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Which STUDIO GHIBLI movie you like BEST (124)

1 Name: Rish : 2011-08-06 06:20 ID:zHcWOBQb (Image: 240x350 jpg, 20 kb) [Del]

src/1312629644915.jpg: 240x350, 20 kb
1.Castle in the Sky
2.Grave of the fireflies
3.My neighbor Tortoro
4.Kiki's delivery service
5.Only Yesteday
6.Porco Rosso
7.Ocean Waves
8.Pom Poko
9.Whisper of the Heart
10.Princess Mononoke
11.My Neighbors the Yamadas
12.Spirited Away
13.The Cat Returns
14.Howl's Moving Castle
15.Tales from Earthsea

2 Name: risu-chan : 2011-08-06 07:16 ID:DOgFGshe [Del]

i've only seen three of them, but i just LOVE spirited away the most! :D the OST is beautiful, as is the art. sometimes it feels like i'm in the movie too xD ..but i'm not..-sobb-

3 Name: Rish : 2011-08-06 08:13 ID:iqj7+1UQ [Del]

Yep that's correct.....Even the movie KARIGURASHI-NO-ARRIETTY has good OST like "THE ARRIETTY SONG" ......well if you want to download the OST of any Anime tracks you can visit found about this site out of blue....its free and has collection of all the anime OSTs ......including movies...... ^_^

4 Name: risu-chan : 2011-08-06 13:50 ID:DOgFGshe [Del]

>>3 thanks for the link :o!

5 Name: Megumi : 2011-08-06 15:48 ID:fBTNa0n7 [Del]

Howl's moving castle

6 Name: eyesberg : 2011-08-06 18:42 ID:V1Jdo9as [Del]

spirited away is the best!!

7 Name: Sai : 2011-08-06 19:34 ID:llSowMeb [Del]

I love Spirited Away the best. I can't remeber if I saw Kiki's Delivery Service first or Spirited Away. I remember the only reason I bought it was becasue it was a cartoon. I got it when I was young, around the time DVDs were first made.

8 Name: Watcher : 2011-08-06 21:40 ID:a8N1/5R7 [Del]


9 Name: Onra : 2011-08-06 23:29 ID:Z3rCdd8s [Del]

Spirited Away was probably one of there very best films. However, castle in the sky is a VERY close second to me. I was raised on these movies, actually, and "castle" was the first one i had seen.

10 Name: Mr. Jingles : 2011-08-07 00:46 ID:Mo3/Uelt [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle! Kiki's Delivery Service is second best!

11 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-07 00:51 ID:QLPWxHeL [Del]

Oh man oh man, a ghibli thread.

I haven't seen all of the films yet, but I have to say I really enjoyed Howl's Moving Castle. Steampunk, great art style (though, this is a constant among all these movies,) engaging plot, and I got to hear Christian Bale play a flamboyant magician with a silly name. It was fun times forever.

I'd say my second favorite is Spirited Away, though I've been told I need to watch Castle in the Sky. Immediately.
I also haven't seen Totoro for some god forsaken reason that can only be explained by a deprived childhood. I'll do it one day.

12 Name: Rish : 2011-08-07 00:56 ID:UfyaaEfn [Del]


13 Name: Kitsu : 2011-08-07 01:28 ID:M/PQ4sjL [Del]

hmm i like all the ones i've seen so far.. ( howls moving castle, my neighbor totoro, spirited away<-- its the VERY first anime thing i ever watched xD,Kiki's delivery service,Princess Mononoke, and ponyo.) i love how there hair go upward when they get freaked out XD

14 Name: Moko-chan : 2011-08-07 14:19 ID:me3xco3X [Del]

Spirited Away and Howls Moving Castle so far r the only ones i really like. I havent relly seen that many. Does Ponyo count? But Spirited Away was the fist one i have ever seen.

15 Name: rei : 2011-08-07 20:41 ID:BXQg6rFE [Del]

wow,you know all of the ghibly's movie...i already watch all of them too.~

16 Name: Rish : 2011-08-08 03:06 ID:qln29KyL [Del]

@Moko-chan....yes Ponyo and the Borrower Arrietty(Karigurashi-no-Arrietty) both counts.....
@rei ......yes i have seen all Studio Ghibli movies....waiting for the newest one... :D

17 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-08 03:21 ID:QLPWxHeL [Del]

...The Borrowers? Miyazaki's doing a spin on the Borrowers?


