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Last Exile (19)

1 Name: Getsu : 2011-09-15 00:57 ID:ptXOGW/O (Image: 220x282 jpg, 26 kb) [Del]

src/1316066262874.jpg: 220x282, 26 kb
Who has seen this classic and wants to watch the sequel: THE SILVER WING.

2 Name: Kaisuke : 2011-10-20 12:45 ID:nRYpMz+8 [Del]

Yeah its one of the better anime I have seen with a little bit of steam punk in ther mix. ^-^

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-20 19:26 ID:Ggpx+RAa [Del]

This vaguely piqued my interest because of the art style and the mention of steampunk in post >>2, but would it kill to get a bit more description when creating an entire thread for an anime?

Take any of Mael's posts for an example. They're informative, explain the series well in a non-spoiler way, and they invite conversation among both people that have and haven't seen it. This thread only serves to invoke responses along the lines of "YA I LOV THIS" or "i havnt seen this what is it".

4 Name: Afterthoughtsuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-20 19:28 ID:Ggpx+RAa [Del]

I'm not really asking you to be the most descriptive person around, nor am I asking you write such a gripping exposition it could win a Pulitzer.

I'm just asking for an explanation of what this is so that I, or any other person who is interested but uninformed, can give a damn.

5 Name: TheMoonDoggie : 2011-10-20 21:53 ID:Zs1T3cfz [Del]

Anyone seen the new series, Fam: The Silver Wing? It said to be a direct sequel of the original Last Exile.

6 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-10-20 22:02 ID:aZAo4fcC [Del]

I tried to watch the first season. The idea was great, but the way they executed it wasn't. But it was a pretty old anime; I wasn't really expecting much.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-21 00:27 ID:pXRC0Ptw [Del]

>>6 Thank you. I HATED THE ANIME! Ok the first episodes were great...until after they joined up with that alex dude or w/e his name is. That Silvana thing. I don't know why but I kind of wanted them to escape with that little girl and start beef :D It's an anime that sounds like i would like, but i didn't like it for some reason, didn't appeal to me. (Forced myself to watch it though) T__T

8 Name: TheMoonDogg : 2011-10-21 09:05 ID:unMOzH5f [Del]

Meh? So maybe I'm the only one who really liked the show. Man, talk about being choosy...(-3-)

So anyways even if you don't like the story, you got to admit: The art is still just as cool as it was in the first series.

9 Name: Kaisuke : 2011-10-22 09:06 ID:nRYpMz+8 [Del]

>>3 think the OP needed this -

Claus and Lavie are vanship pilots who dream of flying a dangerous stretch of space known as the "Grand Stream" like their fathers before them. Taking on missions for income, one day they agree to shuttle a mysterious girl to the battleship "Silvana" and get caught up in a war that could change their world as they know it...

And yes I can agree the anime it self needed a bit little more depth/explanation, but over all the art in this series is realy nice, I guess you have to take somethings with a grain of salt.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2012-08-15 20:30 ID:gvg8S7me [Del]

le bump~

11 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-08-17 16:09 ID:2fNT2tDO [Del]

>>6 & >>7 Phew! I am lucky to have people that are thinking what I'm thinking. To be honest, some parts didn't make any sense to me... BUT I thought the whole anime was 7/10 good. Also, Claus reminds me of Kagamine Len for some reason! XDDDD

12 Name: shiver : 2012-08-18 09:13 ID:62rPhs83 [Del]

>>2 trueee i love the concept. it's my first time to see anime with a little steam punk and i like it so i ended up watching up to the last episode.
>>8 i liked it too! :) it was fun to watch~ i like Dio when he says: Immelman Turn! idk what Immelman means tho xDD

13 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-08-18 17:43 ID:gSUNfDD+ [Del]

Steampunk intrigues me, and I'm pretty sure this one is on Netflix. The art style looks nice... so I'll probably watch it soon and share my opinion.

14 Name: Ririchii : 2012-08-19 09:39 ID:oHHmjU5y [Del]

I love anime, I ended up crying in the last episodes.

15 Name: Kaisuke : 2012-08-20 13:00 ID:M0wBQq/I [Del]

They made a second series called Last Exile Ginyoku no Fam, if anyone wanted to know ^_^

16 Name: Neotitan : 2012-08-22 07:31 ID:vLLTF+Zf [Del]

I watched it all the way through, it was a good anime, but the pacing was horrible.

it grabs you at the end tho

17 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2017-01-25 07:11 ID:kZcAwdBd [Del]

Huh. This thread was last bumped a few months before I was here.

Madman was having a clearance sale, so I ordered this series since it was really cheap and I'd been meaning to watch it for ages. So I own this now.

I really want to like it more than I do. For the first 16 episodes or so, I loved it. Then it became apparent that with the pacing and scope of the story they're trying to tell, 26 episodes really isn't enough. For the most part, I really like the setting and characters, but as far as the story goes I can tell now that it's not going to have a very satisfying conclusion. I'm around episode 24 or so and it seems to be approaching it's climax, but with it based mostly around fairly late plot developments (including the main antagonist who only showed up a few episodes ago) I'm just not that invested in the conflict at this point, although I do still want to see how it all ends for the main characters.

Man, I hope the sequel's better.

18 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2017-01-25 07:20 ID:kZcAwdBd [Del]

Also, the dub cast is top notch. Johnny Yong Bosch, Kari Wahlgren, Michelle Ruff? Crispin Freeman, Dave Wittenberg, Karen Strassman - man, the voices feel so familiar that it's oddly nostalgic.

19 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-01-25 15:05 ID:4T3f4bMk [Del]

Still one of the best anime that has been made with a good story and art style, even with some unexplained plot points.

>>18 thanks for bumping this up matey, It almost makes me want to watch it again for the 5th time, :D