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Bakemonogatari (70)

1 Name: H : 2011-10-10 01:04 ID:SKFAsXOT (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 222 kb) [Del]

src/1318226651334.jpg: 1280x1024, 222 kb
Bakemonogatari (化物語?, "ghostory," a portmanteau of bakemono (化物?, ghost or monster) and monogatari (物語?, story)) is a Japanese popular light novel series written by Japanese novelist Nisio Isin and illustrated by Taiwanese illustrator Vofan; the series is published by Kodansha under the Kodansha Box imprint. The story centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who has recently survived a vampire attack, and finds himself mixed up with all kinds of apparitions; gods, ghosts, mythological beasts, and spirits. An anime adaptation by Shaft started airing on July 3, 2009 and went through a total of 15 episodes. The prequel novel, Kizumonogatari was recently announced as being green-lit for an anime movie production, while the sequel Nisemonogatari has been green-lit for a TV anime production planned for January 2012.

Bakemonogatari centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who is almost human again after briefly becoming a vampire. One day, a classmate named Hitagi Senjōgahara, who never talks to anyone, falls down the stairs into Koyomi's arms. He discovers that Hitagi weighs next to nothing, in defiance of physics. Despite being threatened by her to keep away, Koyomi offers his help, and introduces her to Meme Oshino, a strange middle-aged man living in an abandoned building, who cured him of being a vampire.

The series tends to introduce only one new heroine per chapter, each involved with a different "apparition". Most of them have an item which symbolises their spectres, such as Hitagi's stapler - the claw of a crab, Mayoi's back pack - the shell of a snail, Suruga's leggings, and Nadeko's big hat and baggy jacket - the head and skin of a snake. The events of the previous chapters play an important role in the subsequent ones. The series primarily focuses on conversations between characters; it contains a fair number of parodies of other series, as well as Nisio Isin's trademark word play and metahumor.

It is one of the best anime's i have ever watched,the art is just amazing,and i am waiting for the sequel and prequel anxiously.

2 Name: Kid !egH79ysaqM : 2011-10-10 02:17 ID:kVAofOkG [Del]

Seems pretty cool! I will definitely check it out.

3 Name: Batora : 2011-10-10 05:17 ID:1yoy5pXN [Del]

Well, I was going to say there's already a thread for Bakemonogatari. But this one has information. And a picture.

4 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-10-10 22:15 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

Oh yes, I like this thread way better...
I can only say that I loved this anime, also, Senjougahara Hitagi is forever my anime love.

Cant wait for Nisemonogatari in January, I like how they announced Kizumonogatari a while back and its not gunna be released until after Nise... Owell w/e. I'm psyched either way.

5 Name: H_luc : 2011-10-11 00:00 ID:YkgUGcwq [Del]

I love Hitagi forever *-*, saeko form highschool of the dead was my previous love,but for some reason,she lost to hitagi.

6 Name: rokkr : 2011-11-19 12:43 ID:O7tmJQc3 [Del]

Just started watching this. I really like their sort of random art styling and everything, really helps you sort of understand whats going on with the characters

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: Ren : 2011-11-22 07:58 ID:syu78ujy [Del]

There's info about Bakemonogatari's new January sequel and later film here--->

9 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-22 08:20 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

I am so psyched for Nisemonogatari and Kizumonogatari, that its making my brain explode, reform itself, and explode again. Rinse and repeat.

10 Name: rokkr : 2011-11-22 15:43 ID:O7tmJQc3 [Del]

>>9 I agree with Mael

11 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-22 16:04 ID:/aLcJERW [Del]


12 Name: Keizo : 2011-11-22 19:29 ID:4JktW10T [Del]

i've heard of it and know the Renai Circulation song, but I dont know if its good. Im into the whole ghost stroy thing, so i might like it.

13 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2011-11-27 22:36 ID:J0YafCYk [Del]


14 Name: kuchukuTulip!46cWnSzXfE : 2011-11-28 06:49 ID:JaNGoyop [Del]

awesome anime! <3

15 Name: H_luc : 2011-11-28 09:16 ID:V06LAa46 [Del]

I know the description is a cheesy copy from wikipedia, but it was my first post, but anyways.


16 Name: SpyderRodeo : 2011-11-28 14:35 ID:1+xAxMUM [Del]

this is an awesome anime. i think it has the best dialogue of all the anime ive seen

17 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2011-11-28 15:27 ID:Fz1veDIM [Del]

ive seen it was cool and cant wait for the other two nisemonogatari and kizumonogatari

18 Name: rokkr : 2011-11-28 18:22 ID:O7tmJQc3 [Del]

Bump for the awesomeness

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: Sakana : 2012-02-12 12:10 ID:PvqiQTPW [Del]

Love this anime! In my top 5. Nisemonogatari isn't as good but is still awesome. And Araragi and Senjougahara are an awesome couple.