I also like that he pulls from not just eastern sources, putting a fresh spin on other stories. Kind of like Howl's Moving Castle.

18 Name: Simon : 2011-08-08 03:30 ID:NgRNSzyp [Del]

I have watched every Ghibli movie directed by Hayao Miyazaki,i'd have to say that Princess Mononoke was one of my favourites but they are all different so it is hard too single one out.

19 Name: Kaori : 2011-08-08 04:01 ID:0kD35bDU [Del]

lulz xD no one lykes totoro? :O

i has to say, i lyke a lot o' these, but since totoro was prolly the first one i seen, its my favorite. but spirited away and monoke were purteh guud too :Y

20 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-08-08 08:41 ID:Ny17cmru [Del]

Bumping, cuz people are having intelligent conversations.

To be completely honest... I've never seen one of these movies. Until recently I've never been a movie guy, so thanks for posting a list of these movies, now I have something to base my choices off of. :)

21 Name: Rish : 2011-08-08 08:49 ID:BkJse6kZ [Del]

Np @Mael.... :)

22 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-08-08 12:14 ID:1e4QRhvj [Del]

I love Howl's Moving Castle

23 Name: Wolfie !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-08 12:49 ID:ecdzCRhU [Del]

Spirited Away will forever be my favorite <3

24 Name: Jenna : 2011-08-08 23:58 ID:2jwe8p+q [Del]

Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, Howl's Moving Castle. Top 3 :3

25 Name: -auditor- : 2011-08-09 10:08 ID:Fjaj99+k [Del]

1. Howl's Moving Castle/Spirited Away (can't decide which is better)
2. The Cat Returns
3. Princess Mononoke

26 Name: Squid : 2011-08-16 00:27 ID:NrsORSS8 [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle, hands down.

27 Name: Lucca : 2011-08-16 00:44 ID:l/uoB0fw [Del]

Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
The Cat Returns

Howl's moving castle was nice but the book kinda spoiled it for me...

28 Name: Akito : 2011-08-16 02:07 ID:jnqOynyz [Del]

>>27 how?
Spirited away
Howl's moving castle
Porco Rosso
Kiki's delivery service.. i cant really pick favorites.

29 Name: pokjhdbnxw!amuOBZI1yA : 2011-08-16 02:25 ID:Al+V7KQl [Del]

Haha, totally just copied down all of those movies so I can watch them later. Thanks for the list.

30 Name: KanoN-ChaN : 2012-01-01 16:39 ID:U5gFRjWX [Del]

spirited away and howl's moving castle are tied at #1 on my list

31 Name: MomoKami-sama : 2012-01-01 21:03 ID:AKWjO/zw [Del]

Spirited Away/Kiki's Delivery Service/Howl's Moving Castle/Tales From Earthsea-All tied at #1 for me.

32 Name: Alias!65Ekk2a7ZI : 2012-01-01 21:36 ID:5iVZl2YQ [Del]

They're all amazing, but i like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke the best.

33 Name: Mr.tai : 2012-01-02 09:38 ID:2U9DjQtm [Del]

i like grave of firefiles. but its sad. thats the first movie that made me cry. and thats saying alot for me.

34 Name: Shikyo-chan : 2012-01-02 11:23 ID:Z95etnBL [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle. Love it.

35 Name: Chii : 2012-01-02 18:47 ID:6BAaDR9a [Del]

Spirited Away freaked me out...but that's probably because I was only 7 ^^" Though I LOVED totoro :D

36 Name: Tokyo : 2012-01-02 19:18 ID:HHK7OlF1 (Image: 200x294 jpg, 33 kb) [Del]

src/1325553538992.jpg: 200x294, 33 kb
In the future, the world is managed by a network called the Fractale System. A boy named Crane is living an aimless life with his parents, who are actually computer-generated "Doppels". One day, he runs into a pretty girl named Furyune, who is being pursued by someone. When he rescues her and helps to keep her hidden from her pursuers, he is pulled into her troubles as well. After meeting her, his life will never be the same!

37 Name: Bobo Panda : 2012-01-02 22:52 ID:g8NcZmPW [Del]

Ponyo. The lil girl/fish... e.o

38 Name: Kamikapa !gsaTjWquEI : 2012-01-03 14:26 ID:BRK9SPoR [Del]

Out of the 14 Ghibli films I've seen so far, my favourite 4 are: Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Grave of the Fireflies and The Cat Returns.

