Dollars BBS | Animation
















Dragon Ball Z (24)

1 Name: Merr : 2011-09-17 16:10 ID:QOvGFdfv (Image: 1025x265 png, 45 kb) [Del]

src/1316293812720.png: 1025x265, 45 kb
first off why was ther no thread for this. DBZ is one of the best animes of all time, DBZ is the mothaf*ckin reason i watch anime today. watchin this as a kid and then rewatching it a few years ago was awesome. the first anime i watched so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

2 Name: sanjo : 2011-12-12 16:07 ID:uUDR73mZ [Del]

i agree dbz rocks i never get board of it

3 Name: RanRan : 2011-12-12 17:55 ID:gpJPx+ua [Del]

I feel ashamed that I wasnt interested in DBZ as a kid....

Now I love it, along with Team Four Star. =w=

4 Name: toonami : 2011-12-12 17:57 ID:oKrGc7as (Image: 733x500 jpg, 204 kb) [Del]

src/1323734235331.jpg: 733x500, 204 kb
one of the frist anime i ever wathched and one of the best anime i ever wacthed

5 Name: Blaze : 2011-12-12 20:50 ID:mC7UZxb1 [Del]

>>1 I know what you mean, that's the same story I have for why I watch anime now lol.
>>3 props for bringing up team four star!

anybody here watch DBZ Kai? If so, what do you think of it?

6 Name: StarRider : 2011-12-12 23:02 ID:7Me4W6BZ [Del]

I watched this godly show as a kid. Now they have absolutly ruined it with Kai. They f*cked with OVER 9000!!! You just can't do that

7 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-12-12 23:47 ID:ihnt5qrF [Del]

>>6 first of all people, you dont have the dragon box OR the Kai blurays. so much better than on tv. im already ahead of people on netflix,nicktoons or cw4kids. i love DBZ and i always will, i dont care how awful you guys argue about DBZ.

8 Name: DAK075 : 2011-12-13 00:44 ID:vZD5f1CJ [Del]

I can no longer watch the original DBZ or the Kai version because they are bad dubs of the TFS DBZ Abridged series. I'm serious. XD

9 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-12-13 01:24 ID:ihnt5qrF [Del]

>>8 oh well.

10 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-12-13 01:50 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

>>6 You're an idiot :| Kai is badass, like Sakazaki said, It's fucking WAY better on the DVDs. How could you hate something for something they most likely did intentionally to get that sort of reaction... Derp.
People who say they're a diehard fan of the series, then hate on Kai, are hypocritical fuckasses.

>>8 Sure TFS DBZ is pretty great, but you can go fuck yourself if you think they're better than the Original... That was one of the stupidest comments I've ever heard... Dumbass...

Now I realize some of that may have sounded harsh, if you're offended, I'm sorry, you can cordially shove your own head up your ass.

11 Name: A-X-E-L : 2011-12-13 07:10 ID:XkRXtZb/ [Del]

How many episodes does it take to finish one fight?
typicaly it took 5 episodes. i Gave up early on

12 Name: dante : 2011-12-13 08:14 ID:RkBEebTu [Del]

>>10 dude kai fucking sucks all it is is a new screwed up version of the original DBZ all they did was change most of the voices and made them sound like dummies pussies.

>>8 TFS is extremely funny and and i love it but u cant say its better because that is extremely stupid.

pulse when the hell is TFS coming out with a new episode same with LK

13 Name: YinScythe : 2012-06-03 11:19 ID:FvIzanp8 (Image: 225x322 jpg, 55 kb) [Del]

src/1338740361105.jpg: 225x322, 55 kb
Always love DBZ~

14 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-08-29 07:53 ID:5eRX+Gb/ [Del]

Such a shame the thread is so terribly made. One of the greatest/most important animes of our time. Thoroughly enjoyed reading through Dragon Ball (Z and pre-Z).

15 Name: Tainted!ljn0ylEcdg : 2013-08-29 08:24 ID:ikNgWe4m [Del]

Yeah DBZ is amazing I must say it gave me an amazing childhood too...

16 Name: Bardock : 2013-08-29 15:41 ID:ORT7+y6s [Del]

DBZ is number 1

17 Name: :] : 2013-08-29 17:24 ID:ORT7+y6s [Del]


18 Name: g0atse : 2013-08-29 23:20 ID:gpQOvD65 [Del]

I'll acknowledge that it had a significant influence for western audiences, but I do not believe that it is one of the best of all time. If anything, the quality of this anime is often exaggerated by those blinded by nostalgia or by people who have not expanded their taste from the Toonami lineup.

19 Name: Yoko Kurama : 2013-08-31 01:13 ID:RpdxGWwg [Del]

i have watched every episode of Dragon Ball (Z) & (GT) at least 3 times each and all the animated movies plus my favorite character is Gohan

20 Name: Ototo : 2013-08-31 19:16 ID:JuuTl0BA [Del]

>>18 i agree

21 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) !Enough.h12 : 2013-09-01 15:54 ID:eaJFJF+L [Del]

No offense but that's all based on opinion. There is no 'best anime of all time'. It's because of opinions making it is what it is.

22 Name: on-looker-13 : 2013-09-01 16:03 ID:OfWOEYBM [Del]

It is an awsome first anime, dut after a while people start to go for deeper animes with or without a long plot.

23 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-09-01 16:05 ID:GH/niLHh [Del]

>>21 Objectively speaking though, Dragonball has its share of flaws, and lauding anything as perfect is similarly fallacious as saying something is bad. I believe that was all >>18 was trying to say, albeit harshly by blaming it on nostalgia and casual taste. Widespread and highly influential is really as good as you can get when discussing its impact.

As an action series, its literary value is understandably low. A lot of characters are relatively 2-dimensional, and at times - especially in the anime - it tends to drag on a story arc specifically to build up hype in a cheap way. But that's a common flaw of serialized action shows, and it doesn't detract much from the fact that it was good where it mattered.

As for certain aesthetic elements and the standards of storytelling nowadays, that's more a result of its age than anything. Things age badly sometimes - even the classics. And it's sometimes hard to say what was great at the time unless you were already a good critic a decade ago.

24 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-10-14 12:57 ID:M0wBQq/I [Del]