21 Name: Parel : 2012-02-12 13:20 ID:TO79PESV [Del]

I love all the works of NisiOisin
character driven story are awesome! great, unique and complex characters. thats Bakemonogatari for you!

22 Name: "NomNomTan !afwohijaHw : 2012-08-21 07:26 ID:BzxcFhwk [Del]

bump to share this EPIC anime

23 Name: Sid : 2012-08-21 21:58 ID:v7oKVZmG [Del]

Can't wait till kizumonogatari comes out.

24 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-08-26 00:23 ID:bIqiXzAD [Del]

agree &bump.

25 Name: Pillow : 2012-10-14 15:10 ID:SmrWXkAn [Del]

sounds like everyone loves this, i'll have to check it out

26 Name: LEGION : 2012-10-14 22:09 ID:/gMC3ttB [Del]

Cool show, never seen it.

27 Name: Balthizar : 2012-10-15 15:58 ID:OGApbKPC [Del]

Started this series last week, and I'm really enjoying it. Very witty and artistic. I just got done with Mayoi's arc, and I'm now on episode 6.

28 Name: Rice : 2012-10-24 22:38 ID:WLOuwNjb [Del]


29 Name: Ryuu_Knight : 2012-10-25 13:29 ID:YfUF8kNo [Del]

Sounds good, I think I need to watch this

30 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-11-10 13:13 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

The wordplay and humor in this show is really unique, same with the art direction. Good characters, good plot(s), lovin' this shit.

So yeah, bump.

31 Name: Mr. Dust : 2012-11-10 16:19 ID:6wRmjyhc (Image: 300x168 jpg, 8 kb) [Del]

src/1352585999655.jpg: 300x168, 8 kb

32 Name: Balthizar !ux48/Vh3Fs : 2012-11-11 02:37 ID:OGApbKPC [Del]

>>31 Okay. You've done it. You've unintentionally convinced me to use this as my catchphrase. People who haven't seen this series will be like, "what the hell...?", and people who have seen it will be like, "oh, shit... RUN AWAY!"

33 Name: Balthizar !ux48/Vh3Fs : 2012-11-11 02:42 ID:OGApbKPC (Image: 1280x720 png, 672 kb) [Del]

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>>31 They cannot possibly comprehend the pleasures of the toothbrush.

34 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-07-30 20:43 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

So since I see Nisemonogatari posts here from last year, I'm assuming this is also the thread we'll use for the currently airing Monogatari Series' Second Season.

I need to catch up. Watched the 1st episode yesterday and the absence of Araragi was a little weird at first, but I'm glad they're showing the characters from alternate perspectives. More than that, I'm most certainly pleased that even without him, the dialogue doesn't feel awkward. The females have plenty of presence on their own and are capable of their specific brand of witty banter that deviates from the norm but is still obviously Monogatari.

also lol Senjougahara's bra and panties had crabs on them. /o/

35 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-07-31 20:19 ID:s+QPsBvB (Image: 946x527 jpg, 158 kb) [Del]

src/1375319957649.jpg: 946x527, 158 kb
Monogatari Season 2 is colloquially known as Hanekawa Tsubasagatari, a story to be told about Hanekawa Tsubasa so that we know that Hanekawa Tsubasa is not as perfect as the main character (who is not here) thinks Hanekawa Tsubasa is. hopefully by letting Hanekawa Tsubasa talk about Hanekawa Tsubasa's flaws that Hanekawa Tsubasa actually has, thus proving that Hanekawa Tsubasa is not an overly perfect character, and that Hanekawa Tsubasa does not know everything, only what Hanekawa Tsubasa knows.

Guys, whats happening to araragi and hachikuj-

Hanekawa Tsubasa is afraid that is not part of Hanekawa Tsubasa's story about Hanekawa Tsubasa's flaws and the woes of Hanekawa Tsubasa as told by Hanekawa Tsubasa.

Hanekawa Tsubasa.

36 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-07-31 21:23 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

Yeah, pretty much.

37 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-08-01 23:03 ID:s+QPsBvB [Del]

That said, it's unfair to just disregard the series because Hanekawa Tsubasagatari (capable of making even senjogahara cry because she's doing something vaguely sad!) is essentially the second story of Hanekawa Tsubasa (Nekomonogatari was also about Hanekawa Tsubasa).

Hanekawa Tsubasa is a mary-sue. That is about the long and short of it. She's perfect at pretty much everything she does, and can elicit completely strange and OOC reactions from the rest of the cast. There are plenty of reasons to be in an uproar over this and just hate her for everything she's worth but wait!