Also, You forgot about Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind on your list xD

39 Name: TarteAuxPommes!o7FgAKUFnM : 2012-01-03 14:27 ID:T+axJYi7 [Del]

>>36 I saw the Fractale anime and loved it, but they made a movie of it too?? I didn't know that!

40 Name: Panda : 2012-01-03 15:17 ID:qzLlw2aZ [Del]

@Bobo Panda- So I watched the DUBBED version of Ponyo by accident, because I forgot there was a subbed version TT-TT
I just got "scarred" by the voices TT-TT so I just didn't like Ponyo for some reason. o.o

41 Name: Nakura : 2012-01-03 15:23 ID:4Yw9CPOg [Del]

I love all the movie!! >ww<

42 Name: 石川 霊子 : 2012-01-09 22:50 ID:gscxWLxp [Del]

My favorites are Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Whisper of the Heart, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, and The Cat Returns

>>1 You're missing Kaze no Tani no Naushika (Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind)! It's not very well known, but it is a Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli film.

43 Name: Jixie : 2012-01-10 11:27 ID:k0eEU4Ge [Del]

OMG You listed about all my ultimate favorite anime movies.
My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's delivery service, Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, The Cat Returns... so much more haha.

44 Name: Jbiscuits1 : 2012-01-10 11:55 ID:iOyz4bFX [Del]

Howls moving castle and princess mononoke are 2 of the best movies created.

45 Name: Naria : 2012-01-13 01:43 ID:x1xZkTe/ [Del]

Spirited away

46 Name: Tiny Panda Bear : 2012-03-31 19:25 ID:+a1JR5zc [Del]

All of the movies are great (especially Howl's Moving Castle!), but i love Spirited Away the most!

47 Name: Rockbell : 2012-03-31 22:35 ID:z08gToW8 [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away are tied for my favorite.

Tales from Earthsea was pretty freaking scary for a Ghibli movie, actually.

48 Name: Donchichi : 2012-04-01 00:52 ID:MlL3a7fV [Del]

princess mononoke is probably my favorite movie of all

49 Name: Kanaka : 2012-04-01 00:54 ID:ahfkQ0y+ [Del]

Spirited away and howl's moving castle! they moved my heart and soul <3

50 Name: b-rabbit : 2012-04-01 11:54 ID:3hiWbvsg [Del]

Kiki's delivery service. it was my first and now it is my first fav still!!!! i wanna see the rest of the movies u put up. especially castle in the sky.

51 Name: Zero : 2012-04-01 12:48 ID:N2nnnUat [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away

52 Name: Starrrk : 2012-04-01 15:18 ID:4v0siQTj [Del]

Spirited away and castle in the sky! My childhood, I feel old now.

53 Name: Puppet Master : 2012-04-01 18:40 ID:DYFB8DvU [Del]

Laputa, Castle in the sky. This isn't just my favorite Studio Ghilbi movie, this is my favorite movie of all time! I've seen it thousands of times and i plan to see it thousands of times more.

54 Name: Phantom : 2012-06-12 17:29 ID:I0PZuUCB [Del]

my favorite was kikis delivery service....then they re-released it without Im Gonna Fly or Soaring.i miss those songs!

now i prefer these

princess monoke
whisper of the heart
pom poko
porco rosso
Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind
Howls moving castle
The secret World of Arriety
Laputa;Castle in the Sky
Tales from Earthsea

u actually debating writing a fanfiction with naruto using a ghibli skill set.

55 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-12 18:14 ID:Fez3nWUK [Del]

I fucking love Studio Ghilbi. Can't believe I never noticed this thread.

Here's my list of top favorites, in order:

1. Spirited Away
2. The Cat Returns
3. Howl's Moving Castle
4. Kiki's Delivery Service
5. Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind
6. Princess Mononoke
7. Laputa: Castle in the Sky
8. Ponyo
9. Borrower Arietty
10. My Neighbor Totoro
11. Grave of the Fireflies

56 Name: midway !rRqEHlTdR2 : 2012-06-12 18:34 ID:BdoMs3Ei [Del]

My all-time favourites are:
Howl's Moving Castle~
Whisper of the Heart (want to be a writer cuz of this~)
Castle in the Sky (got me into anime in the first place xD)
Nausicaa Valley of the Wind~
Grave of the Fireflies

Did Grave of the Fireflies make anyone else cry?? Or was I the only one?

