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Birdy the Mighty: Decode (7)

1 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-27 06:53 ID:Ny17cmru (Image: 1107x692 jpg, 121 kb) [Del]

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Tsutomu Senkawa is your average high school kid who is busy studying for his senior entrance exams, and fancy's exploring abandoned buildings. One fateful day after a hard days work, he decides to explore a local building that has recently been abandoned. There he runs into some sketchy characters, whom he believes to be filming a movie, when in reality, the man he speaks to is actually is actually an interplanetary criminal named Giga on the run from a Federation agent called Birdy Cephon Altera. Caught in the midst of this chase, Senkawa gets used by Giga as a distraction in a cover of smoke and gets thrown at Birdy. Thinking that the body flying toward her is Giga, she attacks with full force, destroying Senkawa's body. Fortunately for him though, there is a way to keep him alive, his personality and consciousness are placed within Birdy and they begin to share a body until the day his body has been reconstruted. And this is the beginning of the adventures of Birdy and Senkawa.

I finished watching both the first and second season a few days ago. (First season 13 episodes and the second is 12) And I must say, it was pretty damn awesome. And damn, I watched it in the english Dub first, which was surprisingly great. I absolutely loved the fights in this series, the style kinda reminded me of Noein... But anyway, The characters were really well delved into, and even the side characters were fun to watch, which is rare. The music was really good, a lot of it reminded me of something I would hear in a Megaman game or something, in a good way. The animation quality was great, art style was one of my favorites, music was enjoyable, characters didn't piss me off, and YAY fan-service. All in all, this show was great, I had taken about a 4 week break from anime all together and this is what roped me back in. Check it out, lemme know what you think.

2 Name: Egerod !U.FlFSg2r. : 2011-09-27 11:55 ID:3k7kGNvc [Del]

Just added it to my to watch list =)

3 Name: Weems : 2011-09-27 20:21 ID:QZduMO35 [Del]

Totally checking this out:D

4 Name: Ghost : 2011-09-27 20:22 ID:wWIyzbfK [Del]

A friend of mine kept badgering me to watch this and i am SO glad that i did XD Fantastic anime. In his words, "you'll love the 2nd season even more than the first" >.>

5 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-27 20:43 ID:k4NCuH0s [Del]

>>4 the second season had some fucking BADASS fight scenes.

6 Name: DAK075 : 2011-12-12 01:52 ID:vZD5f1CJ [Del]

Yes! This show was great. I even watched it in English since it was such a good dub. What a treat.

7 Name: bacachan : 2012-03-24 20:10 ID:P35ZMcQg (Image: 300x423 jpg, 65 kb) [Del]

src/1332637830866.jpg: 300x423, 65 kb
I loved this anime! one of my favorites. It is rather on the light side not too deep, But I love the voice acting DUBBED and the animation style and the fight at the end its almost just shapes fighting really cool.