weaker students from bullies. A few classmates idolize him; one (Midori Kasugano from a different school) shyly loves him from afar; but most are just afraid of him, which has made it impossible for him to find a girlfriend. In desperation, he says to himself that he will grow old with only his right hand as lifelong companion — until one morning when he wakes to find a miniature Midori attached to where his right hand used to be.

Over the next two weeks the pair adapt to this sudden and forced closeness. Much mayhem, and some romance, ensue. Seiji does his best to hide Midori from other people; she wears a bandage around her head and pretends to be his injured hand. Midori frequently professes her love to Seiji (even wearing a dress she made and embroidered with "I ♥ Seiji"), but Seiji fails to notice, even as he frequently laments that he'll never find a girl who loves him."

Now, you'd think a premise like this would lend itself to bad, obvious comedy in the form of masturbation jokes. But, if I remember correctly, there is not a single masturbation joke in this entire 13 episode anime (save for in the bloopers, which are pretty funny). It's actually a really sweet romantic comedy.

2 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-14 20:16 ID:+3DtcXdW [Del]

Oh, I forgot to mention that there is a little nudity in the form of a couple topless scenes. It's not gratuitous, though. It makes sense given the context of the scenes (one is in a bath house, and the other is in a bed--not sex!)

3 Name: Juumonji : 2011-10-15 12:01 ID:ftLztzzP [Del]

I've read the manga, it's pretty good.

4 Name: Kichiro : 2011-12-12 14:08 ID:IaEomIIu [Del]

This sounds very interesting. i'll check it out