57 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-12 18:36 ID:Fez3nWUK [Del]

>>56 I've never seen Whisper of the Heart. What's it about?

And Grave of the Fireflies wasn't really my thing :O I just couldn't get into it enough to cry.

58 Name: Rio : 2012-06-13 15:09 ID:X/M/1bt0 [Del]

spirited away was the first anime i saw and it's the reason im here today but i like the secret world of arriety better

59 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-13 17:11 ID:q71IwpyR [Del]

Holy... I have seen Whisper of the Heart before. I just remembered it under it's original Japanese name. It's one of the best movies, IMO, but I had no idea Studio Ghilbi did it. It would be third or fourth on my list if I put it in there.

60 Name: Otaku626 : 2012-06-13 17:33 ID:86BBXUnj [Del]

I haven't seen these yet so I want to:
Grave of the fireflies
Only Yesterday
Porco Rosso
Ocean Waves
My Neighbors the Yamadas
Tales from Earthsea

61 Name: Otaku626 : 2012-06-13 17:40 ID:86BBXUnj (Image: 525x395 jpg, 60 kb) [Del]

src/1339627216136.jpg: 525x395, 60 kb
But I love these:
Castle in the Sky (watched this off the internet)
My neighbor Tortoro (saw this in japanese class)
Kiki's delivery service (I have this one on VHS)
Whisper of the Heart (also saw this in japanese class)
Princess Mononoke (I have this one on DVD)
Spirited Away (saw this more than once in japanese class)
The Cat Returns (saw off the internet)
Howl's Moving Castle (rented from a video store)
The Secret World of Arrietty (watched off On Demand)

I have always loved these movies for their story and art...

62 Post deleted by user.

63 Name: Sparky Hanazaki : 2012-06-13 18:58 ID:+q+dO3U4 [Del]

1.Princess Mononoke.

64 Name: Molly : 2012-06-13 19:21 ID:z0wqtsMA [Del]


65 Name: NarutoLLN : 2012-06-13 21:50 ID:pC1xULqJ [Del]

I can't wait for From Up On Poppy Hill to be released in America. It's going to be awesome!

66 Name: nyan-chan : 2012-06-13 23:21 ID:fLVClvLf [Del]

spirited away, totoro, ponyo, and howls moving castle ^ω^ oh yeah, i also like princess mononoke

67 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-14 08:04 ID:q71IwpyR [Del]

>>65 Wasn't there another one released recently, as well? I can't remember the name :O

68 Name: Santiago : 2012-06-14 15:24 ID:sIfQxxQk [Del]

deffinately kiki's delivery service. i relate to the nerd.

69 Name: "Tomodachi !zeVQngsElI : 2012-06-14 21:31 ID:bISOuLVd [Del]

I love all Mr. Miyazaki's story!! so i love them all!! Mostly "The Cat Returns" and "Totoro" i just love cats!! hehe XD

70 Name: blackAlice : 2012-06-15 09:01 ID:MFZYFepl [Del]

i like Spirited Away,Howl's Moving Castle and Whisper of the Heart i ca't desaide beetwen them

71 Name: Pootis pan : 2012-06-15 09:34 ID:s1B7pkBx (Image: 750x600 jpg, 95 kb) [Del]

src/1339770882075.jpg: 750x600, 95 kb
Id have to say Howls moving castle and my eighbor tortoro. Also Spirited away

72 Name: Pootis pan : 2012-06-15 09:35 ID:s1B7pkBx [Del]


73 Name: Angel89 : 2012-06-15 18:17 ID:hktvuSv6 [Del]

My Neighbor Tortoro was the first anime I ever watched so there's that. But I haven't seen it since I was small so I'd also have to go with Howl's Moving Castle which I have seen recently and was awesome too.

74 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-06-04 12:50 ID:VNlLy2xK [Del]


75 Name: Saki : 2013-06-04 13:51 ID:ca5KUpsE [Del]

Definitely princess mononoke.