The reason Hanekawa Tsubasa is an interesting character is because of her mary-sue status. It's played brutally, and deconstructed with every episode. There is the angle of "oh well she's perfect except for these meaningless flaws", but that is taken to its logical result - The people around her react in turn, and are aware of her status. Paltry flaws become legitimate issues, and it does all trace back primarily to being her fault. It even goes further to inspect what it does to her actual personality as a result of having this status.

Hanekawa Tsubasa is a mary-sue in a world where that kind of things is addressed with non-delusional clarity and unabashed brutality. Which, in turn, has the interesting effect of making her tolerable - and even likable to some!

Not so much for me. She's interesting, but I resent having to watch episodes still centered around her.

All of that given, I am loving Hanekawa Tsubasagatari. It's given more fleshing out to characters like senjogahara, the fire sisters, and possibly more importantly, Neko! We have a good section of each episode completely devoted to Neko, which is a beautiful thing. Watching his development as both a character and an entirely new type of oddity is really fascinating for me.

So while Hanekawa Tsubasagatari is a story focusing on Hanekawa Tsubasa about Hanekawa Tsubasa told by Hanekawa Tsubasa, it's surprisingly much less abrasive than all rights say it should be - And while I definitely enjoyed Bake and Nise more, this is still a very solid and enjoyable series.

Even if its the first series since the gataris began that has a shitty OP/ED.

38 Name: DEATH_3x : 2013-08-02 21:02 ID:nfH0VdOF [Del]

this anime is so awesome... i really like how senjougahara talks... she is so awesome... and also hanekawa tsubasa... she is so cute when i see her cat ears...

39 Name: Lain !BsbiBYRrJM : 2013-08-05 23:12 ID:BGV+3l5W [Del]

I love this series, especially Senjougahara (I'm pretty sure Senjougahara fascination is a thing by this point amongst the entire fanbase).
Right now I'm really liking the change in perspective, and I would definitely like to see a couple episodes told from the perspective of Senjougahara.

40 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-08-06 17:01 ID:og2bdfel [Del]

Finally caught up to this (Episode 5)

I have to say, I loved the development of Neko. I can't stress that enough, and if adding more italic brackets emphasized it more then the code would be full of it. Hanekawa's mary-sue deconstruction was handled great, and in the end I'm neutral about her character.

That is to say, I went from not liking her to not caring.

Neko, on the other hand, I went from loving to loving phenomenally.

Another thing I particularly liked was the introduction of Gaen. Her entire conversation with Hanekawa just made me smile for some reason, and the way she just bluntly said she knew everything in the face of Hanekawa, then called her out on knowledge of being ignorant is still being ignorant, was just fun.

But with the introduction of Gaen, I'm just... really, really want an entire gatari dealing with Meme's past. He has so many great characters coming out of it.

41 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-09-09 21:40 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

So this most recent arc...Kabukimonogatari was it? Yeah, I think it's the best arc this franchise has made yet.

So damn good.

42 Name: TheNoviceElectromancer : 2013-09-10 17:00 ID:o/jwKFF/ [Del]


43 Name: Anonomis : 2013-09-12 03:11 ID:l5XBS7/7 [Del]

What can I expect to see from the next one?

44 Name: KpeRez : 2013-09-12 09:08 ID:fn9+iQbl [Del]

love this anime!

45 Name: Hiromi : 2013-10-28 20:58 ID:GWkT2PJ2 [Del]

Oh, man, all the "---gatari" posts are really confusing. The way it's sorted on Crunchyroll, I've only seen Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari, and it seemed like the Tsubasa Cat arc ended pretty abruptly at Part 2. Am I missing something?

46 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-10-28 21:30 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

>>45 yea it was pretty hard to find em all.
Monogatari Series Second Season
Kizumonogatari is a film that came out supposedly Ive never seen it so idk how it is in comparison to the others

47 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-28 21:53 ID:E2tSiMBS [Del]

>>46 If it's a film that came out recently, expect the subs for it to come out next year.

I'm looking at the MAL page for it, and it says 2013, and the forum posting for it on MAL and still nothing. So I doubt it'll be out sometime this year. Maybe 2014, so expect it late December of 2014 to 2015.

48 Name: Hiromi : 2013-10-29 17:19 ID:GWkT2PJ2 [Del]

>>46 I see, thanks! And, by the way, was there a Tsubasa Cat pt. 3?

49 Name: Yatahaze!E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-10-29 17:41 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

>>48 Is that the Tsubasa arc from Bakemonogatari?

If so, then yes, there are 3 more episodes to that arc. I believe they were released at separate times from the rest of the show due to airing conflicts despite being directly part of the story.

So yeah.

