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Shakugan no Shana (15)

1 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-02 15:58 ID:+3DtcXdW (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 279 kb) [Del]

src/1317589114753.jpg: 1024x768, 279 kb
I'm kinda surprised no one has posted this yet. Once again, I'll just copy and paste and paraphrase from Wikipedia:

Shakugan no Shana centers around Yuji Sakai, an ordinary Japanese high school boy who inadvertently becomes involved in a perpetual war between forces of balance and imbalance in existence. In the process, he befriends the title character: a fighter for the balancing force, whom he takes to calling "Shana". The series incorporates science fiction, fantasy, and slice-of-life "school days" elements into its tale.

2 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-02 17:49 ID:dkElDZ4e [Del]

i frickin love this anime and cant wait for season 3 and lol dont u think this pic is a little misleading and contradicting to the description

3 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-02 20:08 ID:+3DtcXdW [Del]

>>2 Yeah, they need to hurry up and release the 2nd season in dub. I know they've been working on it, and I read that it's supposed to come out sometime this year, but there's not a lot of the year left. And yeah, I should have used a better pic. That one was just funny though.

4 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2011-10-02 20:10 ID:+3DtcXdW (Image: 1600x1200 jpg, 703 kb) [Del]

src/1317604206483.jpg: 1600x1200, 703 kb
This is probably a better pic. But still, I don't know that it captures the entirety of the show either, but it probably does a better job.

5 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-02 20:38 ID:dkElDZ4e [Del]

>>3 >>4 lol so long as it looks cool :) but id rather them hurry up season 3 than the season 2 dub, i like you jp voices better for this one but the english one is alrite i love alastors eng voice but the jp dub has affiliated value 2 me bcuz its pretty much the same cast as zero no tsukaima jp dub which i also loved very much

6 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-10-03 11:39 ID:mh124d5a [Del]

I tried to like Shana, honestly I did. I'm a fairly faithful follower of anything Kugimiya does, so I figured shana would be acceptable on that fact alone.

I was wrong. God I was wrong. Shana frustrated me more than any other series I have ever laid eyes on - It is the only anime I have sat through waiting for it to end.

I'd type an entire essay dedicated to my loathing of this series, but I can sum it up the statement "I won't lose!". That single statement brought this crushing halt to everyone's character development. For get filler arcs, this show had an entire filler season labeled "I won't lose!".

Dear god fucking... I'm irritated just remembering it.

7 Name: DaniV : 2011-10-03 13:43 ID:dkElDZ4e [Del]

>>6 why did you dislike SnS?

8 Name: Bre : 2011-10-03 13:52 ID:gsIAndVU [Del]

Watched the entire series, took me a while to find one as good!:)

9 Name: Maschiff : 2011-10-03 14:25 ID:7uHCCUV3 [Del]

The third and last season comes out this months and i'm still on halve the first one u.u
btw its a really good anime xd

10 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-10-03 15:18 ID:WglogZ2X [Del]


Because the anime had jackshit in way of character development, terrible plot development, and is paced at the rate of a disabled snail going up the down escalator? The light novels are okay, they are much better story pacing wise and provide legitimate character development.

The anime does not. Over a season and a half was of Shana and boring-girl-who-takes-up-screen-time looking at each other going "I won't lose!" while Yuuji stood there with a blank look on his face.

In the light novels, yuuji becomes a force to be reckoned with that could hold his own as a credible threat. In the anime, he is a typical kugimiya lead who only just barely starts his training arc to be worth a damn over the course of TWO SEASONS.

Where was the character development? They barely grew as individuals for two seasons straight. Margerie Daw and her cronies were more interesting and engaging than the TITLE CHARACTER, because she got honest to god development and advancement.

As a series, Shana is okay. The light novels are tolerable, and even fairly enjoyable. The anime, in my personal opinion, is a terrible, filler filled, failure of an adaption that should burn before it ever saw the light of day. I mean... They even took the time to animate SIDE STORIES to the light novel before they even touched on the main story.

Progress? what progress? We need 28 episodes of yuuji being useless, Shana being stubborn and telling girl-who-takes-up-screen-time that she won't lose in some god forsaken non-existent tug of war they have on the guy whose both too weak to matter and too dense to notice.

Someone please tell me once Season 3 is over if they managed to fight any content worth a damn into it. They've gone 2 seasons so far where the worth-a-damn content was about 1/5th, at best. I'm curious to see if they try and shove all the things worth watching into the last season.

11 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-02-02 20:02 ID:Fk/DZDax [Del]

Woah woah woah, calm down there, buddy XD

I won't deny that you have some really valid points, but might I fine tune one aspect?