76 Name: Bitchigo : 2013-06-05 08:09 ID:zJzHwSye [Del]

Probably Spirited Away. I first watched it as a kid ^^ Kaonashi really scared me unu

77 Name: rawr : 2013-06-05 11:24 ID:Ly20ERV6 [Del]

Spirited Away, it got everything that a good movie needs.

78 Name: Mitsuki : 2013-06-05 11:33 ID:g0ViZRqf [Del]

I would have to say Howl's Moving Castle. However, all Studio Ghibli films are amazing!

79 Name: anu : 2013-06-05 15:03 ID:iYVDGo4i [Del]

Howl, Howl, Howl, Howl...yeah I love Howl's movimg castle, but I like more the book. <3

80 Name: Marcy : 2013-06-06 17:28 ID:DRSqnXcY [Del]

Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle

81 Name: John Relic : 2013-06-06 18:51 ID:ujJCjI0H [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle

82 Name: IlaForce : 2013-06-06 19:28 ID:Pm/wu4Tt [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle :)

83 Name: Doug : 2013-06-06 20:10 ID:VT8Ba5sd [Del]

i've only watched spirited away, but i loved it non the less :) so i'll vote it lol

84 Name: Doug : 2013-06-06 20:10 ID:VT8Ba5sd [Del]

i've only watched spirited away, but i loved it non the less :) so i'll vote it lol

85 Name: Byakko : 2013-06-06 21:48 ID:+ncYqbrX [Del]

Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle were great movies!! :D Although No-face from Spirited Away freaked me out as a child....

86 Name: Ciel : 2013-06-07 17:55 ID:6ptgNMla [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle for sure <3 Howl is just the perfect guy for me

87 Name: Brtiki!CMRG7FEPkE : 2013-06-07 18:25 ID:XsGo/dcU [Del]

My all time favorite is Spirited Away! I also really want to watch Grave of the Fireflies at one point.

88 Name: Ria : 2013-06-08 04:13 ID:weaREtCt [Del]

Howl's and Spirited Away. I like The Cat Returns a lot too.

I like all of them actually, except Earthsea.

89 Name: Hei !ZfYMbvdkNE : 2013-06-08 08:29 ID:cJxgjXoI [Del]

I thought My Neighbor Totoro was by Ghibli?

90 Name: Shinigami : 2013-08-05 10:22 ID:/bWUCg66 [Del]

The first one I watched was Spirited Away, and it's still my favorite. I love Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, and Ponyo too.

91 Name: Kanra : 2013-08-05 17:21 ID:aW9K8ARX [Del]

Like them all, but i think Totoro is just so cute that i have to pick it~

92 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-08-06 17:01 ID:fFFNYlJm [Del]

My first movie was Spirited Away recommended by my oldest sister.

<3 I.Fell.In.Love.At.First.Sight. <3 :D

93 Name: Asuna : 2013-08-06 19:42 ID:n4YDI4/V [Del]


94 Name: Sgt Hugo Stiglitz : 2013-08-25 17:19 ID:ngcK6c3/ [Del]

1. Spirited Away
2. Howl's Moving Castle
3. Laputa Castle in the Sky
4. Totoro

Can't decide what should go after xD
But omg Howl is so perfect haha

95 Name: Charm : 2013-08-26 10:35 ID:EuDlo+eY [Del]

Howl's moving castle is my deff fave~
Though spirited away is also a beautiful movie damn

96 Name: ruther : 2013-08-27 05:01 ID:9+081Z0p [Del]

spirited away
graveyard of the fireflies

97 Name: Noir Castell : 2013-08-27 07:16 ID:u5yawadk [Del]

Howl is definitely my favorite!

98 Name: Rin-Chan : 2013-08-28 03:25 ID:ZmCSkine [Del]

Howls moving castle and spirited away are my favorite anime movies! And the girl who leapt through time too!

99 Name: Bakara : 2013-08-28 04:45 ID:5qcoeZIA [Del]

Spirited Away is definitely my favorite

100 Name: Porky : 2013-08-28 17:15 ID:3PiQ/8HG [Del]

i like spirited away and whisper of the heart

101 Name: MilkPuzzle : 2013-08-28 23:03 ID:dSqe9Boj [Del]

I definitely liked Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle the most.(=w=)

102 Name: me : 2013-08-28 23:13 ID:/URjh0JR [Del]

Spirited away <3

103 Name: bang-bang : 2013-11-30 04:45 ID:FSLxJJ43 [Del]


104 Name: Anman : 2013-11-30 11:48 ID:kiRTWkRc [Del]

Spirited Away always :]

105 Name: Minami : 2013-12-01 14:16 ID:YwJmZqoq [Del]

Spirited Away!!