50 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2013-12-29 04:12 ID:lzbXEfHm [Del]

Did anyone else see episode 26 of monogatari. In the end I was like WTF!!!! I knew it was gonna happen, but I was only imagining it and then it happens!!!!!

51 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-12-29 12:30 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

i feel like a blanket thread should be made for all the sections of the gatari series. would any of you be up for that task?

52 Name: Oishii : 2013-12-31 01:14 ID:RaaWty+4 [Del]

*O* Ahh I can't wait for Kizumonogatari,, and also dat Monogatari Second Series is so cliffhanger... can't wait to see what happen next ;v; especially dat Nadeko

53 Name: lilyanax) : 2013-12-31 16:47 ID:UsNw+bwV [Del]

is it dubbed or trying to get into watching more subbed because I love dubb

54 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-12-31 17:08 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

I don't think there's a dub for this, though I may be wrong.
I would suggest the sub anyway, as the series relies heavily on conversation and there's a lot of wordplay.

55 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2014-01-01 00:00 ID:2xbRkLXf [Del]

Love the series, but SHAFT really needs to make up their mind when releasing the BD's.
Honestly, you're supposed to make everything look more presentable, not change scenes entirely.
Although I really shouldn't be complaining, it's mainly SHAFT being SHAFT.

56 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-01-01 00:38 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

so uh...
Season 2, episode 26.
Dat ending.


57 Name: kanra : 2014-01-02 00:59 ID:2fwKdpuO [Del]

This seems great ^^ i should watch it ^^

58 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-02 11:18 ID:1NAnygs5 [Del]


59 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-14 18:13 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

60 Name: Abroham : 2014-01-16 08:08 ID:UCBdAWtx [Del]

I think the animation is top notch, but ahh I can't like how every supernatural problem is focused on a girl and how the main character is kinda simple. Kinda, really simple.

61 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2014-01-30 11:25 ID:VyRI3pGC [Del]

>>56 I know what you mean I was imagining it, but never thought it would actually happen.

62 Name: Ear-kun : 2014-02-15 02:37 ID:hui7QFxY (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 95 kb) [Del]

src/1392453474312.jpg: 1280x720, 95 kb
This is a really good series, and I watch this for only one name:

Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade :D

63 Name: Ami : 2014-02-15 03:09 ID:ez3g/7kX [Del]

Quite a unique anime :D
Dialoges are definetly the high point of the series.

64 Post deleted by user.

65 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2014-05-08 10:52 ID:04rEVWXj [Del]

Did you guys here a new season is coming out.

66 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2014-05-10 13:24 ID:OgXx3fSg [Del]

So, wow. I was really late on this one, but it is definitely phenomenal. I love how the characters are handled, even the ones I'm mostly indifferent about at this point. I think the Monogatari series feels very human in how the characters interact with each other and how their problems are dealt with and discussed. Even though a lot of the things that happen and a lot of the interactions themselves aren't necessarily realistic, it feels very down to earth and grounded in reality.

>>65 I believe there are a few different things that are anticipated. Which one are you referring to? Suruga's arc from the 2nd season (Hanamonogatari AKA Suruga Devil AKA Monogatari Series: Second Season +a) is supposed to start airing at the end of May (I still don't know why they decided to separate it from the rest of the season, but oh well). Kizumonogatari is still a work in progress from what I understand, and there is a 3rd "season" of novels that are being published currently that will be animated at some point (that is, if SHAFT really does stay true to what they said about wanting to animate all of it; given the Monogatari series' popularity, I think it's a given that they will).

Personally, I really hope that Kizu is released before they start adapting the 3rd season.

Just for the heck of it, my 4 favorite characters so far are (in order):
1) Tsubasa Hanekawa
2) Deishuu Kaiki
3) Nadeko Sengoku
4) Koyomi Araragi

67 Name: Misunderst4nd : 2014-12-23 19:34 ID:kPpq6TJ9 [Del]

Did you guys know the sequence to watch it?

I know how to sort it by the release date.
But, I'm getting confused while watching "Nekomonogatari Kuro" after watching "Nisemonogatari".
Then I found that "Nekomonogatari Kuro" is the story before "Bakemonogatari".

Can you guys help me to sort the series by the storyline so I didn't get confuse while this series?

68 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-12-23 20:02 ID:OzaNLMsr [Del]

I already linked it through my comment in the duplicate thread you made, but here's the sequence.

69 Name: Misunderst4nd : 2014-12-23 20:23 ID:kPpq6TJ9 [Del]

Sorry. Thank you ._.

70 Name: Yuukio : 2014-12-24 04:58 ID:PTMjtiQA [Del]

Just follow the release dates. The end of each series will nicely link to the other series. :) I like how they managed to link everything up in the last episodes.