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Canaan (4)

1 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-09-19 07:35 ID:Ny17cmru (Image: 1440x900 jpg, 282 kb) [Del]

src/1316435737858.jpg: 1440x900, 282 kb
Oosawa Maria is a Japanese photographer currently working in Shanghai, China. Along with her partner Mino, she searches for potential newsworthy stories throughout the city. When strange events occur at a local festival, Maria and Mino immediately investigate. Quickly, the two are immersed in a battle between unknown masked men and a strange, white-haired woman. Just when Maria is about to be caught in the crossfire, an old friend by the name of Canaan appears and helps Maria escape. But a sinister plot over a deadly virus soon develops, and Canaan learns she must confront her past if she wants any chance at stopping the perpetrator and saving her friends...

The Bible speaks of Canaan, a son cursed for his father's sins, left to bear a mark upon his skin for all to see. Canaan is the "Land of milk and honey", a paradise for those who traversed the desert with Moses, populated by the accursed descendants of Canaan. Canaan is a symbol to remind the worn and weary to keep hope and not give in to despair.

This is the importance of the concept of "Canaan" to the anime CANAAN.

This anime plays with themes of love, life, revenge, the importance of friendship. All these are clearly evident alongside small more tiedious themes. It gives us an aspect and a veiw, a small peek into the mind of a strong-willed female lead as well as a weak, wavering one. Though some aspects are rather dark, supernatural and maybe hard to believe. But with a little patience the world of CANAAN envelops you, pulls you in to a fascinating world. I could not have asked for a better anime, lacking a bit in the animation area, though not in the action department! Very sold and beautiful art though The story may have some seemingly meaningless turns and twists though all builds up to an explosive and well grounded climax. It was very fulfilling, and i really enjoyed it, check it out, lemme know what you think.

2 Name: sharkyies7 : 2012-03-05 11:23 ID:Lkgrpt+r [Del]

its very good and i like the action it has.

4 Name: REDRUM : 2013-08-24 03:08 ID:J4C+r21B [Del]

This is cool and the ending is cooll too