106 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2013-12-03 14:12 ID:y73Bdfzf [Del]

Spirited Away~ :D

107 Name: Koyuki : 2013-12-03 23:24 ID:KO5LL1QX [Del]

Grave of the fireflies is nice but its very sad.

108 Name: :P : 2013-12-04 03:50 ID:V/939NSg [Del]

i loved howl's moving castle

109 Name: Otaku-chan : 2014-03-06 03:59 ID:hN5smQPP [Del]

Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and My Neighbor Totoro, I liked Kiki's Delivery Service too~

110 Name: Lunar Wolf : 2014-03-06 10:42 ID:+McQ3VVa [Del]

Princess Mononoke hands down

111 Name: Agorain : 2014-03-06 13:55 ID:vkfcA2jA [Del]

Howl's was the best for me. Princess Mononoke was the second. There's also another one, about a girl that flies a plane.. I remember, she came home andher father had found a fox thing that kinda looked like Jolteon form Pokemon. It bit her and then relaxed... she told him "Its alright, there's nothing to be afraid of." I can't remember what it's called! But I like that one too

112 Name: Lux : 2014-03-07 08:51 ID:nr3IaEh/ [Del]

definitely spirited away because nostalgia!

113 Name: Mena : 2014-03-07 10:37 ID:74N15jws [Del]

>>111 I think you're thinking of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

114 Name: CheshireCat : 2014-03-07 11:12 ID:ak/EBea4 [Del]

The Cat Returns

115 Name: Tiki Jade : 2014-03-08 13:56 ID:BHhiU2g9 [Del]

1- Howl's Moving Castle (so many feels!!)
2- Spirited Away
3- Laputa Castle in the Sky
4- Princess Mononoke
5- My Neighbor Totoro
6- The Secret World of Arriety
7- Grave of the Fireflies
8- Whisper of the Heart
9- Kiki's Delivery Service
10- From Up on Poppy Hill
11- Ponyo

116 Name: Grimly !0clQOa6qhY : 2014-03-10 12:19 ID:GjtdxTPf [Del]

1. Spirited Away
2. Howl's Moving Castle
3. Princess Mononoke
4. Kiki's Delivery Service
5. Laputa Castle in the Sky
6. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
7. Grave of the Fireflies
8. Tales from Earthsea
9. Ponyo
10. The Secret World of Arrietty

117 Name: Aria : 2014-03-11 14:07 ID:hRR8eE7J [Del]

Howls Moving Castle is my all time favorite, but The Secret World of Arriety is a really close second. Both of them made me cry a lot. (Not as much as his newest movie though. Oh gosh the feels)

118 Name: Koto !QvUIXe.cik : 2014-03-12 03:25 ID:e2ft3oVA [Del]

Out of all listed in the thread, Totoro and Princess Mononoke are my absolute faves. I love 'em all though and rematch 'em at least once a year, excluding Ocean Waves, Only Yesterday, and My Neighbours the Yamadas, which I haven't seen yet, Arietty, which I just liked, and Earthsea, which I didn't like.

119 Name: Barakitten : 2014-03-12 14:05 ID:lmpi9gqB [Del]

Spirited Away, definitely. I love My Neighbor Totoro as well.

120 Name: LukeHeart : 2014-03-12 22:48 ID:iB895xXc [Del]

Love My neighbor Totoro. It's ADORABLE!

121 Name: Hibiscus : 2014-03-13 01:18 ID:8xtGoeZx [Del]

For me, it's definitely Spirited Away. I grew up on this movie, so naturally, I love it a lot. X3

122 Name: Schuyler!Hzn0YB4PcQ : 2014-04-07 18:20 ID:C6Ui9KDt [Del]

I have to say, as much as I love Princess Mononoke, The Wind Rises really inspired me a lot.

123 Name: Ari Matsushita : 2014-04-07 20:52 ID:1T4PJjYV [Del]

Kiki's Delivery Service :D

124 Name: Akanoshi !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-04-08 08:57 ID:NpKfmjs/ [Del]

I love most of them but i think my favorite would have to be between Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, or Howl's Moving Castle