Most of the problems you mentioned are connected to Season 2, which is, under every possible definition I can think of, a lousy adaptation of the light novels, as it cuts out a large amount of foreshadowing and character development for Yuuji, making the plot twist that kicks off Season 3 come almost completely out of nowhere. As for Season 1, the story was switched up almost completely anyway in the series, and I do agree that the light novels did that part better from what I've read of them, but Season 1 was at least okay, considering I've seen much worse (coughSchoolDayscoughcough) and found that overall much more enjoyable than most anime. All your anger for this series should be directed solely on Season 2, like mine is XD

As for any argument on Season 3, J.C. Staff swore to be more accurate to the novels this time around, and since I seem to get the feeling that you don't really like the school life stuff, you'll probably like that you only see anything of the school in Episode 1 thus far, and Kazumi gets so little screen time that you're sure to cheer up. Give Shakugan no Shana III some credit, it's not bullshitting around like Season 2.

And here's my question for you. If you hate this show so much, why bother 1) Watching all of the anime and 2) Taking the time to search up the thread and point out it's very obvious flaws to fans that probably already knew all of them? Maybe I'm missing the point, but you had to get some enjoyment out of the anime in order to watch all of it and have any interest in Season 3, even if it's mostly just because you wonder if they changed up their game and started doing the adaptations accurately.

Okay. Zeo stepping down now. Feel free to rip holes in my opinions as I may have in yours, just remember that I didn't do so on purpose, nor did I intend to insult you if you took it that way, in fact I apologize if you are insulted at all. Just figured my two cents would be worth something.

12 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-02 21:50 ID:3Z62YLkP [Del]

Oh hey, this thread again. Did Shana III work out very well? I haven't picked it up this season.

>>11 When I made my review, the thread was still somewhat new and on the front page. No worries about me searching it up to give some scathing rebuttal about a series I didn't like - Though I'm glad to see it bumped by a post with some content in it.

I tend to like school-life type content, IE: Toradora, Seitokai Yakuindomo, etc. But SnS school life content just felt... terribly out of place and dull. In the novels, I understand it was a great place for character development to happen - But in this anime adaption, it's purpose was literally to create filler and give bitch-who-takes-up-screen-time more screen time.

So specifically: I enjoy school life content when it has a purpose. SnS's... didn't. It's very existence felt hollow and heavy, like it was bogging down the storyline with no real content.

As for why I hate and know enough about said anime to pick it apart (up until Season 2): simply put, I believe that before I can have an opinion about something, I need to have experienced it myself. My first foray into SnS was the anime, and I soldiered through two seasons before I just couldn't take any more of it.

The light novels were a much more pleasant experience, and at the same time, made me hate the anime that much more. Where the filler that was Season 2 rightfully started towards the end of Season 1. Season 2 just spring loaded it into full swing.

I'm still curious to know if Season 3 is J.C.'s last ditch attempt to pull the storyline together and shove all of the content into one thing, though. I refuse to pick it up until someone can confirm or deny this suspicion for me after the season is up.

Season 1 started acceptably, and ended with me being uncertain.
Season 2 started terribly and only got worse.

I don't want to suffer a repeat of Season 2, and Season 3 would need to be damn near a god send to make up for the hell that was Season 2. Otherwise, I'd be perfectly happy never touching the anime adaption of this series again.

You make a valid point that my hate for this series is derived mainly from Season 2 - But as Season 1 wasn't spectacular enough to warrant this as anything more than a generic series of the season to me, the fact it got worse immediately after a barely promising start is just something I can't forgive.

13 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-02-04 13:44 ID:Fk/DZDax [Del]

>>12 Can't argue that. In fact, I agree with you on about 95% of that. XD
Ooooh how I love it when people actually make solid arguments in their discussion! Brightens my day :)

And Season 3 is doing much better, though I'm sure there are slight differences (i.e. Shana vs. Snake of the Festival Round 1 I think got toned down due to how bad that made The God of Creation look.). I don't really know what's changed due to not having full knowledge of the light novels. If nothing else, I'd say just watch the first few episodes on FUNimation's YouTube account and decide after episode either 3 or 4 if it's worth continuing. This season is all about the last chunk of plot, and from what I've been told, there was too much of it for J.C. Staff to put any filler. So far it's been very plot based, with the only slow part being the very beginning, which is just there to fill you in on what happened after the abrupt ending to Season 2. Personally, I think you'll like it. She-Who-Needed-Less-Screen-Time is actually only had about 5 scenes up to this point (as of ep. 17), the most recent of which being more about the other characters present than her, so even that's been fixed. It's like they knew...

14 Name: DaniV : 2012-02-04 14:22 ID:vtWGhfTL [Del]

Well Ayanavi, its like >>13 said, season 3 is nothing but fast paced plot, full of action and suspense so i think you should give it one last try

15 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-06-14 17:45 ID:VNlLy2xK [Del]
